The Daily Favorite. (Bonham, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 168, Ed. 1 Tuesday, March 2, 1909 Page: 4 of 4
This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: Fannin County Area Newspaper Collection and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the Bonham Public Library.
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mr im*»t favorite
We are now
showing our
Spring and Sum
mer Hosiery for
Women. Misses
and Children.
We handle the
most complete and up tc-date lines of
Hosiery iti Bonham.
The Onyx Brand
The Best in America.
r F W I S The Shoe Man
^ L VT I O# eottlh ^ gq
Ad < W|
Fort Word
T K K-
>14 tl
. IK
twae as sur
health he
the irmr
€ bfi
lifter ci tt
vH9fK£Ct f|
art mem
i fl
IJistrict. t
< len. II. K.
Bev. H L. Waflm
arf.vat) * a flex non >
• *nt UkTtx
John tt 8pa'g-r. <r.
. » report^i
sJtghtly txrttrr today .
R. B. Ayrea «w in
the ntf to
day from Texarkana
Mr. ami Mm W.
B. irtjft
* WBOfM? 'Of TUsI «**
Hr alvit* wore a cceerfw; no§w! *«’*’* po
, untcr. tlnr<> vpaHae ifcecffoJ. tborffa
asd twourigisf word*.
: tiad to«ftbi8{ plrmat to to fnra4)s
every oar- He* looked all tar rioien:
time like be felt pleasant and Clnstftt
•petit the day at Ravecna.
Jim Ilia r and Bob <'albono went
U « m . * * , *\ * a • 4- 2Mk 3 M 3 d/. vk Ml 1 x*
P to Dodd City tha morn tog. i . yei..% ,TJtW
ar»ate<t to make every one cite one of hr* canvases (in 1*53 I
/eel the way. btfim) He was out in the wM
That man was General Turner pan ot Fannin County on the
L. Creee. a man who first Mt <j4y before the election and bav-
j the light ot dav inert the tall iag to #tav all night he stopped
mountain peak* acd rorged with a man whom he knew wn
> scenes of Last Tennessee. While strongir opposed to him in that
’a tonng man be came throagb ra^e. He was riding a hore
Arkansas aad stopped there sev. that be kBew j, turned Jot*e of horticulture
until the clov of
he again returned
of h»% pr-,it..„
when be remiinefj
four ie»rs Thei
the countv ! 4 mil,
open-: Upa^
name beg.,. .f!
“"t l t:,
>ome two or three vejr,
I>r. Trimble was,
ian, a man 0j ^
very fond of reading
He loved books 4nii
had a small
non called
(jdvtrtadt Weal her Report.
Vet (irb-ans la., Jlanrh 2. —
r^Mi Texas: Tooigh*. a«d Wedoe*
fair; moderate i*-«p*txtut«*
« jjp :or Ada, Ok la., on
Among the
W alter Inglud? left thin morn i ng kins Cvwstv. where be remained h> horse out. Next morning -t • ‘JJ and «'
until Dec.. 1856. when he came ceufd not be fonnd and he was u-nA "‘^7* a8d rS
to Bonham. In 1862 be wa* Jc{t OB foot. He told the man “ with ^
elected to the Legislature of this with wt nis character # li
a business mis
_ Mrs. W. T. Ik it left lh.« after
Inducements «C f«»D to visit b-r parent* near RsJ State. He served oce term on
was compelled to get back home
It, tml made a good, efficient and t ;• at dav
r»Ms & Pacific.
West Bound
So. 35. 9:35 a. m
9:40 a. *.
Nn. 31, 12:25 noon
12:45 UWi>
No. 33, 9:15 p. m.
9:30 p. a.
last Bound
No. 34, 8:50 a. m
9:05 a. m.
So. 32, 1:15 p. m
1:35 p, m
So 36, 5:10 p. m
5:15 p. tn
North Bound
So. 258 leavwi .........9:16 a. m.
