The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger (Rockdale, Tex.), Vol. 95, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 16, 1967 Page: 1 of 15
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Rockdale Relays
Records ’Shaky'
S»« Page lb
'Shake the
Faith,' Baby
^ ' See Pig* 2
' VOL. 95
Rockdale Messenger Established 1273
Rockdale Reporter EsUblishsd 1229
NO. 11
Council Votes to Install
Parking Meters Again
Parking Space
Goal of Move
English Wit Set
For CC Banquet
Humor * with an
English | mtjch in demand as an after-
flavor Will feature the ar.ruiaTTfnrHit1! speaker.--
Krckctnle Chamber <.f Com- "We feel that he will, have
mcree bariqiet scheduled foi message to bring us. and at the
-April 18, with Dr. Geoffrey, -same time will be a hit with
Bray of London, England, to ! all those who heat him through
GIRL SCOUTS AT WORK—/This is national Girl
■*Seout Week and locally eight troops, encompassing
more than 100 girls age 7 through 17, are engaged ifi
many activities. Part of the program hei'e sees
members of Senior Troop 376 assisting in training
the younger Scouts. Here, seniors Patricia Green
(faff) and Melissa Laird teach_ steps in the flag
eefethony -tb' BroS^ttter (L-R) Jan Beery; Elaine
Freiling and Kathy Green. (Reporter Photo)
Special Week for 100 Girls
Calendar* .
00 YOU happen to have.^an
U old 1809 calendar stored
away'in a trunk in the attac?
If you do, dig it out and hang
it on.the wall. It is exactly the
same as the 1967 calendar.
Somebody asked the other
day how often this happens,
which led me to do a little re-
search. It happens only at 6 or
-11-year intervals. For instance,
between 1800-and 15W9 tin-re
aVfe~22 years when the-calendar
Girl Scout Week, March 12-
18, is being observed locally
by mote than 100 gtrhr age 7
through 17 who are involvedrm
Scouting hem, and also by
more than 20 women volun-
teer leaders.
“Values to Hold—Worlds to
Explore" is the thetVie lor the
trierpiium beginning in 1967—
the 55th birthday year of Girl
Scouting in America.
Mrs. C. H. Mevers, neighbor-
hood chairman, reported this
week that Rockdale now has
seven Girl Scout truofis in-
i eluding three Brownie troops,
two Junior troops, pne Cadet
troop and one Senior troop.
Girls age 7 and 8 (second
and third-grade students', are
involved in ^the Brownie pro-
gram. The Junior troops are
composed of girls age 9, 10 and
t>, att fourth, fifth and sixrh-
grade students. Cadettes are
is exactly the same for all 12
months, including the current | Scouts age 12, 13 and 14, stu-
yeat 1967.
You can start with the 1809
calendar, wait 6 year* and the
_1915 calendar is the same.
Then there, are two 11-year
lapses: i62e and 1687. Then 6
years, then two 11-year waits;
and another 6-year and two
11-year periods, winding up
with 1893. A funny thing hap-
pens at the turn of the cen-
tury. The calendar is the same
every 6 years three times In a
dents in the seventh, eighth
and ninth grades. The Senior
Scouts are age 15, 16 and 17
and are from the sophomore,
junior and senior classes in
high school.
—Ihu—neighbor hood—service
team consists of Mrs. Meyers,
neighborhood chairman; Mrs.
Raymond Birchfield, troop or-
ganizer; Mrs. W. E. Arrington,
ramp site chairman; Frank
Brandon, dav camp site owner-
and Mrs. Bill Cooke, public
relatwfMr -
Mr«. Wanda Hire of Austin is
district advisor.
— Troop leaders and member-
ship totals were listed bjf'TOrs;
Meyers as follows;
Brownies—Troop 328, Mrs.
be the tweaker
Announcement was made
this week by Chamber Presi-
dent G. K.. WorleV. The banquet
will bo held a? the junior-high
school cafeetoriurn and will
begin at 7:3(1 p. tn.
“We fetl fortunate in getting
Dr. Brav who is currenfy in
this country as a visiting pro-|
terror at thr University of Tex- 1
a:.” WorlCy said.
"Bray is a graduate of Ox-
ford with 'a PhD in political |
-science. He is considered a
keen-wit in his native country
and is highly regarded as an
after du.ner spt aRTi .** 'Worley
continued ^
The Chamber president said
that a biographical sketch on
| the speaker shows he served
10 years as a member of the
British Parliament. Since be-
ing’ in the United States he has
worked with the United States
Chamber »f Commerce ‘ and
through this .activity has. been
hii own brand erf humor that
has been the highlight of his
talks wherever he has appear-
ed,". Worley added.
Details, of the ahnial ban-
quet program are now being
worked out and will be an-
nounced later.
As legislator in 1952
Rolan, 18 members; Troop 268,
Mrs. Cline Freiling and Mrs.
Waiter Dockall, 29 members;
Troop 265, Mrs. Bill Merkin
RitesTHeld Here
For H.'M. Roark
City councilmen voted
unanimously Tuesday to
bring parking meters back
to three streets in Rock-
dale’-a downtown, business
Mayor Harold M. Luc-
key said that the subject
of inadequate parking space
for shoppers lias been a eouqcil
topic for several months. Tues-
iur , t;f. aldermen t -ok the ;ige- •
old problem by the horns.
“We’re not going to install
the"meters as extensively as
they were before,” Mayor
Luckey 'said, "and final pl&ns
will be made at the next coun-
t il l inp- " _
and Mrs. Ernie Miller, 16 mem
Juniors—Troop 10, Mrs. J !
A. Tonder, Mrs. Wayne Ro-j
berts and. Mrs. Mike Shay, 16 '
members; Troop 131, Mrs. W
B. Bouldin and Mis. Robert E.
WitHams, 14 members,
Cadette Troop 400, Mrs.
Michael Bach and Mrs. M. R.
Thomas Beery and Mrs. Glynn McClatehey. 13 members.
Senior Troop 376, Mrs. Lloyd
IJiird, four, membcis.
(See also page 4 and editori-.-
al. page 5 )
Local Bandsmen
Medal Winners
DUS bandsmen Tim Cook,
Ann Henry, Tommy Currdjr
aud Johnny CYuz were gold-
medal winners Saturday in UIL
regional bo In and ensemble
contests held ah McCallum
High. School, Austin.
Local band director Bill
Gruscndprf said that the four
received first-division ratings
in Class I music. Their in-
struments' were Cook, oboe;
Miss Henry, flute; Currey,
trombone; and Cruz, saxo-
recretary; Mrs. Wade L. Smith phone
Jr., treasurer; Harold Love, day 1 First-division (silver medali
row, ending in 1911. From then
1999 jt follows a regular I £»'m r> .
rrr'.rJiTra'SsI Stars vs. Retreads: I
ll’s and a 6.
The 1967 calendar will be
repeated in 1978, 1989 and again
in 1996.
Skills and Comedy |
Basketball comedy and
wizardry at it#-ba*t i* due -n
the RHS gym Tuesday, March
~21T“Wtien*the wOrid-4amous
Harlem Stars display their
hardwood skills—to the prob-
able frustration of a group of
local outlaws called Vincent’s
Retreads. ■ .
A similar show last year tjrew
a packed Cfowd and another is
expected ay the Rockdale Lions
Club seem to raise* funds for
its annual $500 scholarship
which goes to a deserving RHS
Members of the Lions Club
are selling tickets, priced at
$1.50 for adults, $1 for students
overt 12 and 50 cents ft»r chil-
dren under 12.
Bold Buie, one-armed basket-
ball tclzard, is the Harlem
Stars’ Playing ’manager and
astounded fans last year WHJt
y ear—1368— -L, a leap
year. There will not be another
cak'ndar like the 1968 one un-
til ihe ^*ear 1996. And you will
have to go uR the way back to
See KAMBLJNGS, page 3
RHS Career Day
Adds New Fields
For Wednesday
More than* 50 career fields
will be outlined to high school
students here Wednesday when
R.HS hosts its annual Career
Day eyeot
An 8:30 a. hr. main assembly
will. fMtura a mill ty Hwut_________________ _________
Webb*.Oelgnere Chcmit-al Corp. _m* *hoating and bail handling.
official who heads the Chemi-
cal Technology Department at
Connally Tech, Waco. The
assembly will be open to the
general public with a special
invttation to parents of RHS
students, Mrs. Joyce Bay lew,
counselor, explained.
"Included In the 50 fields to
be discussed are A number of
technical fields, including nu-
clear engineering, which our
Carter Day , program has not
previously offered” Mra. Bay-
Students will meet In group
conferences with the
field representative*.
raising event of the year and
will enable the club to award
its annual scholarship." 1
winners In Class II music were
Diane Johnson, flute; P»*
Green, flute; Tommy Vos-
kamp, bass horn; Dee Anna
Williams, clarinet; Rene Gar-
cia, sax; Rhandi Vincent, sox. .
A so* quartet consisting of
Paul lewis, Rene Garcia, Cruz
and Gerald Tyus received a
first-division rating in Class II
music isilver medali.
A woodwind quintet compos-
ed of Ann Henry, Tim Cook,
Dian Floyd,- Susan Voskamp
and Melissa Laird received a
first-division rating in Class II
A- Mx quartet composed of
Miss Vincent, Rita Math-Angc-
lia Lynch and Barbara Black
received a "II” rating in Claaer
Soloists awarder! 11. ratings
were Elaine Martin, flute; El-
don Ball, cornet; Susan Vos-
kamp, French horn; Kay Dyer,
Frenctv horn; KJthy Lester,
French horn; Lynn Ogeg*
Rockdale Food
Center is Sold
Melvin Jordan, long-time
gi ou.i > man—of—Mm.xr.itx:—ha-
' Funeral "V(;i OR'i'!, ' were -fu-M—BtbU
here at 2s>- in. Wednesday for
K. M- Roark, 87, former state
representative, county clerk..
City judge,- school teacher -and
licensed minister.
Services were held in the
Phillips & Luckey Chapel in
Rockdale with the Rey; George
H Brown, retired Baptist min-
ister from Lampasas officiat-. •
ing. Burial was in Bellwood
Memorial^ Park in Temple.
Mr. Roark died at 11:40 a. m.
Sunday in a Rosebud hospital
where- he had been a patient *
since Jan. 9.
He first settled in Rockdale
in 1900, coming’‘here with his
family from Tennessee. He
left Rockdale for a time but
moved back here to stay in
He~was: born Aug 16, 1879 at
Birchwood, Tenn., son of the
,ta(e Mr. and Mrs. JtthnW, Uu-
ark^ He married the former
Bell Christian in Rosebud on,
Aug 18, 1911.
Mrs- Roark, who has been
^residing in Rosebud with a son,
since her huband was hos-
pitalized there in January,
survives him. Other survivors
Four sons, W. W. Roark of
Temple, H- C. Roark of Okla-
homa City, Max W Roark of
Rosebud and L. J. Roark of
Culver City, Calif.; a brother,
J-. O. Roark of Arlington; three
sisters. Miss Maude Roark, Mrs.
O. F. Robinett and Mrs. John,
Luce, all of Arlington; and
eight grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Leonard
if First Batuh t
The aldermen instructed
Pill. Mirr IS? F AUnrrt to cOn-
Churclv Mri Roark taught the
class for many years.
