Palestine Daily Herald (Palestine, Tex), Vol. 7, No. 77, Ed. 1, Friday, October 23, 1908 Page: 3 of 6
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V iT Se Inhabitant of this state between
Ji e ages or21 and GO years shall be
eRjapart annually for the benefit of
JfLB < public free schools and in addition
re shall be levied and col
nnual ad valorem state tax
amount not to exceed 20
ae 100 valuation as with
te schoolfund arising from
aef sources will be sufficient to
iSaln the public free
ols of this state for a period ot
It more than six months in each
TrTand the legislature may also pro
efor the formation of school dis
cts within all or any of the coun
sotthis state by general or special
without the locapu > ce required
other casgs cia1 1 < 0
uthorjze aji wrrional ad
orem tax tofieTevied and collected
g tbin such school districts for the
ttier maintenance of public free
lools and the erection and equip
snt of school buildings therein pro
wBed that a majority ofthe qualified
cpjroperty tax paying voters of the dis
Ctrictvoting at an election to be held
ip that purpose shall vote such tax
gk to exceed in any one year 50
y lomts on the 100 valuation of the
property subject to taxation in such
j strict but the limitation upon the
abiount of district tax herein author
Sedjifihall not apply to incorporated
tties or towns constituting separate
fated Independent school districts
To Redlstrlct Counties
article 5
4hfmendment to section IS
the c < 5nsUtuyon of the state of
jjlxas providingthat said section
BflflU thereafter read as follows
Each organized county in the state
or hereafter existing shall be di
ed from time to time for the con
lience of the people into justice
s eclncts not less than four and not
more than twelve The present coun
tjfeourts shall make the first division-
> S bsequent divisions shall be made
by fthe commissioners court provided
icfe by this constitution In each such
clnct there shall be elected at
h biennial election one jiibtice of
e peace and one constable each of
om shall hold his office for two
years and until his successor shall be
elected and qualified provided that
Ll any precinct In which there may be
Spcity of 8000 or more inhabitants
tere shall be elected two justices of
tie peace Each county shall in like
jSanner and in the first instance be
divided into four commissioners pre
ctBcts in each of which there shall
tbl elected by the qualified voters
ter > of one county commissioner who
hold his office for two years and
Saul his successor shall bo elected
J wA qualified Subsequent divisions of
county into commissioners pre
vail be made as is now or
by law
ter may be provided
ommissioners so chosen
dge as presiding of
e the county com
ch shall exercise
ction over all
ferred by the
s of the
state or as may be hereafter pre-
To Fix Salary of Governor
Amendment to sections 5 and 17
of article 4 of the constitution of the
state of Texas providing that each of
said sections shall hereafter read as
Section 5 He shall at stated
times receive as compensation for his
services an annual salary of eight
thousand 8000 dollars and no
more and shall have the use and oc
cupation of the governors mansion
fixtures and furniture
Section 17 If during the vacancy
in office of the governor the lieuten
ant governor should die resign re-
fuse to serve or be removed from of
fice or be unable to serve or it he
shall be impeached or absent from
the state the president ot the senate
for the time being shall in like man-
ner administer the government until
he shall be succeeded by the governor
or lieutenant governor The lieuten-
ant governor shall receive an annual
salary of twent fiye hundred 2500
dollars per eSrTaud no more
rfigthe time he administers the
government as governor he shall re-
ceive in like manner the same com
pensation which the governor would
have received had he been employed
in the duties of his office and no
more The president of the senate
for the time being shall during the
time he administers the government
receive in like manner the same com-
pensation which the governor would
have received had he been employed
in the duties of his 1 office
Palestine Women Are Finding Re-
lief at Last
It does seem that women have
more than a fair share of the aches
and pains that afflict humanity they
must keep up must attend to duties
in spite of constantly aching backs
or headaches dizzy spells bearing
down pains they must stoop over
when to stoop means torture They
must walk and bend and work with
racking pains and many aches from
kidney ills Kidney causes more suf-
fering than any other organ of the
body Keep the kidneys well and
health is easily maintained Read of
a remedy for kidneys only that helps
and cures the kidneys and is endorsed
by people you know
Mrs J H Henkle living at 312
Covert street Palestine Texas says
At times I had pains across the small
of my back so severe that I could
hardly straighten Towards morning
the pains were so acute that I was
awakened by them A few months
ago when I saw Doans Kidney Pills
advertised I procured a box from the
Bratton Drug Co and since using
them I have hid no more troubles
from my back I take pleasure In
recommending Doans Kidney Pills to
other kidney sufferers
For sale by ail dealers Price 50
cents FosterMIiburn Co Buffalo N
Y sole agents for the United States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
The key to health is In the kidneys
and liver Keep these organs active
and you have health strength and
cheerful spirits Prickly Ash Bitters
Is a stimulant for the kidneys regu-
lates the liver stomach and bowels
A golden household remedy
w g Sks pa gH
