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Primary view of [Letter from Ministere de la Grande Cresorerie to Zavala, March 12, 1834]
Ministere de la Grande Cresorerie
March 12, 1834
Primary view of [Receipt for corded batiste handkerchiefs]
Roguin, A.
September 14, 1831
Primary view of [Receipt from a hosiery shop]
unknown creator
February 18, 1831
Primary view of [Receipt for a subscription to a French newspaper]
Rellet, Hte.
February 9, 1831
Primary view of [Receipt for 15 weeks of boarding in Paris, dated 24 March, 1832]
unknown creator
March 24, 1832
Primary view of [Receipt for a subscription to Le Courrier Francais]
unknown creator
April 3, 1831
Primary view of [Paris receipt of sales from Jose Baiges to Lorenzo de Zavala, April 14, 1831]
Baiges, Jose
April 14, 1831
Primary view of [Receipt for a subscription to Le National, 1831]
unknown creator
April 21, 1831
Primary view of [A French sales receipt for champagne, May 18, 1831]
unknown creator
May 18, 1831
Primary view of [Receipt for Printing of de Zavala's book about the Mexican Revolution, 1831]
Dupont, P.
August 25, 1831
Primary view of [Trinosophes invitation, 1831]
Loge des Trinosophes
September 22, 1834
Primary view of [The American Church in Paris]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Le Grand Escalier de l'Opera - Paris, France]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Postcard from the Paris Opera House]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Paris Opera House - Paris, France]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Postcard of Sainte-Marguerite - La Plage]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [George and Buddy - South of France - Summer 1951]
unknown creator
Primary view of Texas History Stories: Cabeza de Vaca and La Salle.
Littlejohn, E. G., 1862-
Primary view of [Marianne and soldier collect for the Red Cross]
Willette, Adolphe Léon, 1857-1926.
Primary view of [Col. Hugh B. Moore and another Army officer in France]
Photographie Victor-Hugo
unknown creation date
Primary view of [A portrait of Col. Hugh B. Moore in uniform]
Primary view of [Flanders Field]
unknown creator
Primary view of [Ruth Roach astride a horse in an arena in Paris, France]
unknown creator
Primary view of Nowata Slim Richardson and Ruth Roach, 1924
unknown creator
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