The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIITH YEAR, No. 300, Ed. 1, Wednesday, January 29, 1902 Page: 3 of 12
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Iii I
Ten Thousand Dol
to Get a
C A Building from the
V < international Road
Januiry 2SMl < s Helen
JB tV rH l In Austin nt 2
Wit a noon nnl romnlnoil for
Ther wro n ct nt tho stntl0l
bended by Charles
rirof cltxii
li and ollt1 at the Mpltol where
tbelr reacts to tiro covcrnor
V llti reception was hold In tho gov
ult ° Ion room where the ilMton
mlSn to the State oftlU tin
r over tho eapitol mid
tM 5Jm J lilted tho railroad roiniuls
i After caving the capltol tbo
M convcj d to the sov rnnrs
WMiJ S V was holdluar
a toVi reception and rainy Au tli la
iSitMcnt ami ieneral Manager re
VJIt lt the International and Jreat
Irf visitors and
f Jenmnnnled the
> ilrMMhS the Influence of Mh
and Oreat North
St WtW
± nX tT0m St nnd
IW tke effect that iltfcctlvet wcrn
A Mrtv to gtratd Miss Oonli nns
d P s bo h hv Mr Trice
n T t Bt 4 oclock for Sj An
Texas January
Z Mlegrm has just been icertynl
orretarv of the
Mr S
riirlKtlan Afweiitlvn
imii o Texas Jnuiiirv 2S Am clad
rXthst tho International and Dreit
JrtVrnrtlUrav will furnKli tho croundi
UnranVlate P to 10 OHO for the pur
d r U l < hhie allroid branch ot
llV M Christian Assoc t M at
tlrttlae llr
pWl e Tew J tan s MM HolPn
ladles In ruiicu
lid and r tv of four
Mr Tntt of the Missouri IMclfir rallionil
ui In tn city from Mlueoli Texas 11
Mr Trie and officials of
aiutr with
< International and nroat Northern rail
id it oclock yesterday afleinoon on
tscdil train After a very careful luspc
jtf Ue Immense shops here and their
ritmeati tb partv tool cairlncos and
driven about the oil v vIsltlnK tho
ospltal the i M C A build
f d other public bulldlncs A rare
flMcectlcn was made of Hie v M A
i Mlu Gould assured the mnnurcmont
it iters would he tikon to put In j regit
riillrMi afsoclatlon ind went so fir
te fleet the hind stind pari ns n lo
ttai for the bulldlni The parlv left
8 clock foi Sin An
t His moraine nt o
tlo and the Test aooompinled by Mi
Iise of Hotema the Witch Killer Goes
to Supreme Couit
Ptrlt Texas Janinry 2 Colonel 1 0
MM counsel for Hotomn the famous
ttl Hller fentenced to hatiR relunnrv
4itarned from Jefferson todi > and stJtes
Alt Bryant has crantod a wilt ot en or
i tie case It will go to the supreme comt
tie United States This amounts to u
ij cf iccutlon
Big Sate of Rice Land
IMn Texas January 27 Messrs Sllrap
d Bilf clospd a dcil hero last week wltli
Wi and Iowa parties for TK acres of-
t land Thin land Is iihiated about ejRht
llej west of Miln and I well adapted to
ecnlturc Thepirtlos who purchased tne
ill ire expected hr o unt week with
irrj Implements and well boring outfitx
d vcotoTrf ettlr llilngs in icadl
n ftj trip Ii siliip said to 1 he
< t corrcpondiHit toflnj thit tho paitles
10 purchisei thc = o 11 ais would lose no
nela developing them ind that this was
t tie hislnnlng ot i big rite boom for
tin eouatv It Is IndloUed that their
enyeralmore lijo rlo land deals ag
eptlii lone 15XK icio on hand whlci
11 te closed up In the next week or ten
Tifler Island Improvements
Tlsrton Texas Jnnuaoy 28 Por many
uiTfeer tslaDil a tract of ton or tweUc
Ions situated near Matngotda has-
t favorite resort for summer ptcnlet
l llt ho
l ll5lllt ° i breeze und line
J wording much pl < a > ur Now that
f the
rtolon S10 Relt become
ii 08Dl z d and n nartr of capltul
tetttrV1 t0 cut al1 the buildings
Sil thLi c he uudertak
Blbart l i > b0 ln uuntluc tlshtnn
Bi m nttractive foil
Work en New Telephono Line
h l Ta Janu ry 23 There are
men Clt led In the iouth
PWof town Thev
arc the held nd
w coastrtrctlon
erew cngigel in erect
lei W LLU8 tanee telephone lines
ft Svas the Oommeielil Tele
ttShI n 1 uln will opiate
JeirV uih rl1 comP ny This con
coiirtrnotL 0 1 v citizens
JrPn > Le now ale th0e
5tr Mw not yet reached Hempstead
Vtmit Buried
It j January 27The re
I nt Jno Chatham who
toortJi I1 yesterIn > morning
MtoZ e r ntern t and worn
b SSa nt the ramy erax
t m t a tw 2 SM 80Ilth f town Mrs
Mm John 5lCr Mr J Lewis
re grown lzr c 08 of Walter t UJ s Pac <
w ChathJmJr Cnntham of Ten
8im of cwro Beanmont nn < J Wll
Ko Need It
omach In order
J mulate your lazy liver
your sluggish bowels
VhleT your bral >
mmak < Me worth living
flcmnf0me si lant and a
e tonic appetizer
m > Djf ton Ohio
Wllilii 1855
e its Guarantee
rr ti e
iVC x i
ooe e o 0j B 890o
It is One thai Will Sustain Krugers Threat
that It Will Stagger Humanity
ronfim Tanunry 20 As the months
rrogiesd it Is becoming more and more ap
patent that the price areat Brltali will
pay formiprcmaoj lu South Africa will In-
deed be one that will stnggnr hmnaiiilv
In the fateful period before the outbreak
of the war stolid lohn Bull regirdd it
mere bombast this prediction by President
Kritgoi r n the gieat disasters tinme
dlutels following tbo outbreak of hofctllr
tles onl > aunojed did not alarm the aer
ase Briton Hut as the days and months
and e en jears have passed and the casual
tj list has steadily mounted upward with
peace even now uot In sight because ot
ministerial rejection of Boer overtures his
heart has been wiung hv the conviction
that Oonr 1nul posslblv knew whereof he
spoke When It became known last week
that the ollie hiumh had been profit ml
bj agiiits of the Afrikanders and rejected
bj hU majesty s BOeinnient Britons again
began to count the pi lis lu the llteblood
of the empire sons lo help them they
Mil thin hoiimiUouuI Btatewtiit on British
casualties issued by the war office arid
coerin tho eutlie period of the war up
to the end of Dectinber 1W1
Officers Men
Killed In action 4 0 lTC
Dled of wounds 101
Died in mpthliv 8
Hied of disease 270
Aeoldental deutha 20
Total deaths In Africa 131
Missing and pilsoncvs exclud-
ing those who have been
retoveied or have died In
cuptlUm 1
gent home as Invalids 2664
of Them on Appeal
10TO 7
61 OtW
Total SKW 801M
The total reduction ot the military forces
through win in South Afilca to shown as
Officew Men
Deaths In South Africa 031 18033
Missing and prisoners
luvallds sent home who have
dlul 7 44U
Iuurllds senthome who have
left the service as unfit 44JT
Total 33
Ihc difference between tho total In
thoe two tables the war office statement
sins Is accounted by the fact that the
groat majoitj of the men Invalided home
leomered and Tejolued for du
J he to al number of those wounded In
bouth Afika lexilusiie of tiroswho hne
drsi of wounds there is 1M ofUceis and
171X7 men The total number running or
tiken mlsouei has been 7s officers and
M f
ofUueis and
of whom
U 15 imu
rebnsed or escaped
inen have
a shown lu the tanle lire oftlce and
ninety sevur mm have died u c > >
Of those sent home as invalids SOU art
The Wi reported as still
lu hospital
now are believed tc In
misslug or
udo numt ier of men who have rejoined
but whose return has not jet been an
Site this appalling record and despite
the growing anger rilnltv to
not scliug every e tZrthes
en from the mind of Britons is Ibafo
snvthlug looking UWj
theinelves as iu > j
may grow among boding no
iri now doing In a manner
then iiv r
the ministry
sood r
Is roused to the ttermTOt Of
to drink e PUP
are determined j
confident that the wtir
the dregs fully
tYo the Uofal d of the war 1
he rno petlve Increaslnjr burdejs
In the oJlly Graphic made In comment
B f ciSS lr biirw 8 he United
Special to The Post
New Orleans La January 28 The flowing
in the
owing Texas cases were
vderal court of appeals today
W J Lomp Brewing Comnanv Plf
defendant In err
W J Ort
n error vs
district of Texas
r fo m the
and George Speer re
ulldlng anl
elver of the Atlanta National
l I
A 8 r freiJ rn V dtctof
r1n naTtr the baukrupcv of Albert
YVels Mart M Ilo > ton trustee it al vs
from Ksstern dls
Uobeh Vels apellee
trlot of Texas AfHrroed
I im
Petition In Bankruptcy
SSA petition In
Paris Texas January
ftabllltles ipi flrrn aawfJi 0 Inoi
12P7 Henry
vidual exempt property
Died of His Injuries
Lake Charles I 3Wt = 8
Uulegf en employ of the Loxlty ua
I Kingdom has already paid to sustain her
prewjgo nnd her honor In South Africa
will net I l nhMftu onnipletp the dls
bmoniiiiu neosan to bring the war to
a i nm hrr1 mi Jaklng Hit period fi m the
nmiiK in uietit nt the military operations
niitll Miuih 1 next we Und that tho
total amount < n niniked for war purposes
In Mmtli Vtilii nulies f 1 it 000Oil arid
1 I Is p isslhle that ill ndOitlnliul t > U00
< H1 will iiuii Md h the ihancoliii of
the eihciuoi from the nnepilled Hlirplus
for ilie purpose of tiding w expenilliuiew
oei imill Hie now rtsonl enr wo ma
put down 100001000 as iliu tofil aninuut
whli li win ha e been paid out hi March
1 1MU Ihiirafter inoiislon will hino
lo he mule for unitiffon operations ilg
< muMy until le Bueis luj down tlitd
mills and < inr ifCm Hint n > iuu > I toll
foiwaul to tin expeiidlime of A fmther
it < M XiH < i to gain the desired end On
thut basis the total cont of the war will
approximate tT fi < Jt lK
rriulng the past hundred years Hie only
win in which we were cugaEOil that van
Into linnUieild of millions was the renin
Htilar war whlib dining the yearn 1J > ii H
alone nisi u 113HK000 Our f libers
footed the hill llten and wi > shall foot the
ntll nowoi like onr K a 1al e oix we
lraVo tnhen up tfto bifislen we do not In-
tend to 1 iv it ilowu uull tho hard won
goal Is reached
British Government Leader Announces
How Far They Have Progressed
London Jaiuinrv 28Tire government
lesder A 1 Balfom announced In the
house of corn ions tudnv tint no overture
for pence bid brin teeelved fiom nnv one
nUhortzed to spi ak in behalf of the Boers
A eommunkatlon wis however reielved
late Saturday lust from the Dutch govern-
ment whkh was now under conslderntion
Mr Balfwr hoped sliurtb to laj the
communication and the leply to It before
the house
j The government of Holland baa oflered
In the mot friendly terms to help lu
bringing about pefee in Rmuh Afrlm lu
I ii communication to the British government
the Duth govirmneut Migtosts that it
might b < permitted to act as u sort of dip
lematic agent for the Boer delegates
Tho government however expressly dls
avoirs any attempt at intervention and does
not ittcntlou anj teinjs
Lord Lansdowne tho foreign secretary
replied In friendly term lo the Nether
lends proposal but Instituted Inqniiles In
older to iisedtiln the extent of the power
deh gated to Mr Kruger and the oilier
Boer represent it Ives lu Europe ro ait In
behalf of the buigheu lu the Held Oreat
doubt la expressed nt the foreign ofttev
lieie as to whether anv negotiations carried
nu bv the Moer delegates through the
Dutch emolument oi other channels will
prove effectual If satisfactory guarantees
u this icspcct can be seonred negotiations
will be hegun liumedlntclv This doubt In
regard to the authorltr of Mr Kruger and
otheis to speak for the lighting burghers
is peroeptlbte tn the statement Mr Balfour
made lu the house of commons as detailed
t A snplemenlnry nrmv estimate of fWKX
was issiud this afternoon making the total
cxpeiiUltnreb lor tne army during the year
UK fmooO
London January 28A long dispatch
i from Lord Kitchener dated Johannesburg
Monday January 27 gives the details ot
the military operations since January 21
but Indicative
Thev are mostly snlmportaut
tive of continued activity on the part of
The vfeiks Boer losses were thlrtjone
I men killed twent > wounded 8 made r >
oners and flftythree men surrendered
OBo o oeeo eqeo ooi > o o sssii
Martin tram road fell from the train on
m the track last night and reeelvwl fatal
juries which caused bis death He was
ai rears old and leaves a mother in fat
II in
Will Build a Levee
Waco Texas January 27 The citizens
of East Waco are preparing to construct a
levee on the east side of tho Brazos river
The city engineer report that such astruc
lure can be erected t a cost of a > and
that part of tho city which has hitherto
heon subjected to Hoods can be freed from
future encroachment
irrw i
Hon R Lee Ragsdale Dead
Denton Texas January 27Hon It Lee
ItngMlale piomlueut as a jurist and well
known In Stato politics died here this
afternoon of pneumonia aged about 40
5lie chairman of tbo demo
was county
crutlc party
Aching la the small of the back Is an In
dleatlon of Bright I > I mm > The proper
eaurse In such eajsea Is t taho a few doses
Sf IWekiy Ash Bitters It Is an effective
vianer riroedy and bowel regulator Capl
Vkumur 5 Main street Abbott
CoekrSj 60C Maiu street A E
tOtiUM 60S Mala iUt t tjjtfJsJ sgeats
S PP pcz
Racket Store Was Burglarized Site for
tho Cotton Tie Factory Haa Been
Selected Mr Boels Return
Beaumont Texas January 2S The body
of an unknown white man was found float-
ing In the Nechea river this mornlug ju t
lielow the Southern Iailfle hrlilge Tho
hoiij wa8 removed to m undertaking e
tabllshtutnt where It was viewed bj Jus-
tice Brown There was i uit itirues the
left temple and the skul was bioken Tho
l d had evidently been lu the water for
more than n week and was Imdlv decom-
posed It was that ot a well built man
with a stubbv growth ef sand mustache
The tight thumb was eft at the Urst joint
lire body was very well dressed nnd was
thought to bo thai of a ullroni man No
money was found ou the bod but broken
Hug with a green set was found In one
of the pockets
Mr Beels Returned
Beaumont Te s January 2S Mr 11 11
Beels who was n tuembet of the commit-
tee that went to Washington to urge upon
the rivers and harbors comnirftce the deep-
en ng of the Nechcs river to tide water
has returned He ssys that he does uut
evtieit nn appropriation foi the work it
this session of tongiess but he does expo t
thai a suivev will be otdeied and In this
vvav the pinjett will be plated befote um
Kits in ti more tangible foim und with it
bettei i Irani o of going through
i hiiiiiniin Button was averse to spending
mi luoie nuinev In this section saving tint
inn h inmiev had lieen spent In the impiove
nn lit of Soblne Ias but thit common >
tintiglr the puss hud not seemed to Im
piovi lie did not fnvoi putting mom >
Into a m w proposition until the one on linn I
is llnlshod Mr lteels thinks however tint
Beaumont will tluongb govunment aid be-
come a deep watei port In lime
It Is felt hero that when the Itnmonsltv
of the llenutnont oil Held Is realized
throughout the enunlrj as it Is here that
engross will take bold of the deep wit r
proposition much more readllv In fact will
Und the itupioveinent streh a neeessltv tint
It can not turn a deaf enr in the demand
for II
Site for Cotton Tie Factory
Beaumolrt Texas lauuarj 2s The Mte
selected by Messrs Bastable and Darrnsh
for the ercotlou of a cotton tie factor l > >
llttsbutg capitalists has boon approved b
the tapltilists Mr John B Goodhue f
this cltv is now In Pittsburg Investigating
the standing of the geutlomen proposing
to ereet this factoiy and upon receipt nt
n favorable teport from htm It Is thought
that iho S2 0iS in stook will he subsorlbel
for In a few hours In fact subscriptions
are being matle for tho stock nmv with
the condition tlwt Mr Goodhue s report be
Alexis Blanohelte Dead
Beaumont Texas January 2 Ylrvls
Blanchette aged 73 ears died at S oclock
Jnst night nt the home of his grandson
Claude Blanchette Dooeised was anions
th earlier settlers of th peotlon and
leaves a number of lentlves and main
friends to luiunn his Ins nis death was
due to la gilppe and puenmnuln Funeral
servloes will be held at tiro residence at >
oclock tomorrow ifteruoou end the huilal
will take plant at the Ontholle cemeterv
IMr Rbinchette was the father of I
Blanchette Illinchetto O Blanchetto
and Mis J N Pevlto
A Store Burglarized
Beaumont Teins Jnnitnr 2S Two of
the front windows In ihc Beaumont Backet
stoic were brokin last night and tho store
was rilled Two pistols weie taken and It
Is thought that other nttlelos tuny have
been appropriated by the window smisher
Dallas Texas January 28 The severe
spell of winter that ant In on Saturday
night continues over Northern and North-
western Texas It U sleeting or snowing
tonight at neurlv every point In theno sec
lions The theimometer averages about 20
degrees above zoio Winter wheat and
framing luteiests generally tire being
belpud but loss ot live stock Is feared on
the Panhandle ranges All trains on the
railroads entering Dallas nie ninny bonis
Brnu Ilrnxos tonut Texas Jauuarv
2HA slow dilMle has been falling all duv
mid the ludlintloiis for a wet spell are
uool Brazos t urnty bus novir known
sinli n drouth at rhls seison of the yeai
BS the one It has been passing Ihiougli
for the past thiee months rnnultig op
orations ate Rlmost an imposslbllltv until it
Slier man Jravson Count v Texas Janu
nr 2b It has been snowing here nt In
lervals all dnv and the proud Is entirely
overed about one Inch deep and It Is still
snowing The snow Is general over Gray
son eountv and Noith lexns
Busk Cherokee County Tejns Jnnnarj
27 Stm k will sliffei as feed stuff Is verv
scnre and cattle nre In bad shape The
cold weather Is bad on voting tomatois that
are up and the growers are using uveiy pr
rairtiou to save the plants
Dcnlson Cinjsoii fouuty Tnxas Jnnuarv
2S A vloleut snow itorm with sleet has
been raging here all d v snd tonight there
Is no nhatejient to tho stotin This morn-
Ing the whole iltv and country wis
wiajiped In u shiet of lee
Que n Clt ia > s Countv Texas Jan
uarv 2S A good rain fell throughout this
section the last two days the first that
has fallen sliue thr beginning of Decem-
ber It is snowing this morning
Lorkhart Caldwell Countv Texas Jan
nary 28 Lockhait people were highly en
tertained all dnv vesterdav bv the uoveltv
of sleigh riding Many sleighs sleds end
drags were Improvised
Tranklln Bobertson County Texas Jnn
uat 2S At 1 oclock this mornlnr snow
began to fall and continued until the
ground was well covered Tanners are
much encouraged
Ilea rue Bobertson County Texas Jan-
uary US A slow steady rain lasting sev-
eral bouts fell here todav Utls being the
first of any conaequeuce in four months
Denton Denton Counl Texas January
28 Crops general will be greatly bene
flted especially the wheat which was need-
ing moisture very badly
Hlco Hamlltpn Countv Texas January
27 The people are delighted to see the
snow since it will moisten the dry earth
Haiti Is badly needed
Hlllsboro UIII County Texas January
28 It will take a two weeks rain to fur-
nish the season and the water needed for
crops and stock
Crockett Houston Couuty Texas Jan-
uary 28 Prult trees have not been dam-
aged but truck patches are damaged con-
Uuntsvllle Walker Countv Texas Jan-
uary 28 A fine rain Is falling and freezing
as It falls The whole earth la covered
with Ice
Hempstead Waller County Texas Jan-
uary 2S A good rain has been falling
here toils wbbh is very beneficial
Matbl Han Patricio County Texas Jan-
uary 27 It Is not thought that the cab-
bage crop will be seriously injured
Troy Bell ountr Texas January 2S
lire ttork here will not suffer from the
fact that tbey are all well sheltered
Waxaharhle Hills County Texas Jan
nary 2S It continues cold today and a
heavy shower of rain Is falling
Hlllsbero Hill Couaty Texas January
27 The principal damage here Is to pipes
and hydrants
Kornsy Kaufman County Texas Jan-
uary 28 The earth is gorered with snow
and sleet
PalwUnc Anlnjou County Texit Jan
4 4t n
On all Suits Overcoats
Alackintoshes and Trousers
We started out with the intention of
making an immense sacrifice to clear
away a monster stock of clothing and
were keeping to it Every garment in
the house must be sold before spring if
possible and we ought to succeed
through these EXTRAORDINAR-
Suits and Overcoats
Yotu choice of any of our 7M Suits and
Overcoats less 30 per cent discount
Your choice of any of our 1000 Suits and
Oveicoats less 30 per cent discount
Your choice of any 1250 Suit or Oveicoai
in the house less 30 pet cent discount
Your choice of any ISOOSuit or Overcoat
in the house leis 30 pei cent discount
Your choice of any of 0111 lSOO Suits and
Overcoats less 30 per cent discount
Your choice of any 20 00 Suit 01 Overcoat
in the house less 10 per cent discount
Your choice of any of our 2500 Suits and
Overcoats less 30 pei cent discount
Your choice of any of our 3000 Suits and
Overcoats less 30 pei cent discount
Your choice ol any of our 3500 Suits and
Oveicoats less 30 per cent discount
Alens Trousers
JS800 Tiousers are now 500
5700 Trouseis are now <
600 Tiousers are now 1 2
S500 Trousers are now l5 >
350 Tiousers aie now 24 n
250 Tiousers arc now 175
200 Trousers are now 140
Si50 Tiouseis are now 105
Z XrZaa lhe rtaiady that core eald lu on day
iinry 2S The irroanil la covered with ale t
and Ice
Orenvllle Htlnt Countr Texaa January
28 l iirmerw atrtlelpate miicli Rood from tbe
Ollvr Hardin County Tpinn January
21 Stock la in good ahape and will not
By HI Own Hand
Coralcana Tezai January 2T Ioula
Blum an 1d realdent of tbli city commit-
ted aulclde at bla residence tbla evenlnc
blonlnc tba entire top of bla bead off
Heat for rtuumatiam Elmer Amend
rreacrlptlnn No 2h51 Celebrated on ita
merit for many effectual cures B F
Bchmllt liautuw ZaiaJ ol ixwit
AntiTruat 8uit Filed
Dallaa Texaa January 28 County At-
torney Htnnnera late tbla evening filed ault
In the Iorrrtcenth civil district court nt
rullaa before JmUe Naab agalnat K SI
lleardon an Tecelver under the Federal
court of the Dalian Electric company aak
Inx for penaltlra In the aum of lO7000
under tho Texas antltrual law
Tbe Dalian Klectrlo company la charted
with brine in a truat with the Rtandard
I lectrlc and Power company of Dallaa
Bttra tl
V >
aThfj Kind Yea HiwAlwrt
Boys Suits and Overcoats il Vue
S250 Suils any style 175
5350 Suits any style 245
M00 Suits any style 280
500 Suits and Oveicoats 350
6 00 Suits and Overcoats 420
750 Suits and Oveicoats 525
800 Suits and Overcoats 500
0 00 Suits and Oveicoats 030
A generous assortment of Mais and Boys Underwear Shirts
Night Shirts and Office Coats is on sale al 30 per cent reduction
a net saving to you of a third of the actual worth <
HnmwmimtomKtv KteiiM
ammoth Clothier
WVtVWt JC Wfea3 Sflt Cot sat
ewt i w isttUT rwimttuinTKm ws wiss w
L50 for a Food Chopper
Wire Door Altits Si so
Steel Foot Scrapers 10c
Wood Saws 40c
Axes good Handle 100 fl
Sheet Iron Stoves each Si50 S
596596 596 is Our Phone
C L Theo Bering Jr
Main and Capitol Hardware and Stoves
kiiiTii i tsxv vt va TVMawTvvuiiaAiffjji vi mxiit iaix aiviuii ix titi v v TTi ii
A peraonul investigation wilt convince any one tliat Hie Motropolltuu U ubaolutolr
tiie bent equipped tbe largest tlie molt progrennhii and by fur tbu most auccessfal
business shorthand nnd telegraphic cofleKa Id Teinn Six hundred ttuilcnts an I
nuallj ronltloDH cnrrcl nudcr rejionable couditlcns Rnllroad faro paid to Dal-
las Write for ftnrat business collets catalogue fTer printed
< B
Tbia ilpiature ia on eyoij box of tba tonulnt
Laxative BromoQuinioeTawu
Window Glass is a safe
purchase at present prices
All indications point
to higher prices soon
and dealers would do
well to sort up for
present wants
vVill be pleased to have your
Mining Engineer and Geologist
Expert Reports Upon Oil
or Mineral Properties
Wftlr Una I rt aJ p ifcr In l
lee ttoaar
Stoarns Eloctrio
Rat and Roach Paste
tni ltlfUin ocM t I frMInl 4riMuplli lr
tradtM 11 ki lu rtl I koaMI Url
Iit1 < hllll U1I f utll WIMlnll lull
T r ibwiwriuiiu4 utTioai hUrnu
MhlCVM a9MUi lXk W l i0 WlWHt
T Vivr7 7iiiirri rro
A W m no e m v far Wemwia Ilia
res MuiJir LWiJiLKWiiTS
if i
v 1
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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIITH YEAR, No. 300, Ed. 1, Wednesday, January 29, 1902, newspaper, January 29, 1902; Houston, Texas. ( accessed December 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .