Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas Page: 888 of 894
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Introduction .............................................
Mrs. Jane Long at Bolivar Point
The Cherokee Indians and their Twelve Associate
Bands, etc.....................................
Cherokee and Tehuacano Fight
First Settlement in Gonzales in 1825
by Indians in 1826
Battle of San Marcos,
etc ....................................................
The Early Days of Harris County
1824 to
1838.......... ............... ...........................
Fight of the Bowies with the Indians on the
San Saba, 1831 .....................................
The Scalping of Willbarger and Death of
Christian and Strother, 1833 ....................
Events in 1833 and 1835
Campaigns of Oldham,
Colemar, John H. Moore, Williamson,
Burleson and Coheen
Fate of Canoma Choctaw
The Toncahuas..............
Attempted Settlement of Beales' Rio Grande
Colony, 1834; Failure and Sad Fate of
Some of the Colonists -Mrs. Horn and Sons
and Mrs. Harris Carried into Captivity......
Heroic Taylor Family.................................
Fall of Parker's Fort in 1836 -Van Dorn's
Victory, 1858 -Recovery of Cynthia Ann
Quanah Parker, the Comanche
Chief ..................................................
Break-up in Bell County, 1836-Death of
Davidson and Crouch, etc.....................
Murder of the Douglas and Dougherty Families
Erath's Fight, January 7, 1837....................
Surveyor's Fight in Navarro County, October,
1838..................... ..............................
Karnes' Fight on the Arroyo Seco, August 10,
1838 ... ................................................
Captivity of the Putnam and Lockhart Children................................................
Texas Independence-Glimpse at the First
Capitals, Harrisburg, Galveston, Velasco,
The First Real Capital, Houston,
and Austin, the First Permanent Capital....................
........ ......... . .5 Tragedies in Houston and Anderson Coun9
Cordova's Rebellion, Battle of KickapooCremation at John Eden's House,
10 and Butchery of the Campbell Family.......
13 First Anniversary Ball in the Republic..........
Death of Capt. Robert M. Coleman and Murder
of Mrs. Coleman and Her Heroic Boy 14
Battle of Brushy, 1839.
Cordova's Rebellion, 1838-9
Rusk's Defeat
17 of the Kickapoos -Burleson's Defeat of
Rice's Defeat of Flores
19 of Flores and Cordova
Capt. Matthew
Caldwell ................... .... .. ...........
23 Expulsion of the Cherokees from Texas, 1839
Col. Burleson's Christmas Fight, 1839
of Chiefs John Bowles and the " Egg".....
Bird's Victory and Death, 1839...................
25 Ben. McCullocb's Peach Creek Fight, 1839....
Moore's Defeat on the San Saba, 1839..........
Famous Council House Fight, San Antonio,
March 19, 1840
Bloody Tragedy, Official
27 Details........ ......... .........
38 Great Indian Raid of 1840
Attack on VictoriaSacking and Burning of Linnville Skirmish
at Casa Blanca Creek
of Indians at Plum Creek........................
39 Moore's Great Victory on the Upper Colorado,
1840 ....... ...........................................
43 Raid into Gonzales and Pursuit of Indians by
45 Ben. McCulloch, 1841........................
46 Red River and Trinity Events, 1841
and Ripley Families
Skirmish on Village
47 Creek and Death of Denton
of Gens. Smith and Tarrant.....................
50 Death of McSherry, Stinnett, Hibbins and
Capture of Mrs. Hibbins and Chil:
51 dren, 1842.............. ...... ... l..................
Snively Expedition Against the Mexican Santa
Fe Traders, 1843....... .......................
Thrilling Mtssion of Commissioner Joseph C.
Eldridge to Wild Tribes in 1843, by Order
53 of President Houston
The Treaty
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Brown, John Henry. Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas, book, 1880~; Austin, Texas. ( accessed February 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.