Stamford American and The Stamford Leader (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 26, 1957 Page: 4 of 14
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Shirley Bounds and Sidney Ashley
Are Married in Ardmore, Okla.,
Arche Tardue, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arche PartJue. has entered
the- University of Texas with a
'ootball scholarship. He and his
, .brother, Burt Pardue. were in
For Fine Arts Chib 1957-58 Season
B&P W Club Marks National
Annual > dinner of the Fine
Alta Club. Junior, federated mu«
k eiub. opened the Club season
Tuesday night. September 17
The dinner, honoring the presi-
dent, Jane Giles and the new
member*, was h-ld at the Central
Christian Church and served by
ladles of the church
“It Began with a Song" Was
the theme of the program which
and Mr*. Revee sang "A Paper
of Pina." for the encore, Mrs
Baize played while Mr*. Roves
and Anita sang "Froggie Went
The value of music In' the lives
of people a* well as thrir elders
was brought out In the pros!
dent's message bv Jane Giles.
“Through cooperation our chleve
ments can be unlimited" the new
president aa' the challenged
j the membership at the heglnnlng
of a new season of work.
Attractive decorations followed
a Colonial theme. Nosegay* with
lace paper background* and rib
bona wars placed down the
A doll In Colonial cos tunic
graced the heed table. Place
cards and menus.held cover* In
keeping with the flag of the
thirteen colonies, developed In
red. white and blue with 13 stars
The dinner menu was compos ,
ed of pineapple Juice. Jello *alad
haked ham. green beans, mashed
potatoes, hot rolls, iced tea and
apple crisp.
Mrs. Jlmmv West, new presl
•dent of the Stamford Music Club,
and Mrs. R. F Mahood of th®
Stamford American were guests'-
Club counselors are Mr*. Dav-
id Ratliff and Mrs. James .High
New members of fhe club ar>
Carole Ack®r, EMzaheth Boss,’ j
HollV .Campbell. Sand-as Davis. Carl Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Patsy Oreeiwav. Martha Holland J- H. Reed. Is resuming his work
Tudy Huehes. Glenda Lindsev. in Abilene Christian College of-
Bet»v McCau’ey. Judv Marriott ter selling Bibles during the
JoclUe Plumle® Sue Rales- Judv summer. Carl had many of his
Srurloek, Jan® Smith. Sue South- 'htngs burned when the family
erland, , D*r'ene ^ Telcijietman hnmi .wifi destroyed by fire
Sharon ll lams, Judith Thomas while he was away,
and Marv Wllka. ■ . ____■ - . .
Stamford High school last spring
and was a member of the State
AA championship football team.
Mr. and Mra. ,
and Billie. El
*M Higgs. Mr.
groves, Mr. a
Higgs. Mrs. ]
Abilene; Mn
Eastland. Mr
Scott, Knox C
Melvin Hargn
Iron Hargrov
. Mr. and Mr*. A. V. Bounds are
announcing the marriage of their
daughter. Shirley, to Sidney E.
Ashley, son of Mr, and Mrs E. A.
Ashley, of El Reno, Okla.
The roupie was married at Ard-
njore. Okla.. on September 13.
.They are living. In Fort Worth.
Both young people are werkipj
■t Pan-American Oil Company
in Fort Worth. Mrs. A*h)ey will
continue until October 1. -
Mr*. Ashley, a graduate of
Stamford High school attended
Draughon's Business College In
Abilene. She was Stamford spon-
sor of the Texas Cowbcy Reun-
ion In 1936
Stamford Business and Profao-
Mon«l Women’s Club recognlzad
national Business and Profession
>1 Woman'* week with an on
blem breakfast at the Stamford hcroll of the emblem was display
Cafeteria Monday morning. * * “ * —
Various other business or pro-
fessional women of jthe city
were guests for the breakfast
ind some indicated that they are
prospective members of the club
Especially recognized were
Senator and Mrs. David Ratliff,
suests of Irene Stewart. Mr. Rat-
liff was presented with a certl- ____, _____ ____ ____m.
ficato of merit from the State music during the ceremony.
Federation of BAPW Club* CTub colors of gold and ,
•hrough the Stamford club In were emphasized In sttri
Mrs. Ophelia Reed. Mrs. C. T.
Dodson, Mrs. J. H. Kinney and
Sarah Hudspeth with Mrs. BUI
Gay aa coordinator. A large
ad In the background The club
emblem collect the emblem song
and emblem benediction were al-
so used.
This portion was closed with
an Impressive candle lighting
service In which members and
guests took part. Rozella Veazey
Truman Chlldreas I* contlnu'n:*
his studies In North Texas Stat >
College at Den*on. He is a son pf
Mr. and Mrs. 1J. L Chlldre**. Mr
and Mrs. Johnny Childress took
him to Denton.
Jlrtimie Voir
Mrs. Leonora
Mr. and Mrs
ham;, Mr. and
Nugent; Mr,
Higgs, Ft. Smil
Flowers. Old C
Allen. Wingate
Mr. and Mn
Woodson spent
sister, and her
In keeping with the musical
theme, the Doxology was sung
for the Invocation and the Star
Spangled Banner for the benedic
tlon. Accompaniment was Peggy
ISyloe. dub pianist.
Mrs James High, one of the
counselor*, spoke on “Music In
the Colonies.” giving the begin
flings of American mtiaic. Special
mention wm* made of the hrmn
"Mv F«th Looks Up to Th-e.-
which was sung by the aopho-
more octet, with piano accom-
paniment by Glenda Lindsey.
A trio, composed of Nancv
Dickenson. Mary Wllka and
Judy Cowger, sang 'In Good Old
Colony Times.” aa Sherry Lee
rlaved their accompaniment.
Special guests were Mrs FYank
Reves and daughter. Anita, and
Gavle Baize, who entertained
with early music. Mr. Baize
played the steel guitar 'khile hel
The program centered around
the club emblem and Its meaning
and was given by Edna CuUum,
Stamford BAPW Chib, with
Mrs. Dudley Duncan, president,
and other members are calling
attention to the national theme
of the week: "Salute to Women
Who Work" and the 3300 dubs
In the BAPW Federation with to-
tal membership of 170.000. or-
ganization for women which In-
cludes AD profession* and oecupa
The Public Affairs committee
was in charge of the observance
with help from some or the
others. The Stamford club was
represented at the district con-
ference at Snyder Saturday
night and Suigiay,.
Mrs. A. M. Wl
Mr. and Mr:
and daughter s
with Rev. and
Cormitk and
Mr. and Mrs
p.otan visitft J
Stahl. Mr and
and Mr. and M
Are Named by
Camp Fire Group
Carolyn Thompson Is
president of the
Camp Fire group. Officers were
elected at a meeting at the home
of the guardian, Mr*. Juhan El-
liott with Karen Bounds as the
Susan McClellan was made vice
president: Sandra Olson, secre-
tary: Gwen Portwood, treasurer-
Martha Maves,
reporter, and
Karen Bounds, song leader.
Other tnembcr* of the group
are PaVv Ba’es, Carolyn Kalner,
Esther Class
Reveals Secret Pals
At Class Party
The Esther Class of the First
Donna Proctor and Mlml Sue Ol-
son. *
Karen served cake and Dr. Pep-
Friendly Hour
Ji and Race,’ la
Church m<
MydlWfS M££t
The group is working on
Wood Gatherers' rank. One of the
requirements was met when the
group took and overnight camp
at Lueders Park on August 29
They cooked two meals over
open fire and slept on the
ground. All members of the
group were present. They were
accompanied bv Mrs Elliott and-
their snensor Mrs. Altori McClel-
lan and son Billy.
New Mission Study for St John’s WSCS
Rudy Laresu. ,— •
Officers for the coming yekr
wer* selected In a business meet-
ing conducted by Mrs. LareSu,
The party was held In honor
of the three that will be promoted
to the ne*t class.
With Mrs. Morgan
The Friendly Hour Club mem-
bers went to Rule to the home
of Mrs. E. O. Morgan Thursday.
September 19.
Those present were Mrs. Con
nie Coseey. Mrs M. E. Dodgen,
Mrs. W. H. Plant. Mrs. L. F.
Malone. Mrs. Alma McNutt. Mrs.
R- L. Hows®, Mrs. Lee Barnett.
Mrs. Paul Gibson. Mrs E. R.
Raney, Mr*. Claude Norman:
Mrs D. E. Prewit. Mr*. R L.
Osment. Mrs. C E. Beit Mrs. Ar
J Kelley.
Sure to steal the scene every time Is this
Curtsy Coat made of DUVEtYNE ... a real
pint sized fashion first. Details in the spot-
light are the buttons and collar trim of
washable white plastic leather. Fashioned
with raglan sleeves and with turn backcuffs
. . . sure to please Vour young miss and
mother, as well. In GREY ONLY: SIZES 3
to 6X. Also available for big sister In larger
A general meeting of Woman’s
Society of Christian Service will
be held at St. John's Methodist
or. Monday, September 30. at 3
The fall seaaon waa opened
with a coffee in Fellowship hall
of the church on September 5.
honoring new members of the
Society Circle 1 members wer?
hosts and erved tinv sand
fin panel form. Worker* In vari-
ous mission centers were speak
ers. Mr*. W H Little, secretary
ol mlssicpaty education and sen'-1
Ice. spoke briefly about the Home
.Mission study.
Mrs W J. .Glenn reviewed the
frst lesaon of the new study,
"Christ, the Church and Race.” I
for the September 16 meeting
So bright for school
and rickrack on collar and cuffs. Also con-
trasting cording at yoke and waist. You'll
love the neat print. Just right for school,
also. Colors: Green, Blue. Brown. Sizes: 7-12.
Mrs. Jack Southerland
the devotional,
“Faithfulness" and the Christ-
ian duty to the home, your fam-
ily and your'church.
Sandwiches and Coke were
«crveri Secret pals were reveal-
ed with the exchange of gifts.
Keith Miles, who plavs oh the
Hardin-Simmons University foot-
Group discussions w’erc held.
Mrs Swenson Davis was leader
for the-second lesson on S’ptem
her 23 di«c*trg pro-m dl cussio"
XaUfOwIng a hrmn of brotherhood
ball team, has returned there to
school this fall.
flowers were decorations.
Mrs. Jack M Clendon. presl
dent welcomed now and ’ old
members -to a new year of stud-,’
and ythltv Chairmen of circles
Introduced new members.
Mrs McClendon will %ct aa
chairman of Circle 1. Mrs Char
lr* Hewitt. Circle 2. and Mrs
Andy S'one. Circle 3.
Mr* W. J. Bryant, vice presi
dent, presented the yearbooks
Prep Teen Chib
Begins New Season;
Has 23 New Members
The Prop Teen Club opened its
nrw season at the home of Ann®
Hudson with 21 of the 23 new
• Evqry pattern
Starburst, Echo, Woodlqre, Autumri, Desert Rose, Apple
a record
and Ivy!
• Every piece in our open stocks
plates, cups, saucers and the
th*-me of which is- "March -f •
members present
sory alburn!
Missions” She introduced the
studies to be presented during
the year,, first of which is
“Christ, the Church and the
The meeting was h®ld ort
September 9. The club plan* ujj
• AH at an exciting 20
1 OFF. Buy. one mug or 100. There’s no limit except time.
• September 23rd through October 5th are the lucky dates. Don’t miss them!
begin its annual sale cf Christ
mas cards socn
The club member* welcomed
the new girls into the mem bet
ship and th« total membership is
now 53. The club, is planning a
vear which will be fun filled and
Lynnora P.atliff Is president;
Lily Mae Skiles, vice president'
Margare' Nauer' secretary-troa i
urer; Nancy Dickenson, chao
~OrrV 1 met at the church
September 9 when Mrs, McClen
don and Mi* Paul Banks gave
the yearbook program. "Our
Home Mission Center and Race."
Christ Lutheran
WMF Hears Study
Of Topic and Bible
Bible study. Spread. JD. Spread.
Thdiu Mighty Word, was given
lcr the Christ Lutheran M'Sslon
ary Society In- the pastor. Rev
Elmer Sprechcr. at the meeting
with Mrs Bill Berry on Septem-
ber 10.
Mrs, Dennis Wilson road the
Scriptur- and Mrs Hardie He
wrett offered prayer The topic
atudv brought out the thought
of Indiridual responsibiliy of a
job to do,______
Mrs Wilson, chairman of life
membership and memorial. pr.«
sented Mr* Daniel R nn. sMv'
tary, wt*h the Cross and Crown
pin Thl* denartment supports
Mexican Mission*.
Mrs. Berry conducted a Bible
ouiz. Th« meeting closed with
'he Lord'* Pro ver Thirteen mem
savings —- —
• • • ' • f ■ -.1 • f «♦ " ' v'
on every single
piece of -___
Judy Merriott, Gavn-ll Dlprv'l.i
Sorrell. s*lc Ralcv. JocitT" [
Plum lee. Carole
Acker. Lind i
S» hoonmaker, Carla Carlton. Dai
lene Teichelman. Fay Nauert,
Mary B®'h Gentry. Jovcc A»tin,
Ann Gambill, Norma True. Pa»sv
Slngletan- Judv Stifflemire,
Sharon William*. Carolvn Si-
Duff. Betty Sue McCauley Holly
Campbell. Carolyn Iw, Ghnda
3 Lbs.
Crc’e 2 of th* Woman’* Cbrl*-
lan Service of St. Tohn’a M^tho-
'hst Church met Thursday morn-
;nc with M-«. Milton Payne
She served Swedish coffee
ake. nuta and, coffee as th<*
gt*ests arrived.
Mr* Charles Hewitt, rhatr
man. provided over the business
meeting ■ ’ ■ • l
Introduclr^ the studv. Kvde-
1om Beyond Cast. Mr* Bourdon
Smith used
Crusaders Uniory
Holds Supper
With Mrs.( Armstrong
The Crusade - Training Union
of the First Baptist Church held
a eoverad dUh supper in the beck
yard at the home of Mr* Elia
Armstrong qn September 17
Ran Jack Southerland p’-tor
gave the Invocation W Ml Mon
zinf«. vlrr’prwrident. presided for
a short opening period \
Mrs L R Rose gave a devo
ttonal on going forward with th -
l-onfi work.
lira Jewel Austin showed pic-
luraa which ahr and other* of tf\’
party made of their European
a* a worship center
1 PO*ter por’nvlcg hands around
*he wdrjd-- M-s. Smith gay® *h-
''evpflnOal from the book bf Ruth
2:11-12. - ■>
There wer® *®n p*-e*e -t
The cirole will moet ulth fn
*■ V. I!a"]e Th,,r*«d',v.' Mm. '
Marshall Rhew will be In char;;-’
Lyny®tte foh~*np daughter pf J.
PR 3-2CT1
(tkifl Mr* Lt'nn Johnson 17
llanre meeting which was held
in London and made comment*
and explanations *
Mrs Bit Btrinn social chair
man. arranged lcr the moet ng
entering Texes Christian Uni
wrsitV^ at FVmt Worth a* a
freshman Sh® graduated from
^f.-mferd High aoWfti irr th.>
- ^
Music Introduces Study flp
or A
PjWm Faiif
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Craig, Roy M. Stamford American and The Stamford Leader (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 26, 1957, newspaper, September 26, 1957; Stamford, Texas. ( accessed December 3, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Stamford Carnegie Library.