The Archer County News (Archer City, Tex.), Vol. 49, No. 17, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 25, 1963 Page: 2 of 8
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Let’s Guard Against Rabies
This Saturday from 9 a m to noon there will be a vaccina
tion clinic to be held at the office of Dr Arch Andrews, veterin
arian. in Archer City, to vaccinate all dogs against rabies.
Mayor L. D. Bailey also has announced that all dogs that go
unvaccinated will be picked up and done away with We feel that
the step the mayor has taken is necessary as the health and
well being of our children are more important than any dog is.
Last summer a four-year old boy died of rabies in Texas
Although, there was no history of an animal bite, circumstances
pointed to the possibility that he was bitten by a puppy or dog.
There was no doubt that rabies was the cause of death The
case was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by the State Depart-
ment of Health Laboratory.
Dramatically, rabies is still very much a fact in Texas, when
viewed in the misery which surrounds the death of a small boy—
to his family, friends and even to public health veterinarians and
record keepers. Let’s make sure this doesn't happen in Archer
The fact is that rabies, although changing in complexion, was
laboratory diagnosed in 124 Texas counties during 1962
The total number of cases, while down from the previous
year's 658 cases, reflects an increase in the number of rabid do-
mestic animals other than pets.
A few years ago pets accounted for the majority of cases
Today, wildlife rabies outstrips the disease among pets and do-
metic animals by far. Skunks continue to lead the statistical
columns, but each year foxes and bats are diagnosed as rabid.
Diagnosic evidence indicates that animal rabies is present
in approximately half of the counties in Texas The widespread
distribution probably means that at least wildlife rabies occurs
in most of the other Texas counties as well.
In counties which do show some rabies, past experience points
to the fact that an undercurrent of wildlife rabies is ever pres-
What this means to the man-on-the street in Archer City is
that rabies is a constant threat in our area It is only natural that
our pets may be readily exposed to wildlife
Anti-rabies vaccination of all pets is the surest protection
against the disease. Take your pet to the clinic this Saturday,
there will De a small fee of S2 charged to cover the cost of the
☆ ☆ ☆
Speaking of Tax Reform
What's the difference between a luxury arid a necessity?
The simplest and most obvious answer is that a luxury is
something you don't need—something you wouldn't miss very
much if you didn't have it.
So a woman's handbag is a luxury.
And so is her lipstick.
Thats what the law says—that wartime "luxury” tax law
that today, sixteen years after it should have expired, requires a
woman to pay ten percent more than the normal price when she
buys a handbag or toiletries.
The purpose of this tax was not to raise revenue, but to re
duce demand. It was more important to make bullets than hand-
bags. and gunpowder was more essential than face powder at the
time And ludicrously enough, this tax still serves the same pur-
pose in a day when unemployment is one of our major worries
and Congress is asked to cut billions in income taxes to forestall
a recession.
Congressman Svd Herlong. Jr . of Florida, the original spon-
sor of repeal of these harmful and obnoxious relics of wartime
taxation, now has such a bill in the House ays and Means
Committee. Senator Gordon Allott, of Colorado, has a tax repea
ler on luggage and handbags in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
And it is generally conceded that if the committee would report
these measures out. the Congress would pass them
Thus, the 91 million women (more or less; who have been
fussing for 16 years over the rank injustice of taxing these stric-
ly feminine necessities as luxuries, now have their work cut out
for them. It’s time to quit fuming and start writing to their Con-
gressman and their Senators. They might even write a thank-
you note to Mr Herlong for the battling he has done in tbeir
behalf over the years. And they should by all mean*, write to
Chairman Wilbur D Mills of the House Ways and Mean* Com-
mittee and to Chairman Janies O. Eastland of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee, who are not only chivalrous gentlemen, but
dedicated to advancement of the nation's economy
And, as all politicians know, the powder-puff is mightier
than the sandbag —Burkbumett Star.
• «r . .. * a ' -T »
&ack When . .
Token from the hark files of The A pus
April, 1948
Mr and Mrs. Winfield Ikard
returned from a 3-day trip to
Austin last week for the first
! Mrs. Wayne Ray received word
that her paintings. “Girl Spon-
sors.” is to be exhibited at the
Elizabeth Ney Museum in Aus-
Texas Square Dance Festival held tin May 1 to June 1
cn the University of Texas cam- -
Claude Cowan. Jr. son of Mr
end Mrs. Claude Cowan, Sr. re-
ceived five broken ribs and two
fractured ribs and a gash in his
head when his horse ran under -
a limb and knocked him off and The highest ranking students
either stepped on him or kicked of the 1940 senior class are Mary
April, 1940
Geraldine Burkhart, student at
the University of Tennesee, was
pledged to Alpha Lambda Delta,
a national honor society for
freshmen women.
him during a roundup on
family ranch.
Catherine Shelton, 97.47
Paula Jane Ikard. 9671.
Miss Ruth Hutchison has re-
placed Mrs. Jim Watkins in the
collecting department of the
sheriff's office. Mrs. Watkins will
retire to her husband’s ranch
near Graham.
The Archer City High School
band placed second in the state
meet at Waco in Class D.
Emmett Stephens is in Detroit,
Mich., attending an 8 day school
on diesel engineering. He was
sent by the Reno Oil Co. for
which he works.
Miss Freddie Mae McDaniel was
married to Vernon Gorman at the
home of the bride’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McDaniel with
Rev. Earl Patton performing the
J. W Howard of Nocona this
week bought the local City Shoe
Shop from Shelton Furr
June Clark, daughter of B P.
Clark has been initiated into Phi
Upsilon Omicron at North Texas
State College
A baby girl. Vicki Jo. was bom
| to Mr and Mrs Jack McKee. The
| grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
I George Bowen and Mrs. Mattie
Misses Nancy Burkhart. Billie
McGriff and Joyce Prideaux and
Mrs. J F Gerron and Mrs. D. L.
j Conner are attending a State
Home Economics Convention in
April, 1949
Miss Vet Robinson won second
! place honors in the regional type-
writing contest held by the State
Interscholastic League in Dallas.
She will now compete in the state
, finals at Austin.
Books Club Holds
Family Cook-out
The Book of Books Club met
Saturday evening for a social at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
The group enjoyed a steak
cook-out with Bill Abernathy as
head chef assisted by Charlie Lee!
Members and husbands pres
ent were Messrs and Mmes. Alex
-owder, Bill Wildey, Grady
Graves, Virgil Patton, John
Bell, Bill Holder. Charlie Lee
Martin. Bobby Rexrode. Bobby
Roderick. Joe Stults and Evelyn
Coley and Elzo Mooreman and the
host and hostess.
The social climaxed the club's
calendar for this year.
Rep. Jack Crain
Reports from Austin
State Representative
I have had a most unusual ex-
perience this week, and it will
probably be of interest to the
more elderly citizens of Clay and
Jack Counties.
This experience of which I
speak was a visitor who I had
never met. J. I. Ballengee was
the gentleman's name, and he was
a former member of the House of
Representatives in 1906 through
1910. He served in the 30th and
31st sessions from Clay and Jack
Counties which was then District
Number 3. He lived at Vashti,
Texas and taught in a rural school
between Vashti and Buffalo. He
mentioned the Liggett and Coz-
art families who lived in that
area. Mr. Ballengee further re-
called that Mr. Sam Rayburn was
a member of the House during
the above mentioned sessions and
later Mr. Rayburn was elected
Speaker of the House.
Mr Ballengee was actually on
a trip collecting information to
revise a family history which he
had prepared about seven years
ago. and his visit to the Capitol
was incidental. I was afforded
this opportunity because he want-
ed to meet the Representative
who now had his old district. He
was limited on the time he could
spare to visit the Capitol because
he had to catch a bus to continue
his trip to gather factual family
Ballengee homesteaded some
land in Colorado in 1915 and has
The Archer County News
Published every Thursday at Archer City, Archer County, Texas
Joe K. Stults, Editor and Publisher
Second class postage paid at Archer City, Texas.
Subscription rates: S2.50 in county and adjoining counties and
$4 90 elsewhere.
Any erroneous reflection on the character, reputation or
standing of any person, firm or corporation which may appear
in The News will be gladly corrected if brought to the attention of
the publisher.
The Archer County News Thursday, April 25, 1963
lived in Colorado since that time.
His correct mailing address is
419 Colorado Avenue, Trinidad,
Now that I have related this
occasion, the amazing part is that
Mr. Ballengee is 87 years young
and has the enthusiasm, interest,
and desire not to be contended
by becoming inactive. It was an
inspiration to me to be able to
visit with an individual like this
gentleman because his kind is
similar to that of the Texas Long-
horn—“There just ain’t many of
them left today."
Dolores Schlabs
Wins at Regional
Delores Schlabs of Archer City
placed first in typing at the reg-
ional literary events meet held
Saturday at Denton. Approximate-
ly 1,000 students competed with
the winners advancing to the state
meet in Austin May 2-4.
Other county winners were
Louise Karr of Holliday who
placed first in girl’s prose reading
and also winning first from Hol-
liday was Jeanette Frey in slide
Edward Oerotli of McCamey
was home over the weekend vis- j
iting with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Oerotli and family.
5001 Jacksboro Hwy.
Wichita Palls
Ph. 767-7750 -- Res. 767-1064
A Monument at a prica any
family can afford.
A Manufacturer Since 1906
Rock of Ages
Georgia Marble
See us for all your needs...
A. J. Morris Agency
Phone HO 2-3150
Archer City
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holder are
the parents of an 8 pound son,
Bill Jr., born at the Archer Hos-
George Prideaux. Bobby Pat-
rick and Danny Powell attended
the Texas University exes cele-
Jerry Burney and Clown Wil-
j liams and two hitchhikers es-
caped injury when their ear per-
j formed a dipsy-doodle between
! Wichita Falls and this city. Ac-f
1 cording to information the hood i
! flew up on the car blinding the
The Wildcats baseball team
held their victory line last week
by defeating 01 ney and Chilli
eothe by scores of 23 3 and 5-2.
James Ross Davis, Jr . a 7 lb.,
2 oz. youngster has arrived at the
Brownwood Memorial Hospital,
the son of Mr and Mrs. James
• Wife Flat Tread
• Safe W^vtfcld OwHn
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and Safety
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our beautiful new fastback hardtop-same model
that swept the first five places at Daytona! It's
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And ask about our sensationally low price!!!!!
Perry Pittman Co.
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Stults, Joe K. The Archer County News (Archer City, Tex.), Vol. 49, No. 17, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 25, 1963, newspaper, April 25, 1963; Archer City, Texas. ( accessed December 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Archer Public Library.