The Texas Republican. (Brazoria, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 43, Ed. 1, Saturday, June 27, 1835 Page: 1 of 4

This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: Brazoria County Area Newspapers and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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JdchiL ffs &tf' ifir
&ii- ia Jrf7?-
i.w--ji.' 'ri immumwmMif
: i 1 FT Si
I 3 .Tv iii '
glgg &'aa
1 BS
BRAZOKiu SAi IHb J h L 27 1S33.
NUtftt'ift 43.
?" W. W V5 Si
iiv't-' rr? ni!ivTt.'n vt TiTTnT.lCtrTnTJ P.Y
lVJLTTuliiji-'-:- ' -1.J I l.UU..! .-.
Anl will be printed for subscribers every Saturday
at $"5 per annum if p lid at the end of six months
or $7 if not pail until tire expiration of the year.
So .lisconfinuisice- will be illovyod except at the
end of the year and not then until ail arrearages
pre paid. m
A Ivertiscments of ciut lines or under yl tor tlio
first insertion ml half tint price for each continu-
rnrc briber ones in proporiion ?o advertisement
will he withdrawn until putl for but will be contin-
ued :i the cvpnsc of the advertiser.
y li co'irn-tnicatious of a norsonal nature
will be charged for tiic simc a? advertisements.
niwz )ii r..
and should on tins account rccehe
iiroatcr national care m addition i his
.t.-- 'nc-sido. and those olVoiisunguinity in
H-.1.V k'liiimon with Ins telbw.cilizens; .lie
amcr lias those of lull dale aan
me idw o the vine wlucn lie inn f r
m.iiiv vuais trm!it to climb the arbor
! and the spreading oak winch his U-
Providence has at leng'h f.ivornd us
' n-itli llio mnsf rrfrrstiinn- ind rnnfCUial
- o - r .Hill tut x nrentiiii" oik wuieii ma m-
showers of rain in the nirk of tuv. io ' tlicr iai flamed. B u it is cli elly the
1 . . T. 1 J .. .- 4. ' nl( . -.. rwr- ". . I tlli1fll rfT
4ifeii!y ait $Lnw k
TT X. MOil"A VD will attend to any business
-c entrusted to him iiis ollice is in Liberty of
the Triniiv river.
Reference V. II. ; Slcd.rc CoIu!ni)in.
Jno. Cnallin S
J. S. D. Hvrom Brazoria
save the crops. It is pleasing to jo- ceifocnon of character tor which ag
lice what a vtaiiic clianae has 'nUn ! nnmurc on iiiu ..rc .. .....-...
" r . id urn- tiie &uieriMoii oi yovenitneut
piarc in the rntiiitonaiice of all hr- u g no roasoIliifle IU W.t.ui.iglon
more ei.iri! VPrritltinil have COmillCWC'l i ...! kiIi.'ii.piI iml mil 'd'-atlOU
a new life. U'e mav now rv;i"ct to ot amoitntn and h.ivc .o m-
! ran a plentiful Inrvest Sipps! p migcuitSecmiinH..M iui
I ' i!ie i.pitit of the nines and re ubucan
ih- I-.rmerS-pPae happiness and - . un lsJ ):m;iiliy for
I n 1 . - . ' i i
I pro5penij in i t.m. luai pvrs.jts iecn jrr-a. atui its .i.inus
V.V have rerei.pd no laie nrw frors
the U. Stale prhr to the '25h of Ia
Ilrshh of Brtznr'uu 'rhe heil'h f
our village i3 uncommna'v cnd sit tits
(jme hut one case of fever have a; yt
and thereby store the mind with a
rml rliifil .( i"i ii .rin n t i nil nil a tllOUSdllU
idilToren: snhiccts winch we olherwisc
would not have thought ot in lac .ue
benelits of a debating society in such
: til irn as 15ri7.ina. w.iuid be incalcu-
i i .
I lable; we ali hae urn-1 ciuugh to stti'i
' and meet one uiut in each wt;ek
wlterc we m idnc.iss au stilijuct mat
' in tv he laid before us where .li-.ugh it
1 ... ... .. i I... -.j fionrlv nvolainud wo
should at an v rate git a right view of
i the subject.
m21 -29
Alocly Uaker
a JUL? is'.'' x 3-j
DitTercnl rumours from the nppr
routitrv "late that siv or et'i orsor"
jlnvc b-eii murdered by tl Indian" "
short time since we una- s'and th:r
! throe coinmnics of ratiTs are tin1'
' in pursuit of the m irderers.
Since t'ic bve was pit in tvnj' we
Bndcrstaiul ih it one of ihe convn
t; ni h roid Mnnor. There is sume
tiling in the vti. iiautroof rural ciitii.g (
.) coiigctital io the divelOie:ne:n ot
porffClion in PttaiMCier that oilier cir-
cutn-tances bmug oipia' we may cwr
loot; to them to- pa. notion toe
SffMi.tine and the most in consoiuuicc
w 1 1 i i the iiappiness ol matikiu i.
Si. ce he litirodttc.ion ot modern
iiutl-si-apu gaidetn.ig and a c-jrioson-i.-.g
uieliiiectine o kuuw ofii ;ur-..-..
in which moie urted or liin'
iimci;'!-'.- ofbciiUtv are brought into
c-.-j .i-.iion. 'I'o '.ay oat Me gi.unds ..
' u-u c tin1 ot trees to the he'
I- ct to g. nip ti in ice mli ii to taeir
bi 4 io m and ! - .ge t- de-g i the
.Ian and stlt oi lae de hag and the
.iu bu.idin'is l -a ii a niAtitier h to
I the convn I tlioiwrl.s tl .-ri o. j -jiitva id
From the B il nn-ire C.iroaicli. "
When I recall m mind from s'lr.-oun-ding
.. ljecs t i-)tn lete the i:iv::i ig
seeuc-anl I'jjao .f m- i-.v w-.- t -thia
long e r.i toe uttti" wlie : :n-..
norv is cat ed u remsieet iIdso wiv
wtde-evi.uide-1 plains hoe circui ir
-tnd iucrc'id land-o.iiies ha.-.; fre
wild rude and hostile to civil feelings
but now h-. i: reclnm.a trace if
mo n-..!r filM'ti c on it-s. ;i'i 1 cii ii i
m ide M recognisable to sl-'i-jt
a;;diuviti t;; ooor senses 1 citch is
a .pup ius;)i'M': iH of tin- bald id it-;..-
ivii.t'ii..)'! I- in.' curtain- oi cu.
jec'ure a ul la s o i '" our de igh ej
.1 -w in p-i' .-t . -i- -' in.MT.i
f i te G'vs-.n ft is C i. ns i- n
kiadUs- tri i l n mm co il'i-o ! mss
il'en'"- w mi 'i 'ri s e ni- s
-piim! u' v.hi" i "ut s a.i - .id"ir
'.ol.i i . c: ' -r- ' ' - ' " ' 4V'Ul1 "i'"J l
of'ho Jnif- ply ( de!tc.-tC)accttr.iev Oc

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The Texas Republican. (Brazoria, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 43, Ed. 1, Saturday, June 27, 1835, newspaper, June 27, 1835; Brazoria, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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