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[1930 Ahavath Sholom Dues Statement]

Description: Bill for $125 in annual dues for the Ahavath Sholom Congregation, in Fort Worth, Texas. The dues statement is for congregation member, B. Max Mehl.
Date: October 28, 1930
Creator: Ahavath Sholom Congregation
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Haebler Incunabula Plate 52]

Description: Plate 52 - Libson, Rabbi Elieser, 1489, Type 1, 4
Date: 1489
Creator: Rabbi Elieser & Haeber, Konrad
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Confirmation Bible of Rose Levenson, Beth-El Congregation

Description: Confirmation Bible, Beth-El Congregation. Presented to Rose Levenson for Confirmation on Shevuoth, May 26, 1909 at Fort Worth, Texas by Rabbi George Zepin. Title page and inscription of the bible states that this volume contains "the Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures, carefully translated according to the Massoretic text, after the best Jewish authority by Isaac Lesser."
Date: May 26, 1909
Creator: Rabbi George Zepin
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Sample Jewish Marriage Certificate]

Description: Sample marriage certificate (called a Ketubah) presented to couples married at the Congregation Ahavath Sholom in Fort Worth, Texas as of 1990. The certificate includes three panels. On the far left, text primarily in English describes the vows of marriage. In the center, the main text of the certificate is in Hebrew with blanks for specific information; the text is surrounded by illustrations of plants and crops. On the far right there are lines for names and signatures of participants and … more
Date: 1990
Creator: Rabbinical Assembly
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

Ancient manuscript Hebrew Torah Scroll

Description: "Scribed in a South Arabian Jewish Scriptorium in the late 17th or early 18th Century by Yemenite Jews. I estimate the scroll at over 300 years old. Manuscript in Hebrew, on very highly finished white cow skin vellum panels, sewn and scrolled. Exceptionally tall: approximately 27 ", slightly uneven. Over 200 columns, comprising the Torah, or Pentateuch -- the Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy -- the first five books of the Jewish Bible (Tanakh) and the Chr… more
Date: 16XX
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library


Description: Union of American Hebrew Congregations certificate of membership for Beth-El Congregation of Fort Worth. The certificate is orange in color and has a star-burst design radiating out from a scroll in the center. There is Hebrew text at the top beneath which is the quotation: "Come, let us take counsel together. --Nch. 6:7." The text on the scroll states: The Union of American Hebrew Congregations Established 1873 Hereby certifies that Beth-El Congregation Fort Worth, Texas on March 22, 1907 (Nis… more
Date: March 22, 1907
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Confirmation Certificate, 1989]

Description: Confirmation Certificate to Mark Weiner. (Torah Quotation in left hand corner) "Ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am Holy" - Lev.19:2 (Corresponding text in Hebrew in opposite corner) "CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO RECORD THAT Mark Weiner WAS CONFIRMED IN THE FAITH OF ISRAEL ON June 2 1989 29 Iyar 5749 IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CONGREGATION Beth-El Fort Worth, Texas" Signature 1 Signature 2 Signature 3 (Torah quotation on bottom) "All that the Lord hath spo… more
Date: unknown
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Freeman-Fram Marriage Certificate]

Description: Printed marriage certificate (called a "Ketubah" in Hebrew) for Nathan Freeman of Waco, Texas, and Etta Rebecca Fram of Dallas, Texas. The couple were married on January 19, 1913, by Rev. Abraham Fram, Etta's father and the cantor at Dallas' Sheareth Israel Congregation. The Hebrew quotation at the top of the document translates as: "The voice of joy; the voice of happiness; the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride." There is an illustration of a marriage ceremony at the top of the cer… more
Date: 1913
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives
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