The Laws of Texas, 1897-1902 [Volume 11] Page: 1,253 of 1,380
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GENERAL LAWS OF TEXAS. [1st (C;l//lied Sss.,
F. C:. C. S. for S. H. B. No. 4.]
An Act to apportion the State of Texas inlto representative dlistrict:
and1 to fix the
numiber of representatives thereof, and to repeal all laws in conilict (herewith.
1. lBe it enltacted by thie Leyislaturel of tle ,S'taic of 7'exas:
That tiie State of Texas be and it is hereby apportioned alnd diividied into
repre-Ontative districts, and said districts and the nnnmboer oil representative
in each district shall be as follows:
Xo. 1. The First District, comlposed of the county of Bowie and shall
elect one representative.
No. . 'The Second District, composed of the county
f lRed River
and -hall elect one representative.
No. 3. The Third District, composed of the counties of Red River,
and Morris, and shaRl elect one representative.
-o. 4. The Fonrth District, composed of the colnty of Lamar, and
shall elect two representatives.
No. 5. The Fifth District, composed of the counties of Delta, Franklin
andi Hopkins, and shall elect one representative.
No. 6. The Sixth District, composed of the couintV of HIopkins, and
shall elect one representative.
No. 7. The Seventh District, composed of the county
of (as,, and
shall elect one representative.
No. S. The Eighth District, composed of the counties of AMarion and
Harri-n, and shall elect one representative.
No. 9. The Ninth District, composed of the county of Harri.i-on, and
shall elect one representative.
No. 10. The Tenth District, composed of the counties of (amp and
Upshur. and shall elect one representative.
No. 11. The Eleventh District, composed of the county ,-f \Wood, and
shall elect one representative.
No. 12. The Tnwelfth District, composed of the county of Smiith. and
shall elect one representative.
No. 13. The Thirteenth District, composed of the coumnties of Smiith
and Gregg, and shall elect one representative.
No. 14. The Fourteenth District, composed of the county of Panola,
and shall elect one representative.
No. 15. The Fifteenth District, coomposed of the county of IRuIsk, and
shall elect one representative.
No. 1i. The Sixteenth District, composed of the couiny ,f Cherokee,
and 1hall elect one representative.
No . '. The Seventeenth District composed of the county of Nacogdoclhe
. and shall elect one representative.
No. 1 8. The Eighteenth District, conlposed of the countv
f Shelly,
and shall elect one representative.
No. 19. The rineteenth District, composed of the counlti,'s of Polk,
Ano1elina. San Jacinto and San Augustine and shall elect t\wo representatives.
No. 20. The Twentieth District, composed of the c,unrie
of Sal,ine,
Xewton and Jasper and shall elect one representative.
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Gammel, Hans Peter Mareus Neilsen. The Laws of Texas, 1897-1902 [Volume 11], book, 1902; Austin, Texas. ( accessed January 15, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .