The Panola Watchman (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. 53, No. [3], Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 18, 1925 Page: 1 of 8
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®je Ifatwla Watfhman
BjrR.lL PrnrV A
*‘W« H«lp TkoM WWo Help Us and Tbo— Who kelp U. Help Thwmootrte*
91.50 Per
Ttoe (uD*-r*J *rrtc«i for Hee 8. S-
Duo*-, omibn #r the lyKulitiira form
J'oioia County turbo d:*d nddnljr in
New 4MiMD« Mr . 10. lkl(. wen held
Nov 12, at 2:30 p. m The remain*
arrived farm New Orleans that won
'nr at 7:30 o'clock, accompanied by
Judge J. O. Way worth and former
Mayor V. J. fWanten. An
Mwirt form rartlmm met the
mt Loogirtew and nK oompawind thorn
7%# funeral service* worn Mi et
;ftht home of bin en«rbter. Mrs J. O
Wuolwotth. where be made bln home.
Rev. Leiaed Malone of Carthage and
Rev L. W Martin «e. Winona. Smith
oounty. officiated. Tin muaic waa fur
ntehed by M r*. Clyde psoodyard. Mru.
Byron Heed. Rev. (ie- nhaw of the
Christian Church and C H. Duke. The
MaHosic Ordpr conducted the eerrlceB
et u« a rare
The honor® y pall biarer* were:
Former Governor J.i* E. Ferguson,
Judge N. A. I-ladman. Clarence E.
Gilmore. ,C V. Tem ll, Gw>. B. Tw
r* 11. Au*rlr; WSliom A Field*. Hllla-
twro; Jamee M Perdue. Gilmer; Ew-
ing Thoan**on. K1 Paeo ■ Lee Batten
wfuu-. Amarillo; Eugene Blount, Nac
oguociiev, Claude Pollard. Houston;
John F Wallace, Teague; Judge Cha*.
L<. BrachfieU. Judg* R. 7. Brown, and
Bav. E. G. Cooke, Henderson.
Aol.v* pallbearer, were: Beam or
Jaa. G. Strong, Hurst Cnadwick, Rdbt.
Boott, Jf. T hooker. Leo Williamson.
P. P. Lung. T. K. bran non, JuOson
Holme,., Spepw Ray, R. M. Bark
Ijdab j. >1. Lang, W<gi Rom and JR
I > Mundeu
Sidney Smith Baker was a native oi
Phoenix City. Rukh eowx’y, Alabama,
■and wu# a fine type of Southern gen-
<*JemaiV HI, farther Col. benjam.n H
Bake., waa a colonel in the Cimfedr
*4 army, and later a practitioner
Jt the bar. Mr. Baker < ane- to Pa-
nola county, Te»ae. in 1880 and in
1881 wa* married to Mrs. Francis
Elizabeth Garrison. who passed away
Aug. 13, 1822. Mr. Baker hue one
daughter, Mru. H. 8. Holland in Al-
bany, Ga. jtnd three children In Car-
thage, Mr*. J. G. WiKilworth, Hon. B.
W. Baker and Mrs. 8. G. Turner, and
two grand children, Mina Melba Baker
of Knoxville, Tenn., and Sid Baker
Turner of Carthage.
At the time of hi* death Mr. Bake*
was 71 yearn and ,lx month* of age.
Hi* hna been a long life of service
for hi* country and for hie feUowmen.
tye held public office In Carthage for
tip* greater part of t-bo pa*t twenty
flaw year*. He wan County Clerk of
Panola County aix terms and served
in the State Legislature in the 31st,
32nd, 33rd and 39th session*. He wnn
an honest. conscientious public ser-
vant, with a large vision for his State
and community and with the will to
help hi* fellow citizen* to realize that
vision. As a legislator he stood for
the bigger, finer things that meant
a better citizenship, such as prohibi-
tion, woman’s suffrage, better elec-
tion laws, etc. He was a member In
each session of many important com-
mittees and was chairman of several.
He has always been actively Identified
with all political Issues, and has rep-
resented his county at every State
convention that hw« been held during
the past two decades and a half. He
has been tendered a number of hon-
orary places, having been designated
by ihe House during the 39th session
t6 attend the funeral of U. 8. Senator
Chez. A. Culberson at Ft. Worth. At
the time of bla death he was atteod-
4he National Tax Conference at
Orleans under commission from
r Miriam A. Ferguson Tba
or 4o this conference he vto-
<U«|d home h> Phoenix City.
Columbus, Oa On the mora-
le 10th Mrs Turner had re-
letter from her father staking
tad enjoyed his »6ey and tint
faaltng fine late tba sates
tba message came Mating
5M died. Oar entire city is grlev-
going and axprans onr dn-
Mlur to the bartered tom-
IKS Milt Mil Mint
Monday morning at 11 o'clock
the komc «>f Hat. fir. C. Henry, Mr. f
H.«rvy r. ltuM» and W Vi iry Be I *
were unite! In m in lage. Bro. Henry
•poke the words that united their Uvea
and Centime*, a* one M.s* Hell itnee
lived here and has ouu > friends who
wish brr bapplneae.
