The Brand (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 83, No. 16, Ed. 1, Thursday, February 15, 1996 Page: 1 of 8
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Volume 83
Number 16
Abilene Texas
February 15 1996
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Three Of Our Own
Lord take them but let them know that they were loved and will be remembered
L 1
Erin M. Greer
Jason W. Hale
Kellj N. Marshall
Haidin-Simmons loses three students in automobile accident near Hempstead
Three Hardin-Simmons University
students who were heading to Houston
for the weekend died Friday night after
their automobile collided head-on with a
semi tractor-trailer near Hempstead.
The accident occurred on Texas
Highway 290 at approximately 9:25
pja one and six tenths miles east of
Hempstead in Waller County.
The Hardin-Simmons students who
died were:
H Jason Hale 19 of Pasadena a
graduate of Sam Rayburn High School
and a freshman music performance
9 Kelli Marshall 19 of Houston a
sophomore music business major and a
member of the Cowboy Band Women's
Trio. She was a graduate of Jersey
Village High School.
Erin Greer 18 sophomore from
Killeen a communication major and
unopposed candidate for vice-president
of the HSU Student Congress. She was a
graduate of Jersey Village High School.
Marshall who was driving the group
in a 1984 Honda two-door ran off the
right side of the road and over corrected
into the the path of a semi driven by
Bobby Lee Sutton 47 of Killeen acci-
dent investigators reported
Sutton was treated and ihen released
at the scene of the accident.
Both Marshal and Greer were pro-
nounced dead at the scene.
Hale was taken to Trinity Hospital at
nearby Brenham where he was pro-
nounced dead at 1 1:14 pja
Hundreds of HSU students gathered
Saturday at Logsdon Chapel in what has
been termed a "family gathering" to help
students understand and cope with the
loss of three friends.
According to Palmer McCown
director of the Baptist Student
Ministries the gathering was not a
memorial service but was designed to
help students understand what had hap-
pened and give them a chance to grieve
"These tilings come as a surprise to us"
said McCown at the Sunday gathering.
"But wc must remember that dvy uhiil
as no surprise to the Father."
Greer was laid to rest in the Killeen
City Cemetery on Monday. Marshall's
services were held Monday at the Village
Baptist Church in Houston. Respects
were paid to Hale in Pasadena at the
Pasadena Funeral Chapel.
Hardin-Simmons held a memorial
service in honor of the three students on
Tuesday evening at Behrcns Chapel.
Some events that were cancelled
because of the the loss of the three stu-
dents were the Queen of Hearts formal
the Cowboy Club meeting on Monday
Tuesday's Orientation banquet and
Student Congress elections which were
rcsheduled for Monday Feb. 19.
Charles Ruhardson of the HSU
Media Relations office contributed to
this report.
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The Brand (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 83, No. 16, Ed. 1, Thursday, February 15, 1996, newspaper, February 15, 1996; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed December 1, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hardin-Simmons University Library.