So. 721 leaves ........12.35 noon
South Bound
So. 72k arrives.........9:15 a. m
Vo. 257 arrives.........6.10 p. m.
ofiered by .someden Lists low
price is the principal one.
Xothi ng is said about quad -
ity of material or work-
manship. Those feature* I
think the most important
in ail branches of dentist-
ry. I give an iron dad
guarantee with every bit ot*
work done by me—regard-
lews of the fact that one
cannot please ever} body.
If I do your dental work,
you will be delightfully
5 surprised at the absence of
pain. Call any day and I
will cheerfully examine
your teeth free.
C. Y. Thomas left this afternoon faithful member.
He was married three times.
where be has
for Oklahoma City,
• secured a position.
W. O. Siler, of Dallas, has been j'
, in the city on business, returning
j borne this afternoon
Mrs. J. F. ( lark, who has been
f visiting in the city, left today for
her home at Dallas.
Joe Fitzgerald, who has rs-cn
quite sick for several days. « re
ported slightly improved.
Mr. Graham, who has bee:, the
| guest of Jim Graham, left today
' for his home in Oklahoma.
Mrs. K. II. Crawford and two
children of Aubrey are guest* of
W'. P. Crawford and wife in this
W. K. Peon left this morning
for Sherman and from there will
go to Sterrett. Ok la., to visit his
By the first marriage there were
three daughters, who
) would lovn hirn a hor^e to ride, j
The request was readily granted
The ladies of the Foreign Mis |
sionary Society of the First Meth mother. He has resigned his po«i-
HliOFESSIONAL CARDb church will give a tea and tion at this place.
hciectic I*hysician and Surgeon
’STioe ofcr Gratiarn Crawfonl A Co.
'<o«r* 8:30 a.m. to 12 m. I p. m. to 5
f «o. Kc*idcocc VV. (>tii »trrrt, both
if%cc awl reoidencc phones lift.
llonJum - Tevan
musical program Thursday after-
noon from 3 to 6 o’clock at the res
| idenoe of Mrs. Mollie I-awrence.
Free will offering and everyTody
Bead a new bulletin every morn
mg in show windows at Ware’s.
Surgery and General Practice
Kaoof 0®0t>3f/'. Rm. 3Hi-It
OfEoe over Nuoc. A Jooe* Coa>&«&»
1 Wfioe Itwidcnce 60H West 5th Hi
Phone 354. Bonham, Tew.
The Sidonias
I he Tramp
and the
Golf Girl
This is a guaranteed attrac -
ion specially engaged for to-
night. Satisfaction.
Change of Pictures
each night this week. Fine
Rocking chair will be given
away Saturday night.
New line of ladies’ Net
and Messclane Waists
arrived today.
White, Blakeney
& Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shelton,
who have been visiting the lady’s
parents, Bev. J. K. Hughes and
wife, left today for their home at
Harriman, Teon.
Eugene Ricketts, who was here
visiting his sisters, Mesdamc* R.
E. Martin and C. T. Carlton and
Miss Julia Ricketts, returned home
today to Los Angeles, Cal.
Sam Moore, who was in the city
yesterday, left this morning Paris.
Sam is well known here, having
lived at Lanuius at one time. He
is now on the road for a drug con-
Notice to Public
1 have purchased the fire insur-
j *noe business of F. H. White and
cake this method of notifying the
public and at the same time thank -
mg you for a continuation of
: the business and soliciting any
’ farther business that you may
' have in that line. My comjtanies
are among the ticst in the business
and I will appreciate your biu»i
ness. \V. K. New tor..
The Free Kindergarten Aaaocia
tion will meet fomorrow (Wednes-
day) morning at 9 o’clockat the
residence of Mrs. J. C. Saunders.
A bulletin announcing arrival of
new goods and important features
of our store will appear in each of
our show windows each morning.
Found—Pair of overalls; came
from Graham, Grawford A Go’s.
Owner can have same by applying
to Mat Mitchell at Bonham Mill ft
Elevator Company and paying 30c
for notice.