*t I,
We are called upon to chronicie the
drtttb of another useful and InBuen-j
tlul citizen. Mr J. T. Childress, who
■a* •trtfcte with paralysis tome -two
weeks ago. and fell to sleep at 8o’clock
Mon lay night, Nov., at his home)
on North ■town. The tauuml serv
ice* were conducted by Her. Leland'
Malone at the home Tuesday at 4:30
F. k.. with Pastor Henry assisting.'
Ms*- 'Clyde Wood yard and Mr* Byron
Re"t sang. 'TTose to Thee '* Many
friends were present beside* Me rel-
atives, and the bora I otlerlngs were
most beautiful. Interment was it the
Odd Fellows Cemoery.
J jmc Thomas Children) was beni jn
Alabama. March 1. 1847, coming Jo
Jrflinrson. Texas, with his irtrents
when a Mnall boy He entered the
Confederate army wy» n 16 and did
two years service as a soldier He
w-ia privileged to attend the last Con
feieral* Reunion at ItaJkiH this spring
feeling like a boy again in the stir-
ring days of 1864-6. He was married
to Mis* Bar.i Elizabeth Fargason of
ilaingerfieid, Texas, when be reached
his majenty. Tea children came to
bless his borne The good wife and
five of the children have It ng since
preceded hint 1o the House of Many
MUnalons. <Jue sou and font daugh-
ters survive a- follows: J T. f'hll-
dress. Jr, I>»* Angeles. Cal.; Mrs. J.
M. Sample*. Texarkana; Mrs. H. M.
Matthews :ux! Mrs. C. .E. Ellis. Crreen-
■vifh', Texas, and Mrs. Nynna Roy of
Carthage. Mr. Childress and Mrs. Ray
came to Carthage at 19<*9 where be en-
gag»-d in the furnHure business, and
for (he past years his trade ho, been !
quite profitable. His grandson. John
Ray, wfil c.^rry on the buslnesg, it
Lelng in the building where his mother
.-mi Mrs. M irr conduct their dry goods
business. John Ray has grown up
here and is a young man of much
promise, having the love and confi-
dence of of friends. Mr. Chil-
dless was a soldier of Christ, an active
member of the Methodist Church dur-
ing most of his busy life As the im
Several people during ike past
w- - k hove told some of our oau-
di4atea that they were paid in
advance to The Watchman for 10
years 20 years, and some even 40
years. Now, why make these
statements? The candidates come
back to the office, look at the sub-
scription books and find tbe state-
ments untrue. They feel hurt,
end have lost confldenew is the
persona telling them they were
psud In advance.
Now, if uy of oare sniilWe
approach anyone who doesn’t -
want to take the paper. Jww be
fcir with ccerybody and say yon
dwn twant ft. We don't want you
to have it If yu doon’t want ft—to '
fart we wouldn't send it Is you If ;
we hougbt you didn't want It
We are putting on this campaign
to get our subscription list on n
Everybody it able to pay up now
and must do It We win carry no
subartptaou accounts next year.
Carthoge, Texas and vicinity had
\ its imagination staggered Met week
, as never before, following the an-
nouncement of Tbo Watchman’* big
12,00(1 Automobile* and Prize t'em-
paign. The glad tidings spread rapid-
ly and jarred loos* more wonderment
and rndiU'UUD than evidenced to
this section for many any*.
That tbi« amount in gift* and < sab
Is to be distributed free among the
men and women who work in this
campaign waa almost too much to *»
•imitate in one lull swoop But the
public taw. read, re read, and became
uonvinc^d tfaut such lavish liberality -
Was never before extended to this vi-
cinity by a newspaper.
Everywhere The Watchman wae the
one abeorbing topic of oarversal><m.
At one of the
V000 vc»w Then the candidate will
-i-t eivc a working outfit. oooetettDg of
a ub«cription book, ‘.ample of tbs
paper and other information relative
to 'be campaign After paamng this
Mage, votes pile up rapidly, for men
and women are only t- o glad to sub
scribe for their county paper and In-
cidentally help a friend, especially
when offered the convenient oppor
many to do no.
le 9100 in gold to ne given the
hscTibern of Tbe Panola Watchman
candidate bow you can win M.
The first prize, a 9636.00 Overland,
the second prize, a 9460 00 Ford road-
ster, tbe third prize, a 9136 00 I Ha
mond Ring and tbe fourth prize, a
9100 U0 Diamond King, fifth prise, a
930.00 Wriat Watch, anil sixth prize
Tile trial of the two negroes charged
with shooting Kay I). Tiller, former
postmant* r of CarOtage. and his text*
year-old m n «• they lay sleeping on
a set •» porch on B* jdember 19 of
this year, cam*- up m Center last Mon-
Following the * hoot mg at tbe Tiller
home, about five mile* west of Car-
thogn on the H*< kvlUe rood, tbe no-
groes were arrested and oaken to the
Harrison County bast.Ie for nafehoep-
ing They were later eplrlted to the
Jefferson, Morion County, jaU.
The oases were transferred from
Panola County to ttbelby County. Jor
dan Phillips, one of the accused klidnt
was found guilty and sentenced to 99
year* In tbe state penitentiary.
Repel* Riggins was given 20 years
In the penitentiary Both negroes
were tried the aome day.
popular homes of this * |15 string of Pesrfc may be seen
city where a good number bad gather , on display now at The Watchman of
ed for dinner, everyone had a question ' fi,:e. tTusm- prises alone are well
or two to ask regarding the campaign worth the extra effort nnd spare time
and. in fact, all conversation during ^ any twodidabe, and are prizew that
the meal V'« based on The WaHdi muy one should be proud U» possess
man and Its pert iampdpi; tt fur Taken look at these beautiful prises
nish. e plenty of talk in tbe borne* j ami then enter the contest and see
and on the streets. | how e**y it will be for you to own
"MANY RUSHED , one of them all your own
I Eager men and women lost no time 1
in enrolling their names or name* of
friends with the expectation of toeing 1
the owners of one of the prizes Juau
a few weeks banco.
"It seems almost too good to be
truo,” said one lady to the campaign
Frbkav night. Nov. 1J, the Senior
Cite* staged "Pollyanua—The Glad ^ *•* Lb**
Game." at the High School Audit(,rl.! ™e„t sod wanted U, be among the first
urn This was u«u of the best prre i <,n*M to *“n,er Sh** ‘,r<>UKht *k,n« ,h<>
. .. . _ ... . 0 K . nomination blank -which entitled her
luctioni- that 4 artboeg High School ,
- Li -e to ft 000 votes and left with de-
has ever given. Mrs. T H. Tuttle, I
. . . . termination that one of the prize*
c<*u h for the play, is to be highly:
would belong to Imr on C.lurlMma*
(vtromended upon the efficient per-
fttrmance and her ability to so well
select those best fitted to the respect-
ive characters.
The member* of Lhe t lass who took
part are also to tie highly compliments
ed for their ability to give to clever
a performance of mi graphic a play.
The In-beiwoen acts were splendid
and the music furoished by the High
Kchool Orchestra was extraordinary
for the short space of lime they have
b< en org ini zed and prarllelng.
The citizens of our city who patron-
ized the play were well pleased with
the performance and realize that our]
nxTtal Stonewwill Jackson sa.d when; high school has both talent and abil-
di-ng, this soldier who wore the gray,j ity.
lia phased over the rlv-r and is rest
Ing under the shade of the trees,” one
of the bloodwaqhed of Prince Eman-
uel. and whose, name Is inscribed In
the Book of Life. He rest* from his
lubors but hi* workB of love and mer-
cy follow him.
We extendi our profoundest sym-
pathies to the bereaved loved ones.
The proceetls for the night were
967.00, which will go to th« fund cre-
ated to buy new scenery for the audi-
"Nevet heart! of anything to beat
tt,” exclaimed one young man. "Wihnt
I can't figure out Is how The Watch-
i man can do It. Two thousand dollars
- Is certnlnly a nice little sum of money
! to spend for prizes andcommls*1on.''
“That Dreamy Prize.” meaning the
Overland, “la the one for me,” voiced
another entrant. She was plumb full
of "pep” and ambition, and went right
out to win.
To enter the campaign It Is only
necessary to fill out the entry blank
which appears on this psge, and
bring or aeud it to the campaign of-1
floe. This entitles the candidate to I
Hemember the 100,000 Extri- Bonus
Votes, which offer expires at 1 o'clock
Dec. I. 1926 By Juat a little extra
effort you can win the-o extra votes.
S«e the big ad on the Inside for full
information as to g*t these extra vote-)
The Watchmazi does not stop with
tbe big prize 11*1. The 20 per cent
ii'mms-jiin to non-prlz« winners is
provided for
OT i-ourse wt)M you really want is
the motor w. Make up your mind
that you will win It You can do It.
The start la the thing Keurt in your
entry blank. Bertter still, <aJJ at the
Campaign Office. Come light In NOW
arid let's get a good Ntart.
"If you think you are btette, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win and you think you
It's almost a cinch yon won't.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost;
FV»r out In the world we find
Sucoes* boginu with « fellow's will—-
It’s all In tbe state of mind.