JAkthe general election in Novcm
TJerlhree amendments to the consti
t timon of the state are to be voted up
Ti >
> 6fC Thejr are as follows
fi To Increase School Funds
jsfmendment to section 3 article 7
gthe constitution of the state of
rTjexas providing that said section
stallhereafter read as follows
tfSection 3 OneIourth of the reve
Jnjifcderived from the state occupation
Jtsxesand a poll tax of 1 on every
Of Colored People Is In Session
Palestine Well Attended
The Christian Association colored
met in its seventh annual session with
the Antloch Palestine Society No 10
at 10 a m Thursday The house was
called to order by the president X
B Warren Divine services were con-
ducted by Rev P B Hawkins The
president announced the house in
order for business with a few words
of advice Rev J H Hurd was called
to the rostrum to preach the intro-
ductory sermon alternated by Bishop
T T Addison The sermon was in
structive and helpful Quite a num-
ber of messengers were enrolled pay
ing their annual fee of 25 cents Prof
T T Addison of Houston was elected
as reporter of the congress The
congress adjourned to meet at 3 p m
Afternoon Session
by P B Hawkins The president
called the house to order by a few
words of admonition The roll was
called followed by the payment of an
nual dues The various committees
were appointed President J B War-
ren was introduced to deliver his an
nual message to the congress This
was a masterpiece which arrested the
attention of all This was the seventh
annual message but by no means the
least important The plans set forth
by the message were invitations to
success in the society The reports
of the secretary treasurer and auditor
showed that 153915 had been col
lected death claims paid 144400
balance on hand 9515 The reports
show great increase in the societys
finances which must bring to us
great success
The regular rules were suspended
and all present officers were reelect-
ed J B Warren president S S
Smith secretary J H Hurd vice
president F L Mays assistant secre-
tary S E Perry auditor Rev J K
Parson corresponding secretary Bro
J D Ferguson was appointed to es-
cort the officers forward for installa-
tion which was to be had by Bro
L M Moore The meeting stood ad-
journed to meet at 930 a m Friday
J B Warren President-
S S Smith Secretary
Get the Habit Cook With Gas
Is not found every day neither are
values in fine Woolens that equal
ours Such a combination in the fin-
est of Woolens put together by men
who have mastered the tailoring art
is a credit to any establishment Call
and see our two thousand select pat
1500 UP
Tippen St GilbreatH
Our Alteration Department Cleaning
and Pressing is FirstClass
Phono 535
OliiE 18 G N
However to GiveBetter Service and
Additional Equipment Will Be
Bought Forthe Passenger
Service Mr Clarke Re-
ports Nice Trip
General Superintendent H W
Clarke of the I G N after a visit
to the city ofMexico to confer with
Mexican National officials relative to
the MexicoStr Louis train service has
this to say regarding that service
It has been 3d ecided said Mr
Clarke in answers to the question pro
pounded by a Herald man on account
of conditions notj being back to nor-
mal that we will not run a Mexico
St Louis special this year The ser-
vice to Mexico wHl be improved how-
ever as No 5 will arrive at San An-
tonio two hours earlier than it now
does We will run a dining car on
this train from Longview Junction to
San Antonio and from San Antonio
to Mexico Cityiwe will run what is
known as a Pullman hotel car North-
bound No 4 will reach St Louis at
8 oclock p m instead of at 11 p m
as now
It has also been decided that in
the near future a double daily service
will beorganizedbetween St Louis
and Mexico City Also that about the
first of the yearNo 5 that now ar
rives at Mexico City at G30 a m
will be inaugurated between St Louis
730 p m
In the spring we will arrange
either to build or buy passenger equip
ment that is now badly needed and
negotiations ar e > now pending to buy
230 miles of new rails which pur-
chase will be made in the spring
Mr Clarke reports that he had a-
very enjoyable1 ftrip through the sis-
ter republic
Willfams KJdney Pills
Have yon jieglected your Kidneys
Have you overworked your nervous
system and caused trouble with your
kidneys and hladder Have you
pains in loins aide back groins and
I bladder Jlavsiyoua appear
aTaUiralBgjyLvlceB c d 4famre tnfaos speaaUynnderthe
eyes If so Williams Kidney Pills
will cure you At Druggists price 50c
Williams Manufacturing Co Props
Cleveland O
For sale by Bratton Drug Co
Eagle Shirts are fine wearers and
good fitters Our new Eagle Shirts
have arrived Ask to see them
1515t Mens Outfitters
Special For Friday and Saturday
For two days only fine Pecans 10c
pound Big fine Port Lemon Bananas
15c dozen These are the biggest
fruit ever received here California
Grapes 10c pound or 50c for 6 pound
basket Wm H Smith
2t The Original Fruit Man
Statement of Facts Backed
Strong Guarantee
wjjSSigft sAf js te
By a
We guarantee immediate relief and
a positive cure to all sufferers from
constipation In every case where we
fail to effect a cure we will supply
the medicine free Thats a frank
statement of facts and we want you
to substantiate them at our risk
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle ef-
fective dependable and safe bowel
regulator strengthener and tonic
They reestablish natures functions
in a quiet easy way They do not
cause any inconvenience griping or
nausea They are so pleasant to take
and work so easily that they may be-
taken by any one at any time They
thoroughly tone up the whole system
to healthy activity They have a
most beneficial action upon the liver
