SHSC Historical Marker Central National Road 1844


Photograph of an SHSC (State Historical Survey Committee) marker commemorating the Central National Road started by the Republic of Texas in 1844. The road beagan at the mouth of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, passed through Milam County and downtown Paris, Texas, where this marker is placed at Union Station west of the downtown area. Text of the marker reads: "Central National Road of the Republic of Texas. Designed as a military highway, intended to make linkage with United States military road built to the north of the Red River in the 1820's. This was part of the … continued below

Physical Description

1 photograph : digital, col.

Creation Information

Bell, Jim November 13, 2008.


This photograph is part of the collection entitled: Jim Bell Texas Architecture Photograph Collection and was provided by the Private Collection of Jim Bell to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 1115 times, with 4 in the last month. More information about this photograph can be viewed below.


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Private Collection of Jim Bell

Photographer and commercial contractor Jim Bell traveled throughout Texas photographing county courthouses, significant historical buildings and landmarks. His photographs include interior views, architectural details, and historical markers.

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Photograph of an SHSC (State Historical Survey Committee) marker commemorating the Central National Road started by the Republic of Texas in 1844. The road beagan at the mouth of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, passed through Milam County and downtown Paris, Texas, where this marker is placed at Union Station west of the downtown area.

Text of the marker reads: "Central National Road of the Republic of Texas.
Designed as a military highway, intended to make linkage with United States military road built to the north of the Red River in the 1820's.
This was part of the national effort of Republic of Texas to open a good road system. Congress in 1839 passed a bill for a road east from Washington-on-the-Brazos to the Sabine River; 1841 legislation called for a road from the Nueces to the Red River and another from Austin to Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Central National Road was created in 1844, to reach from mouth of the Elm Fork on the Trinity to Kiomatia Crossing on the Red. It went down a main street in Paris, which was founded in 1844; near its south end was the 1841 John Neely Bryan home, around which the city of Dallas originated.
Major George W. Stell surveyed the 130-mile route. Plans called for a road 30 feet wide and a clear of tree stumps over 12 inches high. For each mile of road built (including bridges), grants of 160 acres of public lands were offered. Commissioners were Roland W. Box, Harrison county; James Bradshaw, Nacogdoches County; William M. Williams and Jason Wilson, Lamar County; John Yeary, Fannin County.
The route is roughly followed by later roads. (1968)"

Physical Description

1 photograph : digital, col.


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This photograph is part of the following collection of related materials.

Jim Bell Texas Architecture Photograph Collection

Photographs of historic Texas county courthouses and their surrounding buildings, as well as historic bridges, churches, and landmarks. The photographs are all in color and were taken from 1990 to the present.

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Creation Date

  • November 13, 2008

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Added to The Portal to Texas History

  • March 23, 2010, 8:26 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Aug. 8, 2019, 7:08 p.m.

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Bell, Jim. SHSC Historical Marker Central National Road 1844, photograph, November 13, 2008; ( accessed January 22, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Private Collection of Jim Bell.

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