If you think you’re out<ltts**<!, you
You've got to Think to rise;
You've got to be sure of your-elf be-
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don't always go
Judge Chas. L. Bra oh field and Mr.
Eugene Dal-amar of Henttorson were
businese visitors to (.'.irthage the first
of the week.
5,000 Subscriberf
Is Our Goal
The new Club and Community house
of the Circulating Book Club is about
to be completed. It stand* os a wor-
thy monument to tbe enterprise of the
Chib and the Community. At thi*
time the Hook Club members are aok-
Ing the public, if it thinks their enter
prim- worthy, to contribute to this fund
in miking he last isiyment of more
ihon 9600.00 to the contractor.
Not ,-lnce the first Rest Room build-
ing and lot was bought some ten years
ago hae the Ihsik Club asked for con-
tribution* to its budding fund. For a
number of year* a few business con-
cerns a very few- - have contributed
between 912.60 and 916.00 per month
toward keeping a iniitron In the Real
Room. The Club <to<-» not think it fair
for a few to do this, when all business
< on rents ai*» benetitted alike by thfs
public convenience for both town and
rurjj women, so in the future NO
business oono rn will he asked to con-
tribute to the upkeep of the Rest
No busimei* conrsrne or Individuals
were asked for the recent Agricultural
Hhow and Feetival to contribute on*
cent, either In merchandise or cash,
as premiums, for the reason tlut the
Club thought it unfair to ask for two
oontritMitionN, and believed that both
the business iiujj and farmer,* would
prefer to help this year in paying
something on the new building which
will servo the public from year to yeoib
for muny year* to come.
An honor roll will be kept In (he
flub Rooms containing the names of
all contributors toward the olub build-
ing fund. If you see a person wearing
a lag containing the wordo— "Howdy
Neighbor. I have given to the Rest
Room Fund"—then why not do Hka
wise? It i« a worthy cause.
Following is the list of
ministers who will serve
churches in the Marshall
ing the follow lag year:
Preaiding elder, V. A.
villa circuit, W. R.
station. Z. R. Fee; Church
P. W. Norwood; By«
Wtutkom, J. U Red;
8. W Thomas; GliteMnd
C. LeFerney (Mppljr);
circuit, J. B. Wsggnmsr;
cult, J. L. McAdasM;
I. J. Whldot; Hsodsruoa
Cloak#; Jefferson sftlte
Kilgore ciranR, A. A.
ville circuR, H. B. Dgttjr;
to be supplied; Longview
Coy Williams; Marshall,
O. H Wilson; BumaDt 8
M. J. Bigger; Marshall
White; Overton and Arp, E.
Pine Hill circuit, Flul L
wood circuit, Clyde T.
The young ladles of <
Misses Arlene Albw,
men, Velma Latham,
Cleo Blair, Broogle
lyn Malone, wen
zcl Pgrk for
7 be o< caeiou, -
by the ‘bunch.
Ml** 8mith. onr d
will meet with the
Friday, Nov. 20 at
lessons on the
sewing. Every,
Is Invited and
The Hila
rived in C’4
been havi*
etch perfo
of Ihe clea
has ver vl^L
U well h
looked after
gram night!)
beautiful acei
music (a deseN
LTiavy wo
1 * * * dBL i
That is all that it costs for a 13-plate Genuine
Ejcide ^Battery
And we have a 11-plate Exide at an even lower price
8-Hour “Battery Station
Carthage Electric 4* Vulcanizing Co.
To the stronger or faster
But *oon or lute, the man who wins.
Is the man who THINKS HE CAN "
Homo of the reports this period Will
bo 100 per coni. Will you ha "Ifit-'
flwl as a top-nolcher In tblu rooeT
City Division—This Inoludes all ter-
ritory in the city of Oirthuge.
Country Division -TThto Include* nil
territory out of the City limits of Car
f'nndlriae* Not Restricted—Candi
date* are not reotrteted to their dl
v.slon In this campsUgn, The WORLD
There is to be a 7"hi6F 1
vice held at the High
rlum Thanksgiving Day.
cun join In giving thanks,
many thing* to 4m- thankful
member, this will be a T
.uni you have a part. Wlat
program soon. It is now
Neigel Nelson is borne
for a few days.
Community Rest Hoom Bldg.
# . D . '.
I NOMINATE................... .........................
STREET OR BOX NO .................................,4
i1 I
STATE -_______ ...... _______ ________.
To get one of Um Grand Prize* in your Big ffilrannsnuklfi'
SIGNED BY'..........................................
Tfito Nwltetltin Blank will count as MM
or your flMortta, when properly ftttad o« dad
ager of the COsapalg* ONLY ONE of tkate
will ho crudUed to any mo candidate.
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Park, R. M. The Panola Watchman (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. 53, No. [3], Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 18, 1925, newspaper, November 18, 1925; Carthage, Texas. ( accessed January 20, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Sammy Brown Library.