Travis County Clerk's Office - 2 Matching Results

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Travis County Clerk Records: Convict Labor Record

Description: Record of labor done by county convicts to pay fines imposed by Travis County courts, showing case number, name of convict, date convicted, court in which convicted, amount of fine and costs, date turned over for labor, and remarks. Arranged numerically by case number.
Date: 1915-01/1917-07
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.

Travis County Clerk Records: Record of Convict Hirings

Description: Record of convicts hired out by Travis County from January 1898 to July 1907 to pay court costs and fines incurred, showing file number, name of convict, by what court and at what term sentenced, amount of fine and costs, date of contract, on what type of labor employed, name of party hiring, time employed, price of labor, dates and amounts of payments, and remarks. Arranged numerically by file number and chronologically by date of contract. Index included.
Date: 1898-01/1907-07
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
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