Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum - 777 Matching Results

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[D.A. Shirley]

Description: Photograph of Douglas Alfred Shirley, a professor of physics,football coach and dean at West Texas State College from 1913-1949. He is photographed standing outside of the college administration building.
Date: 192X

[Ada and Ersla Shuey]

Description: Photograph of Ada and Ersla Shuey taken shortly after their marriage. They are standing together, outside, facing to one side. She is wearing a checked coat over a dark dress, a hat, and is holding a fur muff. He is wearing a dark suit and a hat.
Date: January 6, 1918

[Ada and Ersla Shuey]

Description: Photograph of Ada and Ersla Shuey, taken shortly after their marriage. They are standing outside, facing one another. She is wearing a checked coat over a dark dress and a hat, and is holding a fur muff. He is wearing a dark suit and a had and is standing with his hands in his pockets
Date: January 6, 1918

Alice Landergin School, Amarillo, Texas

Description: Photograph of the Alice Landergin elementary school in Amarillo, Texas during construction. The brick building features arched doorways and a clay tile roof. Scaffolding and ladders are against the building and building materials are on the ground. The architect of the building, Guy A. Carlander, and the general contractor, Albert L. Randall, are identified on the photograph.
Date: June 30, 1928
Creator: Gray Studio
Location: None

Alice Landergin School, Amarillo, Texas

Description: Photograph of the construction of Alice Landergin School, an elementary school in Amarillo, Texas. The school building is built from brick and has a clay tile roof. The front of the school has three decorative arched doorways. Building materials are visible on the ground and scaffolding stands at both ends of the building. The architect, Guy A. Carlander, and building contractor, Albert L. Randall, are named on the image.
Date: June 30, 1928

[Amarillo High School]

Description: Photograph of Amarillo High School in Amarillo, Texas. The front facade of the three-story brick building is shown. One mature tree and three saplings line the street in front of the building. A windmill and a residence are visible in the right background.
Date: 192X

[Assembly at West Texas State Teachers College]

Description: Photograph of a group of people on stage at the West Texas State Teachers College auditorium. One man, probably college president Joseph A. Hill, stands at the front of the stage at one side a small table draped with a large Texas flag. A large volume is on the table. A group of about forty men and women are seated in rows on the stage. One woman is seated by herself at the far left of the stage. Some audience members are visible at the front of the auditorium seating area.
Date: 192X

[AT & SF Crane]

Description: Photograph of an Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway crane lifting a train axle while two unidentified men watching below; there are more axles in the foreground and a train and telephone poles in the background.
Date: [1911..1934]

[Automobile at Winn's House]

Description: Photograph of two unidentified men and two women posing with an automobile at Winn's house; one man and woman are sitting on the ground in front of the vehicle on the left, an older woman wearing a light-colored dress is standing and holding the side of the automobile in the center, and another man wearing a bowler hat is standing behind the vehicle on the right. There is a tree in the foreground and a multi-story house and several more trees in the background.
Date: June 15, 1913

B. M. Baker School, Pampa, Texas

Description: Photograph of the B. M. Baker School in Pampa, Texas. The front facade and one side of the building are visible. The building is constructed of brick and has a concrete walkway around the front and side of the building. Two automobiles are parked on a dirt street in front of the school. Three children are visible; one out at the concrete walkway and two at the open front doors of the building.
Date: 1927~

[Baseball game at West Texas State Normal College]

Description: Photograph of a baseball game at West Texas State Normal College. The game is shown from behind third base, looking across the infield. The pitcher has just released the ball and the batter, catcher and umpire await the pitch at home plate. A few players are seated on a bench along the first base line, and a small group of spectators stand and sit behind and to one side of the plate. A coach stands in the background near first base, and another is in the foreground on the third base side. Foo… more
Date: 191X
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