A proposal by Mayor Henry Cisneros of San Antonio to develop goals to be attained by 1990 and decisions to be made during the 1983-85 City Council Term.
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A proposal by Mayor Henry Cisneros of San Antonio to develop goals to be attained by 1990 and decisions to be made during the 1983-85 City Council Term.
San Antonio: Target '90 -- Goals and Decisions for San Antonio's Future, ark:/67531/metapth636985
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Texas State Publications
This growing collection of materials produced by the State of Texas includes agency annual reports, legislative publications, statistical reports, and various state government reports and periodicals.
This document is a proposal by Mayor Henry G. Cisneros to organize the City of San Antonio into development. The document was to be delivered to the community for debate, refinement, and modification.
Relationship to this item: (Is Version Of)
San Antonio: Target '90 -- Goals and Decisions for San Antonio's Future, ark:/67531/metapth636985
Cisneros, Henry G.San Antonio: Target '90 -- Goals and Decisions for San Antonio's Future,
May 1983;
San Antonio, Texas.
accessed September 9, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.