Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 313, Ed. 1, Friday, August 22, 1890 Page: 5 of 8
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lOoalTlmo Tablo
710 pm
Iferaa aiirt Pacific
eastbouxd Leave
No 2dally 725am
o 4 dally 640pra
No 8 dally 1100 pm
j0am No lOdaily 1080 am
IrOpm No 1 dally
fRam No Sdally 005am
IE0 m No i dally
130 pm No 9 daily ISpn
Missouri Kansas and Texas
Arrive NonTHBotmri I > ave
680am No 1 daily 700 am
CWpm No dally 620pra
No 1 dally 810pm
No 3 daily
803 am
antra kortdbopnd Leave
No 82 daily 50am
No 31 daily
rort Worth toSt Louis 255 am
f15pm No 81 daily
No S3 daily
1245 amSt Louis to Fort Worth
Fort Worth and Denver
Arrive Leave
tWpra No 1 daily
No 2 daily 930 am
UC0am No S daily
No daily < Opm
Gulf Colorado and Santa Fc
Arrive i oethbocnd Leave
cSdb No 10 440 pm
tldpm No 2 05pm
tlSam No 1 JS5am
JUOpra No 9 205pm
Fort Worth and Itio Grande
> rrire Leave
UlSam Fort Worth 800 pm
Houston and Texas Central
Arrive Leave
No 41 mall suopm
No it accommodation 915 am
rTCUm No 4S mail
CCpm No 47 accommodation
All tbe above trains from the Union Depot
O D Less Ticket Agent
St Louis Ar7ansas and Texas
Arrive Leave
C < 5pm Express and mail 823 am
Remember the day Tuesday August 2518S0
Baylor county will have her Grand Public Sale
of lots in the live prosperous and rapidly grow
lag city of Seymour
Thee lots are located in the original plat of
the city near the puplic square and will go at
public auction to toe highest bidder forone
loarth cash balance secured by 10 per cent
vendors lien notes payable on or before one
two and three years
The couuty reserves the right to reject any or
all bids a I NEWTON
County Judge
County Commissioner
Conjectures as to the Future Course of
tho Tort Worth and Bio Grande
The Bights and Wrongs of the New York
Central Strike A Biz Eallroad Consolida-
tion General Hail road News
It is frequently asked Where will
the Fort Worth and Rio Grande build to
after it leaves Comanche Without
any official announcement on tbe subject
it can be very safely assumed that it will
be extended to Llano Of course tho
railroad is not going to make public right
away where It is going to be extended
but tbere are signs in tbe air that talk
just about as loud as words do Yester-
day a couplo of prominent Llanoltes were
In the city and had quite a consultation
with President Hornby The nature of
tbe consultation is not positively
known but it was no doubt
on the subject of tbe extension
of tbe Fort Wortb nnd Rio Grande road
Llauo wants the road badly and it Is
said has offered good Inducements for it
Railroads are like individuals in some re-
spects and can be influenced and it be
gins to look as If Llano bad found tho
way The rich mineral fields in that
section are of themselves great Induce-
ment for a railroad to build to them and
there is but little doubt that tbe Fort
Worth and Rio Grande road will tap that
section before a great while
The Northern Fncifle Comprint in Posses
Hi on ot Lnrge Tracts
Representative Carter of Montana
chairman of tbe mlues committee has
reported favorably to the bouse a bill to
take from tho Northern Pnclflo railroad
compnny all its lands in Montana and
Idaho which nre mineral in character
nnd to give them other lands in lieu
thereof Cotigrecs in making land grants
has uniformly excepted mineral lauds
from the grants made
It has beeu charged that the Northern
Pacific has manaced to secure a larce
Dart ot thebfst mining lands in tbe two
states This question formed one ot tbe
principal features of the election cam-
paign iu Montana
The report accompanying this bllljsays
that on a very conservative estimate it
trny be safely assumed that over 6000
000 acres ot the land grant of tho North-
ern Pacific In Montana and Idaho are
obviously mineral lands Under the
rules of the interior department sur-
veyors linve not been paid for land sur
veved aud as a consequence lands no-
toriously mineral when surveyed have
beeu classified without reference to their
mineral bearing character Mines bear-
ing gold silver copper and lead are be-
ing discovered constantly within the
limit ot the grant and experience has
demonstrated that the whole system of
mining ranges extending westward a
distance of over COO miles is underloced
by a vast network of mineralbearing
Itallroad Balidlnjr Will contlnns far at
Least Five Years
There Is no cessation In railroad activ-
ity in Montana and such will con-
tinue to be tbe case for at least flv0
years to come At present the con
structlon In Montana is confined
to tbe Northern Paoiflo Great
Northern aud Great Falls and
Canada but the work these com-
panies are undertaking are eaob exten-
sive Northern PaolHo construction is
how being carried on on a largo scale on
the MlssoulaCccur deAlene line
About 2000 men are engaged in tin
work Yesterday rails were laid across
Quartz creek on a false trestle and
west ot It the roadbed U ready lor tho
track for a distance of eighteen miles
On acoount of tbe big demand for men
with the Great Northern contractors
much difficulty is experienced in seonr
injc the number of bands that there Is
work for on the line The contractors
nre hiring all who apply for work as
thor are determined that before the first
of tbe year they will have the road com-
pleted to Hurray
The Great Northern snrvovors are work-
ing in the Kostenia country nbove Spo-
kane The roadk will enter Spokane
probably over tbe Spokane Falls and
Northern track The road will probably
run through Olcnnngan county to a con-
nection with the Fairhaven and South-
ern An arrangement U also contem-
plated between the Spokane and North-
ern and the Great Northern by which the
former roaa will be extended west
through the Colvllle reservation to a
Junction with tho Fairhaven and South-
ern completing the connection already
outlined The Great Northern will then
have only to build from Montana to a
junction with tbe Bpokane and North-
ern and in the meantime the Spokane
and Northern cau build west and the
Fairhaven and Southern east and will
completo tbe Great Northern line to the
ooast in less than eighteen months Mr
Corby already has permission from con-
gress to cross the ColV1HO reservation
which will probably be thrown open next
year to settlement
Tile Albuquerque
The affairs of the Fort Worth and Al-
buquerque road have progressed none
for two weeko They aro in statu quo >
and the indications are that they will re-
main there for a while It is said that
negotiations are pending looking to the
completion of the road to Sprlngtown
anyhow nnd the theory is when trains
get to running to thut point that bonds
of the concern cau easily be floated for
a sufficient amount to finish tbe road to a
considerable distance beyond No
definite information has been given out
however and the situation so far as the
public Is concerned remains unchanged
A nig Consideration
Indianapolis lNDAug 21 S B
Leggett secretary of the various rail-
roads comprising the Southwest system
of tho Pennsylvania road arrived yes-
terday and in a few minutes he had
consolidated 1051 miles of road now op-
erating under different names into one
corporation known as tbe Pittsburgh
Chicago Cincinnati and St Louis rail-
way company The new company is to
have an authorized capital of 8150000
000 in bonds and stooks of which sum
42000000 is to be set aside for tho re-
demption of debts that are secured by
prior liens on tbe roads consolidated
This will leave 833000000 for tbo pur-
chase and construction of additional rail-
ways uud other lawful purposes
The New Tork Central Strike
It is evident that the strike inaugur
ated on tbo New York Central railroad
Is but a repetition of several attempts
made by organizations to dictate tbe
conditions upon which tho business of
such corporations sbnll be conduoted
Tbere Is no complaint as to the general
manner in which tbe company has
treated its employes They seem to
have been receiving fair pay for tbeir
services and just consideration of all
their rights Tbe strike has no justifi-
cation or excuse beyond tbe charge that
u few trainmen were discharged because
they were Knights and this charge Is
flatly denied by tbe companys officers
As a matter of fact VicePresident
Webb says tbe discbarges were made on
account of slack business and these
particular men were turned off because
tbey were the least efficient In the ser-
vice regardless of their relations to any
labor orgauizatlon The proposition of
tbe strikers therefore is to compel tho
company to employ more men than it
wonts and to make membership in the
Knights of Labor the test of fitness for such
employment At a given signal without
previous warning to the company or the
public tbe operations of the road have
been practically blocked and its useful-
ness to the people is for tbe time forcibly
withdrawn This is tbe situation as it
stands and the publlo can judge who is
General nnd Personal
General Livestock Agent Sam Hunt
has gone on a trip up the line
P A Smith resident engineer of tbe
Texas and Pacific was in Fort Worth
W S Davis city ticket agent of the
Fort Worth and Denver Ubaok from his
Northern trip
Judge R S Lovett attorney for the
Texas and Pacific at Dallas was In Fort
Worth yesterday
H M Cushlng general baggago agent
of tbe Fort Worth and Denver has re-
turned from the North
Richard Fenby nuditor ot the Texa
and Paoiflo was among tbe visiting rail-
roaders in the city yesterday
John fA Smith assistant general
freight agent of tbe Missouri Kansas
and Texas was In tbe city yesterday
Assistant General Freight Agent G n
Turner of the Texas and Pacific ran over
from Dallas yesterday and imbibed a
pure draught of artesian water
The Missouri Kansas and Texas have
announced a 6 round trip rate from
Fort Worth to San Antonio on account
of the Republican state convention
Tickets will bo sold on August 31 Sep-
tember 1 2 and 3 and will be good to
return until September 11
The new Louisiana law that goes into
effect September 1 makes a passenger
rate of three cents a mile instead ot Ore
cents as heretofore charged and also
provides for separate cars for white and
colored people A penalty is affixed
against the roads for avoiding any one of
tbe provisions or tbe new law This re-
duction will make tbe fare between New
Orleans and Houston over tbe Southern
Paclhoroad 1065 instead ot 12CO
the present rate
Terrell Itnllrond Talk
Special to tbe Gazette
Tkrkkix Tex Aug 21 The rail-
road agitation has nenln struck Terrell
One pointing from Terrell to Jackson-
ville or Birmingham to the pineries
while the other is tbe original Tyler
Terrell and Gainesville road Tbe
route of the Jacksonville and Terrell
road wonld strike more in tbe dlreotion
of the Northwest about midway be-
tween Gainesville and Denton
Temporary Strike at Paris
Special to the Gazette
Paris Tex Aug 21 For some-
time there has been dissntisactlon ex-
isting amopg tho night yard crew a1
the Union depot as tbey claim that
tbe railroad js not paying standard
wnges for the work Last night when
time came for them to take charge they
refused to take hold unless the wages
Question was satisfactorily arranged
Telegraphic communication was opened
with Division Superintendent Thorns
but as he could not in turn reach the
general manager who Is out on a tour or
tbe road no settlement of the dispute
could be arranged The striking crew
then proposed to goto work and giro
Mr Tboms until 12 oclock today to
reach a settlement and at 12S0 last
night work was recommenced on tbe
yards Mr Thorns wilL be here to-
night and it is hoped that an amicable
adjustment will be arrived at
Lancaster Top in Operation
Srecial to the Gazette
Lancaster Tex Aug 21 Trains
began running regularly ou the Central
branch to Hutchlns on Monday They
meet all trains on the main line giving
us the advantages of being on tbe same
Fifty convicts are eneaged in ballasting
and snudiug tbe roadbed and soon it will
equal our other road the Missouri Kan
sas and Kansas in every respect Tho
depot which is nearing completion will
be In charge of Heury Rawlins formerly
ageut for tbe Central at Midlothian
Depot nt Grand Prairie
Correspondence of the Gazette
Ghand Prairie Tex Aug 20 The
new depot at this place when finished
will be a magnificent building Tbe
workmen think they will have it done in
about a week
Saxet poaltivoly cures rheumatism
A good rain fell in the Italy and Mil-
ford sectious of Ellis county Sunday
The Concho country lately evoted
entirely to stockraising will ship about
3000 bales of cotton from San Augelo
this season Last year only 250 bales
were shipped
The prevent prospects for cotton in
Fannin county nre thought to be over-
rated but at the lowest possible estimate
the yield will be equal to any crop for
several years past
The cotton crop in tbo vicinity of Bee
vllle is practically made and will yield
ouebalf to one bale per acre Tbe acre-
age tributary to that place this year is at
least 300 per cent increase over that ot
The cotton in Navarro county is going
to beat last years yield badly
Good rains have fallen at Jefferson
Washington and Winsboro recently
At Bridgeport Wise county oorn is
good and cotton was never better
Thurber Aug 20 We have had
another glorious rain which insures the
largest cotton crop ever raised in Erath
county Plenty of corn oats wheat
aud a large cotton crop assured our
county is again abundantly blessed
Lancaster Aug 21 Everything is
beginnlug to put on a business air since
cotton begun coming in and rain come-
down It raiued a fine shower here this
week which will help late cotton very
much Cotton receipts to date are thir-
teen bales The crop this year will be
about tbe same as last
New Boston Aug 20 Tbo prospect
for cotton is good lam fully satisfied
that we will make a good crop of the
staple all over tbe county Corn is in-
jured and we will have to pay1 1 per
bushel at gathering time for it
Grand Prairie Aug 20 There was
a One rnln here yesterday which was
greatly needed It came too late for
corn but will benefit cotton a great deal
which bids fair to be a good crop No
worms have made their appearance as
Itasca Aug 20 We had a nice
shower yesterday the first rain of any
note in town for ten weeks though sev-
eral showers in the adjoining country in
the past week or two has benefited cotton
very muoh Ropor Brothers bought
Itascas first bale last Saturday paying
10 a for it The cotton was raised by
J O Yokem near Blum This county
farmers say will make nearly onehalf
bale per acre
Gilmer Aug 19 The first bale of
cotton was reoeived to day It was
raised by Mr E Truitt of this county
It weighed 481 pounds and realized Mr
Truitt loo per pound It was bought by
Mr T E Barnwell who paid llJs o per
pound tbe remainder being made up by
our merchants The cotton classed mid-
Jefferson Aug 21 Jefferson re-
ceived her first bales of cotton today
They wero brought in by Mr G W
Keys and Mr Bender They were classed
middling and sold for ten cents
Galveston Aug 21 The weekly
weather aud crop bulletin of the Texas
state weather service for the week end-
ing August 21 was Issued this evening
It reports the temperature precipita-
tion and crop condition for tbe past
week throughout the state as follows
Temperature during the past seven
days has been above normal in parts of
tbe state but more particularly In the
northern part
Tbe precipitation has been below nor-
mal except in a few localities where
good rains have fallen No rain of con-
sequence is reported from Western
Rapid progress in cotton picking is be
ing made over Eastern and Southern
Texas for which the weather has been
very favorable
Tho continued drouth Is still injuring
the crop in Western Texas Worms are
reported from a number ot seotions
but so far tbey are doing but little harm
as tbey nre poisoned as fast as they ap
pear Following are exstructs from re-
Decatur Aug 20 For several days
slight showers have been falling around
over this county and yesterday the
county had a general rain of two hoars
It is raining today and has been falling
for about three hours a slow rain This
rain will be of great benefit to every
body and especially to the stockmen
The cotton crop was not much injured by
tbe drouth and these rains insure good
Waco Aug 21 Cotton picking is
progressiug nicely in this section and
bales of tho fleecy staple are coming in
every day in Increased numbers It is
selling ot from ten to eleven cents Corn
Is considered short and sells for forty and
fifty centt per bushel
Dallas Temperature maximum 100
minimum 76 Rainfall 35
Meaqulte Cotton opening finely
Fort Worth Rainfall of 195 during
th8 past week It will greatly improve
late cotton
Graham General rain is needed
though showers have fallen in localities
Weatherford Temperature maxi-
mum 101 minimum 63 Rainfall 10
Brownwood Unless roin comes soon
the cotton crop will be short
Lampasas Showers have fallen Cot-
ton is opening rapidly
Cuero Temperature maximum 102
minimum 70 rainfall 32
Lullne Temperature maximum 100
minimum 72 dry
San Antonio Temperature maxi-
mum 96 minimum 72 rainfall 01
Fredericksburg All crops are suffer-
ing for rain
Duval Cotton is opening fast and
picking is general
Buruet Cotton pioking is progress
New Braunfels Cotton is short on
nicount of drouth Fluxing is under
fair headway
Austin There was a good ram on the
19th Prospects are improving
Waco Good cotton weather Tho
new crop Is being marketed Tempera-
ture maximum 100 minimum 74 No
Palestine All crops nre doing well
Temperature maximum 91 minimum
71 rainfall 41
Corsicana Temperature maximum
93 minimum 71 rainfall 90
Temple Cotton Is above tbe average
Brenbam Worms aro reappearing
but are being poisonea rapidly Tem-
perature maximum 96 minimum 72
ruin full 16
College Station Crops are suffering
badly for rain
Round Rock Tbe dry weather has in-
jured cotton Tbe crop is being picked
Huntsville Temperature maximum
94 minimum 72 rainfall 42
Belton Temperature maximum 100
minimum 74 weather dry
Columbia Temperature maximum
89 minimum 72 rainfall 43
Houston Tbe weather has affected
crops favorably Temperature maxi-
mum 9G mluimum 73 rainfall 8G
Corpus Christ Rain Is needed Pick-
ing is progressing
Tyler Temperature maximum 98
minimum 70 rainfall 100
Longview Cotton continues to do fairly
well but would bo benefited by rain
Temperature maximum 100 minimum
69 No raia
Hon O H Cooper superintendent of
publlo instruction has tendered his
resignatson to take effect on September
1 As Prof H C Pritchett is the
Democratic nominee for the position at
the ensuing election it is thought he will
be appointed by the governor to fill the
short unexpired term
Dallas is going to put up three new
school buildings
The cornerstone of the new addition
to AddRan university will be laid with
appropriate ceremonies on Tuesday
September 9 It is proposed to celobrate
the occasion with a grand barbecue in
whiob all are invited to participate
The contract for building tbe central
schoolhouso In Greenville has been let
for 14230 Work will soon begin and
must be completed before January 1
Tbe question of establishing a college
at Beeville is being strongly agitated in
that city It is proposed to organize a
stock company with a capital of 60000
and push the matter to completion
Rockwall Aug 20 The meeting
conducted by Rev C B Hodges olosed
last night with nine accessions to the
Cumberland Presbyterian church
Paris Aug 21 The Baptist Associa-
tion of Lamar county is holding its regu-
lar session with Providence church on
tbe Pino Bluff road about six miles from
the city Tbe attendance of delegates
from the churches comprising the asso-
ciation is large and n great deal of busi-
ness is being transacted by the body
Many visitors are attending the meet-
ings quite a number from the city going
out each day
Tbe Methodists of this city have erect-
ed s large tabernacle and last night be-
gan a protraoted meeting They will be
aided by tbe other denominations
Decatur is to have a new lumber yard
There will be a full stock on hand within
three weeks
Capt Rudd of Vernon is going to build
a grand new hotel at that place
Frost Navarro county is putting up
several new residences and a large new
cotton yard
Itasca Aug 20 This town has five
new brick buildings v in course of con-
struction now and more in prospect
Waco Aug 21 A celebrated physi-
cian from Hot Springs Ark isin the
city His business here is to establish a
mammoth sanltorium on Bells Hill
where the thermal water of tho artesian
wells Is accessible Local capitalists
are ready to take hold ot the enterprise
as soon as tbey are assured of capable
management No definite action has
yet been taken but that such an enter-
prise will be established at the point in-
dicated will not admit of a doubt
Ennis Aug 20 The Sua vapor com-
pany of Ohio through tbeir irgent W
S Rowe snbmitted a proposition to our
city to put in 100 lamps The city coun-
cil has this with a proposition from an
electrio llcht company under considera-
tion and It is believed our little oity will
soon be lighted
Terrell Aug 21 A road plcnio 00
curred near Pralrievllle yesterday at
which a large list of Terrellites were
found The object was to work up the
wagon road In this direction The meet-
ing was a success Terrell and vicinity
are spending thousands of dollars in this
direction Terrell Is in need of some
person who has a good wellboring ma-
chine to bore and drill for water at reas-
onable prices
The Milam County Vindicator pub-
lished at Cameron ia offered for sale or
lease 1
Col Will Lambert has been appointed
city editor of the Post Mr B E
Warner heretofore of tho Post has ac-
cepted the position of master mechanlo
of the Trade Journal
Tbe Houston Herald will issue from its
press about the latter part ot October
another illustrated edition somewhat
similar to tbe one issued in February It
is the intention of the Herald to make
this edition the best ever printed Inthe
There is to be a grand reunion of tbe
Blue and tbe Grey at Navajoe Greer
county which willconsist of a two days
encampment a picalo and barbecue on
Thursday and Friday September 4 and
5 All veterans Federal or Confeder-
ate oftths Mexican or Texas wars In
fact everybody are invited to attend and
enjoy two days of companionship and
blsasure All soldiers who cannot attend
are requested to send their names and
tbe company and regiment to wbloh tbey
belonged tbe Federals to Col John
Beaumont and tbe Confederates to Col
JMShropshire Navojoe Greer coun-
ty for the purpose of forming a perma-
nent organization
