Travis County Clerk's Office - 5 Matching Results

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Travis County Naturalization Records: Naturalization Record

Description: Recorded copies of orders issued by county court granting citizenship to aliens from 1892-1893 and 1896-1902, showing case number, name of ex parte (alien), judgment of court granting citizenship, and signatures of clerk and presiding judge. Arranged chronologically by date recorded. Referenced in Index to Naturalization Records of Travis County.
Date: 1892/1902
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.

Travis County Naturalization Records: Petition and Record

Description: Record of final action taken by county court on petitions for citizenship by aliens who have previously filed declaration of intention, including: a) Declarations of intention to become citizen, showing declaration number; court of jurisdiction; county; name, age, occupation, personal description, place of birth, date of birth, and present address of alien; country from which alien emigrated; name of vessel on which alien arrived or character of conveyance or name of transportation company if a… more
Date: 1904/1906
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.

Travis County Naturalization Records: Petition and Record

Description: Record of final action taken by county court on petitions for citizenship by aliens who have previously filed declaration of intention, including: a) Petitions for naturalization, showing petition number; court; date of petition; name, residence, occupation, date and place of birth of alien; place of departure; date of emigration; date and port of arrival in United States; name of ship in which arrival made (or mode of transportation, if not by ship); marital status of alien; name of spouse (if… more
Date: 1906/1907
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.

Travis County Naturalization Records: Record of Declaration of Intention

Description: Notices filed by aliens from 1887 to 1902 in Travis County, declaring intention to become citizens of the United States, showing declaration number; court of jurisdiction; county; name, age, occupation, personal description, place of birth, date of birth, and present address of alien; country from which alien emigrated; name of vessel on which alien arrived or character of conveyance or name of transportation company if alien arrived by means other than vessel; alien's last foreign residence; n… more
Date: 1887/1902
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.

Travis County Naturalization Records: Record of Declaration of Intention

Description: Notices filed by aliens in 1906 in Travis County, declaring intention to become citizens of the United States, showing declaration number; court of jurisdiction; county; name, age, occupation, personal description, place of birth, date of birth, and present address of alien; country from which alien emigrated; name of vessel on which alien arrived or character of conveyance or name of transportation company if alien arrived by means other than vessel; alien's last foreign residence; name of for… more
Date: 1906
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
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