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children old
folks and delicate peisons We can-
not too highly recommend them to all
sufferers from any form of constipa
tion and its attendant evils Thats
why we back our faith in them with
our promise of money back if they do
not give entire satisfaction Bratton
Drug Co either store Spring or Oak
Passing of Joseph Bell Pioneer Resi
dent of San Antonio
San Antonio Texas Oct 21 Of
his 5C yearsV residence in San Anto-
nio Joseph Bell who has just answer-
ed the last summons at the advanced
age of 79 had lved half a century in
Cash or Credit
Cash or Credit
W H Kingsbury
Oigh Prices
Buys Sells Rents and Exchanges all kinds of
New and Second Hand Furniture and
Household Goods
O11I3 Business House
With ElectricEIevator
Cash advanced on Storage Goods
at 6 per cent interest
402 404 and 406 Oak Street
Cash or Credit
Cash or Credit
Correct Plumbing Makes
Healthy Homes
Modern Conveniences
Hake Life Worth
Let Us Figure With You
on Your Work
A Big Stock to Select
Phono 158
Should you need Cotton Ginning Cane Grinding Saw Mill or other
Machinery or repairs for same it matters not by whom made Dilleys
can save you time trouble or money perhaps all if you will consult
them You are desirious of building up Anderson County give proof of
it by first giving home factories employing home labor an opportunity
to serve you and then all things being equal give them the preferences
Call on or Addmi
Geo M Dilley
Paltitlne T x i
the same house It was only two
years agp that he sold the place on
account of the advance in the price of
real estate Mr Bell was never mar-
ried and he was a brother to the for-
mer mayor of Londonberry Ireland
who died two years ago Joseph Bell
was a native of County Sligo and was
at one time in the United States aimy
as a teamster
It will be to your interest to all
readers to read word for word the
ad of the W A Leyhe Piano Co It
will be the interest of dollars in your
favor See them before buying a
Piano 14tf
A test of the text book law will
likely be made in the Fiskville dis-
trict where a trustee was arrested for
preventing the arithmetic from being
Engineers who have been making
investigations recommend that the
Austin dam be not rebuilt on the old
site but further up stream
Brownwood voted street improve
ment and school building bonds in
one election They are declared il
A Louisiana postmaster was arrest-
ed at Newton on a charge of defraud-
ing the department
The supreme court holds that Gal
veston county cannot collect taxes on
vessels owned at Port Arthur or
An automobile party is making a
run over the route of the proposed
railroad from San Antonio to Browns
A pleasure yacht has reached Beau-
mont having come from Lake Su-
perior by inland waterwajs
The Caldwell county fair opened at
Some increase In oil production in
the gulf coist fields wai shown in the
first half of October
The Cumbeiiand Presb yterian mis
sionary boaid appointed three mission
aiies to work in Texas
President NeilI of the Farmers
Union has received a threatening let-
ter from an alleged night rider and
declares it is not from a Farmers
Union man although he so signs him-
Wool Clip Will Fall Short
Special to the Herald
San Antonio Texas Oct 23 This
years wool clip of Texas will fall
several hundred thousand pounds be
low the average for the simple reason
that the sheepmen have not been
able this fall to secuie adequate help
This remarkable declaration is made
by C D Stokes of Lampasas repre-
sentative of a large Boston wool
house Laborers of the state find
ready employment in the fields and
have done so thoroughout the year
Because of their bountiful crops the
farmers are willing to pay more for
help than are the sheepmen Mr
Stake s says his house last year pur-
chased four million pounds of wool
in Texas while this year they will
not be able to secure three million
pounds from the same sources
Tennessee Executive Escorted By
Armed Men to Tiptonville
Union City Tenn Oct 22 Gover-
nor Patterson traveled yesterday af-
ternoon from Dyersburg to Tipton
ville with an armed escort furnished
by the authorities of Dyer county It
is not generally believed that any
murderous attack would be made on
the governor but merely as a pre-
cautionary measure men armed with
Winchesters accompanied him on the
trip and remainef at Tiptonville lasL
night Fear was expressed by some
that ordering out the state troops
and offering by the governor of such
large rewards may excite enmity
against him
Everything is quiet today every-
body is simply awaiting develop-
ments The governor will personally
take charge of the troops there Tip
tonville is greatly stirred up over the
appearance of the troops and condi-
tions that precipitated them Lake
county people are hot in their denun-
ciation ot the perpetrators of the
crimes They state that the men
guilty of the assassination of Captaiu
Rankin came from Obion county and
Lake county is not lesponsible for
Coming to Texas as President
Fort Worth Texas Oct 22 Ad-
vices received here today from Bryan
say he will visit the south immediate-
ly after the election He Expects to
come as president
Send us your cleaning and pressing
We do the best work Every job guar-
anteed satisfactory or no charge
Ladies garments given special care
Phone 471 DOYLE BROS
1515 Mens Outfitters
i f
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Hamilton, W. M. & Hamilton, H. V., Jr. Palestine Daily Herald (Palestine, Tex), Vol. 7, No. 77, Ed. 1, Friday, October 23, 1908, newspaper, October 23, 1908; Palestine, Texas. ( accessed October 3, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .