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[1894 Grand Opera House Photograph #2]

Description: Photograph of the partial ruins of the 1894 Grand Opera House, in Galveston, Texas after it was destroyed in a hurricane. A handwritten note on the back of the photo says, "Grand 1894 Opera House, Galveston County, View of east wall after 1900 storm showing destruction of stage and seating areas." The photo is taken from a raised vantage point and the top of another building is visible in the lower-right corner, as well as a utility pole in the center of the image.
Date: 1900-23~

[1894 Grand Opera House Photograph #3]

Description: Close-up photograph of damage to the 1894 Grand Opera House, in Galveston, Texas, following the hurricane in 1900. Text on the back says "Grand 1894 Opera House, Galveston County, Damage from 1900 storm. View shows one box still in place on south wall (on the left)." The brick walls are partially intact around the edges of the image, with broken wooden beams in the center of the building and other debris on the ground around the walls.
Date: 1900-23~

[1894 Grand Opera House Photograph #6]

Description: Photograph of the box office of the 1894 Grand Opera House, in Galveston, Texas. Wooden plaques between the windows say "Box Office" and "Open Mon.-Sat. 9-5, Sunday Noon-5." A handwritten note and drawing on the front of the photo indicates the proposed location of the historical marker plaque. A handwritten note on the back of the photo says "Grand 1894 Opera House, Galveston County, Box Office. Proposed location of plaque."
Date: unknown

[1894 Grand Opera House Photograph #7]

Description: Photograph of the interior of the 1894 Grand Opera House, in Galveston, Texas. The photo is taken facing the stage, with box seats on the walls and several rows of seats visible leading up to the stage and orchestra area. A handwritten note on the back of the photo says "Grand 1894 Opera House, Galveston County, Fully restored interior showing stage, curtains, boxes and part of orchestra seating."
Date: unknown
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