The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. THIRTEENTH YEAR, No. 170, Ed. 1, Tuesday, September 21, 1897 Page: 6 of 10
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mfmmmiftlti Session
r PfAT
Jjjr m
> imn > mH
k 4lielGMiciltyMI
Do Its Own let
f l Ihjj of Contracts
Tke Council Will Wot Let the People
Vote on the Electrics Light
r riant Proposition
The city council tnot last night In reg-
ular session with Mnyor Rico presiding
and Aldermen Sonncn Kohlhauff Hurke
Gclselmaa Street Adatr Matthews Jlc
Aughan AUbcrtln Oronan and Ilclacr
The following petitions wero read and
disposed of
From J J Settcgmt and slxtyclgU
others to pave Jackson Maple Gable
Marsh and other streets In nil about
tv otvo blocks as a means ot reaching the
Mill street bridge Referred to mayor and
aldermon of tuo Second ward
From Oeorgo L rortcr agent asking
for correction ot assessment on property
In Holraan survoy belonging to H C
League Ttcferrcd to flnanco committee
From Houston Infirmary for correction
of error In assessment on property In lot
SI Ilcforrod to flnanco committee
Krom Mrs Mary llelnzo fur correction
of afseabtnent on property tu block 232
south sldo Buffalo bayou Inferred to
finance committee with power to act
From Jacob Jeagcr for correction of as-
sessment Referred to finance committee
From Nccco Klscnian tor permission
to put In floor Referred to fire committee
with powpr to net
From August Moer and others nsklurt
that track of old Magnolia railway on
Commerce street be removed as Ii in not
now usul and is a nulranec Referred to
city attorney
From I < m Wrkron asking for payment
tor animals Impounded and sold Referred
to flnanco committee
From Mr1 John llnlin asking for cor-
rection or assessment Referred
From C N Lovo asking thai teamsters
bo prevented tiom driving ovar vaciut
Jots and blocks In the Fourth ward In-
terred to police committee
From 11 It Iollt for separation and ad-
justment ot taxes Referred
From Mrs M J Sterne tor correction
of receipt for tajes Referred to itttorney
and assessor
From John II Huby for correction ot
assessment ou blocks 303 and 3S9 in llol
tuati survoy Ileferrcd to finance commit-
From John R 8uter for coiupenjatlon
for land taken by city for openltvj Clark
The two aldermen from tho Fifth ward
did not regard this claim oh a Just one
Alderman McAughan md this had been
a public street for thirty years to lils por
soual knownedgc nnd It Mr timer tun
any elalm he would liny preseutcd it long
ago Alderman Aubertln said It would not
wako any particular difference to tho city
to havo the ground referred to fenced In
On motion tho petition was received nnd
From tho Emmet und Hibernian eumnilt
tep Inviting tho council to nttend ihdr
Joint plcclo on September 28
By Atsessor and Collector J C White
for Augusts referred to flnanco commmoo
The board ot public work reported an
To the Honorable Mayor nnd City Council
Houston Texas September 15 lSu7Oot
tlomen Wo havo received from > our hon
orable body returned to us our reno t
recommending tho adoption ot class n
gravel pavement for Main street from Mo
Uown avenue to tho city limits
Wo can not but think that the effect of
tho aotlcn In returning tho report to tho
l > oard of public works la beyond what was
contemplated by eltrT tho alderman who
ffiado tho motion or those who adopted It
Tho motion plainly ktcs as adopted that
tho council does not consider gravel or
macadam permanent pavement which ef
fectually removes from consideration two
fil 0U mM rlnl embraced In tho spec
Iflcatloiis for nil work Ivcrctoforo contracted
° r Wlch l lflcntlons
L T havo been
ti f cnvlK onJr rick laid m utferent
tlon 87 of tho city charter calls for at least
three cl es of standard material In tho
case of paving Hence tho duty woiiM
dovolve upon tho council should tho action
I hi Ct E0 0hcr Wrl I than either
of the two abovo named ns romalnlna iin0n
which to havo specification prepSSnSJ
charter X ° COmply w1 °
At the first meeting ot this board after
It was positively known that a fund Sr
S lLtl0 14 b ° M question of
limited aroount of thia fund and the
best manner ot expenditure was fully ds
Z a 1d lh0 Welded to ewm
mend to the
council In all casce
expenditure as would tho most
nearly meet
the requIrenjentgtJf the caso with tl c least
outlay This decision ot recoVumend
economical administration of the fund in
flucnccd t In tho rerort n to piac r
Btavel on tho portlon ot Main street to bo
In co nsrdering the question as to what
kind ot material nhould be tiacd on any
particularatreet ihe actual necessities and
tte > t of travel
Ml > miBt bo given duo
IsM r > u y would bj gla d to f0 al tho
mUi > E11101 but tbe mount ot money avalla
We lme rtr BS
liWt o work of
w jnd pavlna that ought to be
done a so
hi K > that the question Is not what
ll h jraAftrb the
< best that ean be
r l > afl a fl > expended txpenil
B ff rejobe laid yeh litho
we n that otter street mu t
i1 go
Kit 2f > dtqholnconv > nltcce of the UxwyerS
f VW them It would wern thVbettJr
AJfowdertOfbe haltenIntotheihotk
onyour a
tCitoU tthe teet nd makon
m Wont nwoliw
itnd tc llou
rome return for the burden piittipon Ihelr
property by th bonded debt ratner ttuu
thatany one purtloular street should have
tho beat obtainable pavement
Herorrlng to the question ot permanent
pavement we hola1 that tho permanence
of any pavementis only a matter of com-
parison some material lasting long man
others but nooo permanent In the accepted
meaning ot the term
We da not question tbe right ot tbe couu
ell to act upon our recommendatloni as
that body nmy cioern beat nor do Vc feel
any disinclination to enter at the lnstauco
ot tho council upon further Inveatlgatlou
of any mattor which In lu wisdom tbe
council may teo tit to recommit to us we
desire to act In harmony with your body
hence have aguln taken up the considera-
tion ot the Main street paving with the
result however that wo are constrained to
renew our recommendation for class U
gravel on tho section of street designated
and herewith toluni to yoti our original
report a being under all the circum-
stances and In ourJudgment the lowest
and best hid for that woik
Wo aro strengthened In our purpose of
returning thl recommendation by the fact
Uiat there aro other outlying streets which
badly need paving and for tho paving and
drainage of which there lagrowlng demand
upon which wo bcllevo gmel could be
U ed to good advantage and tho work on
which with other than tho cheapest ma-
terial would consume ruoro ct the fund
than the Importance of any outlying street
would demand In thla reasoning we but
adbcro to the decision first arrived at that
our recommendations should as fully as
possible tend to tho end ot doing ull tho
good posalblo for tho greatest number of
peoplo with tho sum In hand to be ex-
pended llcspoctfully
Ii A RleBncr
0 C Drew
R II Gushing
Board ot Public Works
Alderman Street moved tho adoption of
the report He represented one ward that
Was equally Interested In this pavement
icctlng their report Ho would wil tho
board of public works entirely c it and
ho did not think their work should be In-
terfered with The board was not Influ-
enced by any motion of assisting any par-
ticular ward
Alderman Mntthcws opposed tho report
IIo did not regard gravel an the chcapeM
pavement but ns being much more rxpen
kIvo than tho brick bid Wo aro now
said he tearing up on Washington street
a better clasn of pavement than they pro
poso to give us on Main street
Alderman Adair did not regard brick or
gravel cither as permanent He favored
putting asphalt on this section of Main
street Ho did not eo why asphalt was
not given n fair ehanno If you want a
flrstclsss pavement hero l the oppor-
tunity wld be to glvo It n chance
Ho moved that tho report be rejected
Alderman Street raid n ho was tho
only alderman of tho Third ward present be
hoped to ho pardoned for speaking twlcn
If wo had the money slid he I would
favor brlek or asphalt on tliti outer end
ot Mtiln atrrot but wo h ivo not and It Is
ulmply a matter ot expedience
Alderman MnttbnwH seconded the motion
to reject the report
Aldorman Cronan did not hollevo In
treating tho board discourteously by re
jecting their report He would second tho
motion to adopt tho report but would vote
against It IIo did this ns a matter of
Alderman Ilnrko sked tho engineer the
difffrenro in the bids Secretory Warner
produced the specifications showing the
lowest bids on tho different character of
pavement to bo as follows
Sheet asphalt on Clnch cnncrote3i22l7D
On 4Inch concrete 2702575
Rock asphalt on 1Inch concrete 3lf > 2S7r >
On 4Inch concrclo 202CS75
Iirlck Blnch ccncrct 2S13S75
Uriels filneh concrete 253l37i
Brick flnch gravel 2273000
Brick on sand two courses 207037r
Urlck on sand two roursca 212IIi7r
Mamdam Itit3tl7ii
nravel A 1635800
Gravel II 1C019O0
Aldcntinn Street desired to say beforo
voting nn tho nuetitlrn that It was u very
serious matter Tho hoard of public worka
wns comuofod t honest and disinterested
cltlens oni > ot whom ho knuw owned
ptonertv nlouc tho section nropesed to bo
caved and tlial he should favor gravel
when other navmnenta would enhance tho
valtio of bis nrnnartv was tho best cvl
dencn of hla disinterestedness
Aldermnn Cronan did not think tho re
lection of tho report wns In any way h
reflection utwn tho honesty or Integrity ot
the board IIo did not think the board
would so renard It It was simply a mat-
ter ot onlnlon between thrco and twclvo
men Tho voln to adoot tho rooort ot the board
of nubile work was aa followa
Ave Street MrAughati nnd Hclter
Noes SoMiau KohlhuutT Ilurko Oolscl
man Adnlr Matthows Aubertln nnd
Alderman Matthews then moved that the
bid of 11 C Stnrrio for two courses of
Urlck lie oeeerlrd
Alderman Adair moved thnt the matter
be referred I ack to tho board for a ivoom
mendatlon an to tho best bid for permanent
Mnvna Rice said this wus what tho board
bad refused to do
Alderman Aubertln moved that tho
mavor readvcrtlso for bids
The mavor stnted that tho bids now In
wore tho cheapest bids over made In Hous-
ton or In Ttxaa for tho samo character of
Aldcrnvtn Cronan moved that that sec-
tion ot Main street bo ivived with asphalt
Alderman Ilurko said his Information was
that tho ssDhalt bids for tho Fifth ward
navement were much lower thau the bids
on Main street
llo moved to refer tho mattor to a special
com mitt en
Aldermnn Street said that the council
was nt sea on tho subtect Thero wtfo thrco
or four different naohalt bids some rock
some Bhcet some on 1Inch foundation
some on tInch foundation nnd which was
tho best wus n auestlon He favored read
vertUlnc Tho bids now lu may bo chenp
but tho eomoetltlon now on would result
In cettlm cheanor bids on readvertlslng
Alderman Cronan did not favor rcadycr
tlBlnc Ho nuallllcd his motion thnt tho
Barber Asuhalt eomoanvs hid bo accepted
Alderman Matthews attempted to address
the council but Alderman Cronan Insisted
that he was nut of order until his Cm
n na motion ho out to tho house
Alderman Kohlhauff held that Ald rman
Matthews motion wao mado flrat and was
entitled to tueeedence
The mavor ruled that tho motion beforo
tho bourn was Alderman Cronans motion
to cave with nsuhalt But that as a tub
stlluto Alderman Burke had moved to rofer
to a octnmlttoo
Atdermsn Street held that his substitute
to readvertlse rime nrst
The motion on the substitute lo md
vertlso slcndt
Ave Street
Noes So nuen Kohlhauff Burke Goliel
m nr 8lr ubew McAughan Auber
tln Cronan Moiser
The vote on Alderman Cronans motion
to paye with asphalt stood
St Alalr Aubtrlln Cronan Mtlaer
Na > sSonnen Kohlhauff Burke Qeliel
man Mtthewi McAusharl ui
AldermaB Ilurko then renewed hi mo
Ittee of three
I T1 M tthow iMUttd that hU
motlonltonccept thsbld at K Ci StbrrlW
quired n twothirds vote to overrldo the
report of tho board of public works
The mayor said the report of the board
of public works was dead and this motion
was not to overrldo It It was ta entirely
new matter
Alderman Street then raised tho point
that the motion of Alderman Matthewa to
award the contract to Btorrte was new
matter and as such had to be referred to
the board of public works The mayor ruled
this out ot order
The elty attorney boln asked gave it
as his opinion that it would require a
twothirds vote to alter or ubange tbe rec-
ommendation of the board of public works
Alderman Kohlhauff maintained that
tho report ot the board had already been
killed by a twothirds vote
The mayor ruled that the tcport had
already been disposed ot by a twothirds
tote and that the council could now by a
majority vote select any material they
might desire
Alderman Helser said the report was
defeated by a twothirds vote but that it
could not bo altered or ehamjed by a two
thirds vote as provided by tbe charter llo
construed the charter to mean what It
raid In plain English
The attorney gave It again as bis opinion
thnt tho recommendation ot the board
could not bo changed except by a two
thirds vote and that ho did uot hcllove
any contractor would care to take such a
contract as It wm without fltat taking
legal advice
Alderman Street then appealed from tho
decision of the chair
Attorney Stewart said thst under an
other section of the charter to which his
attention hod been directed that tbe re-
port of the board could be chansod by a
majority vote of tvvothlids of ill tho al-
dermen lit said tills reading was evi
dently a clerical mistake or pomlbly a
typographical error
Tbe vote to siutaln the mayor In his
ruling stood
Yeas Sonncn Kohlhauff Ilurko Gelsel
rnan Matthews McAughan Cronan
Nays Street Adair Aubertln and
Alderman Helser then wanted to chango
the charter
On motion the mayor was Instructed to
enter Into n ontraot with It C Storrlo to
pave Main street from McOowen out with
two courses of brlolt
The city nttoriey reported uoon tho peti-
tion of Street Commlrslner Jack Kennedy
as to his authority under section 10 of tho
charter substnntlilly thnt tho work on
tho streets wns under his supervision but
under the control ot the mayor Adopted
Under tho head ot unfinished business
Alderman Streets motion that an election
be had to determine tho citys ownership
ot nn electric light plant wa called up
In ho eatno connection petitions were
read from some 61ft citizens favoring tho
proposition nud asking Its submission ty
tho people
Tho communication from tho electrlo
light company calling attention to their
contract with tho city which has yet near
ly seven yours to run and suggesting that
while this contract was valid yet In the
spirit of compromise tho company would
bo willing to enter Into a moro advant
ageous contrnct If desired nnmoly to give
after October 1 187 to Juno lufll 233 n
lights Including tho 101 already placed
and ns many others as tho city might re
quire at 100 per light per annum lils
would glvo tho 233 lights at tho same
price tho city Is now paylnp for 101 lights
Further tho company proposes to rednoo
Iho prloo of lights to private coiihumers
on October 1
Alderman Burko moved to refer tha
whole mattor to tbe mayor nnd light com
Aldermnn Aubertln wanted to act on
tbe proposition of tho electric light com-
pany ot once
Alderman Street naked tho city attorney
If the council had a right to make a con
tract for n period longer tlnn the life of
this council
The attorney asked time to give thla
question moro attention
Alderman Ilurko suggested tint the at-
torney bo added to tho committee
Aldermnn McAughan thought the mat-
ter should bo referred to the people Tho
llphts now furnished tho city did not come
up to their contract
Alderman Hrlur sild t was simply a
matter ot cMng tho people a chance to
vote on tho proposition to own their own
light plant It tho proposal now contrnct
of tho light company wa lived up to like
tho present one It wai not worth tho pa-
per It vuuid be written on
Alderman Adair rn hcd tho question ot
tho city coming Into competition with n
private cortiorntlnn Ho did not favor es-
tablishing nn opposition plnnt If their
llphU did not como up to contract their
nuillty could be regulated by ordinance
HC further questioned tho city lessal right
to nbrugato Its contract with tho light
rompany From n buvlnern standro nt hs
did not eonsliUr It profitable
Alderman Cronan favored giving the clt
Itens n cbanco to voto on the proposition
He said tiuil some of tho lamps ostensibly
giving 2000 caiullo pqwer gave only HO
lie know thlh because ho had measured
It Hut this wis tho citys fault It thoy
chote to stand It No man In Houston
ever taif a 2000 cjmlle power light burned
In Houston
The voto on Alderman Streets notion
ordering the election stood
Veas Street Matthows McAughan
Cronan and HcIst
Nays Sonnen Kohlhauff llurke dclsel
man Adair and Aubertln
Alderman Ilurko then renewed his mo
tion to refer to tho mayor and light com
Alderman Aubertln wanted to voto on
tho now proposition of tho Klectrlc Light
company He said tho city could not pos-
sibly leso anything by It If the old con-
tract wns no iJcod as sonto aldermen con-
tended tho city would be no worse oft by
making a now one
Alderman Cronan moved to lay tho mat
ter over
Alderman Matthews said as the propo
sition of Alderman Street had been lost ho
saw no reason why action should not be-
taken on the now proposition ot tho light
On Alderman Burkes motlou to refer tbe
voto stood
Aye Sonnen Kohlhauff Burke GcUel
man Street Adair McAughan Cronau
Nays Matthews Aubertln
During tho call of this roll Alderman
Cronan Insisted that his motion to post
pono had precedence hut tho voto to refer
was proceeded with with tho above resulu
Tho following message of the mayor was
Gentlemen I desire to call your atten
tion to tha streets in the business portion
of our city before tho present limit amount
for paving and sewerage purposes la ex
It was wise to psvo Washington and Mala
streets and Montgomery avenue to connect
with tho different comity roads but the
center of tho city should also be taken
cai of
In view ot tho fact that a great many
ot our taxpayers differ as to tin b st ma
terial for pavlug I ug jt to your hon
orablo body that asphalt bo ialdoa certain
business blocks say on Mala from Preston
to Husk aud oa Franklin fronj Mliaui to
Main Whtlo It Is a serious question as
to how asphalt will last In thW climate I
feel that some of our taxpayers will never
bo satisfied until tils partfcular kind of
pavement be tried and thoroughly tested
I simply make these suggestions for
your consideration i am fully aware of
your desire to act fairly nd Impartially
with these who maintain nd support the
municipal government Respectfully
II B Rtce Mayor
WW wMrataut br tte tin
committee prohibiting tbe storing ot pow-
der or Inflammable oil In the fire limits
Referred to ordinance committee and
recess of ten minutes taken for a report
On reassembling Alderman Street of the
ordinance committee reDofted asking fur-
ther time while Alderman Scnnen repctled
favorably upon Its adoption
Aldermnn Sonncn said tho only party In-
terested was the WatersFierce Oil com
h nw
Alderman Street said he roeilzcd that
tho storage ot eo much oil by tho Waters
Fierce Oil comoanv was dangerous but the
ordinance fixed no limit upon the amount
that rould be stored nnd he ihourht tho
ordinance should fix some limit on the
ouitntitv of oil to be Stored He wanted
more time to consider a mattor ot such lm
Alderman Kohlhauff said the Ore com
mlttco could rczulato tho amount of oil to
bo stored within tho danger line
The motion to adont tbo report of Alder-
man Sonnoa wns carried
Tho crdlnsneo was then passed undor a
stiSDenslon of the rules
Bv Alderman Kohlhiuff a motion that
all oil comnahlcs he given sixty days In
which to prepare to conform to the ordi
Bv Alderman Matthews a motion that
tho cltv enelnrcr nreoare and submit speci
fications for a 24Inch sower from Buffalo
street to McKlnnev avenue Carried
Bv Aldermen Burko and Oclsolman that
the street commissioner tear up tho Texas
cstcrn crosslnsr on Runnels street and
nut samo In n passable condition Car
By Aldorman Burke Motion for a fire
box corner Iles and Ungclko streets lto
ferred to tho flro committee
By Alderman Burke Motion to ratify
the agreement between tho city nnd the
International and Great Northern Railroad
company for tho lnttor to furnish vltrlticd
brick pipo on Buffalo strcot Carried
By Alderman llclser Motion that the
water works company be Instructed to re-
move an obstructing hydrant ou Washing
ton and Henderson streets
By Alderman Aubertln Thnt city en-
gineer submit plans and specifications tor
curb walls along Montgomery avenuo anu
from tho Southern Iaclflc crcsslng to the
city limits Carried
By Aldermon Sonnen and Kohlhautf
That tto city engineer prepare nnd submit
plana end specifications for pavements lu
tho Klrst ward en Dart Holly Edwards
and Houston avenue Carried
Hy Aldermen Holser and Adair That In
order to raise 150000 needed by tho city
if taxei ho paid at onco a discount of ti per-
cent for cash will bo allowed by remlttln
tho Interest
This motion carried with Aldermen
Street and Cronan voting no
Tho council then adjourned
pihso > ai MKvriov
B n Lewis of Wao > Is a guest at tho
J B Bishop of Hcarno Was In Houston
Jtax Lravy of Beaumont was In Hous
ton yesterday
W II Ford or Boauinonl was hi tho
city yesterday
J It JIiiRiie of San Antonio is a guest
nt tho Hiitchlna House-
S T Atkln oX Georgetown was a guest
at tho Capitol yesterday
W C JOnes of Marlln was among tho
visitors in Houston yesterday
J 11 Slpp of FalertJIno was among tho
Visitors In Houston yesterday
Mrs n a dlondorson is ill with dengue
fever nt her borne ail Main street
William C Smith and wife ot tho City
of Mexico aro guests nt the Now Hutch
O c llonrsfof tnQrango is visiting hla
paronts Mr and Mrs A u Henry of thla
F Keclor a Well known locomotive en-
gineer has returned from a trip to Can-
Mips Kdlth Bradley has returned home
after studylngial the University ot
Oolonei HftlWnn ot Wharton was a
pleasant calltlr at tho office ot Tho Post
W O Bunch aral wife and Mrs T V
Teal of Marlln were guests at tho Law lor
A W Tompkins left yesterday for Now
Kngnnd Mills Colo whero he will bo
nurrled to Mrs c M Coffin
Mrs Jeft N Miller left last night for
lUnnis to attend the wedding of Hon
Monti Trlco and Miss Kntle Diffan
It F Broussard member of congress
from tho Now Iberia li district was in
Houston yesterday on his way home from
County Clerk Duproo and City Asses-
sor and Collector White were neither at
tholr ofllccfl yesterday belns detained nt
homo by Illness
Mrs nettle Bryan Is back from Nash-
ville where she went to participate In
tho exercises of Business Womans Day
at the exposition
A Karl AmmermaiT Thomas Fletcher
Miss Ada McGownn and Oharles Cuinp
bel left yesterday to attend tho Stuto
Unlvcrtity at Austin
Mlsa Beatrice Raymond of Waco spent
ycjiterdjiy In tho city a guest of Mrs W
R Tucker Miss Kaymond Is en rollto
homo after a visit to Oblige Texas
Mrs n II Foster nrtl Miss Jesse Ilron
son of Cuoro Misses Gertlu McHenry and
CMri Marsden of Beovlllo and Mlsa Ger
trudn Canflohl of Goliad wore guests at
tho Lawlor yesterday afternoon
Tho bracing weather yesterday caused
all tho retail stores to bo filled with shop
The football team will havo a meeting
toi ght at tho corner of Ircslom avenuo
and San Jacinto strcot
There nro undelivered telegrams at tho
catorn Union telegraph sfttce 117 Miln
street for M R Clrellnn and Mrs L zzto
R h Summers was placed under S500
bond yesterday bv Justice Fttzo for nn
assault commuted upon 11 Stuart nbut
two weeks ago
T0 fVvrnl of Homer lu Ilranham who
died Sunday occurred yesterday from his
residence in tho Fifth ward and was
largely attended
The xvito of Winfteld Montgomery bok
kecper at Coylcs piCnttn < ilce present
ed him with a sweet girl baby early Sun
day morning Mather and baby arc doing
A big roal estate deal wns consummated
yeoterday by which the Kennedy planta
tion nar Chenango comprising SOW
acres was sold to llnrlock Terrell of
Mtlligan for JiSWO
There was nothing new yesterday In tho
looal nunranUne situation Mnyur Itlco
personally Inspedtol both stations at
neither of which thus far aro anysus
peots being detained
Mayor Rico was at too quarantine sa
tton at tho creosote works In person yes
terday morning when < ho Southtvn Fa
cine came through from Now Orleans ands
n workings ot the local
s te
Sheriff Krtclijpon leaves today for Ashe
> 7s 9 W Vr < > a3 > EJel under Indict
ment In Houston for trairder is under ar
rest Edel It will be remembered wm
connected with the Hughes WlKnTot t
residence of Frank Dunn Mnreh 17
n iy fri ° n < 3s ° f r and Mrs J D
Glbbs of Hamilton street and Lamar avel
Jiu will resrot very much to Imiti of the
fw VlC33 3f thelr u > son who hi
tSi week ° e3tih for the
nr E SmYntei < Vieellst
tron of Sm > n ul ma
tho Florence Crlttcnton Iti i7n
WUI speak n behalf of her wSrk
jvd Us needs a the Womans Chrla1n
Tjfmperanc Union meetrnTpSdayafter
SSmSilifiSlj h9 churcr
ihiwKnllffs > of the
cto WHl be led by Mr > Charles Stewart
O Janke Jk Co 803 Main
stri J
0i h cJ
w2uES R cc
to be old tIs xa tine prleem
< t Pkt
Enrollment Larjjer Tbnnon the Plrs t
Day Last Year
More Thnn Forlrflvo Hundred
Youngsters Applied for Admis-
sion Ycstcrdny
All tho city schools opened yesterday
morrvln and repepis received from the
different schools by Superintendent Ktm
brough indicate that there were 200 moro
pupils enrolled yesterday than were en-
rolled on last years opening day Ke
l orts wcro received from every school In
Houston bu > the First ward coloroJ solod
This school enrolled S5 members on tho
first day of last term and it Is moro than
likely that its enrollment yesterday ex-
ceeded that number
Everyithlng went on smoothly yesterday
Cn all tho schools and tho work of classi-
fication and assignment was so thorough
Iy done that ull the school s Will bo ready
to take up their routine work this morn-
j hero were enough pupils admitted yea
tcrdiy to crowd a great many of the
school bullduiga nnd the next few weeks
will doubtless develop the fact that the
present faclllfces lire ivholly Inulcqunto to
accommodate nil tho children of seholuftlc
a o that will apply fcr adm ss on Tn
failure to secure more fncllKies Is going
to prove a serious meonvenence as yeiter
days Increase was more than enough to
till tho new school room on McQowcn avo
nue whueh Is tho oiSy additional room
that has been provided sJnco last year
A great many children were kept away
from schiool yesterday on account of tho
yellow fever amre even In the face of
the fact that the epidemic ts now practi-
cally under control in the Infected ds
trcts and the prospect of Its ever rcAch
lng Texas sod ts extremely remote
Julie a number of communications were
rccoved by the principals of the different
school from parents who are out of town
wth tholr children asking that stats bn
reserved and they would return to the
city shortly anil apply for admittance
Mr Majors principal of the high school
cabl thnt these requests for scat reserva
tions of course could loit brj compiled
with yet It was of some uso to them to
know that tho pupMs would be on band
A great many children under age ap-
plied for admission ye terdaj but thev
can not bo recAlvci until thnao ot scho
Kstlc ago are proviled for If aU it thofo
who applied yesterday had been taktn In
hero would havo been no rom lcr thj
children of proper age who will come to
school later on The principals uniformly
report Ithat they expect their enrollment
tio ho very largely increased wCthln a few
Tho following comparative statement
shows the total enrollment on the first
days of school laat year and this year
I Thls yotr Last year
Hlgh school
Flftn srado
Sixth crado
Seventn grado
KThth grade
Ni nth grade
Tenth grado
Eleventh grado
Klrst grade
Seond grade
Third grado
Fourth grado
Fifth grado
Fannin Strcot
First grado
Second grado
Third grado
I < V > utith grade
Fifth grado
Sixth irrado
Taylor school
First grade
Second grado
Tbrd grade
Frurth grado
Dow school
Second grade
Third grado
Fourth ffrado
Fifth grado
First grado
Second grado
Third grade
Fourth gtndo
Kiflth grade
Sixth grsido
Hamilton Street
First grado
Second grade
TSi rd grade
Fourth grado
Fifth grado
Sixth grado
Klyann Street
First praxle
Second grado
TH rd grado
Fourth grado
Flftn grado
Fir9t grade
Seoond grado
Third grade
Fruirth grado
Fifth grado
Fiirst grade
Sosond grado
Third grado
Fourth grado
Fifth grade
Bfxtp crade
Seventh grado
Eighth grado
Ntnth grwde
Tenth grado
Eleventh grade
First Ward
First grado
Second grade
Second Ward
Low flrat grade
High first KTaie
S v nd ri > ulo
Third grado
Fourth crado
Fifth gnulo
a xth grado
First grade
Second grado
Thlrvl RPado
rv urth grade
Totals I
Ftfth Ward
Fir Mrda
8ecjv4 grade
Thtrd gMde
Koarth grad
FU h rad
iite jWfl
Fifth grado I 23
First grado I IS
w >
M 6
40 Mf
i j a
CTI S9 irs
103 162 a il
S3 70 iroil
24 H 741
10 29 1ti
21 4111 221
171 41 15
20 41 13
53 37
551 33
3Sl 42
411 5S
291 31
ll 17
M 51
33 SSI1 SI
m so
01 3
2 231 45
70 in ibi
F7 711 vs
31 57 no
12 2l 41
o U 23
22 IS 5 15
30 55
SSI I9 6711 54 35
l 5l
High school
I 321 B
I 3C7
ijhl yea Jas year
Wo aro excltuWi1
Agate Irottwni
poisonous qpr
subatan ceaVofJffl <
and sollcllty dtri
tlon which rei
cessfultyth crj jf
action Qf yeget j
BUY No o i
Cornir Prairie and
Thats why wevp spld so many School Srtol
last few days Weve still got all sizes
left < m
Tho prices
you know range from PI UU 10
Achenbach Schulte
1103 Congress iv
If you want good Shoes cheap see ours
Second grade
Third gratle
Fourth gnado
This Last
Total enrollment year year
White schools 3217 307S
Colored schools 1297 126S
Grand totals 4514 4314
Increaso 200 Excluding Flrat ward col-
ored Fchool report not having been ro
cidved yesterday
On visiting tho different book Btorcs n
town yesterday evening It was found
thalt a tremendous days business had been
done in school books at sach place
Mr M J Lyons manager of tho Bald-
win book storo said they had done tho
largest days bUHness in school books
that had over been done by that storo tho
sales being far ahmd of last year
Mr Hancock rttntcd that the school-
book trade for the day had been splendid
and added that they had really had more
business In thit lino during the day than
thoy could attend to
Mr John S Purdy reported an excel-
lent days business and sales that far ex
cccded those of last years opening day
For he Joint Picnic r the Emmets
and Hibernian
Tho amusement committee of tho Hiber-
nian Dlcnlc met at noon yesterday In tho
office of Chairman J C White and sub-
committees wero beleoted for the purpose
of ratherine nrizes for thoiolnt picnic to be
elven n t Forest Park next Sunday Sev-
eral EDeclal attractions nrc being arranged
for this event BxMavor Browne will be
In tho otfico of Mr Justin White every day
during tho week from 12 to 1 oclock whero
ho may bo soon with reference to privileges
Horry Itohinson a llttlo boy 4 months
old died yesterday at tho residence ot Mrs
Baker 214 Austin street The childs fath-
er Is a stockman and absent from the city
and ho has not yet ben apprised of the
death of his child The remains were In-
terred In tho city cemetery yesterday af-
Andrew Wilson supposed to have been
flu yeirs old died yesterday at the resi-
dent of his son H WlUon 2415 Walker
street An Inquest was held by Justice
Hill tho verdict being doath from old age
A Fifth AVnrd Hnnnwny
A horse driven by G D Cotton took
fright at a locomotive on Montgomery ave-
nue and tho Southern Pacific tracks in tho
Fifth ward yesterday morning and ran
Mr Cotten who is employed In tho
Araneas Para yards was coming from his
homo at White Oak to work driving south
on Montgomery avenue When he reached
the Scuthem Pacific crossing a locoraotlvo
was standing partly over the street He
started to drive around It when the safety
valve on tho engine blew off scaring the
horso The animal ran about 150 feet
when his driver sought to stop him by
running him Into a fence but instead of
stopping he ran through tho fence throw
ing Mr Cotten out and bruising blm up
as well as demolishing tho vehicle
Trro DnmnRC Stilts
There were two damage suits filed ye
terdav In tho district clerks office One
bv J S Drownleo vs tho Frick company
to recover J1350 as damages for personnl
lnlurics while worklnc for tho dofendant
comoanv in Duttlng in a refrigerating an
caratus at tho Houston Packery
The other suit Is brought br Lcnry
Lawrence and wife colored against the
Citizens Electric Llaht company for he
killing of their
llttlo sou by comlnir la
0nJict V a 1vo wlre ln FlfTh wrS
C J ° nEht of Sentemhcr 5 The want
000 actual and > 3000 punitive damK
Tho Drnnncr Schonl
Brunhers public school
opened the
sion under very favorable auspices yester
day with 72
puplls40 boys
and 32 girls
The attendance was somewhat hampered
by the prevalence of sickness and absence
from the district Mlsa Eugenia
Dixon the
principal is torvlng her third ywrTndi
giving satisfactory evidence of her JSallf
radV MCher Sh h ° S
Mos Grace Shapley Is the new assistant
KSrScU htte tSt te S Bn
grades aE ° of tho Prwary
The HenHh Conference
The health conference called bv Mayor
tllco yesterday will take place In Houston
Wednesday morning at 10 oclock Dr
Swearlngcti has signified his Intention of
being present and representatives from tbo
Itadlng cities of the State are also ex-
pected to attend
The commssl > ners court
has arranged for a special meeting at that
hour In connection with tho eonfercne
When tho subject ot quarantine will be
fully discussed
Wheeler Not P rmJ ed to Preach
The following
telegram was received
he r ° U
i8t n8ht
L irom w S
Vkheeler tho street pr cher who s well
known m this city San Antonto Texas
September 0Mayor wont permit
Doc Wheeler was once a circus down
v3S reJhS tAeU0 rt
ee r v e ltv
since his conversion
To My rrtehda and A oclatei
Wrec4ate the toterwt yo Jure Uba
fj f 1 f 4A
uleci Your i
Chloro =
with m
best nnd cheapeit 4fc
tant known A25oboHH j
sixgallona Sold by
c h nm
540 a m 8WM
814 Commerce Ave T I
We mat thtTn
C LTHOSftifcwC
leiJgutralt tt t <
dKEt TOIt l
vonmcThuCO i
Sole iBcrteui iNlHf
nABIT ont
a m 445 p m aST
p m
ence with work orbuslue > Nopaw
anteed Write Dr PUHl jPy
mfFimsi iir srad o forJra
QUAKP Wlltoi Sp lllf Cfc >
in my behalf to secure for me tl
ship oX Eastern District 1 1
application this morning by
of a personal friend I wiUr
reasons nt next stockmen Jo
Fort Worth
Thanking you for youfsuPX
ChajiKlnjr Qnarte
Tho Lyceum ilbrary is
from its quarters In the cltj
modlous rooms In the Mason M
rooms formerly occupied IWrv
will hereafter bs used by the PI
Camp United Confederate yfW
Girl nndly B
Bryan Texas September
negro girt named Simpson
burned on the left side anal
day Her clothing caught raewJS
Ing clothes
A shooting scrape la reporter
evening at baptiiln
a negro
river near here No one was
negroca wero arrested i
Free Pills Q
Send your address to Hr
Co Chicago and get i Ji
of Dr Kings New Life PHW
convince you of their
In action and ore p ni
aro easy
fectlvo In tho cure of CodiU
Sick Headache For Malarir
troubles they havo been
They guaranteed to be i
from every deleterious su0
be purely vegetable Tbey
by their action but by O
stomach bowels gre tly
syetem Regular size 25o P r JJjfl
Tho Albany Dentists elOJtj
are natod for excellency l
roanehlp and the use of we
Dr J T Boyd tho proprietor
Dr n V Vlck have justT
most beautiful piece of wo a
anr vhere and It Is a mSi
consists of putting gow f 3
set of upper and lower UitafJJ
Steele The remarkable PAL
Mr Steele though ot J
had not lost a single
simply worn down thertw
All of tho Bintlerocn In ou
enthusiastic over and pw
and woll may they be
Lima at M BortoJ
fenue phono J7 li <
The Queen and ClM
lon tickets at Ion j
and seashoro re > f
IncU >
I to September 30
limit October SL 1
Tbe Queen apd r
tourist tbli year °
ervlce ippoiutmepwj
traTeline p
man aleepera ot tb i Ji
APPlr to your 5
ccst ticket aieat
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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. THIRTEENTH YEAR, No. 170, Ed. 1, Tuesday, September 21, 1897, newspaper, September 21, 1897; Houston, Texas. ( accessed October 7, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .