Bosque County: Land and People (A History of Bosque County, Texas) Page: 366
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y I
At left, John David Helton, after having received a personal commendation from Gen. George C. Marshall,
Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army; Gen. Samuel E. Anderson, Commanding General of the 9th Bombardment
Command; and Gen. H.H. Arnold, Commanding General of the U.S. Air Force, England, 1944.Judge J.K. Helton
Robert Lee: born 4-9-1911, died in infancy.
Velma: born 4-6-1912; married Robert L.
Cooper of Meridian, Texas, on 6-21-1931;
children-Mary Kathryn, James Robert; 6
grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.
Edgar, CPA: born 9-30-1913, died 11-2-
1979; married Alma Beasley of Abilene,
Texas, on 10-26-1939; children-James
Lewis, Jerry Dan, Sara Elizabeth; 6 grand-
children. In World War II Edgar served in
England, France and Germany as a T/Sgt in
the 2nd Division, and received the Bronze
Star and the Purple Heart for wounds
received in action. After returning from the
war, he was a partner in the auditing firm of
Davis and Kinnard Co.
Elbert, MBA: born 9-3-1915; married Mary
Glenn Finney of San Antonio, Texas, on 11-
6-1937; children-David Kirby, JoAnn, Mary
Pat; 3 grandchildren. Elbert was an Air Force
pilot who, during World War II, served
overseas in Java, Australia, New Guinea and
England. His post-war assignments include
wing commander in Japan, base commander
of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and a
tour in Germany as the S-4 of the European
Command. He retired from the Air Force as
a major general on February 28, 1969.
Burrell, PhD: born 3-7-1917; married Leta
Faye Bergman of Clifton on 10-15-1943;
children-Jon Craig, Faye Jean, Betty Ann;
West Point graduate, 1939; during World
War II served in an aircraft waring unit in the
Canal Zone; retired as a lieutenant colonel in
1945 for a physical disability; professor of
mathematics at Southwest Texas State Uni-
versity from 1957 to retirement in 1982.
John David, MED: born 1918; married
Imogene Margarite Mesaros of Waco, Texas,
on 7-3-1947; children-Ronald David. Dur-
ing World War II, David was an Air Force
pilot, served in England, and flew more than
100 sorties over France. He was personally
commended by General Marshall, Arnold
and Anderson for being the first pilot in
England to complete 75 combat missions and
366was givena spot promotion to captain. David
was released from the Air Force as a major
but returned to active duty in France and
Germany during the Berlin Crisis. He re-
mained active in the reserves and was retired
as a colonel in 1969.
Garland, BBA: born 3-17-1922, died 4-12-
1969; married Maradelle Langseth of Clifton
on 6-1-1946; children-Larry Don, Linda
Carol; 6 grandchildren. In World War II
Garland served in England, France and
Germany as a supply sergeant in the Air
Force. He worked as an auditor for the
Cosden Oil Company from 1957 until his
Lucie: born 3-29-1924; married. Williams
H. Winters of Queens, NY, on 10-14-1945;
children-George William, Michael James,
Donna Gail, Pamela Kay, Jan Marie, Judy
Lynn, Cindy Lou; 14 grandchildren.
Kathryn: born 1-13-1928; married Thomas
M. Kimball of Stephenville on 101-4-1944;
children-Steven Murry, Mary Jo; 2 grand-
children. Married Lowell Sparks of Linglev-
ille, Texas, on 9-25-1980.
by Burrell W. Helton
Joseph Knowles Helton was born in Ten-
nessee, in 1817, the oldest son of Edward and
Elizabeth (Knol(Knowles) Helton. Both par-
ents were natives of Virginia and members of
prominent old Colonial families. Joseph's
father had come from Virginia with early
pioneers, and while only a boy, had served
two years in the Revolutionary War under
General Anthony Wayne.
During the year of 1836, J.K. moved to
Mississippi and in 1839 married Lucinda
Mabry, at Coffeyville. She was a native of
Alabama. Their first son, David Mabry., wasRonald David Helton - great, great, great grandson
of Judge J.K. Helton
born in Mississippi in 1840. J. K., Lucinda,
and son came to the Texas frontier in 1842
and settled at Marshall where he farmed for
three years, then moved to Rusk. His inlaws,
the Mabrys, had come with them from
Mississippi, and according to the 1850 deed
records of Rusk County, J.K. and Mabray
held adjacent land. Five children were born
to the Heltons in East Texas: James Edward
(1842), Cynthia Elizabeth (1844), Jasper
Newton (1847), Isabella J. (1849), and John
Kelso (1851).
J.K., Lucinda, their six children; her father
and mother, David and Cynthia Mabray; her
two brothers, James H. and Jasper Newtonii
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Bosque County History Book Committee. Bosque County: Land and People (A History of Bosque County, Texas), book, 1985; Dallas, Texas. ( accessed February 11, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Denton Public Library.