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[Application for a Sheriff Position]

Description: Written application to serve as the city marshal in Laredo submitted by W. F. Alexander stating that he could perform the duties and would like to have a job to support his family.
Date: unknown
Creator: Alexandar, W. F.
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[City Council Notes, November 1861]

Description: Notes describing a city council session regarding taxes paid to the state and county. A later statement at the end of the document announces that elections will be held on December 9, 1861.
Date: {1861-11-13,1861-11-26}
Creator: Laredo (Tex.)
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Collection of Documents between Spanish Officials]

Description: Collection of documents from a number of Spanish officials such as Joseph Leonardo Sánchez, Antonio Bustamente y Bustillo, etc. Documents included are wills, an inventory of goods, a claim on an estate and the settlement on the estate. Many of the documents are stained, and a few pages contain unrelated printed text.
Date: {1777..1827}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Communications Among Joseph de Escandon and Various Spanish Officials]

Description: Series of communications among Joseph de Escandon and various Spanish officials in Mexico City. These concern whether or not the missionaries, sent to convert the Indians, need special authority from the Metropolitan Bishopric to administer sacraments to Spanish subjects as well as Indians.
Date: {1749-02-17..1749-04-02,1760-02-21}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence between Santos Pérez de Dayton and Tomás García Davila]

Description: Four documents of correspondence between Santos Pérez de Dayton and Tomás García Davila. de Dayton asks for justice against Vicente Rivero, who mistreated him; the following messages say the case has been heard, and a decision handed down. After each break in the correspondence there are signatures from numerous individuals acknowledging the previous message.
Date: {1817-08-26..1817-11-04}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence Concerning an Illegal Sale]

Description: Correspondence concerning the sale of a house by Apolonio García without the consent of his wife and children. The alcalde asks the judge for a decision to which he replies García has a right to administer property, but he should reimburse the wife for her share in the original cost. The first letter is signed by José María González and the second, longer, correspondence is signed by Joseph Alejandro Treviño.
Date: {1829-04,1829-05}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Carlos Francisco de Croix]

Description: Decree from the Marques de Croix, Viceroy of New Spain, to all the towns in the various cordilleras of the country, explaining the rules for the sale of tobacco; it includes details on where it can be sold, how it can be sold, as well as the taxes pertaining to the sales.
Date: {1768-02-19,1768-05-03}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from the Viceroy and Message from Joaquín Vidal]

Description: Message from Joaquín Vidal to Spanish officials concerning a recent decree from the viceroy, and encouraging those officials to comply. The second document is the decree from the Viceroy de Lizana asking to find new ways to raise funds to continue the war with France and to free King Ferdinand VII.
Date: {1809-08~,1809-09~}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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