75 Matching Results

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Primary view of [Animals pulling a carriage in Funchal, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of [Animals pulling a carriage in Funchal, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of Arbuckles' illustrated atlas of fifty principal nations of the world.
Arbuckle Bros.
Primary view of [Calendula maderensis in Sexial Beach, Portgual]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of [Calendula maderensis in Sexial Beach, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of [Calendula maderensis in Sexial Beach, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of [Calendula maderensis in Sexial Beach, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of [Calendula maderensis in Sexial Beach, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of Carta Esférica desde Co.. Sn. Vicente hasta Co.. Ortegal : Presentada al Rey Nuestro Señor, Por el Exmo. Sor. Bo.. Fy. Dn. Antonio Valdés, Xefe de Esquadra de la Rl. Armada, Consejero de Estado, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho Universal de Marina, y encargado interinamente de la Secretaria de Estado de Guerra, Hacienda, Comercio y Navegacíon de Yndias.
Torfino de San Miguel, Vincente, ca. 1732-1795
Primary view of Current Study 12, Chapter 4. Portugal
Air University (U.S.)
October 1964
Primary view of The European Common Market, Volume 6, Number 2, November 1962
Clayton, W. L.
November 1962
Primary view of The European Common Market, Volume 6, Number 2, November 1962 [2]
Clayton, W. L.
November 1962
Primary view of GDFW This Week, Volume 5, Number 1, January 11, 1991
General Dynamics Corporation. Fort Worth Division.
January 11, 1991
Primary view of Glass Slide of Bull Cart (Madeira, Portugal)
unknown creator
Primary view of Glass Slide of Woman Wearing a Native Costume (St. Michels, Azores)
unknown creator
Primary view of [Haebler Incunabula Plate 52]
Rabbi Elieser & Haeber, Konrad
Primary view of [Letter from Alex Bradford to C. H. W. Ruprecht - December 14, 1943]
Bradford, Alex
October 14, 1943
Primary view of [Letter from D. W. Kempner to Kempner Linens, March 20, 1952]
Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
March 20, 1952
Primary view of [Letter from Frank E. Dawson To D. W. Kempner, April 15, 1950]
Dawson, Frank E.
April 15, 1950
Primary view of [Letter from I. H. Kempner to Dudley C. Sharp, May 6, 1954]
Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
May 6, 1954
Primary view of [Letter from Peg Harris to Harris Kempner, December 4, 1952]
Harris, Peg
December 4, 1952
Primary view of [Letters from Alex Bradford to C. H. W. Ruprecht - September 1940-December 1943]
Bradford, Alex
Primary view of [Man in Funchal, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
Primary view of [Man in Funchal, Portugal]
Carlquist, Sherwin John, 1930-2021
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