Kirst Show
Second Sho *
Admission 15c
A set of hair puffs rm tween West
Fift t street and Mr*. Bob Mad-
dr Finder leave at thin < ffice
fo reward.
for Sale
Ou ck at a bargain—two gentle
farm homes. Five miles noith of
Bonham. B. L. Adam*
Watch fobs
Embroidered in an
Mra. Cora Morrow,
ny design.
We*t Sir
Pha* on for Mile elira|.
hi* offla*
t ail at
Have you seen itT 1'hat solid
oak rocker with cobler seat and
rodded arm that IlalwTI A Cald-
well are selling at $1.76.
All the members of the First
Baptist Sunday school arc re-
quested to meet at the church to
uight at 7:30. This Is an important
Some men seem to enjoy getting
the short end of it occasionally so
that they will have an excuse for
registering a kick.
Straw matting 15c, per yard.—
Ilnlsell & Caldwell Company.
We can show you all the
new things in Children’s,
Misses’ and Ladies’ Ox •
White Blakeney
& Fuller.
and family, devoted
and children.
His good wile. ac<LL
and in tact «
av the man. thougu oppo- i in every sense of tfc, i
irrew up * t . Cl) >CDSC c» toe wor
^ poll lies wab a persona i friend to
beauttlui womanhood.-thc ColoaeK Mounting ^ ,
Tbcr avew and walks in life boric fae rode tbroujfh tbe Mt. ^ ll u i0”41
were as beantifnl as were their tlemeilt and MlODiahed the peo- “n,f ‘ 7
features. I do not know what , •. , . .overs all the time. [
became oi them as the General ■ who was .o strong against him fa *»Tl^ i*
m 1863 moved to Hopkins «»«.-|but ^ iBforBied theM that his j * «h‘ h * ' ***.
tv, where he died in 18d0 I am .. , , . Thev had on.y twoc^
. . . . .horse had gotten awav and that -r ■ >
inclined to the opinion that bis th- , , , , • son. K»cnard Trimble,
. . ... . this man bad came to his rescue __ ^ ,. .
daughter married and moved to ._j _ _ . - . , | lives on the old hr
Dallas Texa* ) and wa5 now doing all he comd f.ther and mother at »
,0 h Tbc mo5 0( the , ind, ,iuehternimd’
be talked to »erc trBaeneed to a wifc of
great e.teotm tbe.r brl,„d the TOthw<
the man from «bom Col. Tajrlor Ho)Und Sbf j, ,,
borrowed the horse. The result
It is a pleasure to think of the
General's good humored, smiling
face, bis generous and good na>
tured acts, bis noble hospitality,
for he possessed all these traits.
He made friends of every one.
Co . Robert H. Taylor was one
of the old pioneers of Fannin
County. He was a native of
South Carolina and was born in
1824. He studied law in the of-
fice of Judge Warner of Georgia.
He was married in the State of
Georgia to Miss Eopsv, a daugh-
ter of Thomas Hardaway. lie
came to Texas and first settled
tn Bowie County, moving to Bon-
was that on tbe election next day
near!v allot tbe votes in that
part of tha*. county were for Tay-
lor, w'.ej before that time they
had been for his opponent
In 1870 be r4n against the
nominee of the Democrat* for
Representative of this County
and defeated him by a large ma-
jority. He understood human
nature and knew how-
side of her father and
let Of kens.
-Most of our
March t
who lost tbeir lo'uuteer
the recent freezes havt
their land in spring
are looking well. Hoar
planted corn; some are
S m'lke thC mOOD
waiting for winter to
II» was married three times, have their land wady to
bio in the latter part ol the “’.'h' firs,»'('*«»««« tbreej Mr. and Mt. v«h
-----/ .o. e children. Henry Taylor, now a ited relatives in Hail I
year of 1845.
When the war came up between
the United States and Mexico be
organized and commanded a
company made up in Fannin,
Hunt and Lamar Counties, but
principally from F'anmn County.
This company served through-
out tbe war. It was in tbe bat-
tles of Monterey and Buena Vis-
ta, two of the hardest fought
battles of that war. After his
return from the army he re-
sumed the practice of law. He
soon had a large practice and
was probably the most successful
criminal lawyer in this Judicial
In 1852 be was elected a mem-
ber ot the Texas Legislature and
continued to serve in that body
until 1861. He was a strong un-
ion man. and though a Southern-
er by birth, by education and in
feeling, yet he was opposed to
secession and believed it would
be a failure. In 1861 while in
the Legislature the question of
secession came ut> and he made
the strongest argument that was
made in that body against Se-
cession, yet when Texas passed
the ordinance of secession and
hostilities between the North
and South began, he raised, and
aided much with his own private
means in equipping a regiment of
Cayalrv for the Confederates and
was elected Colonel of that regi-
ment and served in the Army
West of tbe Mississippi,
After the close ot the war he
resumed the practice of law, do-
ing a very extensive practice.
Had he been a good collector of
his fees and a sharp financitr he
wou d have amassed a large for-
He was bv nature « great man
of powerful intellect. Had he
not been a Republican but a
this marriage four children: ____ ,
tie. Louisiana, Collie and Robert.:
lawyer of Bon ham,1
J. M. Taylor, a resident of Bon-, . . .,
ham. and a daughter. Miss Kpp-1 Mr"' Fr*^jr’°f1
sy Taylor, who married Charles a guest of her sister,
Jones. She died several years ago. D. Hampton, last week.
His second wile was Miss! Mix. William fla
*1 enncssce Gilbert, a daughter of guest of Miss Zoo Miller
Mable Gilbert. There were by j John Liggett, of Ok1*'
Mat- here Friday doing some
Robert is dead. | Mr. Bnd Mw. R. it.!
His tl.rd wife was Miss Bur* ited relatives in Cu-
ney. a daughter of Robert A.'and Saturday.
Burney of Bonham. Of this! Mis* Beulah Denton,
marriage there were three cbil- waH a gurxt of Mw.S.1
dren, one girl and two boys. One ' ton Monday,
of the bors is a lawyer, who re-( Grandma Nelson and-
sides in Oklanoma. I do not ter, Mrs. Joe I.uton, vl
know w here the other < bildrep tives in Clarksville last
are. Ills last wife still survives, Miss El la Draper, of
him and resides in the State of a guest of Miss Vela A'
Col T^i i W. R. Long and fa®/
Col. Tay.or was a man of a bert Long and family.*4
kind heart and was always ready Bend, spent Sunday
to give assistance and encourage- Mrs. James Mayes,
ment to the young man starting, pfof, parkins, of
out on a professional career. The hero Saturday,
young men were all his friends.; Bb Bartley, ofLadot*
n\vii!lm ’w-! a°d WaS buricd 8»tur<lay.
in \\ Blow Wilq cemetery. Ac-| Misses Mattie and
ording to bis request previously foot spent Saturday
made a l mted States flag was with homc folks in B«v
placed around his body and ini hJcW-DeWitt, whoi*
done iifn hii“' Th‘S w*8 school in Bonham, vis'
on in order to show hts love for ^B Sunday.
his country and the old flag. Mias Nora Carter, who
i>*. w. h. thimble. ing school here, 8an
Dr. Wm. H. Trimble was then
a young man just starting out in
the practice of his profession.
He weut for awhtle to Urnssa,
tn Cherokee County, came back
to Bonham and married Miss ^ . —firing«
Angie Locke, daughter of R. H. d2?5orkd*^iai»r .
Locke ol near Bonhair, in 1861.1 rAWfi
He joined the Coafedera'e army v«m, Fraa ahloa every
and went with the 9th Texai
Infantry east of the Misatasipoi
He was assistant
home folks in Bonham-
rgfon of
Firet door no 'tb of
aery a one-
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Spotts, W. S. The Daily Favorite. (Bonham, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 168, Ed. 1 Tuesday, March 2, 1909, newspaper, March 2, 1909; Bonham, Texas. ( accessed October 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Bonham Public Library.