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Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris adiacentibus.

Description: This map shows Central America and the Caribbean as well as the surrounding areas. Some countries and bodies of water are labeled. There are several series of radiating lines throughout the map as well as illustrations of ships within the ocean and people around the outsides of the map.
Date: 1671
Creator: Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664 & Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Americæ Nova descriptio

Description: This map shows the western hemisphere including North and South America and the surrounding areas. Some regions are outlined in color and places, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked pictorially in color. There are several color illustrations of ships and creatures in the oceans. Place names are also noted. Scale [ca. 1:50,000,000].
Date: 1682
Creator: Seile, Anne, d. 1678 & Vaughan, Robert
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Insulæ Americae in Oceano Septentrionali ac regiones.

Description: Map shows southeastern North America as Florida with colony of Virginia, Pacific and Gulf coasts of Central America, northern coast of South America, and the West Indies. Includes illustrations. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given. Map is from the Atlas Minor by Visscher.
Date: [1670..1690]
Creator: Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Typus Orbis Universalis

Description: Map shows parts of Earth known to exist during the mid-sixteenth century. No scale provided.
Date: 1550
Creator: Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Orbis Romanus Christianus.

Description: Map shows early establishment of the Roman Catholic church in western and southeastern Europe as the Holy Roman Empire and along the coastal areas of the Mediterranean; travels of Jesus and his apostles in Palestine and of the apostle Paul in the areas between Greece and Jerusalem. Includes reference linking Paul's travels as shown on map to Biblical verses in Acts and a key to apostles' locations. Insets: "Palaestina Jesu et Apostolorum temporibus" [Palestine of Jesus and the apostles' times] … more
Date: [1850..1870]
Creator: Alabern, P. (Pablo)
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Palestina seu Terra Sancta.

Description: Map shows boundaries, rivers, and principal settlements divided into the Twelve Tribes areas. Includes illustrative title cartouche. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:1,250,000].
Date: 1774
Creator: Cellarius, Christoph, 1638-1707
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

[Map of Europe as queen]

Description: Map shows a stylized Europe in the form of a woman. [Spain] is her head and [Gaul], [Germany], [Denmark], [Poland], [Hungary], [Greece], [Bulgaria], [Macedonia], and Scythia are the remainder of her body. Europe is shown surrounded by Africa, [England], [Scotland], [Scandinavia], and Asia. Includes text in lower margin. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Date: [1550..1570]
Creator: Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows Asia from Russia, Persia, and the Caspian Sea to the west and China, Korea, Japan, the "Mongul. Tendvc," and the "Mare Glaciale" to the east; shows pictorial Great Wall of China. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Date: 1602
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

China Regio Asiae

Description: Map shows the Great Wall, cities and provinces. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Date: 1602
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Africae tabula geographica.

Description: Map shows northern coast of Africa, Iberian and Italian peninsulas, and larger islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Includes notes. Scale not given.
Date: 1742
Creator: L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Magni Mogolis Imperivm

Description: Map shows "Indostan" [central and upper India] and Bengal, and adjacent areas of Persia, the Tartan empire, and China. Includes illustrations of ships and elephants. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:7,000,000].
Date: [1662..1665]
Creator: Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows towns on the Danish islands of Fionia [Fyn], Alsen, Arr, Langeland in the Baltic Sea. Scale not given.
Date: 1595
Creator: Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Insularum Britannicarum.

Description: Map shows Hadrian's Wall and settlements in the British Isles and Ireland. Includes notes and illustrations of sailing ships, sea creatures, and people. Scale not given.
Date: [1638..1858]
Creator: Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Leodiensis Dioecesis

Description: Map shows early to mid-seventeenth century cities, towns, forested areas, and marshlands in the diocese of Liège and adjacent areas near the Meuse River valley. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Date: [1630..1650]
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio.

Description: Map shows North America and South America as understood during the late sixteenth century. Political boundaries are indicated by coloration in different regions of each continent. Relief shown pictorially. No scale indicated.
Date: 1570
Creator: Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows settlements in North and South America. Includes text describing the New World. Descriptors on map in Italian and Latin. Relief shown pictorially. Scale not given.
Date: 1620?
Creator: Magini, Giovanni Antonio, 1555-1617
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Perusini agri [Umbria, Italy].

Description: Map shows cities and villages pictorially in the region of Umbria, Italy during the late-sixteenth century. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1584
Creator: Danti, Ignazio, 1536-1586
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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