The Optimist (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 94, No. 37, Ed. 1, Friday, February 17, 2006 Page: 1 of 23
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Vol. 94 No. 37
2 sections 24 pages
ruary 17 2006
Tech sport
Hosting history
Sing Song hosts and hostesses
take the spotlight pages 6A-7A
Technology is changing the way
coaches recruit players page 1B
This week's opinion page looks back
at past Sing Song views page 1 1 A
tP ta-L'!
Sing Song soars to 50 and beyond
to stage
balanced 20-25 hom of skew
rehearsal with claim and
homework to prepare for the
three weekend performances.
Arts Editor
The high heels Jcnna Luca-
do has to fill look awfully sim-
ilar to her mother's.
Lucado senior integrated
marketing communication
major from San Antonio will
perform this weekend in a role
her mother Denalyn (Preston)
Lucado did 27 y ears ago. Sing
Song hostess
"I ha e w anted to be a host-
ess since 1 was a little girl"
Lucado said in an e-mail. "I
grew up going to Sing Song
Singing has alway s been a pas-
sion of mine."
Lucado joins flc other
hosts and hostesses for "The
SOth Show" the 30th anni-
ersar of Sing Song Crystal
Hughes Junior human com-
munication major from Frisco
Ragan Rhodes junior inter-
disciplinary major from Fort
Worth Shannon Bailey se-
nior management major from
Corsicana; Josh Castle junior
music teaching major from
Overland Park Kan; and Will
Smyth senior youth and fam-
ily ministry major from Keller.
Lucado said she was
shocked when she learned she
was chosen as a hostess and
the experience was surreal.
"I had already experienced
the disappointment trom not
making hostess last y ear" she
said "so 1 think that made this
year even more meaningful "
Castle spent his freshman
and sophomore years as an
accompanist during Sing Song
and said he thought it would
be fun to be on stage singing
rather than behind a piano
The night of callback audi-
tions il Masscy wife of di-
rector of Student Productions
Kendall Masscy called Castle
and acted like she would tell
him he had not been chosen.
But he said in the middle
of the conversation came a
knock on his door and a group
of people ready to kidnap the
new host.
Castle said he was used
to the time consuming re-
hearsal schedule having al-
ready worked with the hosts
See HOSTS page 5A
MOMS) SMtJ SpOvUH wffnBj wvMJ tjfnlfun
This two-section edition of the Optimist contains
expanded coverage of the many facets of the Sing Song
production. Section B coverage includes'
Regular sports coverage including baseball soflball
and basketball pages 1B-3B
Information about this year's Sing Song judges page 5B
A look back at how Sing Song began in 1957 and how
the show has changed during the past SO years page 6B
Three clubs will not perform in this year's production
because of numbers disciplinary actions page 8B
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Members of the freshman class act perform their Wizard of Oz medley during Sing Song dress rehearsal Wednesday night in Moody Coliseum This was the first full rehearsal of the show
Seniors prepare for memorable curtain call
Students reflect on their
final opportunity to perform in
a Sing Song act and remlnltce
about what the performance has
meant to them after three years.
For 30 years Sing Song
has been an ACU tradition
For senior Jelf McCain it has
been a tradition since he ar-
rived on campus
GARY RHODESContribuUng Photographer
Kendall Massey director of Student Productions works with a
class Sing Song act Feb 10 during Moody Weekend This year's
production will be Massey's third since he began the job In 2004
"This Is
what ACU's
all about
the fellow -shipping
and the
singing" said McCain inte-
grated marketing communi-
cation major from 1 iberty.
Including this year Mc-
Cain has participated in sev-
en acts Since his sophomore
year he has been in both his
class act and social club act.
Crisp named outstanding
The university will honor
Don Crisp chair of the Board
of Trustees with the award at
the Alumni Day Luncheon at the
Abilene Chrlc Center on Sunday.
ElUTOR IS Clllth
Many emotions and
thoughts rushed through Don
Crisp's mind last fall when
Dr. Royce Money president
of the university told him he
had been selected as ACU's
"( brings people together to woik toward a
common goal and allows them to have a little fun."
Jessica Masters senior English major from Tallahassee Fla
Though he said doing two
acts is "out of control" Mc-
Cain said he loves the entire
"I enjoy it" he said. "I enjoy
people and I enjoy music."
Jessica Masters senior
English major from Tallahas
Director takes creative license
Kendall Massey director of
5Mtom rrooucwnei wneroa awg
Song more man two years ago and
has gradually opened new avenues
for students to express creativity.
Mvsai iso Ediior
Nearly a decade has passed
since Kendall Massey first
stepped foot into the world
ol Sing Song Now In his third
year of directing the produc-
tion he loved while a stu
dent Massey has helped turn
the 50 year tradition into an
event that showcases stu
2005 Outstanding Alumnus
ol the ear.
"1 was surprised and of
course honored by It" Crisp
said "One ol my reactions
was whether or not It was an
appropriate choice but most-
ly 1 telt surprise and apprecia-
tion and honor by the whole-
Idea." Crisp class ot 1904 and
chair of the university's
Board of Trustees will ac-
cept that honor at the Alum-
ni Day luncheon honoring
see Fla has
in Sing Song
every year
except her
Junior year.
During their freshman year
Masters and McCain co di-
rected the winning freshman
act "Ice Cream You Scream
We all scream for Freshmen1"
This year they will both
finish their Sing Song careers
on the stage dressed as Jedi
dents' talents and keeps the
alumni returning.
The former host and social
club director returned to the
stage in 2004 as director of
Student Productions and be-
gan directing Sing Song with
anew vision in mind
"I wanted to give students
more ability to be creative"
Massey said "That's why
we've brought in the option
to produce video and given
students the chance to run
a light show 1 want them to
take Sing Song and make it
their own"
l)r Wayne Barnard dean
him at l-':lr p m. Sunday at
the Abilene Civic Center.
The Out-
standing Alumnus of
the Year is
selected each
fall by the
Alumni Ad-
visory Board
from a list of
said Betsey
Craig coordinator of the
Alumni Network. Money who
knights from Star Wars for
their senior act.
"I appreciate it for what
it is and I don't want to
mess with the incredible
and sometimes ridiculous
form of entertainment that
it is" Masters said in an c-
mall. "Some things like Sing
Song just can't be explained
or reasoned out; heck most
people don't even know why
See SENIORS pane 12A
of Campus Life said in an e-
mail that the theory guiding
Massey's Vision is based on
the fact that he knows first-
hand what Sing Song means
to students
Massey participated in
Sing Song while a student by
being involved with his social
club's act Frater Sodalis and
his class acts each year in ad-
dition to performing as a host
in 1))3
Alter graduating In 19
Massey didn't let go of Sing
Song but helped by arrang-
See MASSEY page 5A
graduated from the university
the same year as Crisp nomi-
nated Crisp for the award.
"Theawardisfortimely rec-
ognition of lifetime achieve-
ment that brings honor to the
university through personal
and professional excellence
and service to the university
church or community" Craig
said in an e mall.
Crisp will be in town for
the trustees meetings Fri-
See CRISP page 12A
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The Optimist (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 94, No. 37, Ed. 1, Friday, February 17, 2006, newspaper, February 17, 2006; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed October 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Christian University Library.