He was a licensed Baptist
tact a parking meter company
and have a - representative of
the firm, at the next meeting,
April 11. The type of meters
and- other problms will be
worked out then, It was ex-
Luckey said today ’ that in-
stallation ot the meters will
minister and in that capacity provide more parking space for
be performed tin. marriage \ .'-hopper- and will thereby
ceromopies of all four’of h: benefit local merchants. ■
sons. He was a longtime mem- i "We’ve Continually heard com-
See ROARK, page 3 plaints from store owners and
-— - shopers that there are just no
RHS Honor Roll . . u, from the
meters will enable us to en-
large our police force ahd give
tlie city better police protec-
tion," the mayor added.
Principal Tom U rider yood! The meters will probably be
announced' the RITS honor rob installed along three blocks of
Is Announced
' / i
\r ml V •
for the part six-week study
period as followy; '
Seniors—Delores Lawrence,
Lynette Simpson, Biffy Ctxik,
'Dan -Fischer, Lynn-Heflin. Bet-
ty Sapp, Peggy Melcher, Marty
McGowan. Carolyn Robison,
Kathy Lester. Sue Abbott,
Janie Kent, Joe Wayne Cleve-
land, Mary Ann Strelsky,
Ralph WaJtersT'Susan purtls.
Gay Nell Mills, Ernestifie
Betchan, Oharlotte Stork.
Juniors —1 Peggy Brocken-
bush, Becky Frit z, Kathy
Greer, Debbie Y*/«k, • Rosa
Muston, Verna Beth McGuyer,
Shirlry Walters. Juanita Mi s-
ton. Sue Muston, Geraldine*
Dess, Kathy Moses, Patricia
Green, Ann Henry, Dorothy
White, Norman Ortiz, Susan
See HONOR ROLL, page 3 .
Cameron Avenue, the city's
"main drag." In addition,
meters are planned for two
blocks of Main Street and 1 172
Blocks of Ackerman. No meters,
will be installed on Bell, Milartv
or Burleson as before.
Luckey said that new meters
will' probably" be Installed
sjnee the old Ones were
troublesome ‘44 almost -re-
quired a watchsmith to service
them,” he noted. A percentage
Of the meter revenue can be
rsed to pay for the meters.
- Rockdale first installed park-
ing meters in 1952. They were
taken-iOut in 1957 and the city
has been without them since
that tjrne.
In other action Tuesday, the
citv councilmen voted to ac-
See COUNCIL, page 3
aSPiSS ^rinel;
Reject1*?! will be headed by
RHS coaches Duane Vincent,
Leroy Lorenz and Ronnie
Mudd, along with a number of
other "outlaws” including Fred
Moms; Lymt McGuire, Dickie
Summers, John Brest, Bill
Cooke. Bill Stauffer, Virgil
Sehlueter, John Ballard, Darral
Walker, Billy HalL and others.
erly Jones, clarinet.
Gruwmdorf wnd he wa
See BANDSMEN, page 6
“In the beginning was the
Word, and the- Word was with
God, and the Word was God.”
—'St:' John 1:1
purchased the Rockd.ale Food
Center, located in the shopping
center, from Super Markets,
Inc, of Dallas, it was announc-
ed Monday.
Loyce Metcalf, store manager
for the past two years, will
enter the grocery butanes m
the Dallas area about April 1,
”1 will still be associated with
the Affiliated Foods organlza-.
tion,” he explained
Allen, Vespy-r Christian, Virgil
Sehlueter, Dr L. E. Selden,
Harold Luckey and O. B Mc-
Niel, Honorary pallbearers
were members of the men’s
Rotary Club Elects ''
Seven New Directors
New Catholic Church
To Hold First Mass
, Seven new directory were
elected by the Rockdale Rotary
Metcalf faid his "wife, Nelda, j Club Tuesday during a lunch-
and daughters Ca.snandra, 16.
and Sheri, 10. will remain in
Rockdale until the end of the
school term and then move to
Jordan assumed management
-amt “raid he- wmrki-f
continue operation of thfc super
market with the sanic pci on
nel and with no chanifes tn
policy. He has moved to Rock-
dale from Mesquite where he
was lit the grocery business for
about 20 years-
In those 20 years he saw his
See FOOD CENTER, page 6
eon meeting at the country
club. Elected were N. E. Al-
ford, John Brest,' Howard
Chrisco, Walter Fischer, Glen
Hodges. Harold Luckey and G.’
K Worley.
— T-h« Ropiry wjp elect new
officers next Tuesday.
RHS band director Bill Gru-
scndqrf presented the program,
a saxophone quartet consisting
of Johnny Cruz,.Paul Lewis.
Rene Garcia and Timmy Tyus,
accompanied by Mrs. L. £. frcl-
den, pianist. Garcia also play-
ed a solo.
First mass in the new sanctu-
ary of St. Joseph's Catholic
Church in Rockdale will bf
held Sunday at 8 aridtO a. m.,
according to the Rev. Father
Stephen MorrtFBcgro, priest.
To further commemorate fife
new- building, a pry-HaS’.er
mission (revivali will be con- I
ducjeci all next week tay Father I
Edward F. Jordan of Austin. I
Services will be held at 7:30 j
p. m. daily. There will be Good
Friday service^ at 1 30 p. m.
"We invite everyone to
mem jvivlun,* FV. MonieiHHfia
said as he described Fr. Jordan
dale parish, for whom the
church is named and it is fit-
ting that our new building be
opened on this day,” Fr.
Montenegro added..
FinirHiwg toucher on
tcrior of the sanctuary are be-
Svc CATHOLIC, page 6
Public Meeting on -
Teen Club Tonight
ca.ii will be held at 7.30 p.
tonight IThuradayi at the Ro<
A meeting of all persons in-
terested in Rockdale's Teen
as “the . best Tpggker wr have f^dah- State- Bank- eommuruty
in the Diocese.” “Christianity
and th« Modern Man” will be
tiie top*c lor the mission.
Fr. Jordan has hi# doctor of
theology degree fro in the
Gregorian University m Rome.
“Sunday is the Feast Day of
St. Joseph, patron of the Rock-
A manlier uf items are on
the agenda, including a discus-
sion or 2 possftile Teen Center.
Local Teen Club official* axe
hopeful of add It interest and
ideas being presented at the
meeting, a spokesman said.
His roster includes former col-
legiate and professional stars
who tour the world with'their
basketball show.
James 'Big Daddy > Lipscomb,
Bobby Williams, Taylor 'l-nud-
mouthi Billingsley and Dolmas
tJunict) Seorza are some of
the other name* oh the Stars
"Whether or'*Hot you're a
basketball fan," Lions president .
8siH fcWfllljJ'lBUW lM)t|
difference. You’ll get a kick |
out of the comedy and ahiUtiea.
and at the same time you'll
be helping a good cguse The |
game is the Lions' main fund- <
THREE^CAR WR£CK-Th«* three automobiles
' Were in a \yreek about 8:15 p. m. Sunday on
West Cunteron Avenue (US Highway T9)’ in front;
of the Dairy Queen. All three cars were traveling
west. A 1963 Chevrolet two-door hardtop (left),
driven by Larry Gene Peschel of route two, Cam-
eron, was muking a left turn to the Dairy- Queep
11 was hit front behind by a 1961 Pontiac- (center)*
driven by Mrs. Claudette Williams of route-one,
Milano. Mrs. Williams’ vehicle was then hit fruin
behind by a 1963 Chevrolet sedan (right) driven by
Delbert Milton Prehop of route three, Giddings.
Police Veported no serious Injuries although- Mr*
Williams w «s;tre^ted it the 1
abrasion. (Reporter Photos)
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Cooke, J. W. The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger (Rockdale, Tex.), Vol. 95, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 16, 1967, newspaper, March 16, 1967; Rockdale, Texas. ( accessed October 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library.