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Psychological Warfare

Description: Paper written on methods and uses of psychological warfare that includes an examination at the end with true/false questions on the reading.
Date: April 1962
Creator: United States. Air Force.
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

A Question of Equity: The WASP in World War II

Description: Essay by former Women Airforce Service Pilot, Eleanor Brown, discussing the history and importance of the WASP and their long struggle for militarization. Included are a photocopied newspaper clipping describing the resistance to militarization and a small note about the essay. Various grammatical and syntactical corrections are handwritten in pen throughout the piece.
Date: December 2, 1982
Creator: Brown, Eleanor
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

Pictures from Three Rivers' Past

Description: Essay discussing the history of Three Rivers, Texas and photographs of the early days of the town.
Date: 2009
Creator: Hudson, Richard
Partner: Other

IBM, The Ruthless Giant

Description: Preface and introduction to a paper written by a former IBM employee expressing his thoughts on the retirement and firing policies of the company.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

Field study of cemeteries in Tyler county

Description: Research paper and field study of cemeteries in Tyler county, Texas, conducted by Martha Stone for Dr. Terry Jordan's Geography 501 class at North Texas State University. The paper also contains three loose color photographs of the cemeteries.
Date: July 1975
Creator: Stone, Martha
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Folk cemeteries: A grave situation

Description: Research paper about the conditions of folk cemeteries in Grayson county, Texas, written by North Texas State University student Charles Templeton for Dr. Terry Jordan's Geography 501 class.
Date: July 1976
Creator: Templeton, Charles
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Upland southern burial traditions in Montague county, Texas

Description: Research paper about the upland southern burial traditions found in Montague county cemeteries, submitted to Dr. Terry Jordan's Geography 501 class at North Texas State University by Lynette Schroeder.
Date: July 1974
Creator: Schroeder, Lynette
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

John F. Conners

Description: This is a research paper written by Mary Francis Conners for an American History Class at Marfa High School in 1977. It is a brief biography of John Francis Conners.
Date: January 1977
Creator: Conners, Mary Francis
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Jose Ceniceros

Description: Paper written by Freddie Ceniceros chronicling the life of Jose Ceniceros.
Date: December 4, 1969
Creator: Ceniceros, Freddie
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Hub Castleberry, Camp Cook

Description: Research paper written by Roxanne Baker detailing the life of Hub Castleberry as a camp cook for the McElroy or Y ranch.
Date: December 5, 1969
Creator: Baker, Roxanne
Partner: Marfa Public Library

My Land, My Heritage, My Hope

Description: Paper submitted to the Junior Historical Society state writing contest held by the Texas State Historical Society, discussing historical landmarks, landscape, and people of Marfa. This written speech accompanied photographic slides (noted in the text with slide numbers).
Date: 1969
Creator: Edwards, Nancy
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Estella Matamoros

Description: A paper chronicling the life of Estella Matamoros Cortez.
Date: 1968
Creator: Luna, Oscar
Partner: Marfa Public Library

First Cattle in the Chisos Mountains

Description: Paper of the first cattle in the Chisos Mountains, with information about Captain Jim Gillette, Tinnel Ward, and John Ward.
Date: 1972~
Creator: Balcs, Michael Wayne
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Churches in the West Texas Vicinity

Description: Paper by Delia Jurado describing the history of several churches and missions in the West Texas area.
Date: December 7, 1970
Creator: Jurado, Delia
Partner: Marfa Public Library

St. Mary's Catholic School

Description: Paper by Gloria Gonzales describing the history of St. Mary's Catholic school.
Date: December 2, 1968
Creator: Gonzales, Gloria
Partner: Marfa Public Library

St. Mary's Catholic Church

Description: Paper describing St. Mary's Catholic Church in Marfa, Texas
Date: January 14, 1974
Creator: Hernandez, Lionel
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Biography of Mr. & Mrs. Bogel

Description: This report is written in two sections giving brief biographies of William Woodworth Bogel and his wife Sarah Newton Bogel. The report also includes a poem written by Mr. Whittier and dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Bogel.
Date: November 21, 1966
Creator: Rojo, Margarita
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Charley Bishop: "A Western Pioneer"

Description: This report is a brief biography of Charley Bishop, starting with his parents and describing his entire life.
Date: 1964
Creator: Bentley, Mary Helen
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Life of the Bogel Family

Description: This report is a brief biography of William Woodworth Bogel and his children, focusing in particular on Gus Bogel and his wife, Annie Maude Bogel.
Date: 1966
Creator: Belt, Becky
Partner: Marfa Public Library

The Gospel West of the Pecos

Description: This is a research paper written by Janet Edwards for an American History Class at Marfa High School in 1971. The report covers the history of the Bloys Camp Meetings in west Texas held by Rev. William Benjamin Bloys beginning in the summer of 1890. It describes the camp grounds, the groups that met each summer, and improvements through the years.
Date: 1971
Partner: Marfa Public Library

[Biography of Jesse Blackwell]

Description: This report gives a brief overview of the life of Jesse Blackwell, telling about his family and career as an educator.
Date: 1969~
Creator: Valenzuela, Velma
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Ranching in the Early Days

Description: This paper starts with a brief introduction regarding the Bogel family and then talks about life on a ranch in the Marfa, Texas area.
Date: November 28, 1967
Creator: Wheelis, Mark
Partner: Marfa Public Library
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