Thurber Aug 20 Our popular
young druggist Dr J W Stlnson has
reoently been appointed justice af the
peace of this preclno t Esquire Finnelle
having resigned Dr Stinson is a live
Democrat and possesses an untarnished
Several coal blooms from lands near
Marble Falls have been discovered and
geologists agree that they are sere indi-
cations of good deposits
There are a great many strangers inves-
tigating tbe Bridgeport coal fields in
Wise county It Is the same coal belt
that runs northeast from Gordon Tex
to McAlister iu the Indian Territory and
Bridgeport is in tbe center ot the belt
and it is in width here about five miles
Mr James B Smith and Miss Ola
Wooton near Rockdale August 17
Mr J W Maxwell and Miss Elizabeth
Ruckwart Houston August 19
Mr Will Johnson and Miss Annie
Johnson Sherman August 19
Mr T P Carter and Miss Minnie
Hallor Shorman August 19
Mr Dwans MoAfee and Miss Addle
Friar Dresden August 17
Mr Mark Farrell and Miss Kate Bride
well Gainesville August 19
Mr George W Hlnton and Miss Mar-
garet H Pannell Waxabaohle August
Mr C N MoAlister and Miss Agnes
Jones Waxahochie August 17
Mr L WNales aud Miss Hattie Mc
Kennon Wnxahachie August 17
Mr A P Reeder and Miss Elvie
Threadglll Sherman August 20
Mr Dudley and Miss RiobeySeymour
August 12
Mr Monroe Anderson and Miss P L
Kinman Paris August 17
Mr J W Dearing aud Miss L A
Lankford Paris August 17
Mr W T White and Miss Annis
Whisenbunt Paris August 18
Mr John Bagby and Miss Ella Brown
Paris August 18
Mr Thomas Getters and Miss Mollie
Stanfield Bridgeport August 19
Sherman Aug 21 Mr A P
Keeder and Mrs Elvlo Tbreadgill were
married in this city last night
Mr Lovett T Morse Houston Au-
gust 19
Mr H W Kimble San Antonio Au-
gust 19
Mr William Wood near Blooming
Grove August 13
Mrs Emily Hill near Concord Au-
gust 13 v
Mrs James W Taylor near Winns
boro August 12 <
Mr A P Taylor near Belton Au-
gust 18
Mrs Kendall Dallas August 17
Miss Blanche Bundy Waxahaohie
August 1C
Cant W J T Littlojohn Paris Au-
gust 19
Col Thompson Camp Greenville Au-
gust 20
Mr BevStemmons Dallas August 17
RocKWALLAug20 Mr W H Will-
iams died yesterday at tho residence of
his father of consumption He was a
Knight ot Pythias and will be buried by
that order todav
A Mexican Laborer Assaults a Young Man and
is Fatally Shct
Epecial to the Gazette
San Antonio Tex Aug 21 News
from Carrizo Springs Dimmitt county
fifty miles west on the International and
Great Northern railway soys A
difficulty resulting in the death of a
Mexican Esslo about twentyfour years
old occurred lact evening about eleven
miles east from this place near the road
to Cotulla The deceased was at work
on a new pasture fence being built by
Mr G W Cavender when Cavenders
son Bird approached the place where
tbe Mexican was working and remarked
that he had been all tbe afternoon dig-
ging five post holes The Mexican re-
turned by calling young Cavender a
damned 8 and
rushed at him with a sharp
pointed crowbar with which he
bad been working Young Cavender
drew a pistol and shot the Mexican im-
mediately over tbe right eye causing in-
stant death No one was present but tbe
two The foregoing is the statemont of
Cavender who went to another gang ot
fen e builders about a quarter of a mile
away and reported what he bad dona
Cavauder was released on S1000 bond
The Leader of a Gnsr ot Train Bobbers Taken
In He is Fnlly Identified
St Louis Mo Aug 21 Aneven
ing paper in an extra addition says tha
the leaders of a gang ot robbers who
robbed tho Missouri Paoiflo train at Ot
terville tank last Sunday morning have
been captured and placed in jail at Pa
oiflo Mo a station thirtytwo miles
from here on the Missouri Paclflo road
The man gives his name as James L Mc
Conkey and has been fnlly identified
Tbe prisoner says he Is a cattleman ot
Vinita I T Marshal Davis made tbe
capture When searched jewelry sup-
posed to have been stolen from the ex-
press car a 50 bill and a 20 gold piece
several revolver shells three soiled band
kerobiefs folded to form face masks and
showing recent usage were found
Bandages were placed over the mans
head and he was mado to climb upon tbe
tender while EngineerFrankDwyer and
Fireman Purcel of tbe robbed train took
tbe same positions as they held on the
night of the robbery Thats the
man same clothes same build same
eyes saidDwyer Tbe mansmiled
same teeth conclnded tbe engineer
as the cracked incisors were shown
Bemanded Without BolL
Special to the Gazette
Baibd Tex Aug 21 The exam-
ining trial ot W D Richardson before
