The Panola Watchman. (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. [26], No. [19], Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 26, 1898 Page: 2 of 4
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SBffg&g SSaftrtttft: I
wmliX ft11 T**' L-" ^ Emulsion In Its botilt iWm di
--— SnSM^sftgstittri
MVIffMBkBALt MoKitUoy begging support tor W$ bw hid abuttdittt i-
ths administration In almost •very proof that they wttl thrift Ai
** speech h« made, Mid it mil not on this emulsion when othtr
Z2*mi - tcips:
muuaaovriua. Esr^wbi chlWrtn »h*t tr* (Mint*. II
Rti.nmnmo*. !«•• «•*th»ikm tutMd out ScotfiBmuUott wMttl lo M il
•to greet him on his trip to »nd the element lucking In their * i
lAOOOmtteetOMItti • fro* Omaha, but, Judging from f00{J. n0 not fell to try It if
*j^.r ^-----1 four children do not ill*. T
^ IfiSAUftJSe* ft I. - foe th«n la L
miMispw. ^ ^ ef^oda turning out to tummtf es in whiter.
tfuouttftst ssethe President, entirely esldu ******* ftirntmtim* f)
**u, it* Septate* from political oonstdsratlona—rs- seems, aawxoue tm •
Nririttotririi »pMt for his attelel position, ad* —mm—to.........— m B
ess me nteteicf. miration of his personal qualities, ships, end will not change any* fa
, end lest, but bjr no meins best, body'* mind ss to who Is entitled >
oa.itgfMitnicfi Idle curiosity, Thet ell of those to credit for thet brllllent victory. B
"““W" •***40 Ee nutnbor of A greet big bluff Is being put
irrettfi, S9W Diati persons who turned out to see up by the edmlnistretkm by the
I Tha morchanU
Inst me. Thip*
vs only ons piss
Hear my Otatemaut:
>s. standard yr'ntsd sugar $1.00
Doe* Baby
V ^ MMttr.MUCkMf.M. irnh- TTllrtV® I
M'sspSibkz- "r~ *•
ley In the Weet Is cer*
! teln, end It Is equally eerisln thet
■ they trill do the sens la the Best)
but there to nothing In the eight
io show thet the whole business
will enable the republicans to oer*
ry e single Congressional district
that they would not hats carried
bed Mr. McKinley remained In
Washington end attended to hie
Democratic expectation of
wresting the control of the House
away front the republicans is not
bAfed upon elelonary hopes, but
n^tm F#p*fw;
to show how sect) Congressional
dletristin the country will vote
Oaths Ith of November. As*
i. eordtag to those figures, there
J AM sixty-one dletriete which mey
* go either wey by very small me*
JMtteAi An atesebs of the Com*
%1 Oommtt^^u^'^eanie wUhto
m | E^gmmh mi i||m #^Mffil4 *1
^ I ieMMMH SA^^P S^^^nstS arS
f the CtrAgfemItrAm Miction of *00,
a | esttmetes that 41 at these doubt*
hgt jgfM aaeelai filem
Hu uwtrnjii win po uarnou uy int?
iumaiiafl**mn ujl.* gg A^ A4. .
■vPpiDINUUlf •INI gU Of Ulf UfUl*
^00 00||0^^0^
Mi ■fiW0»
ships, end will not oheage any*
body's mind as to who Is entitled
to credit for that brilliant victory.
A great big bluff Is being put
up by the administration by the
pretence that Judge Day la mak*
ing extraordinary effort to com*
pel the Spanish eommlaatonef*
to hurry up their end of the no*
gotlHtione, at Parle. It Is dollars
to ginger cakes thet Judge Day
Is dblng nothing of the sort. No
matter how anxious the Spanish
commissioners should ho to reach
an agreement on tho treaty of
peace, they would not bo able to
do so before the Congressional
election, ss It was a part of Judge
Day's private Instruction to pre*
vent an ttgroomont being reached
before that time. Should tho
Spanish eormnlarioner* wish to
protract the negotiations after
election, Judge Day may pul the
screws on thorn, but he Isn't
doing no now, for fear that the
treaty might add to tho probabili-
ties of republican defeat.
fftni populists out of ten in the
rank and file were Hogg and
oomndestM men In 1A». Mow
they are fighting the radreed
commission teeth and toe noil.
In 1AM Harney Qibbe made pub*
So epeeches praising the demo*
crHuo Mimniviriwnif in i fiss
he would go te hie
•eeMOT^Heberie, it*** end
Mew he 1• n
Texas salt, per aaek
Liverpool i<.per aaok .05
Bran, per 100 lb* : .60
Best pat. flour, guaranteed, pr bbl. 3.80
Beet brand oanvoated hams 8ft o. pr. lb.
Breakfast bacon 81*8 o. per lb.
Baoon 01*8 o. per lb.
All other goods in.. proportion to
these prices.. Don't forget the plaee.
Those flt'o spof CASH prices.
_ No. 8, Dewey Ave.
Jsdge Te* AlUeoa Seal
Judge Thomas O. Allison, one
of tho pioneer'eitisene of Panola ! *h,n|l
prevent fraudulent pensions by
making stringent laws, wo
there ts no danger In pass*
died Tuesday tho lSUi ln».t. at his lrt* ih® **««4««th
home near Fair Flay. Ho won
81 years and one month c Ul and
eame to 1'anola county in 1844.
While Barney Oibba !• en-
gaged in tho business of charging
He was born in WlUlameon couo* i up to a democratic administration
ty, Tennessee, and when hs first irregularities in the taking of
cams to Texas settled as**.-, the lh# *hofi#u# in
river, in the north*eas!cm part
of tills county, whero was then a
pert of Harrison county. He
moved to this Side of iho river In
IScO and settled the home near
Fair Flay where he has Hvcd
ever since.
JudgS Allison has been very
promlimnt in the polities of Ms*
nolo county. He was ons of her
Amt county Judges and served In
this capacity for two or three
Thte was In tho AOs. He
hde represented Psnrta
JUys*4|l * ggM ifi^ 4*M|jdaAaagg fila
wmiiy m int ifpifianirf,
mt*d a tinhsklail gtMibsuAi
WBW HIM/ HCvt»nigtl III™ Itvilvi CPI
LmIob* OefaMAll m mui*illAm *1
Hvliijf gClvvlOO Ho » HiCiiiDvi CPI
the eenotthrilonal
18TA. ,
*itW|ft Allumfl WMM A mTunOt
and fervent member of the M«th*
cximpc rnurciif wnion imp jcximwj
over 40 yearn ago. He Was a
umui Aawjwa t
MM RM.. BtTim
rirolm"" pf°rnh,*,rt
Hj M *_* gf|
■It ItmTM BTt FIIlnlnPTl tMI no.
ths pset
arose from the
cd proclivity of part ate for
turning in children that wers
either over or under the tchelas*
He age, It might be well for him
lo like notice that since the pee*
sage of the law preventing ouch
practices the only offislal who
has attempted lo work In chil-
dren who were not entitled to s
pro rata of the school fund Is the
populist county judge of Grime*
county. The Grlmeo county
original nolle this year Allows a
falling ofi of JAM In ashed ehti*
mat mt WiftAieJ mgiM
tireII ii ci'inpirfQ wun idai oi
Ml. ThhrwaA too mush for
o*4HH Aon 4*aM* JgMii A AtMMlhi
bHDlm AAA JlW^MD Wllfl HP MlVinW
1 sddt*
«g from
Cotton Belt l^oute,
Ks iatsrtupHan ef train MteWstulha
mi* i ■» i i a mww
TMs lias nsw spsmtm DOD1LB DAILf train ssrrim halwsM
Toxati and the Boutheaet
ria. Oslre sa ths Mlewisg sshsdulat
I rtf brills
- tda
Arrive Uriro
A ftp* Cknttnaooga
Arrive AtiaaU
I0i40a. v....
btja*. m.-l
p. Ml.—d
motrm rREE o^Anc^um rauauv
•re run beteces Tests sad Cnlro ollboet ehssgn else full«SA riSSpB
•ed llirougb Ooecbn berweoa Cairo asd naehvllls. .
The Cotton Belt S.T.tC'fil
lewd l»v fttiHr ibtlfir reririelhiw, pCMbam jr'jUr ttchi t over tks Osttsa 1
For ratva nu t lull particular* eve usy fJottoo Belt AgMh SMMHA
A' VfLT^. Worth, Teaet. G. P. A,
Murk ibifi} thr Arriving lime NftikvUle ififlxafitly
h <
Wc if* (fill acliibg dfCifi cheap'for eaak.
CMfl Tomes fre* 4« to 41 rie
tftdoS' tevdtrie* from 19 te fil He.
Diarrhoea Mister* frote §0 Ui 44 ets.
ftmtUi Hexelstor fee* fw te tN) eta
Bleed Pe>tA*r« frets AA to AOria.
(Worts pfrparatlo* 10 to 80 tdA
(loath ay rep* frets AO ie 4A «te.
Headstm* W«f*r* from II te fist
Toilet *e*p* frete I te IS els.
**- — Deelf t In-—- * —
wjsawr iMszJtsr*'
Also carry a nice Mae of
Hay and Bran at olo** prte*a.
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Collins, Jasper. The Panola Watchman. (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. [26], No. [19], Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 26, 1898, newspaper, October 26, 1898; ( accessed September 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Sammy Brown Library.