The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897 Volume 10 Page: 601
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General Laws of Texas.
Each commission to take depositions ....................... $0 75
Taking depositions, each one hundred words ................ 15
Each order, judgment, or decree ......................... 75
Where the judgment or decree exceeds two hundred words the
additional fee for each one hundred words in excess of two
hundred words shall be ............. ..... ........ 15
Each execution, order of sale, writ of possession, restitution, or
other writ not otherwise provided for ..................... 75
Recording return of any writ when such return is required by
law to be recorded .................................... 75
Each certificate to any fact contained in the records of his office 75
Making out and transmitting the records and proceedings in a
cause to an inferior court, for each one hundred words........ 20
Making out and transmitting the mandate or judgment 'of the
district court upon appeal from the county court .......... 1 00
Filing a record in a cause appealed to the district court ........ 50
Transcribing, comparing and verifying record books of his office,
payable out of the county treasury, upon warrants issued under
order of the commissioners court, each one hundred words .... 10
Making transcript of the records and papers in any cause upon
appeal, or writ of error, with certificate and seal, each one hundred
words ........................................... 0
Making a copy of all records of judgments, or papers, on file in
his office for any party applying for same, with certificate and
seal, each one hundred words ............................ 20
Issuing a writ of scire facias and making copy of same ......... 1 00
Taxing the bill of costs in each cause, with a copy of same...... 25
Issuing each license to an attorney, and recording the proceedings
thereon ............... .......................... 5 00
Filing and recording the declaration of intention to become a citizen
of the United States ................. ............... 2 00
Issuing certificate of naturalization .................. ...... 2 50
Approved May 11, A. D. 1893.
CHAP. 116.-[C. S. for S. S. B. Nos. 29, 36, 82, 126, 128.] An act to divide the
State of Texas into five supreme judicial districts; to provide for and establish
a Court of Civil Appeals in each of said districts; to prescribe the time
for holding of said courts, and to repeal all laws in conflict with the provisions
of this act.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas:
That the State of Texas be and the same is hereby divided into five supreme
judicial districts for the purpose of constituting and organizing
Courts of Civil Appeals therein respectively.
Sec. 2. That one of the Courts of Civil Appeals shall be held in the
first supreme judicial district, in the city of Galveston, in the county of
Sec. 3. That one of the Courts of Civil Appeals shall be held in the(601)
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Gammel, Hans Peter Mareus Neilsen. The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897 Volume 10, book, 1898; Austin, Texas. ( accessed February 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .