The Comanche Chief (Comanche, Tex.), Vol. 63, No. 25, Ed. 1 Friday, January 17, 1936 Page: 1 of 8
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N5. 25 .
fO Years Ago
Prom Tlie Comanche Chief,
. i January 14, 1916
thty f
WASHINGTOS, P. C.,. (Jan. 18
- Senator Tom CorenalljTlias re-
vived tire export debenture farm
relief plan ax a substitute for
farm relief legislation in view of
the decision of the Supreme Court
~5*— {holding unkma’iitutional the Ag- I
Jokkie W. Burks aifrounces ,-uulturaI Adjustment Act.
|U.fa**ek as a candidate for'Dial.; a bill embodying the export
|tict Clerk. * 4 1 debenture will be introduced Ip
Merton L. Harris was elected the Senate by Senator Connallyt
I Superintendent of the Gomaneoe ^is wcpk.
I Baptist Sunday School last Sun-, The export debenture for farm
Hy _ • , produces is based upon th«f same J
I » E. "Miller «f -Comanche, but principle ax the protective tar-""
1 formerly of Lamkin, announces iff except that it is made appli-
this week as a candidate for cable to exporta rather than im-
I Sheriff. ' . p-^rts. Since the farmer must
Homer Wilhelm is having the P*v a tarfif on manufactured
I interior of hia barber a«k»n on goods and mu*t sell hla expor;-
Ithe West side of the Square ore- *W» surplus in a world - frWT
IJfcukA Making a place look market, it fa the Senator s theory,
IpKmperwM fa an investment that Jfaat on the -exportable stiirilUB Of
I yields great returns. Ffomer will farm products the farmer should
rhav« more customers! - f i receive compensating benefit* in
Miss Gustavia Blue was mar- order So lift the price q£ farnnr
I ried to C R. izdalc, Jtf Green- compvoJitiea to a fair lovel wlth|
to.. R. Udale
lait Mmufafy.'
■* vf
, Vi
manufactuied and Indus' rial goods*
0Wk«T o( Tex*, i, i''
the fight in Congress against the shall issue Treasury ter-,
Few man Have risen wo hmpidly. *f; 7?*0jiu. '!* 1
U. S. Senator Morris Sheppard /*T the P**"*3"1 , duties o i >
has rfidommened Horace ( Hilton The amount f fthe
for the Supreme Court. Sheppard trf,cat«. °n pound of co tmj
knows thatCHUton will not,,get «r .bu^>of VISfl
' ht* ‘inLiointment hi/L tnyvtv^'it Viivh a vitw to thi? ^ I
on to crease of hi* price BM-
S t£TFin Worth Record la* thu* liftin* ;*)« exp.rt j ri« of
week carried the photograph of "‘ich comn^htUri the -price n
our fellow townsman. WiUUm h*\ld?rne*tk "“rkots will le
Reese, and credited him with be- Uf^ *o' he '^e s' .Twn f
in? the man that mile the pea- ’<*bedufa* would prohibit the re-
. ..* ___* i*. 'tx—L... impo:*ta^ion of such exported xuv-
home near Van Dyke‘last week. a id the domestic marke .
He helped organized tk> Zion In ou the n^axm'e,
Hill Ba*fat Church in 1878 witu ^^f ' < *"na!ly
4fvin other members - Stacy "WK‘n "an
Marti i, • Dennis Obrient. J. M > *> comi^te .n th^ nmr-
l.umpkin, .Sovah FriUs. Mary AJk«‘ with .
Hardin, ./ane Obrfant hth! Sarah ;^.n^nt ^es
I umnki n" 1 otanff in order that he may do
Total bank depoxitx 'for Co- If the farmer cannot compete
he $815,927.^7; First Na- ^reign nwrkf^ whv not give
Kilinfall nf 1 Combined depositor of the two
laailliail UI D,yo Comanche banks are up more
Twice That of 1934ltban iiw.ooow <*«r those, of
I November 1, 1985, according to
., ~~ 7~~> T ! l*«nk statements can;fad elae-
Almoist twice as much j I’am where in this week’s paper. "Total'
i^1!. » ,C^"an<:h‘' du, I,“f 1®J5 ** I deposits a.e $814,063.71 ai com-
ituring 1984, Ur figures ; ,mml to >711,410.1* on Novtm-
obtained ---- ----
1^|tUMtwi,q;iii^f{ii" Wglll
• TMt. might He took ME ft,To THt _
xAatO -me. GA^& WAP LEPT H«M PLAT,
oh boy, wotta mess !
from R. C. Graham,
Fine Chief and Weather Record-
er:' i-
Th,* total rainfall foi
v as 84.45 inches as compareu
j to 17.95 in 1933 and to 27.5 for
ju ten year average.
May war the "Wettest month,-
I with a total < V 6.00 inches and
December the driest with 36
j inch. Rain measured more than
j an inch during each month ex-
jeept July, November and Decem-
ber. Moat of November and Dec-
ember was cloudy With small
showers and ,traces of , rain. Xl*e
fain by monthk January, 1.82;
h'ebruary 2.86; March 1.88; April
2.16; May 6.00; June 4.27; July
.90; August 1.08; September 5.16;
October 5.59; November .88; Dec-
ember .86.
The biggest rain jn one day October 23 with 3.4 inches.
There Was jh> snow during
1985 and killing frosts on only 1
eight days, January 23 and 25, * . OI v , tilCCtlOfl
| February 17, November 15, 16
_____ $711,410.18
1a? racist. 1 — -'ft
’j The deposits are ajsb more
than $87,000 above th^oe of Jan-
uary 1. 1935. and tlfa highest
Within several years. Totgl de-
posits rm January 1, 1935: were
$776,906^, those on January 1,
1934 were $613,536.54 and those
of January* 1, 1933 were down
to $481,881.85, Deposits today are
mo it than two and a half times
the deposits as carried ip this
weok’a ‘20 Y «tt Ago’ column.
The “total at that time wIS
$315,927.27 in Comanoe’s foqr
banks. ....
Gustinc Deposits Dp
Depofits v»( the First State
Rank of Gustine show an In-
crease of mare than $2,000.00
b-er those of this time last yenr.
PrewKt deposits^are *$43,091.62 at
computed U» $ on .Jan*
uary 1, 1935. , -j
I-1 ’
mvi 2frth.
To Be Held Jan. 30
Mrs. 1. T. Clemons
Is Buried Sunday
e.A.«, 1
W'ith only two w-*eka left in-;
which to pay poll tax in order
U< qualify as a 1936
y The annua! election of the
Roanl of Directors for “.he Co-
manche Chamber of Commerce
i . ' will by held Thursday. January
I \J S. Alice Clemons, wid nv ,)f|^th. accoiding to Hilton Burks.
1 of the lute Dr. I T Clemons. -^cretar>' ,
On or before that day ballots
will he passed to the members
Under a rrew law exemption
<he' N'atbn’al Ra^ik.' $75,642.24; conditions and e table him to buy
a, . u - *^0 977 so- «♦»•« n'anufactuix*d articles which cost
Rank Jf Prortor J2S.M; First bm more by reason V.f the tar- ^
4tate Bank. WJ0.6S6.87. ’ ‘ L
^^rlcs St; Clair made an auio «r /s i T*
tnlTto Ahifane- -Sunday, to visit R. W.' Gray IS
hfa mother. r. . ■ . . .
Mra. W. M. Qdell dt*d at her I>UriGQ x*\t I rOCtOr poll taxes have not paid.
File losses in Comanche-during
1935 on building and conTetus
lf-TrWTw‘Tno\71 34-" Coman export tariff To s<,U“ili«e ,,'T ',u^ nVll "ecTmts Farm PrOgTaiU Is 1935 on building and contem* . «>»**•*; »• . ”■'> |^
tl?Wl Jfaih. $130.471.34. Goman- ------- K.,„ poU .tax enJ p /*s_,Itl_ :i amounted ‘ to $6585 according to I Chapter of the hasten Star had , his o
been issued ui to noon Monde.., TTUtlinCU OJ VOUIICII. t),e annunl report' of Tire ( hre» eharge <f the services at the | ( .
. died at a Hr «wuwismI hospital
S’a’ uixlay morning at sev°n o’clock
ff,'Rowing afaut ten davs ilinesA ^ ‘-^V will be i.'iiM to make
IfWflrSnVuWvmig. Funeral Service?, out heir rote and returai them
were held at the Comanche Metho- f ' ^ Wilkeiaon at the Chief
Vist Chu ch at p. m. Sundav f off-iie -hefor- 6 p. m. 1 hur.iday,
4 wi'h her pastor. Rev. Charles H. j -Isnoary -<0th.
!Cnl«, »fficT%ti;ig, assisted bv Uev. j The x*otos will lie can'a'WfaT
Ip A. ('hi.x-holin *.f the Centralist thx regular meating of th*
j .Methodist (-hurch of Brow7j,wood.-I.di;;ev4ors Tuesday. February" 4fh.
Ft«*rt J: D. Smovt and B?V. A.'at which time plans for 1936
, Kdwin Wilson of Comanche. I will Le . outlined..
The ladies of the Comanche j Secretary Rrrks said that «t‘
opinion the worx of the
.(.u. report' of tire (href charge m in.* services »v v. C. for 19W was highly
Graham. Several hundred |eemetory. Fall headers were Jack | »tn mrtant as he beheyed
-^ (Ry J. A. Barton, Cnuntv Agent) t0f this was covered by in- Moore, ' axco Iw, Sutton Dud ; what ,-nn h and highways t»
U. C.
The Commtehe County* Farm surance ,u mutual companies and j lev, Gro.*r- Wray. Hollis Burtmr^were built during the nert
Council of 14 communities met' v.*IH n- affect the fire insir jinci? , and Tom Coleman ui San Ange.o.. i''°“i/-,i.. ./'“‘l! 1° near Gu 'tine last w*e*?k and
Vu. buried at Board Church,
be secuivd by
those who have become 21
1 January* \r 1984 if they wish
«... —^ pn. 11 *'?.>*«" (\rMii«»ton. ^ !$- -
f.p 1M0. ------- ! wilh . ^ ^t*'X M.’; iS.-,: TC. -n .unity to .... 51 I,
h na'.iv* j there is likely (•
V a retrench-
^exiS: aid yr’of'ihe • in ,9:!4, U map,mS *'£ ”'^^51' ^rmoved* wV’h>‘MH'n^. he sai l
County were Jessie Mercer. Tcm.,ert known citizens of Goman-1 Feed and LfeSS GottOlt Muff far hujhe usee, plenty of credit of H poren. ,s expected ^ VVft,,0,. Coilntv 1
............ ' «:n;jpks-sni-=g?>?s.=.?«, ..............
Higginbotham fi™,^ r ,r- ^ ...............
Meeting Is Held ?h >4,.,,, 14.;**■"7 **“'■ "“h>i*r, '*’ *“*r
-The Wmua», ■ me ’ liw nf th-^farfa- ifepi, hut came to Twi First among/f.hgae M the Z 'firm ‘ J. i V,*' ■ f T "S? \“r"
lligginbothr.m XJJjin »■*« ,h«W at when a young man and for inanc_l*!h r-» of 1984, amounting F»11 , .. . sl Rn " I (1 ' , « ' ta s ' ur,l,tf * c“r
(Vur^icb ? ThtrWlav. with 34 re- va« ir,s a leading merchant- ..H^Mik^u a ’half million!»' '"" * r^a*‘ ,f« £..^ ‘4
To iTTTut -*f 6.81)0 - I' - tl, - amount or about H . "• d m.*s, 3 barigv. | car ♦L*e.
u*r fa; u. A-s -the-’e ate rat this :,n,j ;,n »ut ,,f town call when
re- 1300
in 1933
jhf. ’ s“ri*'“ts built at
little Deal
Dunlap. y ____
TfaT Tuggle yvh> -?ttleri? hare v,,0>Kj
;dn>6t -Christmas 185C
the c<.unt> Marriages Show
.’am a lewllnar mevchant^air-
pr^scnta7iv>s <£\»j,t'f»9. t Frjctor. He started his care.-r nenes. sec
t,. ,nnk. ttiei.* home in Walle i Jh-e ivcm more inamagea 1m
Com,tv. but., i* J998. • «»v«l ’ ”«»k»c *« 'duih in 1985 than %
< ,, when- the dm*to * pc«e- I'hcn^'sv-J ix 1931. uccortfing ta
medicine .hnt.i hfa <Kath’. •* 7r’V , «>bt«im“ | from ( ounty
;o;t‘ 'vher he fl11*.I I *- ........- • u F.n.
nn. uutomobile .accident, 1 i "■ _ Inmd^ol and six litf nxejl.
t.y j' <*iv ; -mfl I**mi ys*ar ns crrr-
a - te»tfhev and taught, in dif- 000 ao *s fit' t';t c/tton ernp;^. ^ farms in
scMiona ■c.t Comanche.....ufaee 1229, third is the subs 1
■ entraying ' in ‘he tut ion of about l,80d,'Hn» mots * > t tv ' , 41 „fa ■
n» ________■? -w,_________ ______til ____.......... -7m-m yv .,Id toUiI >1,3,9,440. fhi.t
tores . ;?tea"nt.
Increased "ulunw of. ^ales ir i?*»rc*?t
fell**1 the *1 »-*e»- (v‘c.c r*udrted Co nf _____ _ ..... ... ( ... ________
according t> a qp 1 •.'sente* ive bf *terr«n$tl? bu«lnr*s. ~**v ■ v*ss 't*T> liiajor t—*fs far cotton. «Ia;»u;
C -av Me c-'itile (.bnip«n>- 1.000,W)9 aerga -u£—my. ^ud -oin
t iced
O-t. J
I u in-
t lemons
urviv cl
the county, lh,> l>:u*n
Dr. a. J. tiiays
id a 1 r*ducti-ui of 8480.00 t e • 1 R,,noh l ui ned (iliout ( hristma V.
the firm who raij v of tV founder of the Proctor. Mereno- [460,000 f jaiich yy ,?re x_, rn, .
m.wfti ig v,ould be furnished for 1 i!,> CoF nanv and lal u- of the 1000 ooats, T29,0(mj '.vims?. umT,<’1,'u'1
ai uuin'
Only t'\v,i
next week's pape-. '
t h
The f™i*h
V i“
■ i-H
, Rroctfr ••vhfah- his -rm. Raul, still UftIPQi («r foong?. ........
J. 15. Chilton Exhibits ‘derates. Th> fil-ni" 20 v *ars ago Mho inenra *. • of t-ro.ra' fav...h«fnan
v a* on*? of t , 1 ** In r mi jr.n umption, swedt lrif»fi |inev vvni .ic t>i in«u pi ■
irnntilo comuaniw ?f life county, I notato,?K, and tug*: cane, with.' v.^*-* ,n 'a^ vv^ bM
'hi ■ do kn >\v that indy will
Citrus Fruit Here u 4.
iHe was for nvmv v**ars a - ’• rus- 1 fatcreaxes. reapeetrv&y, v»f rough-, u'.
J, H. Chilian.. Jr.7 of KncinaL ]'.of Raker, f\,lletrC,--aces, 10,000 acres’ and 1
A. t .. t I I ; .1 .. / ^ ■ 1 rl .1 ,a 'Wit 1 i\ I
h.ur- s were a . coo- -
. _ , , , - . ..... ... .. ri ig the vrur.
1-2 t.myV the value ,he • R„-er !!h!c\
e.u m crop -f Up county. SoH0» ‘m.-.;:rance-pn bUiloing
With nb—-Nathm-d farm p ;o« ‘ pfh.l 1 dWtent* aqd ‘he (>. J, Fight farmers do net kn*.nv wfiat residence with lltv5l insurance,,
lie hv»»vfaifa* Fisk to a Fusine
iious^. v us to th *
nred to Ri.‘, .th;* nreceding tear,
i 'i!! t—gcmilav -month1
brides. It;, whs stunassed-
, ' ” ' ' •* h J*v August and
cl a it,. Mrs. l.ulu i 1 !ci er4h‘*V. . _ w...
