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[Five Documents from the Provincial Assembly and the Military Commander]

Description: Five documents from the Provincial Assembly and military commander. The documents discuss the suspending of the naming of officials and the preparation of troops; orders are given from the commander to form the militia, to which the Provincial Assembly says it cannot; the commander accuses the Assembly of disobedience, however they say they are preserving states' rights.
Date: {1824-02-06..1824-02-17}
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Partial Census of Laredo]

Description: Partial census from the Laredo ayuntamiento showing only those who voted for officers. The first column on the table is entitled "Clases" and the second is entitled "Nombres" with individual names written under here.
Date: 1824-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Repeated Decree from Comandante Corregidor]

Description: Message from the Comandante Gorregidor repeating a decree from the Chief of Police in Mexico that persons should be punished in proportion to their crime, and not excessively. The document is badly stained and most of the text is not legible.
Date: 1817-07~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Viceroy Calleja]

Description: Announcement from Viceroy Calleja with changes in taxes on commercial shipping. The bottom of the document has a short paragraph from Juan de Juanicotena, saying where the message was sent to within Nuevo Santander such as Laredo, Reynosa, Camargo, etc.
Date: 1813-10~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence Concerning Petra Sánchez]

Description: Message from Petra Sánchez to Ildefonso Ramón giving reasons why she opposes the marriage of her son. Ramón's response to Sánchez is written at the bottom of the third page of the document and is dated August 21, 1819.
Date: 1819-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Two Documents from the Laredo Ayuntamiento]

Description: Two documents on one page from the Laredo ayuntamiento sharing results of elections in which Guadalupe Arombura is elected Secretary; the second document informs of José María González being named Receptor. Each document is signed by multiple officials including José Francisco de la Garza.
Date: 1824-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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