The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIIITH YEAR, No. 133, Ed. 1, Friday, August 15, 1902 Page: 9 of 14
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Has Arrived New MeX
5Sft i Wsutar 8lu < a >
HL lion in Salt
< the local trad were gen
Sid was 1 erideucc condl
gW li 1Cl salUfaCt0rT
are becoming scarcer and
dvanccd V Michigan nary
Jjj aroJUtfi cheaper
r rcd the first shipment of
Pccos valley
f Art from the
SnrW excellent and tho fruit
tUMP per b0I >
lunacy m rice supplies has been
CUe t ut nrrUnl oJn4W
The doners speak well or
l rosll demand and poor quality of
fUuirclt Express shipments wcro
aaHnta volume and received the
nceet huyers A carload arrlvcrt
ptd to weaken the prices on com
rwilloa on salt Is an unusual one
ration among sellers of tho Louisiana
r hi caused prices on line to reach
se level as coarse Prices on other
irbucUi Arlost basis 10011
JfA yeredi Appx lljc Lion
Sil a Mwha and Java 1lb cans
if ai Jl hlend 1 lb cajis 2lb
is pails lhVo international lava
Yk < and i lb palls
U 1 JttY 1I4
bu1 ce
fRl < da bulk boxes
cartonii iloxui
per Hoc ginger
pfifflSSnstnsa plaubs 0c
ie4Sb < > ranry high
ffijS4I5fnv 1alf PUelt 370
de 3 0 <
c rif J 2Mb stcUs Uc
idfUfr ln wood 15c lcr
tBmPV8 GOODSCrlts hominy
nn ln 40 I sack
KJl A3 30 mends oats 53 30
Mfc315 owkcjo oats 153 13
H41t paekage 4iO
compounds 4t
lyrLtUrc cxn Kc higiict
innH 11 i la lL hghei
a mb rf > fiSHSc pev gallon
ik fcBvt ext rt l0c ir uotnd
etpoS J P 1 aus extracted
u 51 WJ per barrel coopered
infei rJil Id fair lOfjaiSc
dt Ch0Ci 2l < a20e reboll
Km aw Wsier 1 ° W l 7J4 Etc
Pt 1nm
< s Pondent says W Ithn
two weeks railway officials predict Min
nesota anners wilt begin harvesting the
lieaviest potato crop tho State has ever
Known Most of it will bo shipped to the
feouthrrn and Middle States and will he of
superlht quality General Freight Agent
8 0 Brooke of the Chicago Great West
ern says the atorage ylelf this year ill
boconsldcrablr heavier thai cv > r before
The increase in potato
acreage l nlace
after a careful lntcstiFatou at la ne cn 1
Last year tho total shipments were at
pro matcly 00 cars ho saidTblyar
not less than 12000 Vara wm be shipped
fiftje f T V L 52
ii J ° amt AuK t 15 The win con
tinue throughout tho winter mid early
spun until the ln t mr f Minnesotapro
duco meets the first car of Southern pota
toes coming noith
Advices from Boston state that the New
England mackerel fleet have lauded in the
last soen dajs a total of 1S07 barrels of
C147C per snl mackerel nud 1 77 barrcU of flesh
Tho fish weio mostly from tho Georges
Souo flsu tUo advices
tate Uaro been
in i <
ItjiA of dried fruits caught on the Middle Bank and off Moon
41 within two weeks and some jlimild nnJ 0hlr are TeWTt
In prices i fancy
ii oeen made
VT onepoond cartons fancy enr
t nd cSolco evaporated are ltflc
fata iltnatlon continued easy with
fwod S30Cj323 The dcmornlizsd
Is fetlll beliiff
0f the Eartcrn trade
but local stocks
J to tome citent
Sft luffldently largo to cause
ialtir conditions that prevail
went lower as a re
den reaches
me Icci maiU off Mouut n
Quinine StaCOc per
phliiet22I23Q P er <
per oifnce boMX SHc
A few
tinker mackerel hno been landed from
Shore which counted about luu ilsh to the
barirt and sow ex cacc from 1D23 ti > iH
liur barrel being plalu Tlia receipts from
Ueoriret hnre been largely Hinall lots or
rlmni U fish the last sales being at 10 per
barrel Mackerel are still reported plentiful
on Georges where there Is i Ueet of about
forty stills but the mackerel are wlu nun
hard to catch The total catch of salt
mackerel to date numbers il > lMi barrel
against 47371 barrel for the same peroil
last yea Iho catch to the
UKX was 45OJ > barrels KJiM barrels In
lfejU 11081 barrels lit 1S0S mid 07UII bar
reli in 1S07 The market In the nist N
said to bo fairly steady with Shore plalu
fish SOMl per barrel and rimmed at 10
linkers are hald at l t 20 to H large is
Canadian 923 to 050 per barrel Tor
elgn receipts of = alt mackerel are mostly
from tiuiada and In moderate demand
Tho total Imports from all ourcos since
tho opening of tho season have been ar
cording to Iloston advice UirT barrels
against 24l > > barrels last year 3117 bauds
In li0 8S1U barrels in lSilO HSOS barrels In
1S0S and 1003 barrels lu 1807
spirljon of these quotations shows
Ur ntaes la favor of Houston as a
uli market hen the buyer consul
t benetltJ to be derived from Hous
htliBt rsbJ he will find that eten
at other markets
at ipotabic cgur s
r tbe orlce anally pafil is generai
utir the pric s are tnode ruling
HoastO wholesale merchants ana
rUtl dilly
NED fllUirSApples 3b U5C
pineapples sliced 110 eyeless ana
i iL XtJl bS extra grated oo
1b SOc strawberries Mb llt > SS
bUckberries Jib iOQSoc peaches
If St WiSc 3lb full weight U3c
26 jicouilfi IiOq 3lb a conda
dkra and torn aces 2lb 100
trial 31b IKVtiUSe California as
i Jijlb fJ25Cjw according to-
Mb itparsgus salmon cans lo
btkfd beans 3ib use am
U n eoi J lb kidney beans
Mb itrlngless bean 51 J3 Mb
lit p s 1 00 a lb American petit
iL US extra Maluo corn 511a
Uslae style corn McoaiOOj staudara
t > > 0i 3e seconds vftfljiste
U0 MA tKl ll b ra standard
peitiej I nmn cling ll 5aJU
Crawford M fil itli black cner
JtmSiM whit aerrtcs j 0iJo
A l l im strawberries ifjou
l 73 ltuc lTb
a tWl grape
i Hc per doieu less tuau extra
rl prices
UD MOLASSKS 1 t F Old Pasn
failons fJ10 per case H gnllflns
per case > i gallnno S375 p r case
> IM irwl finn rnbi > svrup quait
ICrppir iloien Pt n tc Co Creole
Il i3b S So 5b 35 10 lb
CVIIIOX lnwilr per krg 400
powler SI Ki p r keg drop shot
ik 1115 buik 1 70
JNKtra khnrt leitr lu sacks
ttl liri ile hi mmI ii h gair
isiokci lb N Ymk bellies
jER OIL hi bar Is ISc half bar
11X0 AND TILS Bagging 2lb 7c
oihe Arrort tb > less than carload
en Houston 1 irwi 20
> tleV wrapimi basis 21 No 2
W per Hit v 1 full weight basto
l Pee lb special sizes o blgh
j 3 ilV as to quality
mi fl r ful wetghi lie Crau
4 nriebt 11H 1 iiCi trie Lights b c
Bt 104r
lltfeSj atJ 2 7SS 3i K0SCn
tvh filr 7T He prme 7i < aSc
ml ruicj maioic Pea
l M12c Cordova lHic roistd
J3 ing 1 SO with key opener S400S1O3
mustard 3 iOS3a > imported Gillette
grade quarteri J120O fancy sprats quar
tern 8 OOaiO00 according to grade
STAJtCH Standard goods Ieirl In 40
lb boxes 4i4Wc ltoval filosi or Archer
hulk B < 3Mic Nickel 100 packages per box
J3 25Q3 w com starch Wic per lb 20 and
40 lb boxes
SUGAH Quotations are for small lots
special rates aro given on carload order
Standard granulatod Be cubes and pow-
dered f > sc Louisiana yellow clarified and
fancy 44l > ic choice 4
IlEE3WASPrlmo Texar 22323c per
DEANS Imported navy beans aWOTic
no > ou 44e English dried S c pink 4c
black ryud Gc Michigan navy WiiaLStAc
California navy Oi iic sua pi 160 per
bushel wax and green beans 50ig iOc half
bushel basket California Llnias riMf < V
fresh wax beans v5375e per bushel crate
BUTTmi Iiluo Star 24c dairy 20c El-
gin creamery 25c Meadow Gold
2S < 228e Texas bricks 10c Oieomarga
line Lincoln solids 12HC Lincoln prints
lB c Daisy tollds 10c prints 18c
Moxleys special 18c Crystal Gem
and country rolls 10c Empire State spe-
cial X5c pncclai Blue Star l c Elgin
dairy bricks 20c Ideal ll c purity
creamery 20 and 301b tubs 22c Mb
prints 24c Elgin creamcrv solids ISc
country butter In palls 10320c
CELERY Colorado por pound 70373c
CABBAGE Kansas Imported stook per
crate 221i32 M > Ucordtug to quality
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream rolls
iric Wisconsin full cream daleles 14i < 13c
Wisconsin half cream WQlIc Wisconsin
pouud prints IViiSf
EGGS Texas Iltffl2c
Kansas 20 < 331e
KHAIJTNevr in half barrel ITOO
ONIONSCallfomh per lb 2c
PEPPER Chile new ISffilCc per pound
black Singapore 11c
POTATOES California 83Q00o per liusn
el Kaw Valley OOfiltBc
PEANUTSJumbo per pound 7Hc fancy
hand picked No 1 rriOWr
POULTBY CbleUens hens good 3 00
325 fryer large 3 0003 25 broilers
S200S2 23 mixed lots 275r 325 cocks
large old 1 S0fl200 ducks large 300
323 geese full feathered 3002330 tur-
keys hens 5 00700 goobleis J700U
TOMATOESTexas 4 batket crates 60
65c Mlsbourl per crate 150
APPLES Eancy evaporated CO lb boxes
IOQIOHc 1lb cartons fancy lOUjaioVic
caitons choice IOWIOUc cLolco caporjt
cd u Jini sun dried tiVdKc
APH ICOPS Per lb Ioo e iujllc
UITHONI11 101b boxes 14c
CrHlANTb21ll boxes cleaned bulk
sy < yie 1lb cartons PHSllc
DATES Mb packages 7U iJSc Fard
nine rate Dealers charfie lrem
> i ni
l < W 0 Mi iWrrtSand csirn lOftlie
Vvl A5 > 4Wii4M pint
J18U i 1 00 iuiirf American
Kxtrlt1 n hexagon S 30
iXtotJtZ hea nxe cop ma
MW b is T JJi Wht MnnlIai
575 iar
dates Pc ljallowel bulk boxes ia
PEACHKSCholce new stock 0 < SOWc
ltAlSINSCallfornla 3cronu L L
boxes 1 U3ftl75 Vi lb boxes I h raljlns
ifilV 2 crown L M lalslns 30lb boxes
Sc 3 crown L M raisins h c
PBUNHSCallfornla tii > lli0i 3c S > 0OOs
WjC 70MB Oc X70s tl ic COOOi 7c
4010s 8c
NUTS1llberts Sicily 13c California
walnuts 13ailc peanuts fancy band pick
cd 77iic No 2 04e Jumbo 7ftWc
ulmonda Taragomi liVa17c per lb In sacks
California almonds 15c pecans nominal
APPLESArkansas batrel 375 Call
forala per box JlO OO New Mcxlcos
per box 2 00S225
CANTALOUPES Itockyfords bushel
° tVniPES Catawbis baskets 50200c
Concords basket W > gO < 3c
LEMOVSMessfuas S300p325
PIACLES laiey iJaSoe per crate
choice QOSe Elbcrtas 100 California
PEARSTi xas per box G0ffl05c crates
Mfliixx Bartlett box 2tKS523
liKCNKSTrageiiy per crate 1253160
PLUJlb Txes ier peck box JOfeISs
21 uiiut crites WSfUlcj California assorted
Tatletlcs 1 titstil j
PINKAPPLES Klorlda rer crate 4503
470 Mulco 223
Qrotatlons for carload lota dellrered on
traik > Uvjstoti or other points tnklug
torc At
per ltO
COItN inUSPure 1 rH ii
0 ITS Texas cholec brl bt lite averaje
44141 i No 2 wlxcd oats 37V4c
COI NN 2 mixed Hacked 71c No 2
WAVTho arralfa S1423 choice tlmo
tbv SU7Mf < f0 tl Txat pralrlo
bay S4503fin North Texas and Turrl
tory Sar SiasotiilLafc
ounce bottle mor
otiiee eocalne 425
por pouud In lOOlb
l brand SS mC 5f5 ii birrels atie per
IU k Alaks w J m saltpeter 7e pPr paiindm
r f
1SE < 1 Wfiwmtnn CU eamph r 70c wood sleil iie
l watt0i >
nerican quarter plain aftWK6 ° tIun5 Sa Pf
r >
sV Jt litorcd XiMj common railway
and It Is expected
soon be ont with
pound m
per 100 de
per cult iltiicount
irl U A < X 8KT IRONNO 27 373 pvt
ICO tmuuds
HOOllNO TINMachtne made 1050
1100 per box old style t0Cvais5O pet
HOtDEnHalf and half PVifl20c rer
per sQmrc
White lead per cwt strictly pure 021
Mcnnd grade 000 third RMdc 300
Turpentine per ras two ugnllon oais
830 barrel lots ftOe per gslnn Mlu
eral paints tV per gallon Dy mix d
paints per cwt In bsrrol f 0c Venetian
reds per cwt 1 So rpllow ochr per ew t
100 Ltusted oil best liolled 7V37Io
K ndy mxe < l house pnlnts 100 Wfndov
glats S7x3 S per cent off Jnmury 21 list
Winn NV1LS271 nnso per ke
imuirn winr osirfltir t tiiiti
371 tcr 100 lb glviulzcd Biker 3110
Ptr ico Vt
The Market Opened Steady Followed by
an Advance
Now York August 14 The cotton mar-
ket opened verr steadv with prices S
points lower to 2 points higher and then
worked quite rapldtv anward on acthe gen-
eral buying The Liverpool cables were uoi
up to expectation ami the reports from cat
ton eroils centers were disappointing
Nevertheless private crop advice were less
favorable than tho average of latr The
later cables from Llveruool were more en
couraging and busluoM fiom that quarter
changed oer from the bear t the bull
aide Support fuim a prominent Wall
Mrcet operator and some demand from tho
south helped tn undermine bear confidence
bile tbe public cables as a whole wero
poor the private cables utated that England
was very bearish Philadelphia and local
spot cotton houses were buyers of the
August September and October options
comiulsIon houses covered new cro i
months shorts went long tbe South boucht
n hedges put out aculnst the prospective
large yield some time ago During the
afternoon the tendencv was stendllv up
ward and the tone at the close was steadv
net 5 to 7 points higher Total sales wero
estimated at 121000 bale the bulk of
which were October and January contracts
Spots Were Quiet and Steady Quotations
Remaining Unchanoed
New Orleans August 14 Spot cotton
quiet and steady Yesterdaya transac-
tions left very little dctfirablo cotton on
the market for the tlmn being and holders
will have to lay out fresh lists beforo any-
thing like a free movement can bo expect-
ed Sales 475 bales Including 200 f o
b terms aud 100 to arrive Quotations un
Tho future market opened 4 points lower
on August and 1 to 2 points on tho other
months Under the Infiuenco of New York
and supporting orders received here for
execution values were forced p 5 to 7
points There were verv frequont slight
fluctuations on every let up In the bull
movement but the closing found prices
for August at last evenings figures while
all other positions were 5 to 8 points higher
than yesterdays closing
J N Wienora Letter
Houston Texas August 14 Liverpool fu-
tures today were disappointing and near op-
tions closed tho same an yesterday and dis-
tant options 1 polut higher Spot sales
were 10000 bales at 132 up with fair de-
Both home future markets opened a shade
lower than yesterdays close on the 1m
prcsslon tiat Liverpool still rules the cot-
ton world buL after < the first svav of sell
lng was over the shorts were again on tho
rack and getting what was owning to thom
they continued to recelvo ttmall paymeata
until the close In Now York but shortly
beforo the close in New Orleans profittak
ing by the room traders ami lack of buying
support tberu caused October to react from
7tn to 703
Tho temperatures In Texas today have
averaged loo or morn and Texarkana was
the only point reporting any rain
Attention should his given the fact that
the last monthly government percentage for
Texas was only 77 and hot winds hot daya
with no rain and somo boll weovlls will
not be conducive of a four million crop for
Tixac and also the fact that there are fKV
000 bales of high priced cotton bold In New
York that has been tendered on contracts
two or three times and It may be that the
shorts may be squeezed and a good market
made for It and also to sell short when tho
top l reached and then when ammunition
gets plentiful to quietly unload and buy-
back lower down The market appears to
bn going higher regardless of the ultimate
size of the crop aud final level of values
Wires to me today advise No specula-
tive demand except from shorts
J N Wlsner
H B Beers Letter
Special to Tbe Post
New Orleans Ancust 14 Liverpool ad-
vices were dlrappohulng but our market
nevertheless only opened 1 lower subse
qicntly advanced 7 to 8 from the bottom
on continued heavy buying by Wall street
Near the close values cased off slightly
making tho net gain 5 points on alLmonths
except August which was unchanged A
large operator with a big following who
recently turned bullish has been dissem-
inating unfaiorabln crop reports In Europe
claiming that the deterioration l chlelly
In Texas In addition to this tho beivy
purchases of the past few da > s have been
principally absorbed bv the same Interest
that the leader will
verv bullish report
hiii lifBrrr
anticipating the regular monthly bureau
which will be issued on September 3 It
Is claimed that there Is a largo short Inter-
est In Liverpool and even endeavor Is
being made to create a scare tn cause gen-
eral coierlng there Weather conditions
and private advices do not confirm any
marked deterloiatlon It Is admitted that
the usual August deterioration Is taking
place but that tbe outlook on the wholo
Is favorable Tor the time being It Is hard
to form any decided opinion yet whether
conditions will eventually regulate values
II B liter
New York Dry Goods
New York August 14 An nveragoj
amount of business has been done totLiy In
the cottou goods market Buyers find m >
difficulty In plnclng orders for staple cot
tins at current prices Print cloths aro
Misy and In limited request Prints un-
changed Ginghams occasionally hlgbe
Ilrm market for all descriptions vf silk
New Tort August 1 Cpffee Spot Rio
wosk No 7 luveloe rsj MildQuiet or-
ders SQ1U4 Futures closed weak on near
distant mouths
months nnd steady on
with prices net 3 to 23 points lower total
sales 41730 baesj August 5 lo M25 Sep
tenibcr 303 121 October 510 November
run December 31 jr20 January 313
Msrch 32383 35 June 543 July 55f >
New Orleans August 11 SugarSironc
open kettle 2H3 5ld open kettle centrlf
ugal 3Q314 centrifugal yellow 3J4SH 1JB
svonds 4t4a3V4 Molasses Dull centrlf
New Ynrk August 11Sugarnaw
stesdTS fair refining 2 1310 centrlfngal CO
test 3 1332 molasses sugar 2 1 10
Compress Chanoed Hands
Corslcana Texas August 13 Tha Ship-
pers compress has been bought by
Shwarts et al Iast year they boiifirhtUho
Oil City compress and met with so much
ruccess they decided on havlns both for
this years cro
jsp r rs mm W m
y < e
With VVell Bred Swine Bacon Should Ba
Made as Cheaply In tho South
NrtwItbUandlng the fact that Iho
United States Department pf agriculture
has gene to tU expense and trouble of
that to the most casual observer tha lo s
sustqlued lu feeding such stock Is obilous
replaced with Improicd Swlue Wester i
meat would soon vanish from our mar-
kets nnd Southern swine rilsrs mwm he
gin to cllnih up Instead of climbing
don it
The fifth ttinuil tcport of Hie proe eduig
ot tho National Llic Stuck ihnnuiu hw
just twin Issued from b > plus These n
nual repoits aro bcomlrg the mutt poii
ulir i nd Interesting llteiature the stt k
nicu n eclve The last Midline is prohtbtv
the best vet Issued and besides 4ie luge
amount of buslnc s aud tt entlfit mmti hi
KlHlon to the Itilusto It eontalun sonu
uf the most Important nui tlrnl nutter jet
published IbroilKlt the courtes of tin
ngrlcultunl department and the caisiu of-
fice the Js < oclHtlon has publUhcd lu thli
volume iJie latest and nn si rlhtllv si
tlstlcs ln iclatlon to the industiy Including
the official figures ou the lira clusslfieil
census of live stock ever taken As tills
census was made by the request aud with
tho assistance of the National association
the usual rules of tho census offlee were
suspended and the association permitted
to make the first publication in this minimi
repoTt It Is very unusual for a depart-
ment of the government to se recmi
an Industrial organization nnd liU what
a high position tills organization has seiured
In gnvcrnmental circles The National Live
fetock association is not jet five yesrs ut
age and a glance over the pagts of this
annual report must astonish the reader at
tho vast amount of work being dono by
this young organization In less than fivo
jiars tho live stock Interests ot th cmmtiy
have built up an association that has not
only accomplished many Important thlug <
for the Industry It reprcsants but has be-
come n most potent factor In local and No-
tional politics With headquarters In Den-
ver where Its officers are constantly In
close touch with the men on the range ami
farm It also maintains a representative In
Washington who Is constantly heard beforo
congressional committees and In the de-
partments of government lu the Interests
of the great mass of stockmen lu th
furthost parts of tho country The National
Llvo Stock association seems to be meeting
with success In whatever It undertakes and
Other industrial organizations could lenin
much by studying the methods adopted bj
this association
The members of the association receive a
copy of this report free and other bona fldn
stockmen may hive It on application to the
secretary 0 P Martin Denver Colo In
closing 25 ci
cents to pay postage or express
Special to Tho Post
Stock Yards Kansas City Mo August
14 The following sales of Texas and Ter
rltory cattle wero made hero today J L
Agncw Paoll 20 steers 702 pounds 21
J nierlus fancy 43 steers WO pounds
2 CO II H Halsoll Henrietta Texas >
steers 30 pounds 255 Mr Kennedy liar
tlesvllle 00 stocrs 777 pounds 201 Jl L
Trout Rff 30 steers IMD pounds 2 Do 31
steers 030 pounds 3 70 28 steers PS3
pounds 3 70 30 atecrs POS pounds 37o
48 steers S3 pounds 3 70 Wllbers A Me
Ohcc Elgin i8 steers S37 pounds 3 O
Al steers 772 pounds a S3 L L Deuoya
Elgin 42 steers 1070 pounds 470 42
steers 1000 pounds 4 0 > O E Swunseii
Elgin ft steers 802 pounds a 75 70
steers 870 pounds 3 71 William Oorham
ochclata 87 steers wt4 pounds 3 30 E
Moore Kort Smith Ark 10 cow s 075
pounds 2 75 A C AVard llartlesill e 31
steers 705 pounds 2 m Kennedy A Trlr
zel Eartlesvllle lfli steers 7ft pounds
2 70 15 steers 770 pounds 205 21 steers
7S0 pounds 201 Cancj National bank 1
nievlns Caney 13 steers SMI pounds 2 f < l
Jacob Englehor Erbk 34 steers 5M
pounds 371 T A Urown Comanche I
T 24 steers 1025 pounds it S A
Ellis Comanche 30 cows 773 pounds 2 tut
E 1 Cooper Vernon T x s 31 steers S7I
pounds 275 Karrlo Wetumpka I I lol
calves 100 pounds 3 til Johnstoil t Wat
> on Ochelatn 100 steers 013 puinils 2fi7t < i
C Oorham Ochclata on steers 787 pounds
3 20 J Jl Doble Oclielnta 71 calves 140
pounds 473 50 calves 24 pounds 3 21
20 cows 602 pounds 2 > Ollley Joribm
Ochclata 01 steers 820 pounds 8 20 17
steers tilS pounds 3U U A Jnrboe Oof
feyvllle Kan 107 steers S21 pounds 3 30
125 steers Cod pounds 3 50 w C JIc
Corabell Darldsou Kan 7S calves 110
pounds 683 Russell A revlns Elgin 14S
calves 10 t pounds 4 33 J Htccri 13
pounds 2 75 J D Downing Chlckanba 01
steers fc20 pounds 3 Vi C K Atklnfon
hlrkasha 31 sleers SH pounds UN 21
steers 752 pounds 2 75 S II Ioenmbe
Chlckasha 30 steers 7b0 pounds 2 o II
Harslcy Vernon Texas 20 steers son
pounds 2 05
Special to The post
National Stock Yards St Louis August
14The following sales of Texas and Ter
rlliriry cattle were made here today W
A Stanka Muscogee I T 117 pouud
steers 30 Todd A Spiuldlng Museogee
I T 1031 pound steers 4 30 East A Hero
Coalgate I T S56 pound sleers XH ifi
nonnd cows 300 70S pound cows 2 80 E
K Gill Coilgate I T 7RS pound steiT
340 K5 iw > und steers 3 71 Klumlllg DailU
son Ilrownson Checotah I T 18
pound steers 40O Chlttlm Fleming t
Diivldson Checotah I T 1120 pound steeig
360 J Jl Connelly Summit I T 021
pound steers 371 Rahel A Chlttlm
etta 1 T calveu 000 each Wllsn Ior
ter Reggs I T 1OI0 pound steers 4 20
Ilaldrldge A OConnor Wagoner I T W2
pound steers 375 LUlugston Co 1tig
oner I T S75 and 077 > nnd steers 4 7j
Jllrk k Parkinson Lcllactro I T cslve
1100 Mch II 31 Rtonebroker Elgin Kun
1143 pound steers 4 20 M JIaver Conlgate
1 T 128 pound steers 4 00 W n Oenfy
Chreotab I T 021 pound steers 3f 0 VUm
A Hawkins Adair I T 1008 pjiind steers
4 20 II Evans Summit I T 1008 and
MH pound steern 425 W It Whitest Ic
Muscogee I T 1051 pound steers 4 30
1012 tuid steers 115 Thornis Gaylor
Wagoner I T 871 pound steers 300 751
pound cows 310 C Y Semple Coalgite
I T 1130 pound steers 400 4200 Taxans
Kansas City August 14 Cattle Re
celpta 0450 natives 2S50 Texans 600 Texas
snd 435 native calves best beef steers
steady to 10c lower quarantine slow and
lower stoekers and feeders strong choice
export snd dressed beef sleers 7505JS23
fair to good 4flT > t745 stoekers and feedrs
y2 4lf > i0 Western fed steers 2503575
Texas and Indian steers 300 < 3470 Texas
cows 2003300 native cowi 1502175
i vsr U rnr >
I M >
nctlie heifers 2 K3S14 IS ranners
4 bnl toslft 40 eslves 2 < iW J1
lfoj liicipts idon tuaikel weak to
lower rotcd steitd > at v sterdaj pr ce
heat uVivfa M mtxrVt pack < rs T TOu
0 tt tight 0 r > R0 a joikrfm 0 70tftt v
plg > < M03Itt Sheer Itocelpt sAki
fhiYP i HsjdS < i ttockfl and fee ler 2 l >
Chicago August 14 Cattle Receipts
SVW liieUtding M ToioniK 1JPO Western
ttcera steadr f < WA loner 60 1 to prlm
bsulng a fortypage bulletin telling South1 o strcWer poor
em farmera how to make a big profit ost 1 N ti > heifer aW
to medium 4MWJ
2 VHtt JO cow
WMlrt 25 canners I m
of hogs nnd wartime them agnlnst keeping I > 1 235J il l 5 w > v
and raising scrubs and despite the fa < M7 g 5 i TlaV
ket 10 > 11c lower mixed ml lvttiem
tllf KTA5 Komi to rhntrp heavy OtKiS
still find In tbe South a
of men who eoiitltie t throw their money lambs steadx t < too higher atc to chlee
nwnv In a futttu lttompt to make n profit xvetbirs 350Tt4 21 fair to elmlc < mitel
out of them saya the rtontfaehj Piantet 2 SOffl1 ti > Western sheen 2 Wl i1 na
Tho scrub hog la undoubtedly < mc of tno i tlie lambs 3MWW 10 Wcstcni lam f 40
greatest drawbacks that Boutueni agilcul
iure ha
Tbe hoc In the West has earned for him-
self the title of moltgage lifter but Uow
many tteruhs do you find umung thrni
nuiiMgnge llftersl
There U no doubt that with wdlbred
sv liip baron can bo made ns elietpij in the
South as iinywhcre In tbe United Stales
anil j ot go Into nn > grocery store South or
Mnton mid Dixohh line and on will find
thero Weaterit liunl for ae
This is ti nd isunmentery op the astute
tiesH and progressive spirit of the South
em fnrmcr
If oiory scrub hog ln the South wero
St Lonls August It CattleReceipts
3MV qomUnr 23TO Texan steady n
tho shipping and export elver 2 SStfiSo
dressed beef nnd butcher steers 3 OOHSIV
steers under lOM pnnjids 3 Vfl4 20 stock
ei and teeiliis SiYlfti 10 eons md liel
er 2 SMM 71 aimers 2 flfWIS V bulls
2 71 00 cities 1KVT7 Oi Texas and
Indian steers 3 no fS eiws and heifers
2 rCifl 21 Uivjs Receipts 30OO Market
WHtc lower pigs and lights it lVttfUpt >
psekers rt7Bfititl Imtcbers 08 1 tT 33
hheep llerelpts 1000 Market stwdt ita
tlie muttons 3 tfl411 lambs 12if3 23
bulls nnd bucks 2i > W4tO stoekers 2 tuiQI
0331 leiaus nimjlATn
Reported for The Houston Post by
A P Norman Live Stock company
tSood to choice j1
Common to fair
Dood to rholco
Common to f lr
O0 3 21
acas 73
nogs co
2 Ooaa 21
liSod to choice 3 11113 23
Common to fair 32 75
Cal p
tloort to cbalee 3 50113 71
Common to fair 2 73113 25
Market good fur all classes of fnt ealtle
ami calves supply tight prices firm
The following nre the quotations for the
Houston Hie stock market as furnished by
the A C llell Llie Sstock Commission com-
Spring d
Stags 2 26
Hulls 2 I
bheep 3
Choice cornfed ISO lbs and up
Mastfetl 3 ft
Market bare > f nil choice classes
goml demand especially for beeves
Contractors Have Accepted the Coun-
cils Interpretation of City Hall Plans
Dronhnm Toins August II There was
a spooln1 meeting or tho city council held
nt S ooIock Wednofdtiy night for the
purpose of hearing tho nnawer of Con
tractors Daicy Si Schott to the an-
nouncement that the second story of tho
city hall must h mi olglitcenlnch wall
when they understood it was lo bo n
thlrtecnlnch wall Thoy replied that
their Interpretation or ibo contract was
that It was to be thirteen und that they
weto ready to proceed under their In
terpretation of said oontmil They of
feted to compromise tl tnattot Thurs-
day mornlns the difference In coat be-
ing about 5600 nnd they agreed to iwo
ceed with the building If tbcv wero given
v > i moro Anothei council meeting was
cnl ed lor this afternoon nt 5 oclock to
see if an understanding could b arrived
at Tim run I rue torn agreed to the citys
Interpretation of th i contract at tha
meeting this afternoon and work will
tommenco at onca
The Kanla K frolglit office received
messHge from Temple Thursday mornlnv
statlnf that Will J Cllne was round iin
der thn pilot of h fianta V enjlne dead
Willi bis faco badlv iniitilated Tiler was
a lotter Is his pocket from Mrs M E
cllno of BronliBtn which Indicated that
be was tier grnndson
Claim Agent 1 W Kvans who wag
burl Internally with tho liandle bnrs of
a hand car during tbe recout Biszos
overflow and who lias since been In a
llfiiismu Infirmary paase < l tlirough hero
Tbursdny In u specJul oar en route to
the Templn hospital Mr Mviitts stop-
ped off here lie Is slowly Improving
Mr Victor Hnckwortb or this city lias
been appointed postmaster nt lllgin ami
left for Hint plneo last night to enter
upon his duties Ho ins beep oinploved
ln tho lirojihimi postofllce nnd la famll
Iir with the details of the bilskoeis
County Attorney V n I2vIiib bis tiled
43 tax suits und lias not yet reached
the end of the delinquent roll
Mr Iouls Kay left Tuesday for Bciu
mont whore he went to accept a posi-
tion ns way bill elajk of thojinnia K
Mr Henry Welimoycr wiih nt the Hun
Ve freight depot this morning to receive
a carload of flour that Imd Just arrived
The car door wan fastened with a seal
nnd wire snd not being able to break 11
open he picked up a spllte nnd looking
around for something to drlvo tbe spllte
behind the v lro so h could break It
loos he found a stick and was Just In
the act of strlklns tho nail when one
of the iihlpnlinj clerks yelled to htm to
atop snd Informed him that his pro-
posed ninllet was a stick ot dynamite
Another second ami tho car depot and
Mr IVchmeyer would liavo been blown
up The 8t Louis saloon run by Mr P
Ruloff was burglarized Wednesday night
and some small change cigars and thlr
tyseven bottles ot liquor stolen It Is
supposed that the thief fitted a key In
tho lock ns there wna no place open
when the proprietor reached tho saloon
thfa morning
New Labor Qrrjanization at Texarkana
Texarkana Texas Aucust 11 Tho
L Kin Oakah aJ PT 5J nPro arbors of this city today organised n
275 T II Jones Oaktahi I T WI7
pound steers 400 NaylV A Jones Lo la
t c
union their lodge being fifty strong
The first step of the union will be to
rnso tho price of hair cutting from 23
cents to 35 cents
Tho linemen also organised today em-
bracing nil of tho climbers of iho city
HotH professions will apply to their r
spcctlvo National organizations for ad-
New Iberia News
New Iberia Jji August 1L Tho b dy
of Mr K Ilernard of this place who
died at Lake Charles La was brought
to and Intered at this placo at tho Cath
ollo cemetery this evening
Tho polca Jury hero mot In special aes
slon and accepted tho now J0OM Jail
Just finished The new Jail Is modern and
Fannin County Confederates at Bonham
llonhnm Texas August 14 Tha Kan
nln County Confederate Veterans asso-
ciation Is assembled here In Its fiftysixth
annual reunion which will continue four
Congressman C B Rande 1 of Sherman
addressed the veterans today
Prickly Ash Bitters
OneFourth of thj Crop Said to Have
Bcon Destroyed sWIthln the Past
Dtnltaa arayion County Tens AUgtit
14Within the lilt ten day the cotton
crop In this section ct Texaa and Iho near-
by Indian Territory has betn
damaged at I < Jt 25 per cent bi the boil
wefn n F thought thit the lntcnfe dry
weather win eliminate tbe pests
College Ration Htatos County Texa
Auguu itKroni great exptctatlons to
blasted hop This tell the tale or the
cotton conditions In this countr Itstote
tha recent beau rains and disastrous Hood
or a week or two ago th pro p et wore
the finest fot years but the awrul flood
destrojed practically H per eeut of the cot-
ton In the llraxes bottom and f mar ten
unlnjurfd bj the Hood 73 ytr ent Is llkelv
lo be destroud bj tho l > oll weevils anrt
Iwll worms which are In plentiful numbers
In this eotmiv The uplsnd cotton has a
good stalk and Is putting on a good crop
of squares hut they are everywhere being
punctured by ihe wecills o that there
can be no dependence pti In tho crop yet
to be untie and the fanners are only sure
of that cotton which was uiade prior to
the iloofl Snd r e it rains llowmer It
hut ill woalhr continues the hdl weevils
may lie forced m abdicate cruel reign
ns this kind of weather Is Injurious To
them and some of the staple may he midc
on this now Unprenilsltig col ton
Terrel Kaufman County Texas August
13 Iatesl deielopmcnts etio Uiat the cot-
ton crup Is not so had ns has peep reported
by prilnus stntetniits male more on sup
position than facis While there las been
considerable cotton total drstioied tn tn
rliei bottoms where the wat i lias ie
maliird a long time on the nop ci eieu
sonic of His drowned couon Is putting on
jieix loaves and budding li w s repnrtd
that on thn coiMel farm on Saliii
ninth of the city there would not be it
tinle made The owner of the farm slot
i The Post correspondent Hint lie win
raise 250 bales ur tuetf Nome deny Hl
abundance of the Imll worms but It the
worst reports are true It Is confidently be
lleved that there will be au nietnge ot
more than half a bale of cotton tn tho acre
throughout the count tin re Is hat much
now In the fields opening or to open atone
claim more than n oale t < > ihe acre while
many claim an easy bale As long as tne
boll worms monkey with the plant titer
Is much uncertainty but not nuiigti lo
sweep the whole prospect from tne face
of the earth Couon picking Is going on
and the fruitage Is Increasing
Caldwell Hurleson County Texas Au-
gust H Tho weather Is very warm mil
It Is getting dry again Cotton Is ooinliir
m rapidly and brlnslug a fair price I im
trop that was recentIj planted will siiner
for rain In a few days Th > cnlloii seed
buyers nre active lu their competition mi
seed About 1O0 bales of cotton have hen
received so far Corn Is turning out Imdl
lhnry Hodges maoegrr f tn Umltli a
Carson farm near Clay was In lie ill
today rrnm his report there will lie smii
ciilTnn rslsed In the lower bottom but vr
little ou an average Cotton In the upp i
bottom will be betier but not half a crop
Corpus Chrlstl Texas August U I ne
dry spsll is beeomliig s rlous filing m
this section and stock and irnpn are loon
lug bad Grass Is setting vrri scarce nni
all the jtoikmen have been ennpi bed io
resort to fe dlug which is verv ep n ne
mi account of the cvorbltmit pilees of feed
tun > The cotton crop is orr small aim
will b cut short rervbadl Ribi Is bull
needed gruernlh peebllv fnr the trmk
men who muM wait for rain lo put lu
ihelr big cabbsge and divers Bed crops
Loeibnit Caldiveii count ujaut H
This eictinu Is iieedlujt raiu i iv badly
having had nope nc the overflow
weeVs aaii Cotimi has degeneraied greailj
during th past week and Is aiilfsrlng tor
molslure Jh boll wwiils ire enrmimg
tdeli depredations In all dlrecHi > a and toq
ernp will be much shorter than was inibi
paicd directly after the last rani ti i
now thought by a majority or the faniris
and the eoton men that the crop will not
rfiioh that of last year
Omsnehf Cmuanche County Texas Au-
gust U The excessive h weath r w
have had for tie pust twelve days is in
jurlna cotton rs much The ground is
mil of muares which have fallen ofj
ton wlltlug worms not o bad A smart
sprinkle of old cotton opu and several
bales sold ln town
Ueutou Denton County Texas August
in Bull worms are playing havoc With tne
cotton lu tbe eastern part of the cotiutv
hmI the plagu growing worse mid
npr adlug
Pa t Year Has Been E coptionally Free
from Sickness
Benvllle T as Autjnst 13 From the
reports of Hie physlcUns of tho county
X tie Stale health officer It la loint il
tiist tbe past year has been on of Ibo
healthiest In the history of He county
No malignant disease of any form has
prevailed and ordinary fevsrs and slok
iieise have been rare Deaths ln tho
inunly during the year have been below
thn average Thus It Is that In spltn
of the drouth and short crops the paopl
have had some blesslnre
fltoelt In some localities ln ibis part of
the Stale have begun to suffer on ac-
count of the drouth and short range
Til commissioners nmrt of Ie coun-
ty Is In session hero this week Tha
need of good roads and more brldgas In
Ihe county Is made manifest by tho many
petitions for both before the court
The broom corn crop In this lounly lias
turned out vcr woll In spite of the dry
weather during tho growing season
Resignation of Comml6sloner Burov Has
Been Accepted
Cqoro Texaa August II Thi resigna-
tion of Mr D It Burow nc county
commissioner was accepted yesterday and
Mr O IV Theum of Yorktown appointed
and qualified for the unexpired term
The couniv treasurers report for the
quarter shows something ovr 2ArtY cash
on bund In the various funds
Mr c T Hehwab assessor has bis
rolls completed for the year Tho court
U > fV Siw
w Mlfe
l lm M <
mmket urenpto ii hUrtcr rtiel A E KIESLING B03 Main St CRKSCCNT DRUG STORE 319 Main St
live wetirr 3 t > iw H > 7W l n wtirrs Special ARonU
3 < Vartil fefl iiwr w it Tens > v
tipped jejrllngs h4Wi055 Tas lipped
will meet Tjiesday next to examine them
Tho oil mill has started up for the sea-
sons run with a considerable supply
of seed on hSnd
Mr P A Mollenw of thn Seville
exferlmental station Is expected herd
tomorrow to inspect th county poor farm
and to direct some experiments which
wl bo conducted ort tle farm next ea
Respect lo the Memory of tha Victims ol
tha Hotel Fir
lian Angela Tcxat August IS Putiuint
to call of cltliros a public wensatUl buss
meeting was held t the court house to-
night to express the sorrow ot the paoplti
o thin cttr over the arm lass the ov
munltv hsd simatlned M B Pulllam
was called to preiltie nubscquent proceed
lugs being as follows
Inrneatlen Rev J D SCOlt
Hvmu in the Dark and Weary Pay
Appointment of committee en resolutions
J W Hill J W Johnson 0 1 Bird
Efr ° MtfPhy J n Tsyier
It A Hall Jos Sneuce
Qiiartette Mesdamcs Oeorge Allen and
J W IH Mr r George Allen and W
Addresses by Hon Jos Spenct Rev A
li llarr Judee Hrnwn P Leo Colonel A
J Raker and Rev 1 TI Scott
Ilvmn God be WHU You Till We Meet
Resolutions were submitted and adopted
expressing sympathy for Mr J X Lin
The oniv inmites of tho hpt > l on tbs
night u tho lire remaining unaccounted
Tor aro II J Itrldges of Dallas and J
Pears of Lukln
It Is bnlleved thev escaped and If ther
did the knowledge of It here would lift a
great load of anxletv off the minds o
Iho community
He Was
a Widely Known Lawyer of
Southwest Texas
rioresvllle Texas August 13 Judge L
M Lawnun the oldest member of the
lloresvllle bar and a widely known chai
actor of this section of the State fell
lend nt his homo this morplng about D
inlock He bna not been very well for a
fen days but was able to bn about and
was on tho streets a few minutes beforo
his demise Judge iwinhon was born In
t oliiuibus Ga in 1S33 studied lair under
Governor Urown of Georgia was admitted
to llie bar before attaining his majority
and in isji came to Texas and settled in
uonaales where be bcson the practice of
hi Ilmseii profession Remaining there a
few wars be moved to Helena Karnes
uiiiulj where for twenty sevtn years he
elijojfd a verv lucrative practice In pan
iicrsnln with Hon iush Brow novr of San
Jlarcos lie moved to riorcsvlllo about
issi and has since resided here practicing
his profession lie was a member of the
Ihliteenth legislature In the lower houso
and lu 1 < iri2 and IW > wa elected as State
sennioi fiom this district and was spoken
o tthniit that Hnie for railroad cotntalo
slenei lie was a lleuteuant in tbe Cont d
crscv and died loving the cause for which
he fought He was a Mason and a member
oi the lrchuerlan church He will be
burled here tomorrow by the Mason
ttp cfal to The Tost
Key Wesi r s Anlied Nueces Ami
from Ncii York nud stilled for Galveston
Poit Ends In Arrived Kosta Rtcan
illr i Timi Ilvcrpool via llarbadoes
Algiers iVm i fiom Port Llmou Owent
iNot i from Cellw Mailed Eater Am
for nineflolds Itirtvadsu Ur for Liver-
pool Jllgilel Ilnciie tijpan for Uar
celnna via agn and tndli Olympla
Ur for Iou Ltmfip George Dumola
Nori for liilegston via Ieltc Ansel Jl
illr i for Puerto Iortcz via llelUc and
Ioit Rsirios
Slllv Passed Inca Ur from Oalitin
toti i Rotterdam
New York Sailed Romeo lAust for
Ualiotlin 191 Vnlle for GnivMtou
Olive Locals
Olive Texas August IX JIIss Edti
Parquhar who has b cti visiting Mi i V
A Iettv left yesterday for Iliusnn
where phe wtll visit Miss Biinifli i >
fore returniiis to her honi at Pumpkin
Mr c hnrles A Rtjernenberg Is spending
a week In Houston
M ssre Olive Ht rnenherg V o have
Just roiiipleini lovnrlng ihelr mill wlli
Iron rnomiv Tnli logethei wlili thlr
water smkf im iinkes it n most i
fire proof plant They are al i nla > HIT
tho iiatterv of hollers tn the ruining mil
with new ones
Mr John Miller no spent forty thre >
days lu bed with typhoid fever Is up
Corpus Christl News
Corpus fTirlstl Texas Ausuit ItTho
commissioners court adjourned last even-
ing aftr a three days session transact
In business in u most expedite man
Adjoin it Oe oral Thomas Scurry and
fnmilv cf Austin havo been here durlns
thn pn weeK lu feci Mrs Scurry has
bfen In everal we H There aro ov
oral Aii ii friends also here with them
A large force of men are t WHtk on
lh Ceniril wharf milting It In Prs
class condition lUoroustlly oveihuullng it
a ltd building a largo new warehouse on
tho Tbead of It
Hempstead Court News
Hempstead Texas August 11 In thi
rountv court yesterday the Jury In the
case of A II Muske vs J A Welt re-
turned a verdict In favor of defendant
This case was for the trial of right of
properly and originated oyer the owner-
ship of four pigs valued nt U each Tho
costs of court etc now amounts to ver
ba pa 10
Ih tho probate court today August
Roehl was granted letters ot administra-
tion upon the estate of Mary Roehl de-
i < cs
Accidents at Pumping Station
Victoria Texaa Aufrust lLrThere have
ben sevoral unfortunate accidents to th
machlneiv at tho pumping stations of the
Victoria Wee rvhd Irrigation company
which l e allayed Ihe flooding of the
yflrt acres f rice along their canah They
have been pumping steadily for several
dais and aro rapidly filling the caJiab
Rice la nee ltng the water and the comj
pam expects to be able to flood the una
nrxt week
i >
Brewed from carefully iclected barley and hop never permitted to
letvc the brewery until properly aged
A f
a r
1 v
> ti
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The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIIITH YEAR, No. 133, Ed. 1, Friday, August 15, 1902, newspaper, August 15, 1902; Houston, Texas. ( accessed October 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .