Explore 26 Partners - D Matching

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)

Dallas Area Rapid Transit is a transit agency serving the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex of Texas. It operates buses, light rail, commuter rail, and high-occupancy vehicle lanes in Dallas and twelve of its suburbs.

Joined: April 2021.

Dallas College

The largest undergraduate institution in Texas, Dallas College contains seven different campuses spread across North Texas: Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, Mountain View, North Lake, Richland, and the flagship campus El Centro College, established in downtown Dallas in 1966.

Joined: May 2009.

Dallas Firefighters Museum

The Dallas Firefighters Museum has documented the history of the firefighting profession in Dallas since 1972. The fire department itself was established by the city in the 1870s. The Museum preserves firefighting history through restoration and display of vintage tools, apparatus, and memorabilia.

Joined: November 2011.

Dallas Genealogical Society

The Society has preserved genealogical information about families in Dallas and the surrounding area since 1954. They hold monthly meetings, sponsored lecture series, and summer institutes to foster education and interest in genealogy and to support collect and preserve information relating to Dallas County and its early history.

Joined: September 2011.

Dallas Historical Society

This nonprofit organization strives to preserve and exhibit the unique heritage of Dallas. Since its founding in 1922, it has accumulated a collection of nearly 3 million items relating to the city's history and Texas' growth. They also provide access to collections, exhibitions, tours, and more.

Joined: May 2009.

Dallas Market Center

Since 1957, Dallas Market Center has served as a family-owned, international market center and trade show management company. Our campus (Trade Mart, Market Hall, World Trade Center, Homefurnishings Mart, and the former Apparel Mart) has been visited by presidents, heads of state, and celebrities. But what is most important is that the commerce inside the building has set lifestyle trends for everyday Texans and supported the retail economy for almost 70 years.

Joined: April 2024.

Dallas Municipal Archives

Since 1985, the Archives have kept more than 2,000 cubic feet of materials open to the public by appointment. These materials include departmental documents, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and much more; they document historical events like the Kennedy assassination and Clyde Barrow gang's activities.

Joined: October 2009.

Dallas Museum of Art

Renowned as one of the foremost art institutions in the nation, the Dallas Museum of Art has facilitated access to art since 1903. In addition to exhibits, the Museum offers educational programs to the community including lectures, concerts, literary readings, dramatic and dance presentations.

Joined: October 2011.

Dallas Public Library

Initiated by the Dallas Federation of Women's Clubs, the Library grew out of, among others, a grant from steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie. It became a War Information Center during WWII, and the decades after its expansion led to the creation of new branches in other parts of the city.

Joined: May 2009.

DallasNews Corporation

DallasNews Corporation is the Dallas-based holding company of The Dallas Morning News. Dating back to 1842, it is the longest continuously operating business institution in Texas.

Joined: May 2022.

Danish Heritage Preservation Society

The Danish Heritage Preservation Society provides thousands of items depicting the history of Danish people in Texas. The items include photographs, postcards, legal documents, and books that date from the 1860s.

Joined: July 2012.

Deaf Smith County Library

Located in the western Texas Panhandle, the Library serves Hereford and the surrounding area. From its start as a small room in the Hereford Bank in 1910 to its current role as a technological and education center, the Library has continued to uphold its mission to provide access and promote learning in the community.

Joined: May 2009.

Delta County Public Library

The Delta County Public Library was founded in 1981 by a group of citizens working to make the dream of a county library a reality. After 11 years in its original facility, the library moved to a new building in 1993 and remains an important part of community infrastructure.

Joined: February 2018.

Dennis M. O'Connor Public Library

A gift from Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Connor of Refugio established the Library in 1961, and today it still bears Mr. O'Connor's name. The Library memorializes the Irish colonists who settled the county in the 19th century. Today, it serves as an important genealogical and educational resource for this South Texas community.

Joined: March 2015.

Denton Independent School District

Denton Independent School District has a long history of educating students in Denton. The first public school in the city began in 1884 with 425 students. Since then, the district has seen many changes in organization and periods of rapid growth.

Joined: January 2013.

Denton Public Library

Denton's first public library opened on June 6, 1937, in Denton County Courthouse. It quickly outgrew the space and in 1949, the City of Denton donated a tract of land on Oakland Street for a new library.

Joined: May 2009.

Depot Public Library

The Depot Public Library serves residents in the city and county of Throckmorton. The library was established 1996 and is housed in Throckmorton's historic train depot building.

Joined: November 2018.

DeWitt County Historical Commission

The DeWitt County Historical Commission (DWCHC) was organized to preserve, protect, and promote history within DeWitt County. It conducts programs related to the research and placement of historical markers according to State Commission guidelines. Working with the County Commissioner’s Court, the DWCHC recommends the acquisition of property, real or personal, which is of historical significance. In the interest of historical preservation, the DWCHC accepts artifacts and museum paraphernalia in the name of the Commissioner’s Court, and it strives to promote the programs of the Texas State Historical Commission whenever possible.

Joined: April 2022.

Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History is an Austin-based organization that collects, preserves, and provides access to materials relevant to Texas and U.S. history. It operates within the public services and research components of the University of Texas at Austin.

Joined: October 2009.

Dr Pepper Museum & Free Enterprise Institute

Built in 1906 by architect Milton Scott, the Artesian Manufacturing and Bottling Company was the first building dedicated to the manufacturing of Dr Pepper. Creating a Dr Pepper Museum was the vision of a few devoted enthusiasts of both Dr Pepper and its history.

Joined: June 2020.

Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Library

The first library in the South Texas city of Mercedes was informally established in 1911, with a free public library opening in 1940 as a result of work from local civic groups. In 2010, the library was named for Dr. Hector P. Garcia, a prominent resident who is best known for founding the American GI Forum in 1948.

Joined: March 2015.

Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead

Built in 1854, the Homestead was home to one of the founding families of Dripping Springs near Austin. Occupied by the Pound family until 1983, it was the first school house, church, and medical office. The reconstructed home and its decorative artifacts represent life in Central Texas around the year 1910.

Joined: September 2016.

Dublin Historical Museum

Dublin Historical Museum

Joined: February 2023.

Dublin Public Library

Located about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth, the Dublin Public Library provides free services to all residents of Erath County and the surrounding communities. It has been a free public library since its commencement in 1952. The Tocker Foundation provided funding to help with digitization efforts.

Joined: November 2014.

Duval County Public Library

The Duval County Public Library supports the cities of San Diego and Benavides, as well as the wider county.

Joined: October 2018.

Old City Park

Nestled in the intersection of IH-35 and IH-30, the park contains original buildings, artifacts, and other historical items that are open to the public for a small charge. Run by the Dallas County Historical Society, they provide a glimpse into 19th century Texas life. Funding was provided by a Rescuing Texas History grant.

Joined: May 2009.
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