Justice Kane was concluded yesterday
three days being consumed in the exam
ination Mr Richardson is charged
with shooting S D Beasiey on tbe night
ot August 12 from the effect ot which be
died August IS It is eaid Richardson
stated during tbe progress of his trial
that on the night ot the shooting Beasiey
asked him for a pistol and as he was
handling it to Beasiey it fired with tbe
above result being purely accidental
Richardson was remanded to jail without
bail and has applied for a writ of habeas
Surgeons and Specialists
The most widely and favorably known special-
ists In the United 8tates Their long experi-
ence remarkable skill and universal success in
tbe treatment and cure of Nervous Chronic and
Surgical Diseases entitle these eminent phj si
clans to the full confidence of the afflicted every-
where They guarantee
A Certain and Positive Ccbe lor the awful
effects or early vice and the numerous evils that
follow in its train
Pbivate Blood and Skin Diseases speedily
completely and permanently cured
Hebvoes Debilitv and Sbxuai Disorders
yield readily to their skillful treatment
Piles Fistula and Rectal Ulcers guaran-
teed cared without pain or detection from busi-
ness Hydrocele and Varicocele permanently and
successfully cured in every case
Syphilis Gonohrhea Gleet Spexkatob
shea Seminal Weakness Lost Manhood Night
Emissions Decayed Faculties Female Weak-
ness and all delicate disorders peculiar to cither
sex positively cured as well as all functional
disorders that resnlt from youthful follies or the
excess of mature years
JPPTPlTTDI Guaranteed permanently cured
Ollllui UXliJ removal complete without cut-
ting caustic or dilatation Cures effected at
home by patient without a moments pain or
To Young and MiddlaAsed Men
PTTPP Tho awtul effects of early
AnnnP uUilD vice which brings organic
weakness destroying both mind and body with
all its dreaded Ills permanently cures
riTjn TJPWITIO Address those who have Impaired
JJiTUi Dili 10 themselves by improper indul-
gence and solitary habits which ruin both mind
and body unfitting them for business study or
Married Mejt or those entering on that happy
lifeaware ot physical debility quickly assisted
Consultation tree in person or by mail If
you are afflicted and cannot call write to ns
inclosing stamp for reply Call upon or address
825 Main St CockriilBuilding DallasTex
D E C Wests Njojvh Aim BaAirrTazAT
tHiiT a guaranteed speclflo tor Hysteria Dirti-
ness Convulsions Fits Nervous Neuralgia
Headsche Nervous Prostration caused by tha
nre of alcohol or tobacco Wakefulness Mental
Depression Eoftecfngot the Brain resulting In
Insanity and lcadingto misery decay and death
Premature Old Age Barrenness Loss o f Power
in either sex Involuntary Losses and Spennat
errhesa caused by overexertion of the brain nelf
cfcuseor overIndulgence Each box contains
ere months treatment II0 a box or six boxei
12 IMP tent by mall preapid on recent ot priai
Tc cure any caao Wilheach orderrecelvedbyns
Icr six boxes accompanied with 300 we will
rend the purchaser our written guarantee to re-
fund tbe money if the treatment does not effect
1 cure Guarantees issued only by
S3 IkC av msxTgSj
DRuaarsT sols agent
509 Houston St Fort Worth Tat
Our Perfection Syringe free with every bottl
Cures Uonorrhsss and Gleet in 1 to 4 rittys
Ask Druggists Sent to any address for St00
Malydor Manufg Co Lancaster O
Sole agents Dashwood Elliott Druggists
liUC Cnrcs Gonorhrca and
Gleet In 1 to3 Days without Fain
Prevents Stricture Contains no
ncrld or poisonous substances and
is guaranteed absolutely harmless
Is prescribed by physicians and
Sold by druggist
rnggtsts Price SI
llewnreof Snb
stltutesAcinoChemCoT dNOIjl
Wholesale by H W Williams
Worth Tex
Co Fo
Powdei in the world that ia witnoui
rulgarlty without injury to the user and
triLhout doubt a bciutifier is Iozzan
f The Great Popular Souta Betwasi
The East and tha West
Favorite Line to the North East
and Southeast
Double daily Una of Pullman FalacaSMslas
Cars through to Bt Locia via
Eeethat your ticket reads via the Texas aai
IxdficBailway Formapstlmatablestickets
rates led all required Information call oa
Ticket Agent Onion Depot Forth Worts
Ticket Agt city ciSce cor Main and Third its
Traveling Passenger Agent Dallas Tex
Gen Pass and Ticket Agent Dallas Tax
Genera Uasagsz
tnnlTDV and an Brtsary troubles easilyquick
JUUillJl ly and safely cured by DOCOTACap
ules geverest cases cured In seven days Sold
11to per box all druggtstaor by mail from Doc
its HtgCo 112 White stNT Full directions
Between points la TEXA3 aad
Close connections fa all of tha above eltlst wit
fast trains ot Eastern and Northern Uaiu
make the U K AT Sy thtbestUassj
Kw Tcrfc Ecsta Hoitrcu ui sl Pii
J E SMITH City Ticket Agent corner IMarti
and Houston streets
C D LUSK Ticket Agent T7nlon Depot
W D LAWSON Texas Traveling FauaagK
GEO A EDDY n C CROSS Receivers
J J FKEY Gen Sunt Bedaila Mo
J WALDO General Trafflo Manager Sedalla
H P HUGHES Asat Gen Pass Agt Fort
Worth Tex
OASTON MESLrER Gen Piss and Tioisi
Agt Sedlala Mo
Pullman Palace Ruffet Sleeping Carsbetwesa
Galveston and Kansas City on trains Noj 1
All classes ot European steamship tickets oat
ward or prepaid told at lowest rates and ailia
formation furnished on application
G P T A Qalvestaa
C D LUSK Depot J
omerThi rdFort Worth
Colorado Springs
T A Hi Ilourtouitrsjl
Shortest Quickest and Only Line
Delivering passengers in depots ot connecting
lines without a long and uncomfortable omni
bus transfer across that city
Leaving Fort Worth 823 a ra
Arrives Texarkana 733pm
Arrives Memphis 810 am
Carrying Free Reclining Chair Car to
Texarkana and Pullman Buffet
Sleepers Toxariana t
Connecting at that point with through trains tt
all points east and southeast
All further Information cheerfully furnished oa
application to any of the following
Oen Pass Agt lines in Texas TexarkanaTex
General Manager and Chief Engineer Lines ia
Texas Texarkana Tez
Honston Texas Central Railway
Tbe AllSteel Ball Line
Double Daily Trains Each Way
No 2 fast mall Denlson to Houston Through
Buffet Sleepers between Galveston and StLools
and Galveston and Chicago via Dallas Denlson
and Sedalla Between Denver and New Orleans
via Houston and Fort Worth Pullman Bleep
ing and Drawingroom cars between Houston and
Local Time Card In Effect July 131890
Leave I
no 4
HO 2
300pm 445 am Denlson
325 pm 617 am Sherman
4W pm 620 am McKlnney
CS3nm 6rt am Dallas
S40pm Fort Worth
835 pm 915 am Oarrett
915 pm 10 U7 am Corsicana
4SUpm Morgan
840pm 1110am Waco
100am 203 am Hearne
900 pm 10J0am Austin
243 am 414 pm Brenham
615 am 613 pm Houston
925 am 825 pm Galveston
TiSOpra 810 am New Orleans
I Arrive
BO 1
1030 pm
1007 pm
844pu >
720 pm
600 pm
405 pm
1 < 0 pm
430 pm
1205 pm
90J am
643 am
403 pm
the known world Do not complete tot
rangements for a tourist trip until you
piled to the undersigned
no 3
11 ao am
1104 am
923 am
820 am
900 am
633 Am
535 am
1103 am
833 am
210 am
1220 am
633 pm
729 am
A KATJLKNER Gen Pass Agent Houston
C D LTJSK Depot Ticket Agent Fort Worth
Fort Worth anOenm City Ry
Denver Texas t Fort Worth R FP
Texas Panhandle Route
Shortest line quickest time from tha Gulf of
Mexico Fort Worth and all principal points la
Texas to Bocky Mountain resorts and Fadna
coast Including Trinidad Pueblo Manlton
Colorado Springs Denver CoL Bait Lake
Utah Portland Oregon Tacoma Seattle and
Port Townsesd Daily trains leaving Fort Worth
cempriaing new ana elegantly equlnpea
Pullman Palaes Sleeping Cars through to Deo
vei counectingatColotadoJuDction points with
A T 6F RBD BG R R Colorado
Midland Railway and Union Pacific Railway
having through can or Baa Francisco Los
Angeles and Portland Oregon
Round trip tourist rates from Fort Worth to
Colorado points Fort Worth to Denver
S30 Pueblo ISO Trinidad
The above tickets bear a final limit to
October 81st Transit limit on going trip 33
days on return trip five days from last tourist
point vis Trinidad
Ogden and Bait Late City and return 15150
Hmited to ninety 90 days with a transit limit
of SO days is caoh direction Cheap tourist
rates to all points in Montana Idaho California
Oregon and all points North and Northwest
Tha above comprise more noted and magnlflces
ecesery than Is compassed In any other routes ia
our ar
te ar
undersignedW V NHWTJH
G P A Ft W D G ByFort Worth Tax
O P A D T SP VT By Denver OoL
n M DeHART General Agent Dallas Ter
X S DAVISCity Passenger and Ticket A ent
Third and Main streats Fort Worth Tax
For SIO the Dally Gasstts will bo sent one
year and also a copy ot the original Websters
unabridged dictionary 1281 pages expieia
charges prepaid to express oce nearest tha-
n bscriber
Children GwforPitchersGastorIai
< N
ws0 rJ
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Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 313, Ed. 1, Friday, August 22, 1890, newspaper, August 22, 1890; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed December 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .