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Description: A) Dress of deep blue and orange silk with multi-colored embroidered flowers and squares. Full-length deep blue silk dress with rounded neckline which is edged in gold and with band of square embroidered blocks of color, red, green, blue, white, extending down front in "keyhole". Square "bib" on front and back of orange silk, with border of embroidered flowers of red, blue, and white, and leaves of yellow, with gold embroidered vines and outlining. 3/4 or longer sleeves, with orange panels on u… more
Date: 1950/2000
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Ensemble - Kutchi Group, Pashtun Peoples, Afghanistan

Description: Ensemble - Kutchi Dress, Pashtun Peoples, Afghanistan. This assembled ensemble consists of: 1. Dress. Full-length. High neckline, slight V-shape. Front yoke/bib panel of fine needlework geometric shapes and patterns, in orange, purple, green, and blue. Front of bodice with four large embroidered rosettes of silver couching with orange silver/white, and black borders. Over-length, wide sleeves of patchwork of materials, including red, purple, and pink. Cuffs of heavy silver couching with… more
Date: 1940/1960
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Festival ensemble

Description: Miao People, Thailand/Laos, Festival Outfit A) Jacket. Jacket of black cotton, waist length, with standing collar. Front opening with no closure, worn with sides overlapping and forming "V" neckline. Standing collar faced with machine-embroidered ribbon of black ground with purple-ish flower blossoms with yellow centers, blue vines, and green leaves. This band continues along edge of opening to about 9 1/4" above hem. From that point to hem on each side of opening a different band is used, of … more
Date: 1970/2000
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Clutch style purse of size 18 beads in paisley pattern in shades of pink, blue, peach, black and opal white. Wide brass lift lock closure includes 5 shapes of size 16 beads with repeating patterns. Lined in cream colored satin with two pockets. Finger loop of same on back side of purse at top. Maker's label on inside of purse: "Made in France / Exclusively by / Florentine"
Date: 1920/1929
Creator: Florentine
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Cheer Dallas Megaphone]

Description: White megaphone with a blue and red logo for Cheer Dallas in the center. Decorative blue and red stars are below the logo in a ring around the wide end of the megaphone.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[March on Washington Button]

Description: Round button from Dallas LGBT organizations. It has a white silhouette of the state of Texas on a black background. There is pink text around the outside that says "March on Washington '93" and the word "Dallas" inside the silhouette with a pink triangle above it.
Date: 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Gay Urban Truth Squad Button]

Description: Square, black button on a small plastic stand. There is a pink triangle near the top, with a purple "stamp" that says "G*U*T*S" and the words "Gay Urban Truth Squad" written at the bottom. The Gay Urban Truth Squad (GUTS) was a side project of the Dallas Gay Alliance.
Date: unknown
Creator: Monroe, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas Gay Alliance T-Shirt (2)]

Description: White T-shirt with an image of a flag and the words "Dallas Gay Alliance" underneath. The flag has a blue square in the upper-left corner containing blue and white silhouettes of faces; the rest of the flag has rainbow stripes.
Date: [1983..1993]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Cheer Dallas Megaphone]

Description: White megaphone with a blue and red logo for Cheer Dallas in the center. Decorative blue and red stars are below the logo in a ring around the wide end of the megaphone. The megaphone is laying on its side with the logo up.
Date: 1990~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Lifetime Achievement Award for John David Thomas]

Description: Cut-glass trophy in a rough teardrop shape on a rectangular base. Gold text in the body says "John Thomas Life Time Achievement Award" and has the logo for the Foundation for Human Understanding at the bottom.
Date: 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas Gay Alliance T-Shirt]

Description: White T-shirt with an image of a flag and the words "Dallas Gay Alliance" underneath. The flag has a blue square in the upper-left corner containing blue and white silhouettes of faces; the rest of the flag has rainbow stripes.
Date: [1983..1993]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[March on Washington T-Shirt (2)]

Description: Yellow T-shirt with black text. There is a silhouette of the state of Texas and the words "March On Washington October 14, 1979."
Date: October 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Cheer Dallas Megaphone]

Description: White megaphone with a blue and red logo for Cheer Dallas in the center. Decorative blue and red stars are below the logo in a ring around the wide end of the megaphone.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[March on Washington Wristband]

Description: Rainbow-colored wristband with the text "1993 March on Washington" and the number 048183.
Date: 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas Gay Political Caucus T-Shirt]

Description: Close-up view of a logo that is over the left breast on a navy blue T-shirt. The logo is in white text and has four interlocked male and female gender symbols inside a square and initials DGPC (Dallas Gay Political Caucus) above it. The Dallas Gay Political Caucus eventually became the Dallas Gay Alliance.
Date: [1976..1983]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Team Dallas Sports and Cultural Festival Button]

Description: Round button for "Team Dallas" with an image of a red pegasus flying in front of a pink triangle at the center. Beneath the image are the words "Sports & Cultural Festival October 8-11, 1993."
Date: October 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Award from the Foundation for Human Understanding (detail view)]

Description: Cut-glass trophy in a rough teardrop shape on a rectangular base. Gold text in the body says "John Thomas Life Time Achievement Award" and has the logo for the Foundation for Human Understanding at the bottom.
Date: [1996..1998]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Button for the SLDN]

Description: Round button with blue text that has an eagle's head and five stars in the center with the words "Service Members Legal Defense Network" (SLDN) around the image. The button is inside an archival box.
Date: unknown
Creator: Service Members Legal Defense Network
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Button for the SLDN]

Description: Round button with blue text that has an eagle's head and five stars in the center with the words "Service Members Legal Defense Network" (SLDN) around the image. The button is inside an archival box.
Date: unknown
Creator: Service Members Legal Defense Network
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Medals from the Gay Games]

Description: Six medals from Gay Games III, an LGBT event similar to the Olympics. They are arranged in a rough star shape against a blue background, with a bronze medal in the center and five gold medals in a ring around it. Each medal has a colored cord attached at the top and stretched toward the edges of the mat, inside a gold frame.
Date: 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Close-Up of Dallas Gay Alliance T-Shirt]

Description: Close-up of the Dallas Gay Alliance logo on a white T-shirt. Part of a flag is visible, which has a blue square in the upper-left corner containing blue and white silhouettes of faces; the rest of the flag has rainbow stripes.
Date: [1983..1993]
Creator: Monroe, Bruce
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Lifetime Membership Award]

Description: Plaque that has a black background with gold lettering, mounted on wood. An image of a staff with a treble clef and music notes is at the top. Text below says "This Lifetime Membership is presented to John Thomas in appreciation and recognition of outstanding service to the Turtle Creek Chorale since the first season in 1980."
Date: [1995..1998]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Medals from the Gay Games]

Description: Detail view of six medals from Gay Games III, an LGBT event similar to the Olympics. They are arranged in a rough star shape against a blue background, with a bronze medal in the center and five gold medals in a ring around it. Each medal has a colored cord attached at the top and stretched toward the edges of the background.
Date: 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Button for the SLDN]

Description: Round button with blue text that has an eagle's head and five stars in the center with the words "Service Members Legal Defense Network" (SLDN) around the image. The button is inside an archival box.
Date: unknown
Creator: Service Members Legal Defense Network
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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