Abilene Library Consortium - 20,815 Matching Results

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[1902 Flood in Big Spring, Texas]

Description: Photograph of the 1902 flood in Big Spring, Texas. There are buildings visible in the distance and to the right, as well as a train engine and a few cars filled with debris in the middle-left of the image. A man can be seen to the right in front of a small gate. Text below the image says "Flood in Big Spring in 1902 - [sic] Early settlers and particularly immigrants from Pennsylvania who came to work in the T&P shops, often wrote back about the sandstorms on the frontier. But now and then they … more
Date: June 1957
Creator: Bradford, J. H.
Partner: The Grace Museum

[1950 Train Wreck]

Description: Copy slide of a photograph of a train wreck in Abilene by South 1st and Treadaway. The damaged train is seen in the background around the railway and a few people are observing from the side road.
Date: 1950
Partner: McMurry University Library

56th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, House Simple Resolution 94

Description: Simple resolution introduced by the Texas House of Representatives commending Representatives Brownrigg Dewey, Bill Heatly, John Huebner, Truett Latimer, and Jess Osborn for their outstanding performance during the Fifty-sixth session of the Legislature.
Date: August 6, 1959
Creator: Texas. Legislature. House of Representatives.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Abell Department Store, Midland, Texas: First Floor Plan - Parking Garage & Department Store

Description: Preliminary floor plan for a department store building with offices and a parking garage commissioned by George T. Abell in Midland, Texas. It features measurements, wall edge lines, labels, parking garage data, pertinent building data, and room names.
Date: May 7, 1952
Creator: David S. Castle Co.
Partner: Tittle-Luther/Parkhill, Smith and Cooper, Inc.
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