___uf S in Anl iHo. jjtll of j Births -C’cecd Deaths
vlior.i wore! prev«*n* for lie In., j Thyx1 v."ve n«avly (yvlce as
cihL Two —sisters •ptete?1..; i-* { many "hirths : i Csmauc'ie County -
in death. ...........* [.hist year • n. deaths according
Mra. Ctemyn* unit -d with the to ie.-o3:% i t i.ho County Clerk’*-
luir ','tyrr— lrg. a grandson, Hill- , ,
Clemons; three brothers. Dr. Vv.j',mc
, 4 H.-jv j •* 'Vallfa. I. It. I’.royy 1 | r,»’
1 ,,r Wnlli-d and W 1 H. mu .-r 'i1 r
\ * i'';
In "the MVrar Card n i*ti»«' iSrJ JTrtd*.?Jfit’Sl^utsUiirJlng-of lh- fact .how-1 tlhm' bf aR f<,..l. and , feed Unon* to;
Tw-:.' visiting . Ws “IKiJSSS-.^°U,tJWt ^ 1 . ^^*1 V home. If me was to *'*• <‘W fat ; building w ,- , Comanche
3,000 acres.
e t) eat
I rdan. Jj^ to work for the produc
' vhuildinu vcupio l by the J. ,;i.
r’ <•. v-.-m.v . yj..R CH-mvos unit -8 with tnc- . - u-.o- !Sp t 1 uv.< « ounty. MOM
Wade Kvei I.tge j Mrttwr.ffat JlChurch in ehildh-Hi.l j office which ^hnv 278 Dfrths'wti
■-^y.u '' ’ ; sidafaMa land holdings' and" xpac>- j»y thj lives’ ock inventory ateTh^dei *1 home. If >Pe
' jmH»ed in the dstry Imslncss. ffKe incrfaslsc ijn.r enttk. 4^rtlcu-i^ake a budget a.4'stated "htm Hr*' win. an actlv? membra- of-Tarlr in th-* edws- ant heifers', r rhw ftumcil aiehttera^it
ir Te ;had a family <>f flv
r.f ileUst, 2 hogs, m ain’t;
:i\ • age fhiok of 50 laying l;ena.C
end raise 150 rhi.-l .-ps, hase 4 .the
B. Chiltun a i3 hi
Me, AJhilton brought 1 with him
ork' /.rn''th^'nroduc-IHl'^ JvweJry Store. j until' h»r mra' h. She was
‘.Vmatl .Ti llage was done to \’.y ; «,f the most active members at
and took - a T-ainng
bv me j hqusei. the punlnp ’7’ite Storr.
............. _ nirrt Tn th- c5Wb K.^T-1 raw coumm- manuevx n shouldl^ut ,1^. w™‘ 3 *,xll*U , f1,re „»»
, tle rrwb' tei ian nmrch and wis j two years old and -ve.; am anting £ 1 » la^v ntw Miggi rh.ithau. buildlirtg.
-in the t-iUds
finh httlw n^e- He is rorvt\Ad hv two snn«r{'for shrap 'and jamb*^. ^ut lhare
nlred scim crcnarn wmen net -e ~
irrigate* fro«L vvep dren water 'chools at Ban iaioln,
walls In a-lditi'.m to' his trfa? s , , ,
ip th, orch.rd. M,. Chilton h.*|': NOTH E TO FARMERS
JE5 7n" riV ‘^.iar' -'i’nrs S»*LS&v, nl '.bi <5^®. beo/ n ^lihP-nf -177.01(1 in j.-*^
attractino .luite a bit of atten- .Mercantile flbin|.any at Cojema*. tfas nun»ber uf swine. J“” • • r ^ ♦ «"« D-J*
. x . ", ,; *dd -CtuI Gray -of Proctor. Pc fa
a hen lied uerr? .rchard icn _ ;p>k<w,t, .rlo-a i>»«in , brusfhland and other pasture. Due
' i dp relbeation of the orre-hund-
' redthC meridian. *TH.: H. Supreme
— __ , . . . _ Court'. DecfaSwi, March. IL. 1930 U
■5mI° rhWo« 5l7'7hP Winter: A wlr. h.. ius'b.'.-i nH»| « ,,,u,rp .»il,p «.r. |r«
Olnten 255 *2 the only pw.-’fn.n, W«hinR«n ««*,» «»-. T**“ tmA-0U*m..
