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[Back of Federal Building]

Description: Photograph of the back of the Brownsville federal building, a large multi-story brick building with several rows of windows and two chimneys.In the foreground an automobile is parked on the street on the left and on the far right a man is carrying a box. To the left of the building in the background a crane is visible and in front of it there is a tree and a small light-colored building.
Date: October 3, 1932
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Brownsville Courthouse and Post Office]

Description: Photograph of the Brownsville U.S. courthouse and post office, a large four-story building made of stone and bricks with four rows of windows and three arch-shaped entrance in the middle of the first floor. A man is standing in front of the building and on the other side of the street two automobiles and a tree can be seen, with smaller buildings partially visible on the left and right.
Date: February 3, 1933
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Brownsville Post Office Construction]

Description: Photograph of construction of the Brownsville U.S. courthouse and post office, consisting of two completed stories, and support beams for the additional levels and the roof. There is scaffolding around the first two stories and several construction workers are visible on the top level, on the scaffolding, and in front of the building on the sidewalk below. The photograph is taken from the roof on another building across the street with part of another building and a crane visible on the left a… more
Date: May 3, 1932
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Brownsville U.S. Courthouse and Postal Office]

Description: Photograph from behind of the U.S. Courthouse and post office, a multi-story brick building with several rows of windows and two chimneys. In the foreground on the far right there is a man is wearing a hat and carrying a box and on the left an automobile and another small building are visible. Behind them a tree and part of a crane can be seen in the background.
Date: October 3, 1932
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Construction of U.S. Court House and Post Office]

Description: Photograph of construction of the Brownsville U.S. courthouse and post office, a large four-story building consisting of only support beams and partially completed walls on the first story. In the foreground two men are standing on the sidewalk in front of the building next to a streetlamp and a sign that reads "Frontier Lumber Co's Material." On the left two cars can be seen driving down the street away from the camera with other buildings on the right side of the street. On the right a crane … more
Date: June 3, 1932
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

Apparatus for Handling Brick.

Description: Patent for an apparatus for handling brick "whereby the number of brick handled by a single hand may be greatly increased" (lines 9-11) including illustrations.
Date: January 3, 1888
Creator: Aber, Edgar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Veneer Basket.

Description: Patent for stronger, lighter construction of baskets frequently used in shipping fruit, although the improvement "may be used for any and all purposes of which it is capable" (lines 13-15).
Date: June 3, 1902
Creator: Aber, Edgar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Abilene City Federation of Women's Clubs Minutes: October 3, 1949 - June 20, 1951]

Description: Minutes of the Abilene City Federation of Women's Clubs in Abilene, Texas documenting the group's discussions and activities from October 3, 1949 through June 20, 1951. The minutes also include the federation's accounting and newspaper clippings of stories about the federation and its members
Date: 1949-10-03/1951-06-20
Creator: Abilene City Federation of Women's Clubs
Partner: Abilene Public Library

Flushing Apparatus.

Description: Patent for a flushing apparatus to be used to flush tanks that are normally kept empty. It is also "an improved siphon for emptying the tank, and also an improved mechanism for starting the siphon" (lines 22-24).
Date: April 3, 1894
Creator: Ackley, George D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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