Abilene Christian University Sermon Charts - 78 Matching Results

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All Blessings in Christ

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. On this particular sermon chart, the sermon presents (in purple) the blessings of being "in Christ" with accompanying Biblical references (in black). The emphatic red-letter invitation in the bottom right corner is designed to move the hearer to action.
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

All Sufficiency of the Word of God

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This textual sermon chart examines, from Scripture, the importance and all-sufficiency of the Word of God to guide the life of the Christian. Provenance uncertain. Probably part of the G. Dallas Smith Collection.
Date: [1930..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Anything in a Name?

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. In this particular sermon chart, the preacher's chief concern is the name by which a local group of Christians is known. A fundamental point underlying this sermon is the conviction that "Bible names unite -- human [names] divide." A name is not a small matter for the church, just as it was significant for Israel. The call, therefore, to hearers is to utilize only 'Bible' or 'Biblical' names for congregations.
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Baptism--its Action and Purpose

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. In this particular sermon chart, using Acts 19:1-5 as a key text, the sermon begins with the matter of definitions; first transliterated Greek words, then Webster and finally an array of Bible citations to arrive at a definition of baptism as "burial, planting, washing" (as highlighted in red in the left column). This point is further stressed from Romans 6:17-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: that the "D.B.R." (death,… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Be Strong in the Lord

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart contains numerous scripture references from both the Old and New Testaments grouped into three themes: Be Strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10); Our Need of Strength (Jeremiah 10:23); and Elements of Strength (Hebrews 11:34).
Date: [1940..1970]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

The Bible to Man

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher’s sermon. This particular sermon chart demonstrates the idea that the text of the Bible originates with God and is passed down to mankind through certain other entities. The Old Testament path is traced "God-->H.S. (Holy Spirit)-->P. (Patriarchs?)-->O.T." The New Testament path is traced "God-->J.C. (Jesus Christ)-->H.S. (Holy Spirit)-->A.&P. (Apostles and Paul)-->N.T." Numerous supporting scriptures are listed.
Date: [1940..1960]
Creator: Mickey, Wayne
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Bible Way into the Church

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular chart accompanied a sermon on what are commonly called in the Churches of Christ "The Five Steps of Salvation"--Hearing the Word, Belief, Repentance of Sins, Confession, and Baptism. The point of the sermon being that this is the only path to salvation.
Date: [1940..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Buying--Selling--Heavenly Merchandising

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular chart accompanied a sermon dealing with the Christian walk and the various things in life that get in the way with our personal relationship with God. Many examples are given from both the Old Testament and the New Testament of individuals who 'sold out' and those who remained faithful. "Men Sell out for job, office, money, pleasures, popularity, prejudice, pride, temper, passion, fashion, drink, … more
Date: [1940..1970]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Can All Understand Bible Alike

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. In this particular sermon chart, affirming first that a "guide [is] needed" the preacher stresses the Bible is intended for "plain" or "common folk." Confident of humanity's capacity to "understand" and given the simple nature of the Bible, he stresses therefore that "God demands" humans to be "of one mind" as was the "early church." If his hearers will reject "prejudice," "creeds" and their "lack of study' they t… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Can Folk Be Saved Out of Church?

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. Using this particular sermon chart, as the preacher reads down the pages, first the left, then the right page, he traces the meaning of identity in the people of God. He moves quickly to the church, citing Ephesians 1 and Colossians 1. This sermon explores, if only in a basic way, a common understanding of ecclesiology, or the doctrine of the church, among Churches of Christ. By employing imagery of the large book… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Chain of Salvation

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. Organized in four distinct sections, this particular sermon chart pursues a golden chain through thirty-nine Bible references. The red-lettered one-word themes progress from the Trinity (Father, Son, Sprit) through the grace and the death of Jesus to the proclamation of the gospel. The chain is complete upon the reception of the "Plan of Salvation" in the life of the believer. It is unclear what "D.B.," "D.M.," "H… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Change of Heart

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart divides the heath/soul of an individual into four categories or components: Intellect, Affections, Will, Conscience. The apparent argument is that all four components must be taught and changed before a person can truly become a christian. "All the heart needs teaching: intellect only--critic, emotions only--fanatic, will alone--prejudice." "Intellect changed by testimony...affection… more
Date: [1940..1970]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

