The Optimist (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 98, No. 48, Ed. 1 Friday, April 9, 2010 Page: 3 of 8
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fyril 9,2010
Campus News
Page 3 \
Class work pays off for students
Kelsi Williamson
Chief Photographer
Math, computer sci-
ence and information
technology majors
had the opportunity
to learn how to add up
and cash in their class
experience through in-
ternships with Hawkes
Learning Systems on
Thursday in the Bob
and Shirley Hunter
Welcome Center.
Hawkes Learning
Systems, founded in
1979, is an educational
software and publish-
ing company based/, in
Charleston, S.C. The
company “concentrates
on a complete ap-
proach with integrated
textbooks, intelligent
homework software,
and testing assessment
software, in essence a
The paid internships, beginning
May 15 and lasting through August
15, are spread among three
■ Marketing: One intern-
ship available. The intern will
research, input information
in databases and coordinate
■ Product development: 10
internships available. The interns
must be math majors and will '
test and edit Hawkes Learning
Systems textbooks.
■ Information technology:
Five internships available. The
interns must be sophomore
engineer majors and will work
with Hawkes' small software
complete. ‘System’ for
teaching math,” accord-
ing to its Web site.
This was the first
time the Career Center
offered an information
session about intern-
ships specifically tar-
geting math and com-
puter science majors,
said Bradon Owen, Ca-
reer Center employer
relations manager.
Owen said the Career
Center likes to highlight
specific internships to
help students solidify
their career interests.
“It helps them to bet-
ter decide what it is they
want to do once they
graduate,” Owen said.
Hawkes Learning
Systems is offering one
internship in its mar-
keting department, 10
internships in company
product development
and five internships in
the information tech-
nology department. The
internships are all paid
and will last for about
12 weeks this summer.
April Davis, from
Hawkes Learning Sys-
tems marketing and re-
cruiting, said students
must have a 3.5 grade
point average or higher
to be considered for any
of the internships.
“We do have tons of
resumes coming in,”
Davis said.
Besides good ex-
perience in their cho-
sen fields, Davis said
Hawkes Learning Sys-
tem interns may have
the opportunity for a
full-time job after their
internships end.
contact Williamson at
HEATHER LEIPHART Staff Photographer
Wanda Douglass, resident at Christian Village, gets a strike
while playing Wii Bowling at the Honors Gerontology Wii Party.
Shakespeare goes Hollywood in spring comedy
Shea Rattan
Contributing Reporter
The Department of The-
atre’s final spring pro-
duction stands in sharp
comedic contrast to the
department’s previous
two shows. The large
cast and a dizzying mix
of historical and fantas-
tical elements combine
to make Shakespeare in
Hollywood a funny, fast-
moving farce.
Shakespeare in Hol-
lywood, written by Ken
Ludwig, is based on
A Midsummer Night’s
Dream and is technical-
ly classified as a 1930s
screwball comedy. The
show is mainly about two
characters, Oberon and
Puck, who are magically
transported from their
Shakespearean world to
Hollywood where they
end up playing them-
selves in a movie.
Peter Hargrave, sopho-
more musical theatre ma-
jor from Amarillo, plays
Oberon, who falls in love
with the leading woman
in the movie. He said he
thinks the show is a good
way to end the season,
especially after the dra-
matic winter shows.
It’s definitely not one of those shows
where you have to be aii reverent
because it’s Shakespeare. Jf
Director, Assistant Professor of Theatre
“It’s a good contrast
to the last two; people
can come and just watch
and have a good time,”
Hargrave said.
Director Kari Hatfield,
assistant professor of
theatre, has directed
productions at smaller
universities in the past;
however, this is her first
time to direct a play for
ACU. She said she is ex-
cited about the produc-
tion as well.
“It combines the in-
tricacy of Shakespeare
and the fact that a lot of
them [the cast! are play-
ing people that actually
lived makes it a good
challenge,” Hatfield said.
The first-time direc-.
tor said she also has
loved working with the
cast and crew. Despite
rehearsing from 7-11
p.m. most nights of the
week, Hatfield said she
loves everyone’s collab-
orative spirit and the
fun nature of the show.
“It’s definitely not
one of those shows
where you have to be
all reverent because it’s
Shakespeare. It’s actual-
ly kind of making fun of
the fact that Hollywood
kind of exploited Shake-
speare at the time,” Hat-
field said. “We just hope
that people enjoy the
show and word gets out
about how fun it is.”
The show will run
April 15-17 and April
22-24 in Fulks Theatre.
Tickets can be purchased
at the ACU Box Office in
the Williams Performing
Arts Center until 5 p.m.
Friday, online at www. or by
calling the ACU Box Of-
fice at 674-2787.
contact Rattan at
HfH Ip 1 ’
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The Optimist (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 98, No. 48, Ed. 1 Friday, April 9, 2010, newspaper, April 9, 2010; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed February 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Christian University Library.