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De Cust van Westindien van La Desconoscida tot C. Escondido

Description: Map of the coastline along the western part of the Gulf of Mexico, starting in the south (left) at a point labeled "La Desconoscida" and ending in the north (right) at "C[iudad] Escondido." Segments of the coastline are shaded in red, yellow, and green, with labels for river mouths, ports, islands, and other points along the coast.
Date: 1680
Creator: Roffeveen, Arent, -1679
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Le nouveau Mexique, appelé aussi Nouvelle Grenade et Marata, avec partie de Californie : selon les memoires les plus nouveaux.

Description: Map shows settlements, areas of Native American habitation, and coastal points along "Isle de Californie" and "Mer de Califronie" and inland to the Rio del Norte beyond Santa Fe. Includes "Avertissement," list of provinces and notable towns, text, and decorative cartouche. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:454,000].
Date: [1680..1689]
Creator: Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Novissima et accuratissima septentrionalis ac meridionalis Americae : descriptio, multis locis regentibus aucta et correctâe divisa in onnes partes hodiernas.

Description: Map shows settlements, ports, political divisions for North and South America; extent of North America to eastern and southern portions; California as an island; islands in the Pacific to New Guinea, east across Atlantic to the coast of Africa. Includes decorative title cartouche showing natives and snakes, decorative cartouche showing the victory of the Cross over the Devil surrounds text on America; image of village and battling tribes in "Brasilia," fauna in North America. Relief shown picto… more
Date: [1680..1688]
Creator: Wit, Frederik de
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Le triomphe de l'amour : ballet : dansé devant Sa Maiesté a S. Germain en Laie. Psyché : tragedie en musique : representée par l'Academie Royale de Musique.

Description: A single volume containing two libretti for which the music (not present) was composed by Jean-Baptiste Lully. This small publication was sold as an aid to viewers of the works, so that they could follow along with the libretti during the performance.
Date: 1680~
Creator: Quinault, Philippe, 1635-1688; Benserade, Isaac de, 1613-1691 & Corneille, Thomas, 1625-1709
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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