The Denison Press (Denison, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 154, Ed. 1 Friday, December 22, 1939 Page: 4 of 4
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Mis* Evelyn Earnest,
of Hr. and Mrs. S. V.
618 W. Owing, and
student at Southeastern State
Teachers College at Durant and
president of the Phi Alpha Theta,
national honorary fraternity, will
leave December 24 to attend the
National convention of the or-
ganization in Lexington, Ky.
Mi s Earnest will arrive in Lex-
ington Christmas evening and the
first meeting of the convention
will be held at the Phoenix Hote
Tuesday, Dec. 26. She will attend
v-nous meetings all day Wednes-
day and a banquet that night. The
lest, meeting will be held at 6 o'-
clock Thursday evening and Mbs
Earnest wi 1 return home the fol-
lowing Sunday.
Miss Martha Lee Earnest, of
the John Sealy Jiospital in Gal-
veston is at home for the holi-
mas song. Esther also played the
accompaniment for the marches.
The welcome address was given
by acuity nurton and other read-
ings and recitations were given
by Dee Gaines, Jerry Dowdy,
a sophomore ^ynda Hagans Judith Robinson
Dorothy Ann Simms, Buddy Ray
King, Moigan, Kerry Hav-
Honor students of the school
were introduced by the Rev. Min-
or, pastor of the church, who
also introduced Mrs. Minor, kin-
derga. ten teacher. First year hon-
or pupils, were Billy Morgan and
Esther Thurman; Helen Langston
-nd Fanklin Wade Lawrence,
second year, and this year's en
t:re enrollment of twenty five
little tots was introduced.
At the conclusion of the pro-
gram, a jolly Santa Claus, with
a huge pack on his back, arrived
and distributed gifts of dolls and
airplanes to the admiring and en-
thusiastic youngsters.
.. » „ meet' receives flying instruc-
tion from Captain S. C. Huffman ~
Enacts First
The auditorium of the South
Side Christian church was filled
to capacity Thursday night for
the Christmas performance put
on by the little pupils and former
pupils of the Blue Bird Kinde’-
garten, under the direction of
their supervisor, Mrs. G. C. Min-
In a frame work of everygreer.
trees, laden with icicles and light-
ed with brilliant floodlights, fortv
little children portrayed the First
A life size crib filled with hay.
and placed against a star spang
led sky, made a perfect setting
for tableau, composed of Mary,
played by little Muriel Jane Wil-
son; Joseph, portrayed by Frank-
lin Wade Lawrence, with a repli-
ca of the Holy Infant. The three
wise men were Joe Lee Pike,
Christmas Tree
For Church And
Sunday School
Firecrackers Dangerous As Machine
Gun In Hands Of Youngster, Warned
won • . From looking at police
reports those days it seems that
| some people have as their creed:
Tonight in the Sunday school
room of the First Presbyteri-
church the annual Christmas tree
and program for the entire
church and Sunday school mem-
bership will he given, beginning
at 7:30, according to an announce-
AUSTIN, Dec. 22—Condemn- and unrestrained indulgence din-
ing the practice of celebrating ing the holidays is worse than
Christ’s birthday with gun pov.1- folly; it is a crime.”
der, Marvin Hall, state fire insur-1 Of the heroes who fought in
ance commissioner, today warned' the war for American Indepen-
that firewoks in the hands of deuce, 4044 never reutrned from
young children are almost as dan-' the battlefield; 6001 returned
Royal Neighbors
gerous as a machine gun. j permanently disabled. In the years
“Hundreds of our youngsters : 1000 to 1930, it was revealed that
each year are maimed for life as) 4290 Americans—-(more than
the result of thoughtlessness oil died in the revolutionary war) —
■merit hv the pastor. Rev. James) ^he Part of their parents,” hei lost their lives celebrating thi j
E. Spivey. j said. “To safeguard children from) victories of the original 4044.
fire the year arounid, and then Those maimed, crippled and blind-
turn them loose for its reckless ed by these observances aggrega-
ted 90,000.
“Thousands of parents who
never consider for a moment
sending their chi'dren to the fiell
of battle, foolishly How these
i children to toy with potential
* "I death,” the commissoner said.
bold at the home of Mrs. Joe Cu-I ‘bat its construction program since) ,Ha11 'Sald ,h°. ,K",RW ,°f famiho
Pelle, 908 W. Main. Gifts were the start of the department in "ll° 4we? ?fra,d to ,d™° on
., ... I streets during* the holidays fn
v h/l ^ I 1 kU llwitmw -
Carrying books to shut-ins and those remote from libraries is a practical
8cout Good Turn encouraged by Dr. James E. West (inset), Chief Scout
Executive of the Boy Scouts of America and Editor of Boys' Life, whose
conviction that the greatest single Influence over the mind of man is still
the printed word is based on the stimulation and inspiration derived from
reading habits started during boyhood in a Washington. D. C„ orphanage
See danta Claus Grade Crossing
Dangers Less
Santa Claus, impersonated by
Donna Fern Hoard, visited the
Royal Neighbors at their annual I
AUSTIN, Dec. 22—The
Christmas party Thursday night,| way department announced today j
ir ■■■
exchanged among members and)l®T7 had effected the elimination! , , .. , , ,
Christmas carols sung, with MuJ 1,384 railroad grade crossings. I .ea ?' .-1Miflac 't>l* ,e,,'g tomu
Through Aug. 31 the depart-! lnt° thelr car' ,
ment had completed 521 grade , Any person °f avera*e lntel‘
| licence can readily understan
Genevieve Sweeney, playing
piano accompaniment.
'Mrs. Capelle’s home was deco-' cr°ssing separations with 33 then
Eddie Sneed and Billy Mosse Lin- rated with Christmas symbols,) under construction.
d»n. and the shepherds who foi- ;,nd especially impressive was the
lowed the bright star to the man- miniature manger scene on the |814 grade crossings with 16 more
mantle. Candles lighted the,
rooms, and general felicitations' um_j_er construction or approved.
ger were played by Jerry Hende"-
son, Jack Allan Newsom, Mack
Hayes, J. Bary Griffin, Ross Hol-
lingsworth, Billy Jack Marshall,
Ronnie Joe May, Mack Newsom;
Jimmie Taylor, Harry Davidson.
Dean Morgan, lorne Parks, and
Paul Jennings, Jr.
Helen Langston as the angel
Gabriel, outlined the events to
come, and other angels, whose
precocious adaptability to their
roles endeared them to the audi-
ence were Margaret Ann Dahl,
Patricia Legg. Alice Ann Wide-
man, Esther Thurman, Lynda Ha-
gans, Judith Robinson, Martha
Ann Long, Dorothy Ann Simms,
Nancy Lee Flinn, Eiizaheth Ann
Joe Lee Pike, in an impressive
reading gave the story “The
Meaning of Christmas.” and niano
selections wove rdaved hv Eddie
Sneed and Billv Mos«e Linden. F -
tber Thurman nlavod the accomn
Mrment for the Christmas ravels
*nne> bv the T'onn. and for Dorn.
t*h V Ann Dahl, who *nng a Chris..
, uiiuci cuusiruuuon, Through re- that lf a flreeraker Placcd unri'"
'location of highways, it eliminated I a tin can Wlil blow that can apau
814 grade crossings with 16 more ) thcn surely u would causn sul"-
to b'e abolished by projects then ous mjuly or dealh should ll
___ . ' ri.rwlo fha IiuiwIl nf a r»Vn i! y
The result is a 14 per cent re-
duction in fatalities at crossings
for the first ten months of 1939
and Christmas greetings
given by all members.
Mrs. Capelle conducted a clev-
er game in which Mrs. T. W. H. ...
Flinn. Mrs. Vergia Steele, and perlod of 1938-
Miss Madge Phillips were award-:
ed honors. i f°r Die Christmas holidays to be
A refreshment course of cake: with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
and coffee was served to a large! V. Conatser, 916 W. Sears, and
attendance, and members plan to to be an attendant in the Chir.-t-
pmde in the hands of a child”, h.
“The least parents can do is to
remember that firecrackers aiv
I Representatives’ Districts and 48
Representatives. This total of 70
members has now reached 181.
Measured by the 1926 price
level as 100, industrial commodi-
ties are 20 per cent higher than
agricultural products.
(Continued from page one)
compared with the corresponding! materials of death and destruc-
tion, and if they must shoot them
they should at least see that they
i econvene after the holidays with! mas daJr wedding of his sister,
their new oracle, Mrs. Effie Miss Catherine Conatser, and' banned, and as a
Strom, heading the executive Richard John Hughes Jr. He wi 1
board of the organization.
I leave in time to participate in
the Sugar Bowl game in New Or-
1 leans. Jan. 1.
Mrs. A. D. Dees of Hammond,
La., has arrived in Denison for
a Christmas visit with her moth-
(Continued from page onei
Mrs. C. A. S'ampsell, and other "'hl'n slie heard her husband might
relatives She will be joined lat ?r
by Mr. Dees.
Bill Conatser, junior student at
Texas A. and M., will come home
Low-Cost Meals Rescue
Thru Ailing Food Budget
(JOLLOVvr r : -- Holiday spend-1
ling spr.-.e. we always come upon
leaner days. Once again life is grim
and life Is earnest, for with the
family bankroll reduced to skeletal
proportions. In most cases. It is not
easy to serve substantial, well-bal-
anced meals and keep within a de-
pressed budget without some defi-
nite plan. A practical housewife
will sit down and outline the daily
meats for a week in advance after
malting a list first of every inex-
pensive dish she knows.
If you are low on ideas, peruse
these menus for help In planning
next week's low-budget meals.
Sliced Oranges
French Toast and Apple Sauce
Bacon Curls Coffee
Roast Leg of Lamb
Creamed Canned Pea*
Mashed Potatoes
Sliced Tomatoes
Ready-to-Serve Cereal
and Stewed Figs
Toasted Muffins Milk
Corned Beef Hash
Stewed Tomatoes
Crusty Rolls and Butter
Apple Brown Betty Coffee
Stewed Prunes
Toast Jam Coffee
Tomato Juice
Hamburger Patties
Chopped Spinach
Scalloped Potatoes
Canned Grapefruit Segments
Ready-to-Serve Cereal
Cinnamon Toast Coffee
•Scalloped Sausage with
Potatoes and Onion
Mashed Yellow Turnips
Lettuce. French Dressing
Fruit Cup Wafers Coffee
be , ’moved. After listening to
| her, the submarine commander
“Ob, well, get out! Go ahead.
I Take your husband and baby
| and get out.
Three others were dismissed af-
j ter the commander explained he
had room for only eight.
The eight were transferred to
the submarine and Captain Iviani
was old he could proceed. Ha
started at full speed, he said, but
suddenly heard two whistles ard
saw another submarine direetlv
ahead. The captain ordered full
speed astern and missed the sec-
ond submarine. apparently a
Fi err li ship by about ten yards.
Captain Iviani said one of the
submarine commander’s first
questions to him was: “Have you
any Jews?”
“Hundreds of them,” Jviani said
lie -plied and was told that some
would be removed.
The Italian captain said he de-
manded that the submarine com-
mander guarantee their safet-
and this was agreed.
are kept out of the hands of chil-
For the past several years there |
has been a growing inclination
and demand that fireworks b?
result of many
inquiries the State Fire Insurance
Department has drawn a stand-
ard ordinance as a guide for city
of fi rials in seeking to eliminate
one of the contributing factors of
XU C H)SSfc2>«
Every year many fires start
from fireworks. Many of these
fires occur in business houses
und very often the lire spreads to
other business firms with the
result that oftentimes the fire
record of the towns, because of
the high value of the property in-
volved, is affected whereby the
fire insurance cost in those towns
is increased.
ARMISTICE—Rather than suf-
fer loss of life and destruction
of her cities, as Russia threat-
ened, Finland authorized Fi-
nance Minister Vaino A. Tan-
ner, above, to form new cabinet
and seek truce with Russia.
Tanner was one of negotiators
in recent unsuccessful confer-
ences in Moscow.
something similar to this: “Go
away young fellow and let us
rest. Get your news out of the
) Denison Press.” He took it good
naturedly . . . The boys brought
in a birthday cake for Mayor
Scott. Someone yelled to give
I Boots Hartson the first piece. The
mayor . ut nml shoved the cake in-
to Hartson’s hand. Hartson jump-
ed—it was made of limburger
cheese and smelled to high heav-
en .. . Swell cut party we have
been to in years.
Kids dug up several coins from) Peace on earth, good will toward
the ashes of a fire at Dallas the; men—until you meet a sucker . . .
other day and sold the coins at a Flowers to Orville Lee for his
cut rate when a little rubbing fine story on the all-district 5AA
would have restored their natural) -olec'ion’ for papers yesterday,
brilliance . . . Biggest hunk story i Complete in every detail . . . The
of the year: the saiga that come-) police radio was cut into the din-
frorn Moscow, referring to Josef ing room of the hotel last night
Stalin as the man “loved by during the cty dinner. All
world.” Hi* birthday ... At last men and officers were seated
we know what the Russian five-) gather so they could get out
year plan was: five years of pro]'- 'quickly as possible in case of an
arulion for a war. The only soil emergency,
turned was up—-to bury the war
i <c
it as I
dead . . . Best laugh: The Chicago I
man who sent gifts by mistake to
an orphans home. Opened, the
packages contained twelve bottles
of champagne. The kals already
are drunk with ixhuberance . . .
The mystery of the death of Legs
Diamonds, New York gangster, has
bene solved. Legs was shot at
often by other underworld
The picture of the 5AA all-
district eleven i, in the Press to-
day, haing arrived too late for in-
sertion yesterday . . . After today
you have but one day to complete
'-our Christmas shopping. Get bu
possible to salvage the article forj’f 8°11 haven’t gone broke already
. . . Christmas cardg arrive on this
disk from Orville Lee and Bill
With all their numerical
strength and the stories about
them, it is unusual that among
the signers of the Declamation -if
Texas Independence, and the
rigners of the first Constitution
of the State of Texas, there are
to be found no Smiths or Jones.
There was a George Smyth who
simed the Declaration, however,
with the “Y” pronounced as in
Chocolate Pudding Coffee
Orange Juice
Boiled Eggs
Raisin Bread Toast Coco#
•Chop Suey (made with left-over
Boiled Rice
Watercress and Tomato Salad
Sliced Banana In Orange-Flavored
e Gelatin
Tomato Juice
Hot Cereal Cooked with Raisins
Toast Coffee
Creamed Finnan Haddle
Buttered Stringbeana
Baked Potato
•One-Egg Cake with Lemon
Tea or Coffee
Buckwheat Cakes Syrup
Bacon Coffee
Frankfurters and Sauerkraut
Whole Boiled Potato
Bread end Butter
Baked Apple Coffee
•Recipes jvill be given In subst
quent column.
ii in 1'ijwmwimsi1 ■ -
Ickes To—
fContinued from page one)
to make the letter public If he
wished. lekp? said he had replied
'o lhat letter and would make bis
veply public if Juge Wilson would
rive the press a copy of the let-
ter lie had written.
One pbai.e of the reco -d does
not read as if the persons talking
were in the courtroom in a judic-
:al proceeding
Ickes said he would make no
lrther Investigation of tbo mat-
°r, that he considered his rritl-
ism justified. Any move for in-
cstigation of the ease or a show-
down before congress or the
president, as had been suggested
hy Judge Wilson, would have to
come from the department of
Justice, Ickes said.
me Voice
Or Texas
When the third Texas Legis’a-
ture convened 90 years ago there
were 92 counties; 22 Senatorial
Woodside, Paris sportswriters, and
from Dale Looper, former Deni-
sonian, who now has Box 582, To
rumeari, N. <M.. in case you want
to drop him a line . . . The Pres
won’t be published Christmas
day. That’s one day everyone
should he given a holiday ... A
Rritish film “Four Feathers” if
claimed to be one of the best yel
to come out of tlie nation at wiv
with Germany. The first fli 'ke-1-
sent out of Britain years ago al-
most caused a war between the UP
theatre public and Great Britain
. . Bascom Giles Texas land com-
missioner who visited in the Prcs:-
i Districts and 22 Senators; 43 office last year during bis race.
The other day in Austin I ha>,
the privilege of reading the lu-t
wid and testament of General
tarn Houston, first President of
the Republic of Texas. Among
other matters mentioned, “The
Great Defender” w.ote that lib
wanted his chi dren so educate)
in the Scriptures, that they would
not desire to read the filthy stor-
ies ami novels that cursed civih’-
z ition. His wise utterance recalls
that Maculay, the great scholar,
and author, said: “I would rath-1
or be a poor man in a garret with
plenty of books than a king who
did not love reading."
“The worst bankrupt in
world is tile man who has
his enthusiasm.”
Wa«te is among the greatest
sins of the American people. Tp
every coupty in Texas, abandoned
road machinery: on multiplied
thousands of farm0, forgotten
field equipment; everywhere, in
fact, one will observe material
going to ruin and allowed to hr*
pond acted which cost mil ions of
dollars. Although departments and
bureaus are all too numerous now,
the legislature would not. be do-
Ir-r an improper nr unwise thire
if it designated some ngerev of
tbo grate to so'*vo to prevent ar )
step waste bv seeinir that nothin"
is lost *0 snrv- —1 a-n j.i at al'
There are many occasions for
remembering and they do nor de-
pend on the calendar. Remember
Her —TODAY —wirh Whitman’s,
her favorite candy. ^
The Sampler, America’s friesi
box of candy—17 oz. ... .SI 50
Also 2, 3 and 3-lb. Saniph-ii.
The FairhUl, outstanding box
of candy at.......$1.00 lb.
Also 2, 3 and 5-lb. Fairbills.
members' that newspaper* dub-
bed him the “clay pigeon.” Po-
lice claim he was put on the spot
because he kept $200,000 given
him bv gangland to buv n-rreoties.
He failed, gangland put h:m in
dreamland with lead capsules.
The government claims that the
income of farmers lias increased
63 per cent since 1932, but let’s
see you get the farmers to believe
it . . . Tattle-tale: Don Ganter,
playing a “raffle” for a fi-uit cake
and inlaid container, took rum
chance, choosing the name of hb
brother’s wife. The one punch
'M M. and Murray Marshall,
ace father and son combination,
won another tennis tournament
at the Denison tennis club courts
Wednesday afternoon, downim-
Robert Gator and Sam Stowers
in the finals 6-2, 6-3, fi-3.
In preliminary rounds Cates
and Slower?, copped off Ed Me-
Drtnb'l nml Bobby Cherry, 6-3,
6-1 • the rc-ruc pair took a match
off <’i!!y Pote".«on and J. W
ITucbp'i. 0 ”, 6-3, M-’vshall and
Marshal! defeated Miller Brister
and .Toelf Wil’inm.-', 6-1. 0-0.
Funeral Home
Phone 100
If THERE’S any tire
that will stop you quicker on a
wet, slippery road than the new
Goodrich Sil vertown with the Life-
Sover Trend, we just haven’t seen
it. As the never-ending spiral bars
of this road-drying tread roll over
a dangerous film of water they act
like a rapid-fire battery of wind
shield wipers—sweep the water
right and left—force it out
through deep drainage
grooves. And on all roads,
at all times, Silvertowns
give you another great life-
saving feature—the famous
Golden Ply that protects you
against dangerous high-
speed blow-outs. For safety
t amor row get Silvertowns
Battery and Tire Service
Pho. 46 Burnett at Chestnut
. .....__-_:__. . .
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The Denison Press (Denison, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 154, Ed. 1 Friday, December 22, 1939, newspaper, December 22, 1939; ( accessed February 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Grayson County Frontier Village.