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[17th Century Spanish Carta Excutoria]

Description: Opening page of a 17th century Spanish Baroque Carta executoria, providing geological evidence of aristocratic lineage with no trace of peasant, Jewish or Moorish blood. More than simply asserting one's high standing, such documents exempted the holder from civil suits and taxation. Carta executoria were often ostentatiously illuminated (as here), to suggest the wealth and taste of the grantee. Displays large intricate initial "D" (i.e. Don Carlos, King of Spain from 1665 - 1700) in the form of… more
Date: 1696
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Account Statement for Au Trianon]

Description: Account statement for items sold to Daniel W. Kempner by Au Trianon, including handkerchiefs and other fabric goods.
Date: [1953,1954]
Creator: Au Trianon
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for Continental-American Travel, Inc., 1956]

Description: Account statement prepared for Daniel W. Kempner by Continental-American Travel, Inc., for passage aboard the SS Liberté to and from Le Havre, France for him and his family, listing itemized charges, dates of departure, cabin numbers, and total balance due.
Date: July 6, 1956
Creator: Continental-American Travel Inc.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for Grand Hotel Rimini, 1954]

Description: Account statement for items and services sold to Daniel W. Kempner and two others (presumably Jeane Bertig Kempner and Gladys Kempner) by Grand Hotel Rimini, including a room reservation, lunch, breakfast, mineral water, and coffee/tea/hot chocolate.
Date: 1954
Creator: Grand Hotel Rimini
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for Gübelin, September 12, 1953]

Description: Account statement for items sold to Gladys Kempner by the Gübelin company in Lucerne, Switzerland, including 4 traveling alarm clocks and one table-clock.
Date: September 12, 1953
Creator: Gübelin
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for Gübelin, September 14, 1953]

Description: Account statement for a lady's wristwatch sold to Gladys Kempner by the Gübelin company in Lucerne, Switzerland. The wholesale value of the watch is included.
Date: September 14, 1953
Creator: Gübelin
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for Hotel Ritz Madrid]

Description: Account statement for items and services sold to Daniel W. Kempner by the Hotel Ritz in Madrid.
Date: [1953-10,1954-10]
Creator: Hotel Ritz
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for La Moutière, 1954]

Description: Account statement for food sold to the Kempners by La Moutière at a restaurant, including entrées, desserts, and drinks.
Date: 1954
Creator: Auberge De La Moutière
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement for Restaurant Walterspiel, September 28, 1954]

Description: Account statement for items sold by Restaurant Walterspiel in the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten, including a 3 DM (deutsche mark) charge for place settings, 13.50 and 18 DM for three orders of two entrées, 5 DM for two souffles, 4 DM for eleven mochas, and an unnamed 8.50 DM charge. The total sum is 52 DM, with an operating surcharge of 5.20 DM and a drink tax of 1.25 DM, resulting in a final bill of 58.45 DM. A stamp indicates that the bill was paid on September 28, 1954, the same day.
Date: September 28, 1954
Creator: Restaurant Walterspiel
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Account Statement from Baroness R. Rapisardi for Gladys Kempner, September 26, 1953]

Description: Account statement for items and their respective prices as sold to Gladys Kempner by Baroness R. Rapisardi in Florence, Italy. Miss Kempner purchased a pink church linen set, four tray sets, two baby sets, two bibs, two pajama bags, and twelve handkerchiefs.
Date: September 26, 1953
Creator: Rapisardi, Baroness R.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Adoption Statement of Gao]

Description: Personal statement of Gao (last name not given) regarding her adoption of from Xi'an, China to the Netherlands. She discusses her struggles with identity as an adoptee and her trip to China in 2014. There is a photo of her, looking away from the camera, on the second page.
Date: 2015~
Creator: Gao
Partner: St. Edward’s University

[Adoption Statement of Helena Hong and Elena Triginer]

Description: Personal statement of Helena Hong and Elena Triginer regarding the adoption of Helena Hong from Hegang in Heilongjiang Province, China, at the age of ten to Barcelona, Spain. Helena describes her childhood in China and the stories she was told about why she was left with the orphanage. There is a photo of Helena, Elena, and Elena's son, Alex Casas, on the second page of the statement.
Date: 2016~
Creator: Hong, Helena & Triginer, Elena
Partner: St. Edward’s University

[Adoption Statement of Tinka]

Description: Personal statement of Tinka regarding the adoption of her son from Hunan Province. Tinka discusses her work as a volunteer in orphanages in Hunan Province from 1995-2005 and how she adopted her son and moved back to Switzerland. There is a photo of her with her son at the end of her statement.
Date: March 22, 2017
Creator: Tinka
Partner: St. Edward’s University
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