Stamford American and The Stamford Leader (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 26, 1957 Page: 1 of 14
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■ - Cotton harvest is picking up
r lowly day by day and. ia expect
the next couple of ..weeks, farm
era believe.
Dial PR 3-3311
Leader Volume 66, Number 11—-American Volume 34, Number 30
Siceetwater If ill Count Heavily (in These Boys To Break Bulldog l ictory String
A \
■ t
BadlyCrippIed Bulldogs
Will Host Mustangs ■.
. .IDA pound end
,1.7ft pound Ikk'U
luotik wood*
• . .200 pound Urklf
.172 pound guard
t JCON riTTs
Harvest Slowly Gets Underway;
Full Pace Due in Two Weeks
Around the 10th to 15th of the
month ought to find a lot of the
cotton, opening, glnr.era said
Stamford gins had handled
around 7t> bales up to Wednesday
afternoon, but it is still movlrg
slowly, with only a few bales a
Gins In the surrounding coni
inanities are also handling a few
bales. Douthit Gin at Avoca, Gil
lospie gin at Tuxedo, Ericks
do hi
Lions Club Mop,
Broom Sale ‘Good.’
Officials Say—
numbers that very few farmers
Tone* Eoij nlf^ 'TBE
3.'>000 bales and If frost holds
off until late November, this
figure could Jufp t,o over 40:000
Heart Attack
Takes Life of
Robert L. Howse
Robert L. Howse. age HO. who
had lived in Stamford around -If
iw1.. nt‘iiViMnii.iiT|[|V ifwiil
Cuop gin at Erickadah] i b< les, Lehmberg say*.
community and the gin at Corin
ifi have all aiarfed and each has
ginned a tew bales, total for the
group-running- around 00 hfll*»s
All of the gins are rently for
the steady out put which they are
expecting to. start possibly next
Crop prospects in the Stamford
area and Jones bounty as a
whole are better than they have
l>een since 1950. according to
Response to the broom and Bill Lehmberg, County Agent,
mop sale Saturday was good and | With heavy spring rains and
member* of the Stamford Lion* cool weather, cotton got off to a+fed to livestock a* ne-ded
Club and High school vocational^ rather slow start. Cutworms „
agriculture department were [caused excessive damage toj
well pleased. ' seedling cotton for throe to four1'
With continued rain, conditions
were favorable f< r a build up of
The quantity sold was approxi-
mately the same as the number
sold in 1956,
All products solo .were made
by shops operated by blind per- j ****? °,her ideas though. She fur-_ machine and hand snapped will July -3. - HWF He was over*****
i m . ... .1 rinhftfl iwuwtfloitll inso^ti- In —---- s at..’ ■ „ — -*-■- .
sons In Texas. Any profit recelv-1 »dshed beneficial Insects In such
ed by the Lions club from the j 1
sale will help supply glasses for
needy school children and will
help pay expenses of some crip-
pled child to the Lions’ Club
Crippled- Children’s cajnp at
Kerrvllle, Lions club members
■ “The club expresaes Its ap
predation especially to the.local
paper for publicity given, the
aid of the paper boys fn deliver-
ing circulars, to the United Food
store for the location of the
Blind "Caravarr truck iu parit. I
Ing lot and to everyone who sup- RCnSbifitation
_ Early planted mi|o made an
average of around 1.100 pounds
with the new hybrids out yield-
ing sTandsrd varieties 150 to 300
pound* per acre in most testa.|
I«ate planted sorghum was giv-
en a boost by recent rains and
thunder showers and should do
nearly as well as the early maize
Forage sorghum for bundle*
nnd silage made abundant -grow
th. Silage has gained In popular-
ity the last aevirarpMftJuauuu;
It can he stored indefinitely snd
Oliver Street
Mr Howse. whe was a rarpe.v
ter. had. been in f tiling health ft'i
several year* and had been a pa
tlen't. at ihe VA. hospital in Big
Spring He had apparently been
Improved .. ;
Funeral was held Sunday ut i
ft m. at Kinney / Funeral Otais-I
SlUs Triplett, .'minister of the
Church of Christ at Ninth gnd
Main Streets In San Ang“4o co-i-
ducted the service lie was assi-d
ed by Frank B Plachy. minister
rtf the Oliver Street Church ,,
ChrWt Burial was In lllghlart.1
cemetery -with Kinney Funeral
Home In charge.
Wheat and Bronco Oats are two
new varieties worthy of s test
in Jones County.
With clear warm fall weather,
harmful cotton Inserts. . Nature harvesting operations, both hv
ported the movement." the
-offtrials said. ---------
Art Club Rein? -
Formed Her*
By Pierian Club
An art dub. sponsored by tin
....Pierian club. Is bring formed of
sixth grade students of the Stam
ford schools.
The Fine Arts committee of
the Pierian Club is fostering the
movement with Mrs Joe-Nowlln.
chairman, in charge of the club.
Mra. Nowlin Is art teacher of the
elementary schools of the city
and will give Instruction - '
She will be assisted In details
of the club by Mrs. Jack Watson
Also helping will be members of
the Fine Aria committee. Mrs.
Walter Randall and Mrs Jim
Plans from the club were
developed at a committee meet
lng and Coke party at Mrs. Now
lift’s home earlier In the Season.
First meeting was held Friday
' f. afternoon af the Reynolds school
V Stephen Haterius was elected
. ; president: Martha Maves. trea
surer, and Susan McClellan, re-
porter. Approximately 30 were
The dub will meet twice a
; month *nd the next meeting will
be » field trip to the Nowlin
farm. . t
Two Men Will Help Direct
Cotton Pullers To Farmers
•» ./» . ,
The foxas Employment Com-
mission announced today that
two local representatives have
been employed to work for the
commission in Jones County dur-
ing the harvest senson In plar-
Center Open House
Planned Sunday
< ■ . •
The West Texas Rehabilitation
center announced today that the
Board of Directors of the Rehabi-
litation Center will be hosts to the
public for the dedication and
open house of the new speech
audiology wing of the center to
be held Sunday Sept. 29th.
The program will be brief and
will start at 3 00 pm W M
Braymer, President of the Board
of Directors of the Tavlor Countv
Society for Crippled Children,
"which operates the Rehabilitation
Center, will serve as Master of
Seniors Selling \
School Pennants
Stamford HlglT schorl pen
nants wil he sold at the football
games bv the Stamford stfoiors
The pennants are In the tra
dittonal blue and white with the
Stamford Bulldog on them
Teachers Attend
Association Meet *
At Mineral Wells
Mrs. Jewel Auxtin, president
of Stamford Classroom Teacher*
Association, attended the con-
ference for presidents of the
Texas Classroom Teachers As-
sociation at the Baker Hotel In
Mineral Wells Saturday.
She war tecon oonlcd by Mrs.
Hill Gay and Rexells Veaxey. who
also attended the sessions. Miss
Veaxey la vice president. Mrs
Gay was eotirty president last
Sleeping Sickness
Case Reported t
A case of sleeping sickness In a
hcrae has been reported by Dr.
David Ballard, veterinarian. This
disease, he explained, la trans-
mitted by mosquitoes
lug cotton pullers with local
N. J. Mayfield, Rt. 2. Anson,
has been employed to assist farm
ers through the central part of
Ihe county, and James R Nance.
Rl. 3 .Stamford, has been employ-
ed to assist farmers In the north
County FFA, 4H
Show Date Set
For January 11
County FFA anil 4 II Club live-
stock show will hr-IttM In Anson
Xf UTrt-TWsf *Htmtrtrtt13£T stork nhnW
boon set for a week earlier on
January 4. * *
The date Was decided by a
gw-ment of R’cldbp Holbrooks.
Bind Hop land.,, (in aid Piudur.
T C. Blankenship, of Hamlin.
Larry IVxdey of Anson nod mil
Lchmhctg, county agent. _
Mr. Howse wns horn 5U-pt.**tv
, . lr9*'od ,or bss «. HOT. St Lskr Crefks
fall .wheat and oat* Crock.dt | He served in Fran- ,- In Wort.i
War I and took part In the
Mtteac \tgonnc offensive. H-
entered the service at IVtllns
April 4. 1917. and received hi*
discharge at Camp Travis uti
end of the county.
