The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897 Volume 2 Page: 1,495
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Laws of the State of Texas.
where conflicts exist between surveys, the commissioner
of the general land office shall be authorized and is
hereby required, to issue patents to such portions of
such surveys as are free from its conflicts, and also to
issue a certificate for the residue in each case, upon
which certificate county surveyors shall be authorized
and required to survey, as though said certificate had
been issued by a board of land commissioners.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
Approved, 9th May, A. D. 1846.
To define the duties of Secretary of State.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State
of Texas, That a Secretary of State shall be appointed
by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, and shall be continued in office during
the term of service of the Governor elect.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That he shall keep a
fair register of all the official acts of the Governor, and Keep register.
when required, shall lay the same and all minutes and
other papers in relation thereto, before the legislature,
or either branch thereof.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That he shall keep his
office at the seat of government, or other place where ffice at seat
the sessions of the legislature may be held: he shall, in tegovern
a separate book, suitable for the purpose, keep a complete
register of all the officers appointed and elected in
the State, and commission the same when not otherwise
provided for by law; he shall, in books to be kept in
his office, exclusively for the purpose, record depositions
and affirmations required by law to be made
by resident aliens desirous of holding real estate in Record depositions,
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Gammel, Hans Peter Mareus Neilsen. The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897 Volume 2, book, 1898; Austin, Texas. ( accessed September 8, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .