Texas State Gazette. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 12, Ed. 1, Saturday, November 10, 1849 Page: 7 of 8
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nrdson hnvc hnd the samu under consideration mid have in-
istrnctud mo to report the same to tho Senate with a bill and ro-
commend its passage. .
The President appointed Messrs. Wallace Van Derlip Portis
Moflbtt and Latimer u select committee on the resolution offered
on yesterdny by Mr. Wallace in relation to tho act concerning
crimes and punishments.
A bill for the relief of P. Scrnnton ; read second time and on
motion of Mr. Brashear referred to the committco oil Public
The resolution offered by Mr. Van Derlip on ycsteiday re-
ferring that portion of the Governor's Message relating to the
-amendment of tho constitution to the Judiciary committee was
Mr. Robertson moved to amend by striking out all after the
word " committee ;" rejected.
Mr. Robertson moved to amend by striking out all after the
word "contingent" and iuseiting " with instructions to report
thereon as soon as practicable."
Mr. Wallace offered the following as a substitute for Mr. Ro-
bertson's amendment. Strike out all after the word "report"
and insert " Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the
''constitution of the State of Texas."
Sect. 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the Stale of
Texas That the Constitution of the State of Texas bo so alter-
ed and amended that the Judges of tho Sepreme Court Judges
-of the District Courts Attorney General Dist. Attorneys Comp-
troller of Public Accouuts Treasurer of the State and Commis-
sioner of the General Land Office shall at the expiration of their
respective terms of office or in case a vacancy may occur m ei-
timrrr fimm hr flnntli. rnsurnntion or otherwise after thisamend-
uient takes effect and thcieafter be elected by the qualified elect-
ors of the State in the manner prescribed by law.
Sect. 2. Be it further resolved That the election for Dist.
Judges and Dist. Attorneys shall be confined to thoir respective
Mr. Taylor moved to lay the resolution and amendment on
the table till Saturday ; lost.
The question then recurred on the substitute offered by Mr.
Wallace for the amendment proposed by Mr. Robeitson which
was adopted.
The resolution offered by Mr. Robertson on yesterday requir-
ing the President to appoint a standing committee on Federal Re-
lations was read and on motion of Mr. Wallace was laid on the
table and made the special order of the day for the 9th instant.
TIIEdischnrgo of Edward Dunn fur 240 acre of land fur services In tho Army
'of Texas. Jf not hoard if within 8ixty days from duto application will Im nuiilo
to tint prnpor department for a duplicate of tho samo. EDWARD DU NN.
November 10 1849. 9wl2
rrUlI' indictmont ngainst A.SB. Burlpson for nn Assault made upon tho life of
-L Alrxnndor Bnylic in iho (nil of 1017 was ncted upon in the District Court of
Austin eoiinty nt its Inst Killing tho indictment quashed nnd tho cuso thrown out
of court. November 10 1810. tf 12
THE subscriber odors to lent for tho ensuing yenr nbotit EIGHTY ACRES of
excellent loud uiidprfcnrc nnd now in cultivation ns n part of his fnrm about
tw. miles from iho Cily 6f Austin llo enn ulso supply any quantity of corn at tho
place and would bo willing to dipoo of two ot threo good work mules.
November 10 114!). if 12 JAMES WEDB.
THE STATE OF 1 EX AS ? AT O TICK is hoicby given to nil persons interest-
County of Bastrop. J L ed in tho estnto of Win L. Iloncork. deo'd that
I havo been appointad by tho Chiof Justice of said county administrator upon said
estate; nnd nil pnrons indebted to said nrftntc ato requested to mnkoimmediuto pay-
ment nnd those holding claims ngainst iho samo to pieaent them within tho timo
pieseribcd liy law. PRESTON CONLEK Adm'r V. L. Hancock doo'd.
Bastrop Novombor lt 104!). Gwl2
By the Governor oftho State of Texas
GRATEFUL for tho numbnrless blessings which a benificent Providence has
vouchsafed to us nnd mindful of our duty mil religious people it is meot nnd
propor that wo should oiler up to tho Great Source of All Goodtnir united and most
iionrty thanks nnd invoke in nn humble spirit n continuance of Heavenly favor.
As u portion of tho great family of man nnd ns American citizcni wo havo most
nbundunt causo of gratitude to that Superintending Power whoso guardian caro
has boeu our shield in lime of peril nnd danger and filled our land with penco nnd
plenty. On ovcry side wo behold evidences of meiciful regnrd in tho prevailing
health nnd in tho universal concord nnd prosperity. Our beloved country is ra-
pidly increasing in numbers and nil thoso elements of moral greatness which pro-
mise the perpetuity of our free institutions nnd tho happiness of our people.
lilKUUFORK 1 George T. Wood Governor ot tlio btnto ot lexns do hereby
set apart tho first Thursday in December next ns a day of thanksgiving to Almighty
God and recommend that tho samo he observed by tho rcoplo of this Stutc by ab
staining from nil secular employments ; and nil tho olIiccrR of tho Stnto aro request
ed to closo thoir offices and ttnnsactuo business on that day.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and cnuscd
v the groat seal ol tho stnto to bo allixcd ut Austin tno tirst (lay ot
ISovcmber in tlio vcor ot our ioru ono inousana oienr nunuicu
nnd forty-nine nnd of tlio independence of tho United States tho
seventy-fourth and of Texas the fourteenth.
By tho Governor:
W. D. MiLLF.it Stcretayof Slate. 5wll
IMMEDIATELY for which n good prico will bo paid. Enquire nt tho Bnrkor
House. Novombor 3 1019. lltf THOMAS GLASCOCK.
Order of taking up tho Districts In the Supremo Court for the
December Tcrm-1819 jK
It is ordered that the cnus.es pending in the Supreme Court oi whichnvty
hereafter come up for lite December Teiin 1819 bo taken up by Districts in'lh
following order viz: (
Three weeks shall be set apart for tho Second and Third Districts commenc-
ing on the Second Monday in December 1819 being the tenth day of said nfoEth.
Two weeks for the First and Seventh Districts commencing on Mondayftho
31st day ol December 1819. ""
Two weeks for the Fourth nnd Tenth districts commencing on Monday
Mlh day oi Jnnuarv 1850. ' jjJE
Two'weeks for the Eighth and Ninth Districts commencing on Monday IW
28th day of January. 1800. -f'W
Two weeks foi the Fifth and Sixth Districts commencing on MondayltSt
eleventh day of February 1850. -"
June 2d 1819 19tf THOS. GREEX Clerk of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court adopted the following additional UULESt
Apkh. 10th 1849.
Ordered thnl no nrgument will bo beard on the part of tho oppellnnt or plntnthT
In error unless thoro has been nn assignment of tlio errors specialty staled' on
which tln.iudgmcnt is sought to bo reversed on tho Iltst day lliut tho docket of ilia
cluss on which tho ensoia docketed shall bo tnken up. j
Ordered that counsel wlin send up n brief must ulso send therewith an assign- fv
ment of errors in tho form nnd within tho time prq-sctibed by tho foregofngfrulc.
Ordered that tho argument of counsel shall bo strictly confined to tho error's as-
signed ; nnd no eiror will bo considoicd that is not assigned. .
Ordered h.it when tho nrgumont in n case bus beon commenced it shall regularly
progress until closed heforo nny other caan shnll be called; and after the argu-
ment no brief shnll bo received or counsel heard tit a subsequent lime. ?SHM
Ordered that no counsel shnll hn peimitted to speuk in the argument of any
enso in this court more than two hours without the special loavo oftho court grant-
ed befoto tho nrgumont commences. "
Ordered that the nLovo additional rules shnll lako effect on tho firslday of next
Decembci teim of this court. Juno 2 1849. 19lf
f. -M;
J havo lost my Certificate entitling mo to one longuoof land being No. 543 is-
sued by tho bonrd of land commissioners of Washington County in July A. D.
1833 for being permanently disabled by wounds received in tho service of Texas
and unless intelligence is lecaivcd oftho samo at thoWar Department within throw
months (mm the dato of this publication I shall apply to tho nropor officer fur) a
duplicate SAMUEL G. EVKTTS.
Mny 30 1849. 0:00d " - '
Wednesday Nov. 7 1849.
House met pursuant to adjournment roll called quorum
present. Journals of preceding day read and adopted.
Mr. Fields presented the petition of Moses B. Morroll which
was read and on motion of Mr. Fields referred to a select com-
mittee. Resolved That the Chair appoint a standing committee on
Roads Bridges and Ferries.
The Speaker appointed Messrs. Lloyd Russell and Fields said
Mr. Lloyd offered the following resolution :
Resolved That the committee of Finance be instructed to
enquire into the expediency of reducing the State tax ; also
changing the mode of assessing and collecting and the time of
collecting the same with leave to report by bill or otherwise ;
read and adopted.
Mr. Whittlesey introduced n bill entitled an act to extend the
Eastern boundary of the State of Texas ; read a first time.
Mr. Runnels introduced a bill to be entitled on act to provide
for revising the laws of this State ; read a first time.
Mr. Dickson introduced a bill repealing in part the sixth sec-
'tion of an act authorizing and requiiing the county courts to re-
gulate roads appoint overseers &c. ; read a first time.
Mr. Williams offered the-following resolution :
Resolved That the committee m the Judiciary under con-
sideration of an act to regulate proceedings in the county courts
pertaining to estates of deceased persons enquire into the expe-
diency of amending the same and report by bill or otherwise at
as early a day as may be practicable ; read and adopted.
Mr. Lott offered the following resolution :
Resolved That the committee on Public Lands be respectful-
ly requested to take into consideration the propriety of devising
some mode or plan whereby tnoso citizens win uuvc bcuibu un-
der colony contracts mayobtain titles to their land as colonists
and report bv bill or otherwise ; read and adopted.
Mr. Bognft introduced a bill to be entitled an act to secure to
all real settlers within the limits of the colony granted to Peters
nnd others commonly known as Peters' colony the land to which
tliev are entitled as colonists ; read a first time.
' On motion of Mr. Bryan Mr. Tarrant was added to the com-
mittee on Indian Affairs" and
On motion of Mr. Jowors Mr. Sterne was added to the same
On motion of Mr. Smith of Red River Mr. Johnson was add-
;d to the committee on County Boundaries.
Joint resolution granting further time for the presentation of
any claim or demand against the late Republic of Texas; read
second time and
On motion of Mr. Bryan referred to the committee on Public
On motion of Mr. Crump of Austin tho unfinished business
of last session was ordered to be taken up and referred to the res-
poctive committees.
Tho resolution offered on yesterday to go into an election for
Chaplain to-day at eleven o'clock was called up and lost.
On motion of Mr. Dickson the House adjourned until two
o'clock p. m.
Two o'clock p. m.
House met pursuant to adjournment quorum pregent.
Mr. Clements introduced a'bill to be entitled an act to repeal a
portion of an act entitled an act to give to each corporate county
in this State its own county surveyor map and records ; read a
first time.
Mr. Polk introduced a bill to bo entitled an act regulating the
pay of electors ; read a first time.
Mr. Dickson introduced a bill to be entitled an act appropriat-
ing five thousand dollars for the contingent expenses of both
Houses ot the Legislature ; Teau a ursi ump
n .nMimi C iiT TXMiiftlncnir tlin TTnilRnsr
DR. KINGSBU11Y Surgeon Dontist respectfully offers his professional services
to tho citions of Austin nnd vicinitj. Teeth from ono to nn ontiro sot insorted
imitating nnturc so closely as to defy detection und unswor every purpose of rlns-
tication. Dr. K. is permanently located in tho country nnd will wai rant all his work.
James H. Raymond Hon. W. J. Russell
Jamks F. Johnson Dr. Robektso.v
Geoiiok Hancock Dr. Wollowny.
Nov. 3 104D. lltf A
' piin UNDERSIGNED luiv.ng closed up his business in Austin would respoct-
i. fully notify all persons indebted to him cither by noto or account that they
must bo settled forthw itb JOHN IIORAN.
Austin Nov. 3 1849. lltf.
"DERSONS who bnvo subscribed to aid in removiiiR tho obstructions in the Colo-
JL rado River are icquested to call at tlio store of Hancock & Hamilton nnd pay
ton pi
OctoberS). 1049. 9lf
per cent upon the umount subscribed. Ii is essential that n portion of the sub-
Hum bo paid immediately iho work cannot progress without means.
OAM Sacks Salt.
UU50 Sacks Coffee.
20 bbls. Sweet Flour (St. Louis Brand.)
5 Boxes Gold Leaf Chewing Tobacco.
200 Boxes Havana Cigars (assorted Brands)
50 Grind Stones (all sizes.) For sale by
CASH ADVANCES mode on Cotton shipped to Now Orleans or New York by
tho undersigned who haui'mado nrrangements for -shipments monthly to
Now York nt 3-4 cts. Thoir charge for shipment including everything from do-
Jivery to shipment will lie 25c. per bile. The Merchants and Planters of the
Colorado nro invited to try iho experiment.
Lavaca Oct 13 1849. R. M. FORBES k. CO.
Office at tho City of Austin.
THE undci signed offers his service ns n Genoml Agent for tho transaction o
business throughout tho State oi Texai. llo will pay attention to tho settle-
ment of nil claims originating in tho United States or elsowhore against tho lato
Province of Coahuila and Texas tho lato Republic of Texas; tho present State
of Texas and tho ritiztns thereof. He ii a pnitner of Lewis E. Simonds Esq.
Attorney nt Lnw No. 3 St. Charles street New Orleans La in nlteiiding to nil
claims for money held out of tho Stato of Toas agniust tho Into Republic. Mr.
Simonds will facilitato parties in transacting any huninoss to or from tho under-
signed in which ho muy or may notbointoiested.
Ho tenders his services especially for obiuining from tho Siao of Texns ac-
knowledgments and grants of all Land clnims that aro just and legal which muy
bo forwarded to him such an Head-rights. Bounty and Donntion Lands for servi-
ces in tho Army of Texas ; for tlio Location of Land claims; for tho obtaining of
Patents; for tho payment of Taxes ; for tho Purchase und Salo of Lands and in-
deed all business requiring or not requii ing litigation.
The chnrgos of the undersigned wboro thoro is no special agreement ns to the
amount of fee will bo S"rh as nro usually mado by Agents oi Attorneys in Texas
No charges will bo mado for claims hurred from legal collection by stututos of
limitat!on unless something is obtained or recovorod in which event ono half of
vihotovor may be iccovetcd or obtained will bo oxneted and lotuined except by
speciul agreement otherwise ns to compensation.
Business of no hind will bo undertaken for a less foo than fho dollnrs.
Whenever nny agency business requites an udvnnco in money nsinthnpny.
ment of Taxes ; tho obtaining of Lnnd Patents; tlio surveying of Laud clnims on
tho oxrlusive account of the owners; tho Advertising lands fur snlo nnd pincuring
Maps to bo mado of the swine; tho advertising of lost land claims nnd obtaining
duplicates thereof; the travelling expenses to dislnnt pnrts of tho Stnto to attend
businuss &c &e the principal mutt male the advance or tho business mny not
receive attention.
Poweis of Attorney in legal form will bo required for tho transaction of nil
business oxcepting in presenting Treusury notes for adjustment nnd tho obtain-
in" of 1'nlenlH for land from tho Genural Land Office tho locution of lund nnd tho
payment of tnxes.
Tho Postage on all letters of business must bo prepaid or they may not bo at-
tended to. Austin Soptcmbor 22 1849. 5lf MEMUCAN HUNT.
THE Dischargo of William Murphrco for services rendered nt tho stormimrof
Bexar was destroyed by firo nt San t'olipo in Decembor 183G. NoticVis
hereby given that nt tho expiration of sixty Unys from dale I will apply to tho
propor dipnitmcnt for a duplicnta oftho samo.
Sept. 29 1849. C:C0d ' Jt
LOST Tho Military warrant of Martin l'rewitt for threo hundred and twen-
ty ucres of hind No. 3503 dated nt Houston Mny 2d 1838 nnd Bi'gned by
Barnnrd E. Boo Secretary of War. Notico is horoby given that if no hoard of
within sixty days from dato I will apply to tho proper department for n duplicate of
the samo. MEMUCAN HUNT
Austin Sept. 22 1349. Dw5 Att'y for William R. C. Hnys;
PtySHE DONATION CERTIFICATE of John Chonowoth for 040 Acree of
J& Land No. 307 dated ophIio 7th Juno 1838 and if not heard from iu sixty
days application will bo mado to tlio propor olhce tor a duplicate.
Austin September 7 1849. Dw4
Adsiiinisliratoir's Notice.
LETTERS of administration hnving been granted to tho undersigned by tho
Probuto Court of Caldwell county at its September term 1849 on tho estut
of JacobR. nnd Elizabeth Mitchusson decerned : notico is hereby given to nil(per-t
sons having clnimB against snid estate to present tho samo for approval within tbo
timo pioscribed by law or tho samo will bo barred. v
Adm'r. of the. estato of Jacob R. and Elizabeth
Oct. 13. 1849. 8::fiw Mitrluissnn deceased.
AdBSfftfiniyta'atof's Notice.
"J" ETTERS of administration havo beon granted to tho undersigned by"tlw
JLJ honorable tho Probato Court of Bastrop county nt tho August term 1849.
upon tho estate of Joseph Burloson sen. deceased. Notice is hereby given to all
persons having rlnims against said estate to present thorn duly authenticated with-
in tho timo prescribed by low or they will bo bnrted and all petsons indebted to
said estate will bo required to mnko immedinto pnyinont. W D. C. JONES
Bastrop Oct 12 1849. Cw8 Administrator.
From Houston via Austin to San Antonio. Fare $20.
Through in Six Days.
Lkayes Houston every Monday und Friday at 0 A. M..
Arrives at AusTrN ovory tf hursday and Sunday at C P. M.
Lbaves Austin every Monday und Friday nt 0 A. M.
Anitivjis at San Antonio every Tuesday und Suturday nt 6 P. hi'.
Leaves San Antonio every Monduy nnd Friday nt C A. M. .
Arrives at Austin evory Tuesday und Saturduy at G P. M.
Lk.ves Austin every Sunday and Wednesday ut 0 A. M
Aurives at Houston ovory Wednesday and Saturday at C P. M..
Tho abovo Line of Stages is so arranged ns to pass through the principal
towns from Houston to Sun Antonio nnd over a beautiful portion of tho oountiy.
This lii.o is run with excellent four horse carriages mado uxprcrtsly for ihisTiVur
Tho proprietors nssure tho public that they havo nfter a great longth afiilnir
and expense been nblo to procure enreful nnd skilful diivors; and they recom-
mend them as punctual and honest men to nil who mny wish to do buaiiion
hrnugh thm. Mny 12. 1849- 7UT BROWN & TARBOX.
Fresh and FashioimMc CJooils. v'
FORBES & CO. nro now receiving pr bath " Monterov" from New
'ork. n lareo and well assorted Slock of Fall and Winter Goods consist
ing of every variety usually wanted for tho country trado; among tho loadingrat-
ticles in tho Grocery lino will be found
Havana nnd " Mole " Cigars variou
Pino Applo and Western Cheese -
Goshen uiid Western Butter '
ougnr cured and Plain Hums
On motion of Mr. "Whittlesey the House)
nVlnrk. to-morrow " f "? 4
journed until ten
JLi Yor
Fino Brandies nnd Winoi
Old Ryo Whiskey and Holland Gin
Philadelphia and London Porter
Jamaica Rum and Cherry Bounce
Scotch Ale in Bottles nnd Casks
Nnvvaik Cider und Albany Ale in Casks Diiod Apples and Peaches
Brandy Fruits
Martinique Cordials
Assorted and Lemon Synps
Pii'kles and Catsups '
Pickled Oysters nnd Snrdlncs
Fino uiid Common Chewing Tobacco
Cut Smoking "
bo sold ns low ns jn nny mniketin tho State.
Lovncn. Oct. 13 1849
Rnisins Figs nnd Prunes
Fresh Sour Krout
Hydraulic and Sperm Candles
bperm nnd Lard Oil t
Linseed and Tanner' do. 'j.
Window Glass of evorv size
While Lead and Putty all of which -yfiU
r CASKS Cincinnati Cured Hams (for family usf)
0 Just received and for sale by
(PvLD Port Wine
Madeira Wine
Champaigne Cider
tjoguac uranay
Holland Gin
Eagle Whiskev.
Together with all articles suitable for a
London Porter (in bottles.)
Brown Sloot do.
Stoughton Bitters
Bar now in store and for saleW
THE STATE OF TEXAS ) rpAKEN UP by Robert Curr on Tinnoy's creek
Culdwoll County. 5 JL nnd estruyed before John N. Elliott Esq. a
medium izo red sorrel MARE MULE with n flax mine nnd tnih branded on tho
left shoulder und left thigh with Spanish brands 5 nnd a lump on tho light fore log
wher it inline thn bodv. Vuluod nt $40 by G. P. Fiilghntn and W. P. Mauldin.
Publication ordered by W. 1L COFFEE C.C. C. C.
October 22d 1849 310
THE discharge of the undetsigned from company E commanded by Capt. M-
B Lewis Army of Texas duicd Feb. I4th 1841. If not henid from with
in sixty days from date application will bo made to the proper department for a
duplicate of llie some. yKf . . . . "'fc!"".i t" -' V '"'
An.tin OcU 27th 1349. " v ' (' f -" ' '"
j. iiccoimovA
Texas Land and General AgeitjIMty Hotel Building- llouston.
WILL attend promptly to tholocnllng nnd surveying of bountylnnd wnrrmiU
head-right certificates and scrip claims ; tho procmemen! of land claims
duo deceased soldiers; tho obtaining of patonta from tho Goueral Land-Office; thn
oxumlnation nndperfcting of titles to lands in any part of I ha State; the record-
ing of patents nnd deeds in tho tsovorul countios in which tiw land lies; the io-sr-vcy
and division of lards hold under tho Spanish grants; he payment of Tnxet
tho redemption of lands sold fcr Tnxes; tho rvnling nnd leasing oi farms and Jot
in nnil unjoining uiu civiub oi viuivoston iiousiou gr Austin ; mo semeineui oi
accounts duo by ittdiviunls or tho late Government ofTexrti particularly to uc.li n
como under tho denomination of public debt nnd nil otho? fnulters in which tho
sorviccs of an efficient agont in Texas may be required. From bis long resident
in Tflxns his intimate acquaintance with tho old ucttlers and the land systems under
tho different changes of Sponlsh Mexican and American Governments; together
with thoperfegt system ho h odoptoiljn bis business operations; tbo.numjKNJSftFd
respctobltity of his numeroo local agents toeolhor with his unremitting r.trwa-
si attdntlon.""will ho trlufs eontiiiu'eTo iniuro 'him a'llboral stiaro of 'njlruw
I'obrunry 10 I0O 3tf ' ' ;
&. Mammt&MmxL
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Matthewson, R. C. Texas State Gazette. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 12, Ed. 1, Saturday, November 10, 1849, newspaper, November 10, 1849; Austin, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth80903/m1/7/?q=%22George%20T.%20Wood%22: accessed October 7, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.