Farmer* who need cotton pul-
lers should contact . one or the
ether of these representative*
either by leaving wort with their
local gin manager or hv leaving
word for Mr. Mayfield with the
County Agent’s office In Anson
These representatives will con-
tact the cotton gins at regular
Interval* and will alao work
through the already established
farm labor camps In Anson and
These representative* will
handle and place domestk work-
era onlv. Farmers desiring to con-
tract Mexican Nallonal* will s«lll
need to come Into the local offiee
of .the Texas Employment Com-
mission In Abilene, located at 30ft
IJLickory Street, according to Don-
ald W. Hawkins manager Any
farmer needing Mexican Nation
• Is would find It to his advantage
♦o come early In the morring, ac-
tcordlng to Hawkln*. since the
of rice will be better able to take
care of thrir needs at that hour
f*o«n August 6, 191R. to June 3
He married Ruby t.o«>p In
St am foi d on September 9; lft23
This ha* been their home aloce
that tlme^
Besides hi* wife he Is surviv-
ed by a son, Robert W Howse
n* Fort Worth j a daughter. Mr*
Dorothy Norman of Snokanc
Wash . three grnodchlldren ami
four sister*. Mrs Blanche Chand-
ler of lake Creek« Mm IoDm
Pesrl Wilson of Memphis. Texas;
Mr* Mavlr Bradley snd Mis
Rea Sweet of Houston
Agrii'iiliure comnuiiee
Stamford Oiamls-f of Cothmerx*
always «pon*o'i,s the |o<ail I FA
4how add wot ks with the Chum
her* of Comment! of Hamlin and'
Anson In (Movldlng funds foi the
county show.
Bad Luek Haunts Stamford
W ith 4 of 6 letter men Hurt
Slatting the year off with )u*t *U letirrmen «imI tw.< of
them it-serve* wasn't hml enough, Omch Gordon W-ood fa«a»s
pel Imjm ohc of the kttongeat teams on Itis whriulc Friday night
with at ICmsI |hrtv of th«'««- veterans oul of ttw* UiMnin
Injuries have plsgueil the llull,dog« thl* year and Instead of
the sllnation getting h**tter. It .appear* to get worse Each .lime
Wissl ryvamjM hia ilneUlV-*otne*’Me ^t>u hurl aitil more *hlft» jw»ua>n jh» <1 ij^;—Hfkby. ll^fll
have to tn- maikv •
iavt week. Wood ran Mas Moody and l.arry IVnson in the
Varsity twtrkfield. During the fourth quarter. IVnson hurt hi*
knee and st tin- emu Union <>t the game It was found that Moudy
had played with a hull on In* elbow ?tnd he was hoapltall/vd over
the week end and the Itoll lam nl
Add these two to the already over crowded ^Injury list ami
woes mount / - Ihivl* and Hanley 1(111 letlermwn hack*, wens out of j nnlei tsw? stf yet to break lnt«
* lin- wtn mliijjjfn tap thrv played
an ambitious ’schedule whU*h
li.i hided aiwaV* powerful Hwk-
entjrlge and Champion IA Abb
len«' The Mustangs »m*<I ftierkety
rtilg*- 11 14 sod lost to Abilene,
In the Pink
Of Condition
1 lie Slsmliinl ttulldng* Will go
Mp, against then strongeMl <q>-
uhen. they play hnat ro the
vsater mustarm* For Ihe kwrt
two yea i * the Hulktog* have
v*'ftV out <*n o*p m crH'oiinter t
with Ihe Mushing* And this, la
lift .11 Cngrfl ELvood I'oin *r
ho|w-» to get even
S.. hu lids, v vat Ihe Sweet
."(lion last yveek unit It is douhtttd^Hhoiit them playing ltd* week
-\Wo«*1. e\pt essed ho|H* that. 11111 might I* leadv to , .i lie. h. is tier n
w orking out this, week Davls was released front Hu- luwpllal afler
a siege of the fl'jl Inti Is tnlghty weak. .
|{ols-rt Ifartbr, .motion letter man h<o k lou-4 his knee before
Phltftp n*va-Te ofdu f play Wet wewk tw*wa ut all
eye o|ternllon atuj will not play 1hls vvt*ek ,
Andy StvMwn i reserve' Iritetman whw lllla a big kt)l* at
tarkle. ha* had a had knee and wfll not pi*y A. Whltwitrthi t
reserve tackle, ha.* I fie flu Hus vve«.k
latrry 't'Wfvpet, reserve c-ntei anil defensive player, ha* a
tV'oked ffHtl and Is "Ut for hutst nf fhc season •'
Here's Ihe way \\ t««l ho|o»* in Often IJte game k’rlday Wight•
At lefr rrrd- fbtsne t indsey: left tio kle .lerty Taylor: left
guAtd. Hit har*l Carson, tenter. Hall Tilplett: a I* right guard.
Jackie Mounds, right tackle. Jimmy I’svne. light end. Mufltto Kaem
b»*l«l tailback. Charlie lielmer, fullha. k. M.n Mmwty. wtngbn'< k.
Tummy Jlnila. and quarterback Irel Upshaw.
, "it I* loifted that wc can have Stanley Mill. Mas Mutely sf»l
I .nrry fvn*on ft»r part-ttme duty." W**«4 *akl VVatusel*)--
28 Boys of This Area Are Taking Part
In Local CofC Cotton Growing Contest
Twenty eight hnv* are enter*111 way this week H»t«nd Kellev I* Up* year These are IV*m»y llvrd.
In the Cullen Crewing rotitesi ''hrectm ami Vernon l/>v vm n. |v Ko Was
•ermid, and Tommy
rtw Mrj*farrr* a rtf he st- fpff
it|Vn|lh th|a vteek with ttte ex-
c-ptfioi of at htitler Eugene
1 Cruet'h hak a *puml injury;, anil
i«'|l| la- repkoed by Russell Dan-'
lit wlui usuulL stti's at left
lai'kle f»t»nlela*righ« 19t |s>un la
Coo, h Turner former <x>acft
«L Albany, ha* never Aun star
Xittnfml since Gorton W'o»«d he-
ismc head men lor ao»t he will
have hi* learn In the pink <»f con-
dition fur the yuntesl .
At left end will l>- Psf Fraley,
.< |an isutniler g«s«l on |Mts*e»
Replacing ('unW at lefCHriii#
I HMD 1»,,l he Jlmun Arhllllng
I Pat f Jerald, aon of the former
ewti will-He isl ieft fllist Ma
la a ifonrt fa»* hnv no lx»th of-
tense Amt defense Hr weighs 17J-----
At tight guerit will tie Kae|
Morris » IMpmidrr Al rilfbt
ler-hle wltl hr Itn kir Wissl, a 311
pmind lew w ha Is great bn clea-
jpummsd kv
ii .iHialrman t*f-ll»e cominlitre. iTavlor- -**h*i was tmuth ft. j ! In hi-M-king flight end will he
, A*‘K" .“^“ MroTTlip—nD-4Ss^,riM,i»„,-J ’Hiama* whn won thud last ycat.|l>t!JL_ill5i-uu- win of tha furmvt
of the Stamford,--------- Tuesday mmntnx i '* enferod from fbamfurd Ic|,amber of .-mnmeree m<tnar*f
•of Stem ford turn. IHA. la a good
committee ......
1 committee
Chamber of Commerce, Ion- w< rk«d ™,
ker, C. of C. manager, announced
this week
Drive for fund-, by the Ag-I
culture committee will get untie.
ho. \m* * i nine. »h»s^ yi-ar Im
Lai.rv Muehlatefn Garland .rwalber. » X—d ffekl
fntnt' l'hr|tt*n and ll-.fthy fail Whit
Catling the plava will he Af-
tils *;*ntl*er a gmsf passer At
l< ft half n4-IH h«- tjletui H»svt, 1M
School Nurse Will
Speak at P-TA Meet
Mrs. Clay M.ukham, school
nurse of Stamford Public school*,
will speak bn Aderpiate Health
Facilities and Service* for Pro
union of Children and Youth
st the meeting of Ihe Oliver
Street Parent Teacher A*sortn
Mon on October l
The meeting will begin at 7.10
p.m. and * nursery will he pro
vlded for the small children
The program will be j.rcscnted
by the second grade pupils Ikies
for membership will be taken at
fhla time.
All parents are encouraged to
attend. I. O. Hughes, Jr. Is presi-
Results Last Week ,
Farm Bureau To Meet
Monday, September 30
The Jones County Farm Bur
eau Annual meeting will he Mon-
day night, Sentember 30. In the
Anson High School Auditorium
Two outstanding Farm Bureau
leaders. Blllv Joe Guegt. Region-
al .director, and Ed Tumble, Dl*
trict fleldmsn. will he present.
Six new- directors will be elfe*
ed and the Cotintv RewthiMon*
will he read And adopted at this
meeting Three valunhle door
prlxes will be given awsv to the
lucky members whose name* ar*
An invitation to
meeting, (a extended to all mem
Dr Ballard suggested that
. "The seniors will appreciate, horae owners may want to have hers and non members who are
vdur suoport." Montle Monxjngo. their animals vaccinated for the Interested In firming or ranch
president, said. disease - . |,ng -
No Asiatic Flu
Reported Here
Despite any rumor* to the cm-
triiry, there Is no Asiatic flu In
this area, a Stamford doctor
said this week.
v “Asiatic flu Is more difficult
to diagnose than the ordtnarv
kind of flu but so far a* we
knew, there 1* none of that
v-f.rletv in the Stamford area.’*
Dr Georee Prvor of the Stam-
ford Sanitarium said Tuesday.
"As a matter of fart,( sickness
as a whole Is at a low ebb and
there are onlv a limited number
of'patients In the hospital." jhe
To Tahoka
Mr. and kfrs Bill forte*, Lou
attend thts nicy and Bu. art moving to Ti
hoka the latter pert of next week
Mr. Jones will be anslstam
mans get- of Smith Lum-
ber Co* there.
Scooter Driver
LicenaeH Can Be
Had by YouthH
New Sii|H*rviHor
A brighter outlook appeared ' FfJT Soil Di.sfrict
,ua .....WiHBe Kel<H led
wr-rkerl rail several details Is-fori* | Oihet
j th* rommlMee jarc
) Entries this veor »re
Slumlord and Avers Rub- due< , 'vJ'rlh
; not have jt yiN-alionnl agrt< ullucp Siam lord entiles ate Multi*
tchchei this year nod d»> not have i fk*ss* In.nes t'arlir-n kksltbwlar,| •- -- - " - —
any entries R U Franke offCoktman Urrr fhppri «MWi!lw1',f W veraaMIe good ort
| lagerton, Mule student, w*wi flrv I’umw, iHntell llug^liis ioiui ; ",,m•'•J*V' "tu «Hra*|nna y
j List year, j'Klcke II .Ills Vfueiilsteio; ll 'n‘,****
Two Avr cn tmya who'j Nrwquist f»hu Rill f»man May
! prl/e* last year are «-ntered ngabi ) "Aft Oiv.n Marcus PhttHps Hilly
p=-u.f..jrt ■ - —i- -■ * -:—| I hlllilH itluglas Itowmtuist.
iohn Bchcarhmaker. Hubert Rchtt
this wia:k_Iul.
wlien Ross Kemp, officer
of the Texas Department of Pub
lie Safely, said that n special
scooter opr rator's license w»*
available to hov* between the
ages of 14 and 16
throw a pass ӣ 'WtRfly
tnr klei swUhlrw-ker "
Tames Parker 11U will he at
b.flha. k He is Mg • 2" and la ■
I lard nmnef At ilghf half wlH
jrherl Roy ,Remwe. Fettbm Kmllh.l* hoy who
; MavtwKmuh .il J Thames I I h,n' ^'‘Hv r.moc.
> utls. lUli Wx+dHwg Ml Jet Abo Hkelv lo rl.v wtllhe Mm
fi. y U‘oftri j1_ _1 Itryant >i lee k .«"«! la-on Fltt*.
1 Another 211 (-ouryl iacHV RtB
Elrs-tlon to seler-t a *ma-i vlwrr * r**h ***** otr»r»l
to represent th- d.sttkY In Zone
' I»t lx* ttOM. wsortrl
„... _ .la* km.haulpcied. tu a.certain
.I!0 lexlent this v-si due to an Inlur^tl
No f Will he held bV supervisors Iknee. He Is hard lAcklr, and X
of the California O.-ek Boll Con. **> ntu' ,eai fine ,-laver
servsfkMt mstrlc on Tuesday,! I -y. . . ..... '
Prevlrtusly the scooter drivers j Orlohei 1, at 717 pm at the H«*i* for scorlrig Is gross In (
had beer, warned that they had'-vuratthmal agriculture building to j 'nm* pet aert- Th* appllcar-i. |*;|jit’Hk(* Sll|l|H*r
to have rlrlver's lie. uses u>i i,i i Hamlin High ** fiord, Hrisike | itt***** lake care "f hi* ptoJ«H-l and . ws _ »• _ -
spection slicker und a lliensr- j Early, chairman, urmunrnl j "ftly In cases ,,t emerxenev msyJWW * Huaj
for fhclr iixorters Thcv wet-. Zone 4. Early esplnjned tm-lud !■1friemU or hired labor | |^>for«> (Jilim*
tr.M lhat unk-ss they were Id |w that jH.rtlon of Jones ctairtv '** hi'n ,w *rn
thfy Just couldn’t qualify for a >situated north of Caltfntnl>|
Ueenw Officr-r Kem|» this week (’i#-ck anrl west
•d th<- Farm
wav Conti*si
ween l!l and 21 years of SwMHwaiei footlssll game Erklay
Road No
1226 •
*t ending from j En»ry deadline way ■July 25 (right will be availahle at the
Only change this war I* that Stamford high srfvrol cafeteria.
to ('rtliftrt rua
clarified the slttiafi-.n
Rcooler’* Ik-ensc sr<- j
available provided scoot ers dm no* jr reek and that taut dl Flshet .
exceed a-h.akc horse,»wer ol!<ouf„y anrt wr-, M-f,, I »* »ne«su»ed from torn row
fl\-e Mint scoot, rs rx>me ,undn hji, jp the California Crock Vk’ate,
the five in res of land will nht -
thls hea«!lng Kemp anlrl License ■ „tted
miv tre hod from Ihe driver's ___■
license examiner w.ho la In Rtam J
fort each Friday. Former Stamford
A« 1% th* nmm* with »*jtomf»bHr » y m: ■
4rtv»r> iirffiMr-. ^pniirjint niMM ]Man I raiiHiriTed
take written.. Jest the sign *-*• ' To BfOWnfield .
snd Ihe eefiinl drlvlre t"*» Tb’ |
license examiner follows alonw Rmce Hartv forrrw-riy ' ti.i
behind the sdtv.ter onerstor In the Stamford has gone to RroWnfleld
state car and eraies the youth j as manager of the Cobb a Depar t
turn row.
five acre*
hut will !*• straight
The Uiiml Ik sisters are staging
a iwtnenke *up|>er sod will -t>egtn
serving •» 7 p m*'lT;rile» will he
V. cents
Kemp explained
men* store
He and hi* famllv have lived
In Monday since 1951 and ha*
teen manager there
He i* succeeded In. Monday try
R*»yce Hama
Jr.-Sr. P-TA Setg
Pirnt Meeting
Thursday Niffht
JOnlcr-Setilor High schrarl Par MrS. PaCO Attends
ent-Teacher Association will open , .. .,
Jhe year's artlvttleii Thursday . * nUrCn JlPflinif
night, September 26. at 7-11) p.m Mrs Y. R Parr was a ’s^udem
In the hlgn school eafeteria In an annual state lender train
The meeting I* planned as an leg school of Texas- Christian
Informal get acquainted gather Church In Houston last week
Ing and no’formal program Re i She was among moke than 50
freshmont* will be .oerved Year id.strict education leaders who
books will he available and mefn ’were learning to train local
hershtp dims will he paid, < hurrit school teacher*
Mrs nick Carwxi I* proriden* -Mr* Pa.-e a rhlldfreti’s wtxrlURr
Other nffleers are Mrs Edgir tr. the Central Christian Church
Quade vice, president, and Mrs ija yorrrtarv of Christian Worn
Bart Holland, acrrrtaty treaaur *-n’s Fellowship of District 1# af
, w, Trxas Christian ChRrchtr*. ,
lor David Ratliff uf Mam fur, 1 was jirtwenttni with a cer-
tificate of appreciation from the State Federation of
MfW flubs by Mrs. Bill (lay, represent ing the Sta«iT
ford club. <8taff Photo) ,
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Craig, Roy M. Stamford American and The Stamford Leader (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 26, 1957, newspaper, September 26, 1957; Stamford, Texas. ( accessed October 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Stamford Carnegie Library.