Travis County Clerk's Office - 2 Matching Results

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Travis County Clerk Records: Death Record 1

Description: Record of deaths in Travis County filed with county clerk as local registrar. Register includes file number; date of reception of report; name, race, nativity, sex, age, and residence of deceased; whether deceased was citizen or alien; cause of death; date of death; by whom reported; and remarks. Arranged alphabetically by name of the deceased.
Date: 1903/1917
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.

Travis County Clerk Records: Death Record 2

Description: Record of deaths in Travis County filed with county clerk as local registrar. Register includes file number; date of reception of report; name, race, nativity, sex, age, and residence of deceased; whether deceased was citizen or alien; cause of death; date of death; by whom reported; and remarks. Arranged alphabetically by name of the deceased.
Date: 1917-07/1940-08
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
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