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[Printed Decree from the Viceroy of New Spain]

Description: Decree from Viceroy Martín de Mayorga Ferrer, citing a royal decree of June 5, 1780 celebrating the birth of a son by giving amnesty to prisoners not guilty of major crimes. The document itself has two seals stamped on it, one in the top left corner and one in the bottom left corner.
Date: August 23, 1781
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Notice from Manuel de Iturbe]

Description: Notice from Manuel de Iturbe saying that a decree is being sent. Following the notice, there are signatures from local Spanish officials acknowledging their having received the notice and sent it on.
Date: 1807-10~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Documents from Viceroy de Lizana and Joaquín Vidal]

Description: Decree from Viceroy de Lizana announcing an alliance with Great Britain to fight the war against France. The second document is from Joaquín Vidal, announcing that he is sending three official decrees, including the one dated August 14, 1809 (the accompanying document). The document from Joaquín Vidal is signed by local Spanish authorities acknowledging their having received the message.
Date: {1809-08~,1809-09~}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Judgement by Santiago de Jesús Sánchez Regarding Miguel Martínez]

Description: Judgement by Santiago de Jesús Sánchez concerning the case of Domingo Soberón against Miguel Martínez; the case stems from claims by Soberón that Martínez is living on his ranch. The judgement from Santiago rules in favor of Martínez. The document itself is very faded, leaving a large portion of the text illegible.
Date: 1785-04?
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Three Documents from Manuel de Iturbe]

Description: Three messages from Manuel de Iturbe with rules for people who own or operate salt deposits. The multitude of signatures on the documents show acknowledgments from local Spanish officials that they received and passed on the correspondence. The last document appears to be a message from Viceroy Iturrigaray, promulgated by Governor Manuel de Iturbe.
Date: {1807-05~,1807-06-13}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Communication between Antonio Larralde and Nicolás Gutierres]

Description: Communication between Antonio Larralde and Sr. Lic. Dn. Nicolás Gutierres concerning a marriage license for Joseph Antonio Lozano. Lozano says a wedding cannot be performed due to the absence of a priest; Larralde requests that says that Gutierres should perform the ceremony and record the license.
Date: February 1762
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Message from Joaquín Vidal to Spanish Officials]

Description: Message from Joaquín Vidal to Spanish officials saying that Manuel Galindo of Huachimango is wanted by the governor of Veracruz; Vidal also gives a description of the man wanted by the governor. The document is signed by local officials in Mexican towns and villas acknowledging their having received and passed on the message.
Date: 1809-07~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from the Viceroy and Message from Joaquín Vidal]

Description: Message from Joaquín Vidal to Spanish officials concerning a recent decree from the viceroy, and encouraging those officials to comply. The second document is the decree from the Viceroy de Lizana asking to find new ways to raise funds to continue the war with France and to free King Ferdinand VII.
Date: {1809-08~,1809-09~}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Ordinances from Miguel Ponce Borrego]

Description: List of ordinances from Miguel Ponce Borrego including a 9 pm. curfew, prohibition against games, no small arms, outsiders and merchants must register, citizens need permission to leave the village, butchering of animals is not allowed without permission, and Indians need passports to come and go.
Date: 1788-07~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Message from a Military Commander to Manuel de Iturbe]

Description: Message from a military commander to Manuel de Iturbe explaining why he could not send troops to protect Texas; the commander also details information about the insurrection taking place. The document is badly stained and has pieces of tape covering all four edges of the paper.
Date: 1811-04~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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