The Christian Race

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This unusually graphic sermon chart gets its inspiration from II Timothy 4:7, describing the Christian's walk as a race. The church is depicted as an arena, with Christians on the track--some persevering and some falling to various doubts and temptations. Individuals outside of the arena represent the "rest of the world" that is outside the church. On an interesting note, all individuals drawn are caucasian males.… more
Date: [1940..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Christian Warfare, Armor

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart uses the image of a Christian as a "good soldier" (citing 2 Timothy 2:3), with the preacher describing the armor, weaponry, enemies of the Christian soldier. He also clarifies the nature of such warfare, and finally elucidates enlistment procedures in a transition from sermon to invitation.
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Christ's Coming-How?-What Will Occur?

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. In this particular sermon chart, the rationale for the green and blue lettering is unclear: in some cases a subject is highlighted, in others a textual reference. The red-lettered words seem to function to grab the hearers attention. The sermon's plan is clear: present biblical data about the return of Christ, from its nature and character to its timing and results. In what appears to be the climactic illustration… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library


Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart divides society into three groups: Infants (the innocent who are not responsible for their actions good or bad), those in the Church, and those of the world outside of the Church. The chart shows what happens to all after death--whether to Heaven or Hell--with multiple scripture references.
Date: [1940..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library


Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. An eight-point sermon with forty-seven citations of Bible texts, this particular sermon chart develops several aspects of "compromise." The root issue for the preacher is the distinctive identity of the Church of Christ: separate from the "world," "human machinery," "union meetings [with other religious groups, specifically "Jews, Catholics, Mormons"]" and "pleasures." The sermon is addressed to church members and… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library


Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. In this particular sermon chart, it does not appear that the items on the left corresponded directly to each item on the right column. However, a contrast appears to be in the preacher's mind as illustrated by Biblical examples of moral or spiritual compromise and temptation. Next is a survey of the contemporary Christian landscape with critiques of, among others, creeds, "church and human organizations," Holy Day… more
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Crossing the Deadline of Life

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart addresses the issue of a Christian being cut off from God because one has strayed so far for so long (what Christians often refer to as falling from grace). The illustrator refers to that line as the Dead Line of Life. Provenance uncertain. Probably part of the G. Dallas Smith Collection.
Date: [1930..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Divine and Human Sides of Salvation

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. On this particular sermon chart, the left column develops the initiative taken by God for human salvation. Drawing from several texts, the center of gravity in the preacher's thought appears to be 'grace.' The human side, in a word, is subsumed under 'faith.' Two ideas recur in both columns: one, a question: "Does grace forbid or demand obedience?" while the other states God "is dependent/depends" on humans. In … more
Date: [1900..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Do Christ and Apostles Contradict

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. In this particular sermon chart, the preacher offers a way to understand sixteen (these sub-headings are in red) contradictions between Jesus and the apostles. These subheadings are either Bible verses (John 3:16, Matthew 18:3) or topics (Works, Obedience). The chart cites 92 Bible verses.
Date: [1900..1960]
Creator: Villines, Frank (1899-1979)
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Essential and the Incidental

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart outlines and gives examples of commands given in the New Testament (The Essential) and differentiates them from surrounding details (The Incidental) using three different events described in the New Testament: The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-18; 22:1-16) and The Lord's Supper (Matthew 26:26-29, 2 Corinthians 11:17-34;10:17 and Acts 20:7). Refe… more
Date: [1940..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Evolution and Bible

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. Though the first section of this particular sermon appears in two columns, it does not appear to be a contrast in substance. Rather the preacher applies selected Bible citations (eight, in red) to certain elements of "evolution." A clear contrast follows in a series of "chasms they cannot bridge" followed by two questions about "missing links" and "new species." Finally, the preacher assails additional aspects of … more
Date: [1900..1960]
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

Five States Of Man

Description: A bed sheet with text and/or artwork used as a visual aid to a preacher's sermon. This particular sermon chart graphically describes five spiritual states of mankind with supporting scriptures: Innocence (Ezekiel 18:20; Matthew 19:14), Condemnation (Galatians 3:22), Justification (Romans 3:24), Eternal Life (Matthew 25:46) and Eternal Death (Revelation 20:14). The five circles are connected with arrows indicating Sin, Obedience, and Physical Death. Many of these charts begin as ordinary bed she… more
Date: [1940..1960]
Creator: Mickey, Wayne
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library
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