free citrus .tfatrirt in tha~ world contimH to resume sales fron* - * “
untf one «f' *-tha- frac*^ iMWtloM.^Natiotml _Pp.VI aitd_ T_ocaL_ and | A. C.“ C* To GlVe
.■ps, naw 4- *n« year xrtiT'ed 12 miles south
-nilk vows. »ie t ee!’ . ait, and 1-” ;.oJ Comanvhc in Il jc-mher when
acre of gardeii» a.- l>-2 acre* v>f vlhe Dr. A, J. Gray ’>arn burned,.
art*! 2 acres of such ’destroying neally ~20flO‘ hushe s
of corn and other feed st u rr.
The Comanche Ftrr D-partment
low has 35 mem fans with VN a.f,*
:einai;ie«) an active menioer j r. e >vded and 114 deatht.
. Roth deaths in 1 births showed
h dight !v. cease from 1934, ther4
Leinyr itirt ‘ lijrths taiit yirar and
oart tn Sundav S< ho«l—**»d > Idiei i r.)i deaths
Missionary Society. Jjjie was a1 —
mom tier rrf the KastOro Stai «stl •) •
Ti rasmer -of th-* local \V. O,. VV..’J
Circle a»4 it >k a leading viaR. '
i t t th r.cgani xaTRms: ~
Th*' high iste-.*in *n which she j
v vs held wks manifested bv the;;1’
unusually hu ge crowd that at- !'
It nd.v ! tFg funerqT- warvices Sub (
day aft wnoon and the lr*autlf«l |;
floral dfferings yvhich almas, fill
f •
Hugh Herbert, nfa.
Helen Broderick In
With these chang-M in Hte- j On tlr* av«v#ge U, will take — - -* :■...........-i--- ----- , *-y ... - - ,,
idock there ’was a very material 23 Acre* uf l-.n I, hIhui*. $800.00fcveridge as President; John Car-(yd the I out ot t ic enurm.
itocreSM in rafoodland - > pasture, ‘ w. ith « f 1!> eWt*«“k, i id the ordi- * *-r.“er, Scfretgfjf: H. Vi. .' BW*1 , L “ -
n*ry , nt r-k, |'rni Imrlement'k vn <i, Treasurer; Dr. Gordon Bar- DlVIUffldS Declared
■ “ ’’ R. C. Graham,,
possession. ,v | Chief, and Fifank Vineyard, Doc
ifanafarreii Othe work planned was eoii d« ar\d B >b Carpenter. CAp-
va- •_i con servation, control of fHHI rarast**J'lAiiM. .
ag,‘ by means of terracing, strip1 ^ ’ ~Z •«—
cropping, expo rotation, logon e ( ORUUIChe SeCOHCI
; plantings, surface tank construe- - JL_, _A T) /y m *
Ciustine Program i n, ?nd winter over crop?.... r |n t). B. v. Tourney
where such fruit ri|iened -on the 'Tuter-County Tian f*rs as provid
s |.i*p -v jti i n(* ivifuNtlonR.A r snnf ft 1
Tho 3’iecimens are of excellent, ^ have, surplus certificates that l __ , ...... .. t , , . . . ■ .
’ of unusually Urge *her"wfah to pool must have Uumi~Gn--l4aturdav evehing, Janya * more temporary-*n«i j-er- | Playing excellent-hasketliall Ip
uuirufJ-oeing among tuned in »o * fa Cotton Office = v»th. AWlene ITtrfatiah ('..llcg* fa fianent.. .naatures, organl*# 4-H , the Daniri Baker Tournament
* »w*f lutLr "ban V it o> LVl lai. —A . . ......L 1 .1 I... iLot* 4 nottinn. mKaaI .1___a. .___tf!.,!, I,
quality and of unusual
-l yp££3!S?M
,« its . ^ w syy___
r m'fomam *** 1*1** 'han; # D. m. kViJav.t^enTing a proigiam at” the
,Lf ■ v -®1* certificates mu*t_fi(’U!,tin« High^ Hchool Auditorium
jibe Hi tFe mail at that ‘fan*. The ^ i0'c|ork.
Kanes Is Named On.;SV?
Centennial Committee
j. R. Eanes7 Real 1’ostmaxter.j Mrs. Ribs
Huntington and her parent*. Mr,
and Mni. H. Burks la< week.
•e • ~ * , ,
fence* and building *,tint most i tett, Chaplain; .»• -• ------------- ,,___ _ in *
farmers have already in th-alr j Chief; Bud _\edreoni«, Assistant BjC. BOOftl BailKS
Roth,.Comanche hankx paid an:
annual dividend l,f 8' per -pent-j
during 1935 accofdtmr to an art-^i
Fiomnceman’ niady at .the fuuvral “
' meeGng uf fBa stdckaoWera and
diraetors Tu s.'lay. , *—,7 v,
TBc elect ion* wfte follows -.
Comanrhe NaC-l, Bonk Mfftote:
W. rC. GHHton; Ifaedfanli fT. Jf
Other plans worked out were:
Tom Wortham, A«*t. In Cot-
ton Adjustment,. Comanche.
Clulis, 1 leather tanning school, i taat week end, Comancho finished
con - truct more trench' silo.*, bold' n*cond and won k l>eauttftil sllvor
. .......... Fftff Fairs. Jiid in hette; live trophy,, and Ooich Glen Fraxier.
.The pi-owrram wilLconalrt of « i atiwk, • s^jda. pooHry, tur-,« nair of shoes. -7 '
roe-raft ntay. This shodd tn- ap *”fa and «*her raTUad farm p~ac-, The Indians defeated RocbHle
very go *d program na A.'C. C. | tices. ^ and Center City in thaJ preJm-
ha* won the college one aotf ~—— *.— . ‘ _ _ ihiaiies and lost to F.viint in the
Countv SiDMintendent B. Ray . final-. The C-manehe Band play-
McCorkle .went tnAustin last e<t flafalrday night and drew ap-
<»lay contest mgay iloves. I here
a HI be «ipging furnished Hy
t)hj quaflet and sextet. Readings
will be given by the Speech Art
The tumbling team will also
weric too" attsnd the Hta'e C«*«ven-
tiiro of f’ountv Superintendents.
Hrowuwoed bank fefaeoxit* are
slightly in access of“f8,
plausc., and pkaiM from the large
crofad which included a number
«7 Comanche ten*-
Tbs f^oll owing ia an account 0/
(Con tin usd Otl Last rage) Ws
Williams. V Jce- Prw.ddbirt; Robert
KatJn, Cashier; K. J.. " Macon,
Aaaistan'Mkishier. !
Oli'actors: W. (’. Chilton, T. J ’
Williams. J. R. Chilton. Jr.. Mrs.
J R. Chilton, and-Robert Fraten.
F*aU> Natfansl Rank Offlceru i
J5~i E« Anthony, President; J. F* F
T».t«. VIce-TVe^ident ; J. ,W. Moore, J
Cashier, and K. E. Denny» Assfa-
Direeiena: J. F. Tate. J. H.^p
' “ ‘ M. A. Blew-
_matinkf: only
George O’Rrfaq Tn
Janet (iaynor and
Henry Fonda In . ., _
the farmer
Joan Hlondeil land- .} _
Glmida FarrvI .. { #sj
James Rartrai and
Maygarrt OaUahan In
Loretta Young i and
Mcnrv WUeoaaon In
ooooot. ■
Ritz Theater
sat. Night oi.
(itrorge O’Brien
, -***■&& P*
. " *(*•*. •••
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Wilkerson, J. C. The Comanche Chief (Comanche, Tex.), Vol. 63, No. 25, Ed. 1 Friday, January 17, 1936, newspaper, January 17, 1936; Comanche, Texas. ( accessed September 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Comanche Public Library.