33,636 Matching Results

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The Ferris Wheel, Volume 4, Number 42, Saturday, July 3, 1897

Description: Weekly newspaper contains local, national and world news, stories, poetry, jokes, church directory, and advertisements. This issue includes a poem "The American Flag", and excerpts from a letter by John Adams to his wife, dated July 3, 1776.--[p.3]
Date: July 3, 1897
Creator: Ezzell, Frank
Partner: Ferris Public Library

The Community Bulletin (Abilene, Texas), No. 25, Saturday, February 3, 1968

Description: Weekly newspaper reports on church and community events, civil rights, political races, educational changes, and the job market. Regular feature highlights famous African Americans in history. Includes editorial.
Date: February 3, 1968
Creator: Caver, Howard & Caver, Clara
Partner: Abilene Public Library
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