Record of final action taken by county court on petitions for citizenship by aliens who have previously filed declaration of intention, including: a) Declarations of intention to become citizen, showing declaration number; court of jurisdiction; county; name, age, occupation, personal description, place of birth, date of birth, and present address of alien; country from which alien emigrated; name of vessel on which alien arrived or character of conveyance or name of transportation company if alien arrived by means other than vessel; alien's last foreign residence; name of foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty to which alien renouncing allegiance; port and date of arrival in United States; statement that alien not an anarchist or a polygamist or believer in practice of the latter; signature of alien making declaration; date sworn and subscribed; and signature of court clerk or deputy. b) Petitions for naturalization, showing petition number; court; date of petition; name, residence, occupation, date and place of birth of alien; place of departure; date of emigration; date and port of arrival in United States; name of ship in which arrival made (or mode of transportation, if not by ship); marital status of alien; name of spouse (if married); date and place of birth of spouse; name, date of birth, place of birth, and residence of each child; and signature of alien. c) Affidavits of two witnesses as to character of alien, showing name of affiant; name of alien; statement of number of years of acquaintance with alien, of alien's residence in United States for five years and in Texas for one year preceding date of application, and of alien's behavior as person of good moral character; signature of affiant; and clerk's attestation. d) oaths of allegiance, including statement of oath, date oath administered, and signature of alien. e) Orders of court admitting alien, showing term of court, date of proceedings, name of alien, order of court admitting petitioner, and signature of presiding judge. Arranged by section and thereunder chronologically by date recorded; indexed in file. Referenced in Index to Naturalization Records of Travis County.