The Dublin Progress (Dublin, Tex.), Vol. 94, No. 15, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 25, 1981 Page: 6 of 18
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^■ge6. The Dublin Progress, Wednesday, November 25. 1981
Henderson’s Feed
Fertilizer Sales
Dublin, Texas
Now we carry the quality line of Master Mix
Swine, Beef and Dairy Feeds as well as Far-
macy products at our place. It's an all new line
for us. Stop by. Let us show you the advantages
of Master Mix.
More to Gain7
Master Mix Beef Cubes - 20
All Natural Protein - Guaranteed
Master Mix Baby Beef and Horse Feed
Mixed Grain and Pellets
We carry a complete line of Dairy Feeds including
Textured Feeds and Concentrates.
a , a Give us a call - We’ll come see you
,.A , *«,}!»< *. ,-ft y •> §■
i ti •» ■ * ? *>
Funeral SErvices were held Nov. 22, 1981 at 1
p.m. for Ernest Robert Cates, who died in Dublin
Meical Center on Nov. 20,1981.
Bob Cates officiated the srvices, which were
conducted at Charlie Church of Christ in Charlie,
Interment was at the Charlie Cemetery under
the direction of Harrell Funeral Home.
Pallbearers at the services were family
'“Mr. Cates was born Dec. 27, 1909 in Oklahoma
and was married to Melvin Phariss on Feb. 16,
1980 in Irving, Texas.
He was a member of the Church of Christ
Survivors include wife, Mrs. Melvin Cates of
Dublid, one son, Mr! Bob Cates of Casper,
Wyoming, one daughter. Mrs. Barbara Ann Pryor
of Grapevine, Tex. a step-son Mr. Jack Phariss of
Alpine, Tex., 9 grandchildren and *7 great-
Aisociaiion'and Texas State Bar Association. H<?
wars a Dublin City Attorney for 35 years and a
member of the State Legislature. He was a
Trustee of the Church and in the Texas National
Guard from 1940 to 1943.
Survivors include his wife, Jessie Gay„e Harbin,;
one son, Dr. Richard V. Harbin, of Dublin, onfe
daughter, Mrs. James W. Cowan of Big Springs,
Texas and 6 grandchildren.
- ■ II
Funeral Services were held Monday, Nov. 23rd
at 330 p.m. for Everett Avon Thornhill, who died in
Comanche County on Nov. 20, 1981.
Bro. Bill Campbell ifficiated the services, which
were conducted at Harrell Memorial Chapel.
Interment was at the Eath Garden of Memory
under the direction of Harrell Funeral Home.
Pallbearers at the services were Masons.
Mr. Thornhill was born March 7, 1906 in Bronson,
Tex. and was married to Ester Elizabeth
McDermott on March 6, 1935 in Abilene, Tex.
he was a member of the Park Place Masonic
Lodge no.l 112 A.F & A.M. in Houston.
Survivors include 2 sons, William M. Thornhill of
Pittsburgh, Penn, and Tommy L. Thornhill of
Amarillo, Tex., 2 brothers, A.D. and Ivan A.
Thornhill, a sister Rosa Gaughlin, and 3'
Funeral Services were held Nov. 14, 1931 a( 2
p.m. for Thurman Ellis (Dick > Harbin, who died
in Big Springs, Texas on Nov. 12, 1981.
Rev. Hubert Austin officiated the services,
which were conducted at 1st United Melhodisl
Interment was at the New Dublin Live Oak
Cemetery under the direction of Harrell Funeral
Mr. Harbin was born Dec. 12, 1910 in Harbin
Community, Texas and was married to Jessie'1’
Gaye Preston on Sept. 15, 1935 In Dublin, Texas.
Mr, Harbin was a member of the 1st United
Methodist Church and also was a member of
Dyblin Masonic Lodge, Odd Fellows, Paul Harris,
Fellow of the Rotary, Erath County Bar
Services for Doyle Hair 72 a former Dublin
resident was held in Pawnee, Texas at the Baptist
Church, bur al was in the Pawnee Cemetery. He
passed away at the Kennedy hospital at 2 a m
Wednesday morning.
He was born in Erath County and lived in the
Dublin area until he married Delma Warren on
Dec. 24, 1928 They then moved to Bee County.
lie is survived by his wife Delma, one son
Douglas of San Antonio Texas and Doylene
llazlett of Austin,,,four grandson’s and one brother
Winters Hair of Dublin
Dental Care
This column deals with *
questions concerning
dentistry and Dental
Care. Readers are in-
vited to send written
questions to Dental Care,
P.O. Box 358, Dublin,
Texas 76446.
Doctor Crabtree: My
daughter is going to be
three years old next
month and I was wonder-
ing if the jaw teeth she
has now are her per-
manent ones? She has
three or four cavities and
1 was wrondering if they
weren't her permanent
teeth should I have them
taken care of or not If
they aren’t her per-
manent ones they would
probably fall- out and
that doesn't mean her
permanent ones will
have cavities does it?
Dear Reader: The jaw
teeth that you see in your
child’s mouth are not
permanent teeth They
are deciduous or "baby"
teeth. Yes they will be
lost later but it will be
when the child is ten to
twelve years old The
deciduous teeth should
be restored and main-
tained for the next seven
or eight years for your they have time to grow
child until the per larger,
manent teeth are devel Decay on deciduous
opt’d to erupt The child teeth usually does not
will have to endure pain
from the decay as It
enlarges, pain from
possible abscesses, loss
of chewing function, and
crowded permanent
teeth when they erupt
into the random spaces
left by the loss of baby
teeth prematurely. Your
least ‘ expensive alter
native and by far the
most healthful for the
child is to have the small
cavities restored before
indicate decay on the
permanent teeth. Nor
malty you can be as;
sured that when per
manent teeth do erupt
they will be decay free
regardless of any decay
present on deciduous
Mulloy’s Give Luncheon For Amy & Robert
t . ^ • ...
On Sunday. November fiance. Mr. Robect pecans marinated centered with
Amy Billingsley and her turkey, wild rice with line runners and ,
The Following Dublin Merchants Bring
You Values Worth Shopping at Home
Gift Shop
101 S. Patrick
Interior Trends
111 N. Patrick
Hall and Cleveland
120 N. Grafton
Ranch Supply
Circle (C)Tire Shop
* r*
r a
Lady Lion
104 ,W. Blackjack
Dublin Floral
202 N. Patrick 445-2355
-V ,• 7 . ’ .' 7 • 11 " . .
Furniture Mart
■ ' ’ ■ : . ■ ^
v ■ ......\ ; ■ 7- ■
4 *
• ■
C.E. Leatherwood
r ' ,
112 W. Blackjack
• Dublin
Peanut Coop
■ V
- ■■ ,f-‘ ■' ; a ■ - , ■ , ' : '-v7.'. •
, , « •* *• ^
\i ■
• w
En Touche’ V
* " , : r f.'v ’ ■' • "t ■ ■
En Touche Hair Designs
. t
127 N. Patrick 445-3110
The Golden Butterfly
'•*7 v • ./ , -
» V # ;
" . ; * - a,. ■ S
118 N. Patrick 445-3731
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The Dublin Progress (Dublin, Tex.), Vol. 94, No. 15, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 25, 1981, newspaper, November 25, 1981; Dublin, Texas. ( accessed December 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Dublin Public Library.