The Waco Citizen (Waco, Tex.), Vol. 23, No. 39, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 28, 1957 Page: 1 of 6
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Again we remind you that we j
don't make the new*, we airro>v 1
print it. A persons life is wiu
he makes it. soon to be forgotten :
when he leaves this earth. As
Christians we believe that our
earthly body remains while the i
spirit lives on for eternity.
Thus wnat wo do horo on earth
while our spirit and body Ifcet,
determines the future of our
souls. If we qualify by leading
the right kind of life by daing
•end here on earth rather than
living a life of misery to our-
selves and those around us.
than we earn a place in Heaven
for our souls.
This could be a basis for our
Thanksgiving today. While our
Pilgrim forefathers in this coun-
try established a certain period
of time for halting on a day to
give thanks, the idea neverthe-
less originated m old Biblical
times. The Old Testament tells
about the people giving thanks
to God in reverent meditation.
That was before Christ was
Wa should give thanks bo-
causa wa want to. If you have
lived the sort of life that you
have nothing to give thanks
for, than you are a poor soul
indeed. Our lives are what wo
make thorn. The spirit goes on
to that groat world beyond
Our record is made horo on
••rth whether newspapers
record If or not. Our loved one
who remain behind us can
either be proud, sorrowful or
regretful when the facts are
printed. Let's keep these facts
in mind while and when we are
living our own lives here on
, Your Neighborhood Newspoper • Published Every Thursday ^0
Volume 23
Woco, Texas, Thursday, November 28, 19571
Autorama Turned
Out Floporama
"Floparama was the opinion generally expressed of ihe Down-
town Unlimited Autorama last Thursday, Friday and Saturday
which was practically rained out between 3th and 8th streets on
Austin Avenue The event was a feature promotion of the Waco
daily New* Tribune, Times Herald All of the promotional money
raised by Waco Downtown Unlimited is being controlled bv the
management of that newspaper
The Waco CUi/cn carries some individual advertisements of
some of the merchants pjrtici-------- ■ “ j
pating in the closed body. The
City Commission and Waco
Chamber of Commerce went all
out to block traffic for these
three days and nights to cooper-
ate in an effort to help bring
business back to the downlown
area F.vervone has cooperated to
this extent When this paper was ]
frjfhtmg the battles alone with
the city traffic patterns, it was
fighting a single battle without
anv support from the daily. Now
that the newspaper management
has undertaken the cause to the ;
j exclusion of others, the attempt i
has flopped
Some of the larger advertis-
ers who went along with the
Detectives Recover
Loot For Rankin
Number 39
Our printers played a trick on
the leaders last week On the
front page we had a late bulletin
about Robert Uucdkr being cap-
tured after his escape from ,
Deputy Sheriff Klmer Uramlett port,on of
Reference was made to an inside
page story for further news
about Robert But the inside
story just wasn’t there. The print-
ers had to leave out several
rolumns of type because of lack
of space It so happened that the
l.uedkc story was included in
the type left out.
movement Hke a drowning man
grasping a straw, were not sold
on the idea of an auto show
drawing business, even in ihe
even! of good weather They put
j up their share of money and
didn't say anything
Those merchants on Austin
Avenue, however, who had con-
tributed their money also, but
who were left out of the Raida
Austin Avenue, felt
pretty sore at the discrimination
flop, they
A little after ten o'clorfc j
Tuesday morning C. J Rankin j
reported theft of *8 27 frogi |
his Swap Shop. 213 South ;
Third Shortly after noon Dt
tectives C A Phillips and
Johnnie Sherrill had recover
ed the money in possession of
a Negro man. Willie la*
The money was scattered all
over Gooden home at 1825
Faulkner lame Gooden re-
mains in city jail awaiting
transfer to the countv for
theft over $3 00 He was trac-
ed through a Negro girl
Customers Must
Pay Bills, Entitled
To Decent Service
Mrs Betty Roye. 2228 Alex
under reported Tuesday lhal the
city has not picked up the gar
huge around 23rd and Alexander
in a week ,
“Just let your water hill get
behind a day and you'll sure
hear about it*', explained the
housewife She thinks the pub-
GOOD ONE I Young Brian David
Billstoin, ton of Mr. and Mrs
Lloyd L. BilHtoin. Route S. Vic-
toria, is previewing tha Thanks-
giving taaaon by chawing on a
big fat turfcay lag. Tha traditional
lie should jump on them when I turkey will appear on tha menu
HOLIDAY—Lovely Barbara Nich-
thev fall to live up to their part
ihe same as they do on the cus
The garbage wws set out again
als, a movie star, issues an early this week and will just have to
too. Now since the
are'rejoicing that their business
Merry Christmas to
friends in the services.
all her
J • h n Maxwell, prominent
Wa«b> attorney, who died Sun-
day lived to what wo term "a
ripe old ago," S3 years. It it
getting to bo that the normal
span of lifo it in the eighties
Maxwell wot prominent in
Masonry, a Baptist, had hold
several political jobs, hod a
good law practice and a fine
follow. Ha made an unsuccess-
ful race for Congress many
years ago. Hit wife was quite
a campaigner in hit boha'f.
Those are the facts in the lifo
of John Maxwell as ho made
This newspaper has gone all
out in the past to help a certain
group ol business men of a com-
munity We've made It possible Texas towns
wasn t interrupted for this period
of time, Main events were
scheduled only for the one big
affair between 5th and 8th
The thily*s interest in Down
town Unlimited is purely for
personal gain that might come
their way in the form of advor
tising promotional money.
Wants to Get Pen
Time Served After
Being Picked Up
Policemen O. T Mcnch, J P
Morgan and Sgt Glenn Gibson
participated in the arrest of Wil
Ham Slaughter over the week
end who is a parole violator out
of Dallas for burglary
Slaughter who Is 41 years ol
age, gave his address at 6115
Gold street in Houston. He has j
been with a carnival playing in
for them to have good business
by fighting for things needed
for communuity betterment. In
response for these successful ef-
ports on our part, they are al-
ways giving us a slap in the face,
or should wc say a knife in the
- back.
We don't feel bad about this
bocawto sovoral of thoso indi-
viduals havo novor boon ablo
to got along with thomsolvos
much loss with snyono olso.
Thus thoso thoy aro support-
ing today with thoir Advertis-
ing, thoy will bo knifing in tho
back tomorrow. Instead of giv-
ing us a chsnco to boost thoir
Christmas business with no ad-
ditional cost through our al- i
ready established nows media
which circulates very widely in
thoir trodo aree, thoy give thoir 1
business to outsiders. In tho
meantime wo go along by con-
tinuing to give thoir community
free nows items just os if noth-
ing had happened. Wo at least
aro thonksful this Thanksgiv-
ing Day for thoso progressive
concerns in that community
who do avail thomsolvos of our .
advertising medio.
Judge Ben Rice ia busy this
week with his criminal docket
In federal court The Central Tex-
as Jurist will probably go over
to hit home town of Marlin for
Thanksgiving All of us are
thanksful in Central Texas to j
have Judge Rice on the bench
He did a good job while serving
* on Ihe Tenth Court of Civil Ap-
peals here In Waco Judge Rice
Is another who has lived a life
which makes plessant reading
as an after thought for his friends
and relatives when hit span on
earth has been completed Our
Uvea ae»uj ,*r M)»re what we ,
make tfcri*Jflft moka.khe
news, we print It.
Three Negroes
Now In Jail On
Lakeview Burglary
Three Negroes are in McLen
nan county jail bring held for
the lakeview Drug and Grocery
burglar) last Monday morning
Arrested by Deputy Sheriff
Elmer Bramlctt were Iaithcr
Dorsey, ex federal convirt. 30,
Clara I.ucky Brown. 24. and
ter Hubbard. 2fl They have been
identified in the rase
Cameron Sheriff
Praised For His
Row Swanner. engineer at the
Veterans Hospital with his fam
wait until it meets with their
pleasure to pick it up. she x'a
led Pickups are supposed to be
on Tuesday and Friday, but since
they adhere to no schedule the
patrons state they dd not know
just when lo set it out
In the meantime the dogs get
in the cons and throw It all over
the streets Of course, the gar-
bage collectors can't be bothered
about trash on the streets, re-
gardless of how trashy or filthy
it looks
at Consoles Warm Springs Re- 1
habilitatien Foundation o s
Thanksgiving Oay. Young Bill- I
stain, a polio victim,- Is a patient
at the Foundation for tho third
time sines tho onsot of his polio
attack in May IfS*. Ho isn't going
to 1st a small mattar of two long
log braces intorfara with polish-
ing off tho huge meaty turkay
Robert luedke Back
For Pen Term
Alter Running Away
He had not reported to the
probation officer in Dallas in | jly found a warm host a» a rale
more lhan a year Slaughter told
the officers he wanted to get this
back of him and was glad he was
Legion Post Wonts Toys
For Christmas Party
K C. Robinson Post 440 of the
American legion will donate toys
to needy children al a party to
be held at the club rooms on
Speight Avenue before Christ
mas •
Myrtice i owan is in charge
She asks that those having brok
on toys to donate please call her
telephone PL 4-1546
in Cameron in Sheriff Carl
Black. The Swanners went to
Toone's Stay in City
Jail Short This Time
Jimmie Toone who was anx
lous to get in jail last week,
walked out of the city jail Sun
day morning a free man again
lie had completed serving his
fiftfeen dollar fine. Heleased
with him were John W Harrell
and Bill W Baker, who likewise
had done their time in Ihe city
They had received only the
five day sentences although
Judge Q Z Valentine had
promised any of the Toonex the
maximum hundred or two hun
*1°° down
iortco A
So, IMs
Cameron last Thursday evening dreil dollar fine everytime they
lor the University B footbhall come belore him on the bench,
team's game against Cameron Toone had begged the dc,k
Tommy Swanner plays often
sive center him up Failing in Ibis he picked
While Cameron H learn lost up an elertric iron at Ward's and
to University H. the big team walked out with It The theft
won in Waco against the
Trojans Sheriff Black said he
wanted to treat Ihe Waco visitors
because their bigger boys were
coming to Waco to w in They di-i
All agreed Camerons Sheriff is
a grand person
The B learn completed the sea
son with six wins and no lies or
losses The second teams don't
get any publicity, even with
their victories
Baylor Student
Has Tires Stolen
Walter Cagle looked out
his window at Martin Hall
charge was dropped
tily Pays Claims,
Asks For Bids
The water works will accept
bid* „n December 18 for *340
000 worth of equipment for tjie
Mt Carmel lift station inrlud'
ing some pipe
'Fhivwas the main item of bus.f
nes» at Ihe city commission meet
ing Tuesday
Two claims for damages done
by city vehicles were authorized
lo he paid A city garbage truck
damaged amounted to *50 while,
a ’fire track's brakes failed lo
_ . ... . „ _ . i work raining an estimated dam
Baylor 5th and »'•«on. Tuesday „f 76 r„- Attorney W
noon to see that his IR57 ford |ry s^ts-m Jr was instructed to get
had been stripped n( two while M lower hid if possible since ihe
sidewall .lire* and wheels the firemen did not seem to think'
car being let- down on- the the car was damaged thal much i
ground Corrected leases were approv
lie had last aeen the rar when ed Rills were paid on estimates i
he parked it at 5 pm Monday for improvements
afternoon — — *
World War II and Korean con
flirt veterans in Bell and Fay
ejte counties whose homes have
been damaged or lost in recent
floods arid tornadoes may get
assistance through the Veterans
Administration 4-nan Guaranty
program. Dr. George T McMa
ban “HBgmjf Wo VA Oaatrr f
in W*c«HPRP*V -»•
Robert l.uedkc' is hock in the ,
Mclennan county tail This time
to stay for awhile laud week
Luedke ran awav from Deputy.!
Sheriff Flmer Uramlett when be
was being lakrn hark to Jail af
ter having his 5 years |irobation '
Luedke admitted several bur I
lanes in Waco, and one in Green
villo He was caught in the art
Robert was out in the cold and
hadn't^ ha^ anything to eat A
boy was seen climbing a fence
in the Kpeegleville lake Warn
area Frank Iteislnger notified
Sheriff (' (' Mnxey's office It
turned out to be Luedke
One time before Luedke broke
|all when he was serving as a
trusty Judge Nash Oliver ;bc
came lenient with him one time!
rutting bis sentence down fro n
a year, to the few month' he \
had served He probably "ill •>'
sergeant. and detectives to lock f tri,.H on nf , a....
Fxeepf for his youth he probably
would he tried on Ihe habitual
criminal act
Although just a boy Luedke '
has been married and is father of
* child His wife divorced him!
while he was serving time in the
county jail
(This is the story 'hat got leli
out last week
in Mclennan jail
Robert Luedke is hark in the
Mrlamnan county tail He was
returned to Waco from Greenville
to have his probation revoked
He admitted to Deputy Sherifl
Flmer Bramlctt and City Deter
lives Stanley Turner that he
broke into the Joy Drive In
T heatre among other cr m« ■
-James Schroedcr of Rt U. send
in ihe most attractive colored pic
j ture in the Waco Citizen 25th
Theatre color contestjn the opin
ion of the judges. *
Ticket winners are Sherry Jeon
Overby. David Friedholm Sandra
Lee Matthys. Carolyn Sue Scott
Price* will bo moiled 4» tba
winners ->n< . •
** eemvtee
This Thanksgiving in Waco prob-
ably means morg to Greater Waco
than in any time during if* history.
While some businesses are under-
going certain chonges or setback,
nevertheless the greater portion of
the citizenship is experiencing its
greatest era of prosperity.
Waco stands on the very edge of
having the largest volume of money
spent on civic improvement* that any
city of its proportion has ever had.
To cinch these things for Greater
Waco, the citizenship has shown a
most cooperative spirit. It is unbe-
lievable that the people should be so
united in these forward movements.
-"This just isn't Waco," remarked
several oldtimers who witnessed such
a solid united front at the public
meeting last Thursday at the Texas
Highway Department. Only one
voice was raised against accepting
the $22 million program offered
Waco, Bellmead and lacy-lakeview
by the state and federal governments
in a tremendous Expressway right
through the residential section of the
city. Waco School Superintendent E.
N. Dennard clarified that misappre-
hension on the part of that objector.
It was explained for E. J. Slovak's
clarification that he as well as all other
property owners would be paid for
any lands or property belonging to
them, used in the right of-way.
W. B Patterson of South Sixth street
said he would gladly relinquish his
property for progress, even though it
was good low priced revenue bearing
real estate Roger Conger of Hammond
Laundry & Machinery Comany ex-
plained that the Heritage Society which
hq heads did not want the progress of
Waco retarded for the sake of pre-
serving landmarks. Tom Street, attor-
ney, wonted hi* property port of the
old Interurbon right-of-way released
for business improvements. Tom Col-
lier, highway engineer district super
visor, assured him that this probably
wouldobe done soon. That's Thanks-
giving progress. In foct oil of these en-
dorsements wo* o Thanksgiving ex-
pression- for grand future of Woco.
Harold Bartholomew & Associates
engineer, O. B Loveloce said the Mid
town Expressway fit into the great
progressive program facing Woco Of
course, he as well as others looking to
Waco's progress, ore anticipating the
approval of the voters on December
10th of the twelve million dollor plus,
city improvement bond issue. Absen-
tee voting already is underway. The
two sample ballots ore being carried
in this issue just as they will appeor
of the voting boxes. This moy be a
big Christmas Gift to Woco residents.
The three octing mayors were called
on first for their expressions. Those
endorsing the Expressway were Mayor
Truett K. Smith of Woco, Mayor Pro
Tern B C. Hooks of Lacy-Lakeview and
James Scott, mayor of Bellmead. Coun-
ty Judge Bill Logue spoke for the
county saying this program certoinly
has the solid support of McLennan
county. Chamber of Commerce Presi-
dent John Murchison praised the move-
ment. Jock ...Kultgen, a super civic
leader, pointed o‘ut thot the wide high-
way is needed for defense. R. 1. Mor-
•toller suggested that the Circle Drive
roule be used, tendering a petition
to that effect, with 180 signers.
Attorney and ’ Property Owner
G«orge Chose said the mid-city route
with improvements due for LaSalle
has the support of LaSalle proparty
owner*. Co-Chairman Earl Harrison of
the Streets and Highway* committee,
Mickey Lavy, Downtown Waco Un-
limited, and Hilton Howell for Baylor,
each voiced approval. It all was a
method of giving thanks. *
Collier was assisted in presenting
the plans by Engineers James H.
Aiken*. John Neubauer and others of
the Highway Deportment. The mid-
city Expressway will be designated a*
Highway 35. LaSalle will continue to
be on arterial route being improved
to take care of the lood The suggested
route is not the exoct location, it was
stated So let's too give thanks for this
governmental gift.
While the government propo*ad
Waco Dam was not developed suffi-
cient to get on the Christmas bollot.
it nevertheless is a tremendous thing
of which to be proud, for which to
give thanks in advance. It should take
concrete form by early in 1958
All of these improvements runs the
thanksgiving pockage for Woco
oround the seventy-seven million dol*
tors expenditure. Who is it that will
deny that Greater Woco has lots for
which to be thankful?
Then why shouldn't we Give Thanks
to the God who makes all these things
possible for us? It would Era wise to
attend the community Thanksgiving
Service os an expression of your ap-
preciation let's pause today to Give
10 Election Ballots
SPECIAL election
DMnnHr 10. 1*57
NOTE: Vqtar'x il»n*lnr« »•
be affiaed on (Ho reverse
, il4f
December 10. 1*5/
NOTE Veter's signetv<* ta
b* sttUari an tHa reverse
yes *o
Yfi/t the following named persons to constitute
the Charter CommU'ton mot . more than sixteen
in nurnhefi
W W Naman
John F Sheehy
Mrs Irving M Pettis
Walstem Smith Jr
R W (Jacki Kuhltnan
Mrs Harry Trlppet
'I champ Fitrhugh Jr
I v nil on I. Olson
t,u» Amthor
John H McNamara, Jr
Miner V McCall
llafry Roberts ■ , •
Harry Provence
F M Hswtof
J I Bales
Angus McSwain
tAnv voter rle*ifing to vote in lavnr of the
FN TO HlAMF 5 NKM t HARTFR ’ shall
•cratck nr mark out the word No thus leaving
the word Yes” as indicating his vote isi the
question Any voter desiring to vote against such
proposition shaft scratch or mark Aut the word
■ Yes '' thus leaving (he word No ' a* indicating
his vole on Ihe question In either event voter*
will then vote lor a charter coinmi»sion of six
•teen 'members Voters dr-iring lo vote for anv
jierson whose name apjiears on the ballot may
do so by leaving such name* on the bajlot un
*cra!< herl and unmarked Any voter desiring to
vole against any of such persons shall do so by
scratching or marking Out the name or names
of such prrsoa* Any voter max vote for aav
other' person or person* by writing in the space
provided on the ballot the name or names of
*«ch other person i*r persons No voter shall
vote for more than sixteen member* The failure
,4 a name a - mimsakf shaD
(At ta each prapasitiao. yaw may vata by saratsh
inq ar markmq av* ana at »Ha bataw espeasstao*.
thJs laav-na tHa athar •* lodUatinq yasir
an tha prapasitiao.)
FUR Ihe Issuance of *7 I04.IXX)
•Street Rond*
AGAINST the Issuance of *7,104 IXJU
Street Itond*
H>H the Issuance of *3 141 000 a
Drainage Ronds ,
MiAINST the l-siiaiue of *3 141 (X»
Drainage Rond* __
proposition no three
FOR (he l*»uarire of *880 000
Park Bonds _ '
MiAINST the Issuance ol **80 000
Park Rond*
poR the Issuance of *236 000
Fire Station Bonds
• GAINST the Issuance of $*50 000
11re Station Bond*
* yy>R the Issuance, ol *430.000
City lahrarv Bond*
AGAINST the lv,uance ol S450H0U
city tihOHT Bond'
FUR the Issuance cri *130 TOO
Airport Bonds aison*wi
AGAINST the D'uance of SIMFOUU
• irjMirt Bonds mmumM
proposition no *«ven
PUR the Issuance of H-wJ.lJUU
sinitary sewer Sv*tem
AGAINST the IsMiance of *330 0W
Sanitarv Sewer Svstem Bond*
MW .nxahdate his vote on 'h'
NSW ( ff ARTfR^ £_- ' 7’
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Foster, W. S. The Waco Citizen (Waco, Tex.), Vol. 23, No. 39, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 28, 1957, newspaper, November 28, 1957; Waco, Texas. ( accessed October 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .